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Everything posted by Mormegil

  1. That is great to hear, I really wish you all the best with it and hope that it keeps improving for you! That would be interesting to hear why. I just like to use this term for example when I try to explain someone with a severe mental condition that they need to see a therapist for it to become better (because I know some people, that just don't like to see therapists for different reasons, even though they really need it). I like to compare it to any other illness that your body might have, like the flu or a broken leg and for these things you need to see a doctor as well. And then I point out that a therapist is basically nothing else, but a doctor for your mind.
  2. Genetics are absolutely a major factor, that's why people who suffer from it seem so irrational to healthy people. They don't understand that those people cannot just simply think positively or think your way out of it. It's not a bad mood, it's an illness based on physiological and bio-chemical reactions in their body. Most - if not all - mental illnesses have a genetic factor as well as a factor based on environment / experience. Genetics gives you the foundation for whatever mental condition and then some traumatic experiences causes this condition to trigger.
  3. Quite the opposite. If a suicidal and desperate mind hears that it is morally okay to do it, there can be a gigantic feeling of relief. It's like a ton of tense feelings of guilt and shame and confusion suddenly dissolve inside you. And THAT is exactly the moment, when the mind suddenly can start open up to the better things in life. Because now it knows, there is always a possible way out, if things get too bad. But the mind doesn't get locked on that idea. What makes mental illnesses and suicidal thoughts even worse, is that the person is stuck with this horrible thoughts and feelings and the desire to just end their suffering but at the same time, everyone tells them that it would be wrong or selfish and a waste or whatever, and that creates a conflict inside those already ill and suffering people, of which it's almost impossible to get out. Honestly I can tell some people here have never experienced a period of mental illness themselves or never had contact to a someone with those issues, let alone something as severe as like borderline, which is a frigging personality disorder! It's not just going away after a while, people usually have to live with it for the rest of their lives and it turns their lives into hell. Imagine to live in hell for decades where you get emotionally tortured and see no end of suffering. This is the place of which a person like this girl is coming from. I'm just a bit baffled here by some of the comments to be honest, which seem really not empathic and not understanding the perspective of someone like this at all. You can live in the best country, and in the wealthiest family in the world, it will all completely be worthless to you if you have a condition like this. And you can't just think your way out with a positive attitude or by just looking at all the good things in life. It's honestly naive to assume that.
  4. The media does not treat this "just for show". They treat this as a serious attack and will support Israel in this undoubtedly. I just hope they won't justify everything in the name of "self-defence" now.
  5. This is a really good insight, thank you for sharing.
  6. If you lose a war how do you want to continue your fascist regime, expand for more territory or continue the Holocaust? Of course they would have continued their insanity. Don't be naive. Mao and Stalin didn't start a war with the entire world (and Stalin was on the winning side of WW II anyway) that's why they could continue their bloody regime and more people died to it. Why the need to compare them to each other? Why the need to defend and downplay Hitler?
  7. Only because the Nazis were stopped before they could cause any more harm (which they most definitely would have). Why are they the "bigger" fascists? They were all horrible. Why would you distinguish between those dictators? Be mindful not to use whataboutism or relativizations to defend Nazis.
  8. sorry for not clarifying. I can see why this is not a good choice of words I simply meant that at its core each religious message is simple. Love one another, treat each other with respect because you literally ARE them. Obviously that's as far away from Nazism as it could get (because the discussion before was about the common ground of Nazis and conservatives). But as Leo already said, people think too little and follow too much, and they rather talk about the superficial stuff of religion, so all these teachings sadly become pointless. And people who claim to follow Jesus teachings fall into these right-winger traps.
  9. @Yimpa The german nazis had the audacity to use footage of soccer fans as well as Rammsteins song "Deutschland" (which is ironically about their conflicted relationship to the country and why they cannot love it!) for their anti-gay propaganda!
  10. This austrian dude Martin Sellner is a great example for this I think. I was just thinking how it's a shame that religious people today need to be the boring conservatives that they are.. if they would actually follow Jesus teachings (or whoever elses) they should be cool hippies!! Every religious leader used to be liberal / progressive.
  11. To divide these complex movements only into the categories "liberal" and "conservative" is way too simplistic in my opinion. Here in germany in political debates we mostly use the terms "right" and "left" which also misses a ton of nuances. People are a mix of both, left people can be conservative (to a much lesser degree than right people tho) and right wingers can be liberal (at least economically). A TRUE Christian should disagree with Nazism. My history teacher told be this story how his fundamentalist catholic grandfather hated Hitler, because Nazis ignore fundamental christian values obviously and their leader becomes some weird God-like figure (same in North Korea for example). I always saw it that their is a ton of overlap between conservatives and Nazis, so Nazis have to be conservatives as well by nature. But they have perverted the conservative world view (just like they perverted anything else they touched) and took it too a degree where a normie conservative (even a right one) should not follow them.
