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Everything posted by MsNobody

  1. @kieranperez Wow I was just talking to a friend yesterday how Marin County is special, I used to live there and moved to Los Angeles, did you know Alan Watts had a Cabin in Mt Tamalpais? and Shugin used to live in Sausalito, the author of the book Mastery George Leonard lived around there too. Terrence Mckenna died there.. many people, such a beautiful place... I miss it.
  2. @brovakhiin Using Martin Ball words "he said it's bs when people say they had deeper experiences just because it was pure venom" he said actually the synthetic might be better cause its purer
  3. @Isaac Ben I had the same experience, I can take 6 tabs of LSD and still have my reality intact, of course I feel it but it's not like people describe it, but my last mushroom trip 4g was epic too, so I learned that I can learn much more with mushrooms, 5meo I tried twice, first 15mg and second 27mg snorting, I didnt breakthrough, are you snorting or smoking it?
  4. So, I've been having this "sensation" or "feeling" of highness, it's like Im lighter, higher, calmer, I dont know how to explain but its really strong when I feel it, for the past 18 months, sometimes it happens several times in the day and sometimes none. This week I went to a psychic and he told me I have mediumship, that this sensation I feel its like a battery being charged within me, and that I can use it in my life or to help others, my aunt back in Brazil is a shaman and she also has mediumship, she used to received messages from the dead, In brazil we have something called Spiritism, it's like a religion and below is the definition. In What Is Spiritism?, Kardec calls spiritism a science dedicated to the relationship between incorporeal beings (spirits) and human beings. Thus, some spiritists see themselves as not adhering to a religion, but to a philosophical doctrine with a scientific fulcrum and moral grounds. Also the definition of Mediumship Mediumship is the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings. There are different types of mediumship, including spirit channeling and ouija. He said when I feel the sensation is when the spirit guides are around me, and I've noticed that whenever someone around me is overloaded with emotions, is going through something really difficult I feel high, for example two days ago at work, I started feeling high, and it was really strong, I was just paying attention, 10 seconds after I realized my coworker who seats by my side was on a call receiving the message that her uncle just had died. I currently work as an architect, I like to draw and be creative so since child my family (that was mostly thinking about money) put in my mind that I would be a good architect, but it happens that architecture doesnt feed my soul, I'm really interested about the human mind and spirituality in general, and in the last two years had studieda lot about it. I asked the psychic about my career and his answer was: "Why do you ask me something you already know?" and I started crying for no reason, so my guess would be that in the future I will be working with this mediumship, and I'm here to ask for help to which path to follow, my options this moment are Spiritism or Wicca, my aunt and sister are Spiritists, but what I dont like about it is that they follow the work of Alan Kardec, which is based in the story of Christ, I try to avoid religions to keep my mind open, I prefer to think about the universe in other way than through the history of Christ, Wicca for me sounds more plausible because I feel like they go straight to the point, when they talk about the universe being a web where we are all connected, when talking about how the 5 elements water fire earth air spirit, It's much easier for me to understand. Also I dont know if this interest for Wicca could be something that my ego has been wanting, like wow look I'm a witch, I know sounds funny but I'm considering all the possibilities here.. I am open to hear what you guys think. Thank you, thank you, thank you
  5. @Barna@JustinS @Gabriel Antonio @Dizzy halp guys
  6. @SelfHelpGuy I think the idea behind an open relationship is give the other person unconditional love, that's where you know if you really love her/him, cause if someone else makes her/him happy, in your case, another guys, who are you to tell her that that happiness is not allowed? Also to get rid of the attachment thing, an open relationship is based on love, while most of the "closed" relationships is based on fear, fear of losing, so yes an open relationship is a good exercise for the ego, for practicing dettachment, also I've realized in the relationship I self fed myself, I needed to give myself love (what makes total sense) I was not depending on someone to give it to me, and this made me grow a lot! ike Elisabeth said I think its a pretty new relationship, and I agree on the sexual partner thing, Im the woman and my partner seems to be less interested in the sex part, more interested in the connection with others etc, while me I think I'm interested in both, I've been in an open relationship for a while, the last 5 months we tried to close the relationship and we ended up breaking up, very interesting how this thing work, after you experience it, its hard to go back to the old mind of closed relationships, I thought the most challenge part would be thinking about him fucking others but deep inside my biggest fear is that he connects with someone else in a soul level, or he finds a girl that makes him laugh etc.. very silly. I actually commented on the post to listen to what you guys have to say about open relationships, how the experience had helped you guys in your journey? What are the pros and cons? Or just your opinion in general about the subject @Elisabeth @Paulus Amadeus Thanks!!
