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Everything posted by BjarkeT

  1. I think it’s just through experience and your perception of those experiences.
  2. @Espaim Good insight but I don't think I am repressing emotions. I was with them again today and tried to be more aware. I am not sure if it's fear but maybe it's more related to doubt? I think it's good that you are trying to be more honest that's a path I am trying to follow as well. Honesty with everybody.
  3. @Espaim As I said before: At least I haven't noticed it so maybe I should try to be aware of it next time.(please keep this in mind) But my mind is really just blank like similar to a situation if you were to write a letter and didn't know what to write there doesn't need to be a fear for that. But I feel like you shouldn't try to push the idea that I need to have fear if I don't have it.
  4. @Espaim There is no fear my mind is just blank. I can say something to them if they start the conversation but I find it hard to be the one who start the conversation. At least I haven’t notice the fear maybe I should try to see if it’s there next time.@Cykaaaa We live in the same building.
  5. Thanks for the answers so far. What is meant by being free? Does it just mean not to worry?
  6. I have had social anxiety for a while. it's still there a little but much better now than the past. What helped me the most was the be in more social situations and eventually the anxiety diminished little by little. The best way to overcome fear is to face it but what is most important is that you make the choice to face the fear/anxiety and if you do it, again and again, you should overcome it. Courage is the cure to fear however avoidance of fear only makes fear stronger.
  7. I have the same problem as well.
  8. A video that comes close to the suggestion
  9. Aren’t his videos in one take? Bloopers usually happen when there have been a lot of takes which failed. And when he does them in one take you get all there is.
  10. To be creative is pretty simple just practice ouside your comfort zone, get honest feedback on your work, study the best, work on weakness aka Deliberate practice.
  11. I would like to know this as well. I am interested in what the book will be about.
  12. Being on a forum doesn't make someone superior in my opinion rather it is what you achieve that make the difference. Yet in the end we are all people with problems.
  13. I have social anxiety. What helped me was to face my fear where I could go just a little outside my comfort zone but not too much. After getting used to these kind of situations my fear have diminished in those areas.
  14. I think this would be a pretty interesting idea.
  15. I found a really good melody to listen to which inspired me to try to come up with my own.
  16. Definitely a great course. Scott H Young also have a great course on learning how to learn called Rapid learner(and his book ultra learning) and Cal Newports Book how to become a straight a student is also great.
  17. I think this would be an interesting topic. We think that things just will work out without effort but it usually doesn’t so for things to really work out you have to earn it.
  18. Agree it's a good idea but here is a video where he already is in a conversation with someone.
  19. I think it just comes down to your eating habits. If you eat healthily and avoid junk food you should be good.
  20. Flow state is the reward for mastering a skill which happen when you are producing something which once was difficult for you but is now easy. So to reach a flow state you just have to become good at something.
  21. It may be that you are using a process that you don't trust. If your brain don't trust your process it won't give you the motivation required to study. That what Cal Newport says. It could also be that the method you use causes some kind of friction which make the process more difficult than it need to be. Cal Newport recommends going through these 3 steps: 1: How long am I going to study? 2: How am I going to study? 3: How do I know these methods will work? I recommend watching this video: If your current method for retaining information isn't much effective I recommend using flash cards with anki where you make what you need to remember into question and answers the reason why this works is because in the process of trying to recall the answer you strengthen the memory and that turns it into long term memory. I am not sure which process you use but some people like to reread information with the hopes that it sticks this method seems to work but all it is, is just creating the illusion of mastery because you are getting more familiar with the text while in reality to really remember something you have to recall it not passively rereading. Just mentioning in case that the method you use.
  22. I think he already did this on his blog
  23. I have some tips related to getting good at something or getting better at learning in school if you are interested: a good tip when learning something is to focus with high intensity concentration free of distractions this is how straight a students finish their school work without staying late at night. To really learn something try to teach it. To remember something you can use flash cards or practice it. to get good at a skill a good way to learn it is to use very direct practice. it’s also good to practice outside your comfort zone, get feedback from an expert, focus on weakness, do drills with a specific goal in mind. It’s also good to learn with constraints so you only focus on specific thing. A good thing to have is also a growth mind set vs fixed mindset. The fixed mindset believes that people are born with their talent growth mindset believes it is made through hard work. Some books I recommend is. How to become a straight a student, So good they can’t ignore you, and deep work by Cal Newport. Books on how to get good at school and get a good career. Ultra learning by Scott H Young. Book on self directed learning. Peak by Anderson Erickson. A book on how to get good at skills. Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers. Book on how to face your fears. The road less traveled Scott m Peck. Book on dealing with lifes problems. Can’t hurt me by David Goggins. This give a good perspective on someone who have gone through a lot of hard things in life but was able to come out strong because of it Check out tripp advice youtube channel for dating advice. Hope you can use it.
  24. I don’t look at the hours i read rather i look at the number of pages i read because if i read a specific amount of pages per day I can know with confidence that I will finish a book each week. For example to get the number of pages i read each day to read a book a week is to divide the total pages with 7 and then i just have to read that amount of pages each day to read a book a week.