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Everything posted by el_duderino

  1. Yes, I like the work of the EA community.
  2. Hey guys, as I'm writing a book for young people who don't know what they want to do with their lives, a vision is more and more emerging and I now feel the urge to share it with you. Here's the vision: Setting up a an institute with the intention of bringing together people in their 20s from all over the planet in order to collectively get clear on the evolutionary challenges of their generation and then to collaborate in tackling them. It may look like a mixture of a self-organized, evolutionary school (in the sense that it is a learning community with people meditating, contemplating, doing retreats and vision fasts and so on) and a kind of council. There could be local learn-hubs (all over the planet) as well as online hubs, a "constructive" media/news channel, festivals, gatherings, etc., for young people finding their way in life and at the same time finding out what the role of their generation is. The institute would be focused on three fundamental questions: What is the big picture of the role of our generation in cosmic evolution? In the context of my generation's evolutionary role, what is the big picture of my personal essential challenges in my 20s? How can we collaborate together to adequately fulfill our generational role? Assumptions of the institute would be: Planet Earth and humanity are in a time between worlds. In a time between worlds the old world is unraveling while the new world has not yet emerged. Every generation has unique challenges it must recognize and successfully tackle. Personal identity crises of young people are directly connected to the collective human identity crisis and the ecological crisis of spaceship Earth Therefore to really dive into your personal identity crisis you inevitably dive into our collective crisis and vice versa. Identity crises need to be embraced. There is no way around or above the crises. The only way is through, individually as well as collectively. As most of us (current generation in their 20s) were not taught how to deal with our current personal and collective challenges by our parents, in school, in university or in mainstream media we need to take the fulfillment of our generational evolutionary role into our own hands. Our 20s are a defining decade because we are setting the course for our personal lives, current life on Earth and the lives of future generations! With technology and internet we have everything needed to collectively solving crises on the planetary scale, across continents and nations. Such planetary collaboration is needed now. For possible evolutionary-informed future generations it will be obvious that they need to collectively agree on the role they have been assigned by evolution and then do their best to fulfill it as one humanity. As I know that there are a lot of twenty-somethings here, let me know what you think!
  3. as many people here are or will become teachers in some kind of way I think it is important to be conscious of traps and core principles of teaching. - ego-traps, pitfalls - principles of conscious teaching
  4. Hey you mental masturbators, I want to share my experience of a 5-day Retreat with Octavio Rettig one week ago. Not because I want your opinion on it, not because I want you to do it, not because I think everybody should do it. I want to share it because out of a very deep sense of gratitude for the work Leo has been doing here with actualized.org, and I want to share how his advice and content changed my life forever. And also out of deep gratitude for the work of Octavio Rettig and his team. I'm 21 and feel incredibly blessed and privileged for having been able to do this kind of work, for having had so much time for it, for the pioneers who are making this kind of work possible for kids like me, for the crazy amount of high-quality books, for all those world-class teachers and mentors, ... Maan, don't get me started on all those other people ... My Background: I've been following Leo for a bit over 2 years I think. I've read over a hundred books on different topics. I've done 2 Vispassana retreats, Workshops, and some solo retreats. I've been meditating consistently, trying different techniques, experimenting with psychedelics, learning with a one-note-Commonplacebook, ... I've got supporting friends and a healthy environment. I'm studying at University. To make it short, my life is in order. The retreat: The retreat consisted of a Kambô session, of an optional Wim-Hof Workshop and of at least one Bufo-Session, which were done over the course of 4 days. Kambô is basically a frog poison used to clean and heal your body. Very hard on the body, very effective, very uncomfortable. Bufo is basically "natural" 5-MeO-DMT. The medicines were provided and there was a big, huge, loving team of experienced people committed to serving the attendants. My experience: It's not really possible to put my medicine-experiences into words and it's not important for the purpose of this post. All I want to say is how grateful I am for Leo's work, for Octavio's work, for the books I've read, for the people working their asses off in order to create the opportunity for our generation to do this kind of inner work. The retreat was probably the best experience of my life so far, the group and team as well was loving and caring, the atmosphere perfect for this type of work. I'm happy for having done this retreat with Octavio and took these strong medicines in this kind of setting. My body is incredibly lighter, my mind clearer, authentic behavior comes more and more effortlessly, creative energy is on overpower, gratitude/love/happiness is at a peak. Integration: There's a lot of stuff to integrate after such a retreat. Firstly I need to give rest and love to my body as the medicines were very strong. Then there are lots of fears coming up I can now face from a position of love, trust, and inner strength. There are a lot of things I'm going to change in my life during the course of the next weeks, basically aligning it more with love/truth, moving my body more, eating clean, try some new healing techniques, laughing and hugging with people, enjoying this wave I'm riding on at the moment. And then I'll see. I don't feel stressed, I'm relaxed, I am. I have a deeper to source/light, which I can intuitively feel into after I had my first Bufo-experience. I see life as a game to enjoy. I want to express myself creatively. Life truly becomes a gift once you become more conscious. Damn, writing this was more fun than I initially thought. Anyway, don't overthink brothers and sisters, take it slow, enjoy, and trust your heart :-) Trust deeply, there's nothing to fear, there's nothing to do wrong, there's no wrong path, there's nothing wrong with you, life or reality. Oh, the energy got me started again So far, so good. Feel free to ask questions you fellow mental masturbators
  5. Yes, but there were other people as well who haven't. Experience with psychedelics is not as important as your desire for truth/love/healing I'd say. Yes, when your heart wants to and your body lets you do it again and again, you can take it three times a day and more.