  7. @Joseph Maynor I talked to Martin Ball about my high tolerance with psychedelics and he recommended me Salvia Divinorum, he said it will break me up, I’ve only worked with lsd mushrooms and 5meo, how much should I do initially?
  8. If you could recommend me one author I have your book list Joe dispenza focus on reprogramming the subconscious mind, I know he is a business guy but at least he has meditations, workshops and this stuff available, which makes it easier to apply in my daily life and to be consistent
  9. I know meditation is the best way but I would like to know another practices that help with opening the heart chakra, Im a right brain but sometimes I get caught in the crazy spiral of my mind, and when Im in my heart I feel much better, patient with life, crying for all little things and grateful. When I'm in my mind, things are PRETTY different.. That's my theory about how I've been functioning, I can be wrong so Im also open to ideas and opinions Thank you and have a great Fridaaaay
  10. @Deep @starsofclay @Quanty That was really helful, thank you!!
  11. In the end of his life yes, I also read in a book that he used to be upside down until loses consciousness to have his “visions” and although he said “I don’t do drugs I’m drugs” I’m not sure he explored psychedelics a lot and I don’t think it was the main source of his inspiration, but it could be, who knows? Maybe I just like the romantic part of it all and he was indeed a passionate person. “Dali would sit in a chair holding the spoon above the plate and doze off. As he fell asleep, the spoon would drop onto the plate, making a noise that woke him in time to jot down the surreal images he saw in his dreams. Other times, Dali would stand on his head until he almost passed out, allowing him to become semi-lucid.” That’s from the internet
  12. @okulele Salvador Dali used to say his inspiration was from sexual energy and his wife. My inspiration for my art I can say the same, from sexual energy mostly, what Napoleon Hill says makes total sense to me, if learned how to transmute this energy it can be used for art, for motivation etc That’s one of his quotes “It may be controversial contention, but sexual energy is the creative energy of virtually all geniuses. There never has been and never will be a great leader, builder, or artist lacking in this driving force of sex. Destroy the sex glands; whether in a human being or a beast, and you have removed a major source of action.” Our bodies are here basically for reproduction, life force/ sexual energy is what keep us moving, and if used well can help us a lot Such an interesting subject
  13. Some quotes from The book of not knowing
  14. @Tony Tellez I realized those days I was kind of depressed and was coincidently listening to sad songs, not sad but “ugly” lyrics, so I shifted to some uplifting music, “happy” lyrics, it made all the difference. I also have a question for you guys: people do affirmations to change their subconscious mind or mantras etc, if we keep singing/ listening sad songs or with bad stuff, how this mantra (aka Music) is gonna impact ourselves? Our minds etc.. I like Linkin Park too, but I’ve decided to listen to Pink Floyd now ? Tool and Anathema are good ones too IMO
  15. That’s awesome, Bay Area and LA I’m in and probably will bring two friends who also watch you! Omg I’m gonna meet Leoooo ?
  16. Pms

    I’m sorry you are going through that, I had the same problem a while ago, my cramps were so bad that once I was walking in the street and I had to sit in the sidewalk cause I couldn’t walk, but exercising helps me a lot, when I can I exercise even in my period, but the secret was to exercise the weeks before my period comes, that phase you just described where you feel awesome, I found out when I’m ovulating I feel attractive , beautiful and in a super good mood, so I use this time to do a lot of cardio (or like people said yoga) and make my body generate the happy hormones to keep me safe in my pms phase, otherwise I would literally kill someone (or myself) ? Some months when I do not exercise I have crazy pms, back pain, cramps, migraine, my knees hurt and I feel like shit.. hope I could help you, sending you love ???? And thanks for bringing up the subject, I haven’t heard about maca and some other things people are suggesting here
  17. @Leo Gura @DrMobius Haha first of all Im jealous, maximum boyfriends gave me was sex and flowers.. never toad venom, it’s getting hard to find a guy out there with your no-depth mind as an example Leo ? And Dr, I snorted 5meo twice, the first time was 15mg quite pleasant, second time 27mg was a bit hellish because I didn’t surrender/ broke through and that’s why I have not worked with it since then, @Barna recommended me to restart slow and build my way up, so my advice would be, go slow to go further, even tho I had learned the lesson the hard way ?