  12. Jack Black has been training since childhood, but he also was just born to be in front of a camera
  13. damn, you are right. What a sad guy he must be.
  14. Same here, I only knew this guy from his thumbnails because they annoyed the hell out of me. One video was enough to prove for me that there's no substance behind his channel.
  15. I don't want to stick to any belief or ideology, I know this is absolutely necessary for this work here and for spiritual growth. Yet I find it harder and harder NOT to hold on to Socialism as an ideology. From my perspective I would say I have definitely understood and maybe even integrated some of the better aspects of capitalism, such as productivity, innovation, material wealth and material satisfaction. However it is one of my fundamental beliefs that most things wrong today are because of the capitalistic system and how it forces us to view every single aspect of our lives only in terms of profit. It even brainwashes us into evaluating other people after shallow things like looks and status. Personally I like to envision of an socialistic utopia, where everyone is able and free to pursue their dreams and self-actualize themselves because their basic needs will be taken care of. Since I was a little kid I was always lacking something in our society and in the system we live in, like a more profound level of existence and appreciation for life or simply put spirituality. I’m well aware, that this utopia I described is just an idealistic dream and mankind will probably never be able to achieve that (at least not at our current state of consciousness). But that’s the problem I’m facing, I see myself stuck to this ideology, where I know it’ll be impossible to implement right now, but at the same time I’m convinced it would be the best for humanity and this world. Does any of you share similar feelings? If so, how do you deal with this kind of problem? I don’t want to limit myself because of some political ideology, however here the way I picture it, I can only see benefits.
  16. Leos video to watch out for actual cults wouldn't exist Real cults often have some kind of scheme to squeeze out as much money as they can from their followers. For example through a rank system where you need to pay money to "level up" and the higher your rank, the more "wisdom" and "truths" you will get. Also cults often build their own little society on some piece of land, far off from the rest of the world, where they make sure no one gets in or out without their permission, because it's private property. And cult leaders usually promise peace or heaven after death or whatever, and all you have to do is follow their teachings. They give easy answers and solutions and like to blame a certain group in society for everything that's wrong today.
  17. That's a fascinating point to think about. How might a collective society on those stages look like? It's still hard for me to fully understand those stages even on an intellectual level and in individuals
  18. I see both in human nature, the urge to compete with others and also the desire to be social and to help others. Maybe on the level of economy and technology / innovation, but in areas like environment I don't see how socialism should do worse than capitalism. IBut I will keep this in mind, maybe I'm missing something. True, I also don't think it would be possible now. It would just lead to chaos and suffering for people. But who knows, maybe in a few centuries? There is absolutely a different stage of consciousness / mind needed in humanity for it, and it could still be possible then. A stage green socialism would look totally different that those things tried in the past. The socialism I was talking about was more one coming from stage green, compared to our capitalistic system, which I see more on stage orange, so it would be "higher level" in terms of Spiral Dynamics. Although I'm not sure, if that is enough to call it better.
  19. I think studying standard history books about WW I and the politics of Europe and especially Germany of that era will give you more insights into understanding Hitler^^ His book is a joke.
  20. Same can be said for Israel, it's surrounded by countries denying its right to exist. Both Israeli and Palestinians are just victims at this point.
  21. The current rise of wars is really troubling. It seems many very old conflicts are brought back up to the surface again.
  22. Already over 10 years ago a chinese guy warned me (us "white people") that the young generation in china should be a serious concern for us because they grow up learning to really hate westerners.
  23. Hi, I'm wondering if any of you have some good tipps how to deal / overcome the regular afternoon low (I hope that's the correct english term lol). To me it always hits me quickly after my lunch around 2pm and for about 2 hours my energy level just hits such a low point that makes it impossible for me to work or do anything productive. It always feels like a huge waste of time. Lunch is usually my first meal of the day, I like to skip breakfast. My diet is relatively clean, I only eat self-prepared meals, usually a healthy mix of carbs, protein and veggies. Obviously coffee or green tea might help but I don't drink that after noon, since caffeine stays for a very long time in your body and can cause trouble with falling asleep. Curious if any of you have similar trouble and what you do about it ?