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Everything posted by MellowEd

  1. Sounds like something from the diabolic realm. I have also been bothered of sinister beings during nighttime. Chants, oils, or anything Holy will intimidate them.
  2. How do you know that the voices in your head are yours and not from an demonic entity ?
  3. Everyone knows it is wrong to commit cold blooded murder. It is written on every human heart. God created life it is intelligently designed. God is not nothing or in a coma. He is well aware of everything.
  4. Who created the awereness then? That nothing created everything is absurd. The birds, the sky, the wonders of the human eye.
  5. I have talked to God and angels. There is not nothing when you die. The afterlife is very real. From what we do not see come everyhing that is. Standing before God claiming to be God is a very bad idea.
  6. God is not in a coma. He is well aware of everything you do. No one will ever reach a state of no self because you are. Just as God says "I am".
  7. I know that there is a creator. I have had encounters with God. I am seeking to know why you don't believe even though you exist?
  8. The you is non physical. Why do you assume there is no creator?
  9. Lets say we change the word elements to consciousness. Who created it?
  10. All matter in the universe is made up of elements My question was how did you create it if you are God?
  11. Nice. Even though feelings can be deceiving too. The heart knows best. Why do you have such a strong sense of right and wrong written on your heart. Are there any consequences by doing evil ? No one enjoy to be enslaved. The slave owner knows it's wrong. Only someone with moral perfection would be fit to judge.
  12. Whoever claims to be God have not heard him speak. His voice make you shiver.
  13. You say darkness are different shades of light and than post a ying yang.. You deny the testimonys shared by a multitude of people who report experiencing the same torments in hell. Then you claim God is nothing. He who walk in the dark do not know what he stumbles over.
  14. Why so sure? There is evidence to the contrary. A multitude of people who have experienced hell testify about the same torments . He who stumbles in the dark do not know what he stumbles over.
  15. Are you refering to the Holy Bible? because it clearly state that hell is a place of anguish.
  16. There is no light in hell. What does the black got to do with the white in ying yang? Nothing. God is light.
  17. Yes. I should fear God because He is good. God have perfect moral. All his ways are rightseous.
  18. Your own deeds won't save you. We all fall short to the glory of God. Only by accepting his mercy are we saved from death.