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Everything posted by Loreena

  1. I may be a little harsh and direct here. Please don't get me wrong. But I can tell from experiences from my friends that this is a very serious and fundamental issue that most people have to battle with. You are not alone. My honest and humble advice is that you focus on yourself. There is not much you can do when things are going that bad. You cannot really help those who either don't wish or don't bother to help themselves. Such situations generally get worse with time. But the point is that sometimes you get dragged along the way into the pit they create because of their condition. And you end up losing yourself as well. You cannot allow yourself to be destroyed in the process of trying to help others especially when the end result of your efforts is going to be zero. How long will you continue putting up ? One day you may have to let go anyway. Over time things may get even worse for you. Before that happens, you got to make your choice. You have feelings for them and I understand that. But you cannot allow your feelings to win over practical judgment. So you will need to think very practically here. You cannot let yourself get dragged down along with others. So the only option here is to "jump out of the boat" before it's too late for you. Keep your focus on yourself and be strong. Don't let any situation bring you down. Do what it takes to bring yourself out of "it" either financially and in whatever way possible. You could still try persuading them to seek help but if they don't care to listen, then just let go and focus on what is good for you. Sorry if it sounds a little rough but this a practical and straightforward advice.
  2. That was great.
  3. Well you can study logic by buying a few elementary books on it. I don't think a course would be required. But what that guy said is partially true. Universities can be a huge waste of time. But we need degrees too. You will need to focus on developing actual skills required in the workplace. E.g. communication skills, basic computational and software skills, presentation skills. You also need to have some connections that can help you get a push-up in your career. Just visiting libraries and attending classes won't be enough. You will have to see how the world works beyond the boundaries of school, college campuses etc. And knowledge about the world will help in your career,job, relationships, pretty much everything. Focus on communicating with lot more people around you. All life revolves around practical logic. Finally it all comes down to what you can do today to make your life better tomorrow. Spiritual knowledge and growth will help you in developing the 'inner you' but it won't bring food on the table. So you will need to think how life works!!
  4. What logic courses.
  5. I look at it this way. The ego wants us to attach to everything for its benefit and our monkey mind gives in to our ego needs. But our mind seeks true freedom. Hence the clash between the two. We believe that our ego creates illusion and even suffering could be a part of the same illusion. But what if the liberation that we crave for is a part of the same illusion ? How would we know ?
  6. It did happen. Obviously there is no doubt about that. Tin foil hatters will come up with crazy things to satisfy their curiosity for unusual stuff. Whatever happened to all those families who lost their loved ones was beyond awful. Such horrible incidents are a reminder that the human race is in dire need of spiritual growth. A small bunch of spiritually awakened and wise people cannot change the world. We need to have more people incorporating spirituality in their lives.
  7. Cheer up. At least you are not forsaken here. There are too many spirit animals typing here along with you.
  8. @Old Soul You don't need to worry if you don't see. You may let it go.It can only make a difference to those who see it.
  9. Well you can't do much if nothing comes up. It's not upto you. You never choose the spirit animal., they choose you. You cannot invent the animal on your own. A lot of people try this and they successfully see an animal in the very first attempt and they see many more each time. I tried it only once and I found it. But it needs to be spontaneous, it cannot be forced.
  10. Your spirit animal is your power animal or totem. My spirit animal is a cat. It could be an animal with whom you have a present/past emotional connection. I have an emotional connection with cats. to do this meditation, do the following steps : 1. find a comfortable place 2. breathe deep and relax 3. stay focused 4. focus for some time on your breathing 5. now imagine you are in a forest. 6. Visualize the sights and sounds of birds, trees, leaves rustling, insects, any noise.. 7. Now either focus on some bushes and trees or visualize a path in front of you. Stare down this path. You should now see an animal at the end of the path. The animal you see is your spirit animal. its your totem. 8. Let the animal come towards you. 9. This animal will guide you about the choices available to solve or deal with your specific situations.
  11. Maybe because our minds are limited and prefer to think in limited ways. We just cannot accept that something is random. So everything becomes special and must have a meaning in our eyes.
  12. and who do you relate to most in life.
  13. The ending was nice. For a minute I thought he would actually show him how to meditate.
  14. @Captain Flint Wouldn't it be nice if we ditched all the hypocritical garbage in favor of pragmatism and honesty ?
  15. Very beautiful indeed. Reminds me of Chaplin's famous speech in The Great Dictator.