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Posts posted by Nervewracking

  1. @Alfonso
    Nice words brother... but can you elaborate what you mean by non-existential things?

    Good tip! Thanks. 

    @Leo Gura
    Absolutely. I guess I am still too neurotic and preoccupied with getting answers from external sources. My ego-mind says something along the lines of: "You can only know stuff for certain if you learnt it in the past. Everything else is not certain."

    I don't know really ... I suppose contemplation is more about asking questions rather than getting answers

    @John Iverson
    Interesting. Thanks for the paragraph.

  2. Hello, 
    I want to learn how to live a truly contemplative life. So to me questions like this arose:

    What if I just don't have sufficient intellectual / concenptual understanding of the matter that I'm contemplating about?

    Isn't there little point in hourly contemplation if I have a little understanding of the world?!

    Won't my contemplation practice only make sense if I do it alongside my practical experiences?


    Please feel free to share any thoughts regarding contemplation and how you do it, I need clarification.