  6. What about the Dude? Definitely green elements, no healthy green of course. Live-and-let-live attitude to the fullest.
  7. A new way of looking at the world, yourself, nature, animals, humans, ... Basics of Deep Ecology Consequences for lifestyle, interaction with other people, interaction with nature, ... would be a good concept for "ready" Spiral Dynamics orange
  8. Seth Godin seems greenish-orange to me. What do you thinK? (not just in reference to this video, but also his books and his blog...)
  9. Eric Thomas is a good example of highly motivated orange
  10. hey, since one of my top values is love I want to master love. the question is: how? what is love? how can I work on becoming more loving? how can I master love? my top resource for questions on love is Matt Kahn, but I would like to get some other perspectives. he basically says "whatever arises, love that", and recommends practicing self-love.
  11. thank you for your answers. to specify my question: spiritual purification seems to be the way to truth/love. but is metta-meditation for example important? self-love? @SOUL mastering referring to the mastery process. working on embodying more love, setting up specific practices for becoming more loving, ...
  12. hey, I'm an INFJ and wondering which spirutual practices suit my personality best as I want to commit to some practices in near future. I tend to resonate a lot with matt kahn and his teachings...can it be that INFJs are more on a "healing journey/emotional releasing" than on a journey of "self-inquiry/concentration/hard work/..."? or is this wishful thinking and "hardcore spiritual practices" are a must? are there some INFJs who have tried different techniques and traditions and have found THEIR thing? what do you think @Martin123? thank you
  13. @Martin123 thanks for your opinion I listened to the karmic return and his new videos a few times and really like them. @WaterfallMachine thank you. I like personality hacker, great blog/podcast.
  14. @Visionary ok, thanks for answering if I may ask, what are the techniques that work for you? and are you an INFJ or similar personality type?
  15. @Leo Gura thank you. @Visionary wow, sounds good but also messy. is that really working or you? and how do you decide what you're working on this day? intuituion? I tried a similar approach but now feel like I need to commit to some practices and dive deep into them in order to make good progress.
  16. wow, bentinho is doing a great job
  17. + a kick in the ass (end of video) don't miss out on this one
  18. @emind buy a copy of "So Good They Can't Ignore You" by Cal Newport. what he basically says is that mission comes after competence/being good. -> work your ass off and develop your strengths, the mission will probably come later what are your strengths?
  19. @Anicca The question is: Do you have enough money to learn by yourself? Or can you work for a good mentor? If not and you don't know exactly where you want to go, college might be a good compromise
  20. @Azrael How has your perspective on LP changed? Do you want to improve the world in some kind? Or do you just want to express yourself creatively? (without real meaning, just to play) Do you want to master some field? Do you want to become famous? Would you want to work on your Life Purpose even if you had 1 billion dollars, or would you focus only on consciousness work instead? thanks
  21. @electroBeam Thinking won't get you out of depression or confusion. If I were in your shoes I would try to connect to my feelings again by being overly enthusiastic. I have a simple, fun technique for you Celebrate everything you do, feel, think, see, hear,... as hard as you can (be as enthusiastic as you can) for example: - "Omg, I'm so lost, I don't know what to do." -> YEAHH, I'm lost again! And YEAHH, I don't know what the fuck I should do! AWESOME! - then a part of you might say: "No, that's not funny. I mustn't feel good, I have to overcome this and think things throught." -> YEAHH, that's not funny! And yeaah, I should feel bad! Awesome! I love it! I love this technique, I am laughing about the absurdity as I'm writing this . Try it out, maybe it also works for you! PS: This technique also works against judgement, moralizing, negative emotions, motivation problems and so on. It raises your vibration and shines light on your shadow. If you make this a habit, your life becomes a big fucking party. credits to Matt Kahn <3
  22. @zunnyman Same problem for me. Realize that nobody can answer this question for you. And don't try to think your way out of confusion. That's a huge trap. Listen to your heart, follow your intuition. I'm going to take 7-10 days off, being alone, contemplating, strategizing, listening to muse... Good luck boy