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Everything posted by Echoes

  1. whaddya think boys and girls? My suspicion is that infinity is inside awareness. How else could we become conscious of infinity? But how could infinity be infinite if it's limited to awareness?
  2. Oh wow. Are you the wokeness police around here? lol My point is that whatever reality is, it is that thing. That thing isn't a word for sure. I'm not trying to dismiss love here or saying that the universe is dumb. But there is no need imo to call war or murder love. It's just war and murder. To call it reality or just something that happens feels more true than to call it love. Imagine if all of reality would be water in all directions and dimensions. Would you say that war and murder is wet in this case? "It's all wet!". But it doesn't matter because there is no other substance anyway, so wet compared to what? It's not wet, it's just what is. If you can't compare love with anything, it's just reality.
  3. @Leo Gura So Zen agrees that a mountain is a mountain and not love? "Mountain" = "Mountain" "Mountain" =! "Love"
  4. @Leo Gura I don't know what love is anymore to be honest. In the past I understood it to be something positive, just like most other humans probably. A satisfying, affectionate and exciting feeling. Seems what's positive is only in relation to what I think I want. The dictionary mostly defines the word "Love" in these terms. But if you include everything as being Love, these definitions and understandings of this word do not make sense anymore. My questions: Why even use the word "Love" for describing existence? It seems misleading and confusing to the conventional understanding of the word. And ultimately reality is no word. Similar problem with the word "God". Reality is Reality. Reality is not love. A tumor is a tumor. A tumor is not love. Everything is just itself, why ascribe some ultimate goodness to it? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that things like disease, torture, rape just are reality/life instead of using this vague word?
  5. @tashawoodfall Sorry for just posting a video, but she explains this topic in a really great way. Can also recommend her Emotional Mastery series
  6. If I am not mistaken, the AI "cheated" in the sense that it was not affected by Fog of War. Is that correct? Still impressive tho
  7. @Paul92 There is obviously nothing wrong with that. But what led you here if you were happy with everything you had?
  8. Are you angry at the doctor for telling you that you have a disease? He just made you aware of it If the doctor is wrong, that can lead to disaster. Be glad that if Leo is wrong that's not a disaster because you have the tools to think for yourself
  9. @Aakash Why are you not going to continue doing Kriya Yoga? Just curious. Did you see results?
  10. nice one. You might like the book "Finite and Infinite Games: A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility" A few quotes from the book: “The issue here is not whether self-veiling can be avoided, or even should be avoided. Indeed, no finite play is possible without it. The issue is whether we are ever willing to drop the veil and openly acknowledge, if only to ourselves, that we have freely chosen to face the world through a mask.” “Some self-veiling is present in all finite games. Players must intentionally forget the inherently voluntary nature of their play, else all competitive effort will desert them.” “[...]Therefore, poets do not 'fit' into society, not because a place is denied them but because they do not take their 'places' seriously. They openly see its roles as theatrical, its styles as poses, its clothing costumes, its rules conventional, its crises arranged, its conflicts performed and its metaphysics ideological.” “A culture can be no stronger than its strongest myths.”
  11. Caring because you think you have to or otherwise you think you are: arrogant, guilty, egotistical, narcissistic, a bad person => Is not real "caring" because it's based on a feeling of obligation. That's just you faking something and feeling resentful for feeling obliged to be a fake. Caring as obligation and pressure feels like hell. Caring because you see that everybody is just slowly going to die, lose everything and everybody they love feels like healthy "caring" for me because it's based on compassion. Go to a mall or some crowded place and see that they are all dying, and that they are all aware of it on some level and are deeply terrified of that. Caring as intimate feeling of compassion feels like love. Why would you want to be in that "asshole-not-caring" state if you deeply see that everybody already has it hard enough behind the social fake facade
  12. If you make "Happiness/Satisfaction/Peace" your direct priority without making it dependend to conditions such as life purpose/girls/contribution, the only thing left is the game of dying as late as possible (If you want to live) The only question is if conditionless happiness is reallly possible in this reality. Homelessness is no joke, working at a shitty job is no joke. That's why guys like Rupert Spira/Shunyamurti/Matt Kahn/Fred Davis and so on still keep selling "the truth" for money.
  13. @Preetom I believe we are in terrain now where language is reaching it's limit. I want to thank you for the honest talk! enjoyed it and learned something
  14. @Preetom 'Liberation' might be a more accurate concept. But if liberation really is possible it can only be from the desire of wanting to be alive. As long as the desire to survive is active the fear of death must be active also. Only if I don't care anymore about cancer, aids, alzheimers, losing arms/legs, becoming blind/deaf, homelessness, losing everything, old age - can I be liberated. Then I don't need the term "enlightenment" anymore, I just need to acknowledge that all of this can literally happen and there is no escape.
  15. @Preetom No rudeness perceived! The interpretation thing is a valid point. I'm not sure though if there is the one final 'happy ending' interpretation.
  16. The truth must always be the case or it's not the truth. You can't escape the truth. Even pretending to not know it and having to find it is the truth. And yes, even paying for something that you already are is the truth. So in the absolute sense there is no problem with that.
  17. @Preetomthe ego taking it seriously can never be a good thing. Thats the classic maharshi metaphor: "a thief will dress as a policeman and convince you to help catch the thief!" Anyway, I just wanted to say with that statement that finding "the absolute truth of life" will not free anyone from the struggles and brutality of survival, since the ones who claim to have it are so obviously still in need for your money.
  18. @Preetom Well the truth must be already always the case. And they know it. "The greatest truth you can ever know - it will make you forever satisfied and solves all problems of life, we show you the way - for only 400$". They know that you already are the truth and still try to sell you the way to yourself. Every solid gym trainer is more legit than that
  19. @TomDashingPornstar Trying to run away from emptiness doesn't work. A goal can only cover it up because you project fulfillment of this empty feeling into an imaginary place that will never be reality
  20. @TomDashingPornstar This thread was the result of trying to make a priority list for my life. But then I noticed that there can ever be only two priorities: Survival and Happiness. Why do you think that we can't be happy unless we fulfill conditions for that happiness?
  21. A lot of Self Actualization work is about improving ones situation in life or learning to flow with situations and circumstances instead of resisting them. But what really is a situation? Where does a situation begin and where does it end? A situation seems to be always exactly that as what somebody defines the situation to be, because there are no clear boundaries of where and with what a situation could end. Example of a situation: [Being a man and wanting to have a girlfriend]. In reality, the situation of course includes infinitely more than just that - Every atom, cell, star, forces of gravity, temperature, etc. is also part of the situation. So we seem to define our situations always in terms of survival and in terms of what we want and what we don't want (what we fear). We reduce infinity to our desires and call it "my life" or "my situation" - we dismiss everything that is not necessary for our survival needs (which makes sense of course, if you want to survive). I was asking myself this because I am currently in a position where I want to change my situation. But then I wondered, that I will just be in a next situation, and a next situation, and a next situation, and so on until death, or for eternity. There seems to be no escape of being in a very specific and relative situation. Does to be mean to be in a situation?