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Everything posted by Loreena

  1. There are lot of resources available on motivating oneself. One that I found interesting was 100 ways to motivate oneself.
  2. @bloo cultivate love in your heart. I have been in similar situations as you. It's tough man. You keep going back and forth. Just be still. Focus on all the positive things in the world and it will get better. Don't take anything too seriously. Feel gratitude to everyone. But please give up all your bad habits once and for all. You'll feel liberated after doing that.
  3. A life objective sets the direction of your whole life
  4. As per him, it was nitrous oxide to false samadhi !
  5. @Kloof good good. Best of luck on your journey of life
  6. People in power rise to power because they have a deep desire to feed their ego. Although there are people who seek power with a genuine interest to serve people and bring change however such people exist in far less numbers. Corruption is a tool used to feed the delusional desires of the ego. Greed is a manifestation of a diseased ego. And greed breeds corruption.
  7. @MochaSlap I will be brutally honest. The only thing really worth investing into is psychology and then everything falls into place. You will never regret learning psychology. With meditation your knowledge will surely go deeper but you will need to look into other resources of famous psychologists and thinkers as well. It's an ocean of wealth. Dive right in.
  8. @abgespaced Your words are full wisdom. Just wow
  9. @tyy Please don't mind if I say something that doesn't go right with you or if you think I am wrong or weird. But I noticed one thing and thought to suggest you. Your writing is very powerful, soothing and has a smooth flow. There is something in your language and the way you use it, its very sweet. Have you ever thought of writing as a career. Because you're really good at expression through writing. Just wanted to offer that as a suggestion. You're doing great. Keep going.
  10. @Evilwave Heddy You're just playing the devil's advocate. Nothing wrong with that. That way you understand both sides of the argument really well. But if you were the one arguing with someone you'd expect the same, that your friend should pick a side, most probably yours. No big deal. Everyone needs a dopamine kick now and then. Just enjoy the show.
  11. I didn't get what you meant.
  12. I like this verse from a justin beiber song by ludacris. Makes a lot of sense. I love everything about you, you're imperfectly perfect Everyone's itching for beauty, but just scratchin' the surface Lost time is never found, can the DJ please reverse it? In life we pay for change, let's make every second worth it Anything can work if you work it when people say you don't deserve it Then don't give in, 'cuz hate may win some battles, but love wins in the end You shine just like the sun while the moon and the stars reflect your light Beauty revolves around you It's only right that...
  13. La tomatina. Spreads consciousness about tomaaaaatuuuus There is also another festival named La Mountaineipneumonia where a person stands on top of a mountain completely naked as the cold winds blow. Then he ought to make loud and strange animal noises. It's an instant method of raising consciousness to the highest level. Tickets are expensive though. Lol just kidding
  14. what we place importance in – whether good or bad – says a lot about us. Accept and love yourself. You're giving too much importance to your ex and that's causing you to suffer some self-esteem issues. Nobody is that important that you allow them to rule your life. Why don't you ask yourself - why am I worthless...duh ? And if you get the answer as - because I am not with her. Then say - how does that make a difference in my life. I am me and I will continue to be me. How am I different or bad or or ugly or worthless just because I am not with her. I am still me. And I can always be a great guy and live a good life. I don't need her nod or approval to feel great about myself. Who is she to judge me/my life. I am free from other's judgment/perspectives/opinions of me Don't be attached to someone who doesn't exist right now in your life. It only brings pain. Seek freedom from your emotions of self-pity, worthlessness and attachment. Break free and live your life and bury that unwanted past.
  15. @Darrick This is the artist in you, not your ego. It's your inner self expression. If you are happy with the name keep it. Sometimes people express their inner feelings, desires, hopes through roles and characters. Don't take your role too seriously though. I mean don't let it take you away from everyday reality where you are you and not that character or role. Don't get stuck in it. Learn when to put it on and when to switch out of it because this is not easy sometimes. The music industry is very brutal and competitive and you have to try to constantly keep up with the trends but in that process you sometimes lose sight of the objectives you started with. Don't let anything stifle your creative expression. Don't think too much about what people think or assume about you. That brings a lot of hesitation and confusion. Be free. Best of luck on your musical career
  16. I think there is a version of the same by Wayne Dyer.
  17. @SLICKHAWK thanks! Veganism is a great goal.
  18. Your goals are noble and lofty. Great. Keep going. But it's gonna be pretty hard to survive and express the truth in a politically correct world !
  19. @Steph1988 @Steph1988e. Taking good care of myself. Working towards both mental and physical health. Max productivity is a long term objective for the future when I can get the most out of myself.
  20. @Dodoster lol.. that guy in the blue shirt is hilarious. Wanna go out like him and move my hands like crazy
  21. @Steph1988 currently my objectives are very abstract. One objective is total well being. And the other is maximum productivity at work. They are not very abstract though. I can make actionable plans based on them.
  22. I just gave a hypothetical example in the context of my post. I don't know what a pastor will do or not do. How can every pastor be same lol. I said it and I am saying again that he is dissatisfied with his life. But it has got nothing to do with his work and objective. I am saying and discussing objectives from a practical perspective. Nothing to do with enlightenment here. Everything in life is not about enlightenment. There are a lot of other things. And he could have very well done all wrong things inspite of having enjoyed every moment. This site is not just about meditation alone but also about personal development. So some people may just not be interested in knowing how meditators live. For some folks meditation may not work. That doesn't mean they cannot live healthier lives. There is no one size fits all solution to everything. There are meditators who live in harsh conditions and yet remain healthy but there are meditators who have health problems as well. I am not denying meditation has health benefits here, just trying to imply that meditation is not the only thing in the world that provides solutions to all health problems. People have to try other things as well. Anyway we could go on and on with this.
  23. @Captain Flint I actually did mean abstract life objectives. Mastery in your field is a really good one. Thank you for your input
  24. He is already dissatisfied with his life. But he has an objective in mind that he works towards nevertheless. I respect your insight but you are viewing it from a completely different paradigm. It's sort of philosophical but I'm saying from a very practical point of view - person needs to work towards improving his health especially if he is having specific health issues. It's not like an obese man will sit on the couch all day long just enjoying the present moment but not actually doing anything to address his weight problem. If a person has a goal to improve his health, he is being very responsible in his approach to life. If he is already healthy enough, he may not need to do anything specifically for his health. He is completely normal in setting essential goals. It's not that he is dissatisfied but he needs to bring positive change or improvement in himself and around himself. This is real practical ground work, not just simply sitting and looking at the world and oneself and not doing anything to bring real change. Are you invalidating the hard work that people put in everyday to improve their lives and the lives of others by mocking them and calling them neurotic. How can taking good care of oneself be neurotic,lol. Your whole approach is very misleading.