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About Rainbow33

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  • Birthday 12/18/1983

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  1. Hi All, This is my first post being a newbie and all. I would really like to here anyone else's views on Atoms and sub atomic particals i.e. Protons neutrons and electrons. I have always believed that scientists have observed atoms under a microscope and that's how we have such a descriptive answer in various resources on there structure and how they are the building blocks of all matter of things. As I am sure many of you like me like to see things for yourself to know that it's real. My fascination with all manner of subjects lead me to study Science for a while which made think to start researching from the beginning which I believed to be biology. So after realising that scientists have never directly observed an atom but have only used an electron harnessing microscope to indirectly observe an atom?... Whatever that means?... (as indirectly is the opposite to observe).. an atom. This also makes no sense to me either as if they cannot see atoms without using a sub atomic partical harnessing microscope which is even smaller than an atom then, how on earth can the see to use electrons, to indirectly observe the atom at all? I also strongly dislike the baffling technical jargon they use to describe almost everything and anything and then prove with mathematical equations. Science should not only be understood by the select few or do they cunningly do this so that people will give up trying to understand there methods and radical breakthrough theories that they have never proven with factual evidence that can be witnessed by all.... Thus blind sighting us all the general population and keeping us in the unawakened state so not to question these matters. please if anyone can explain this Atom theory conundrum to me simplistically or at least refer me to the factual resources to research. Thankyou