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Everything posted by BjarkeT

  1. For some time now I have been distracted by going on the internet when I really should go to sleep(it’s 04.07 in the morning as of the moment I post this lol the longer I wait to go to sleep the less tired I feel) the problem is that it’s too tempting going on the internet with all the entertainment nowadays. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to re establish a decent sleep schedule without going back to distractions. Thanks in advance.
  2. @universe Yeah I probably only got 5 hours of sleep and got to bed at 5 in the morning. Luckily I don't feel tired. But I think it may be an issue of will power. That I have the option for entertainment available 24/7 and sooner or later I won't have the will power to make the right choice especially late at night when my will power is at its lowest.
  3. @universe What I want to achieve in life is to become a great composer. When I compose or listen to music it's like being in heaven. I haven't found anything as great as music. It's my passion. Yet it's still tempting to be entertained.
  4. @australia1 Thanks that's make a lot of sense. I am hoping for peace however I don't think it's that bad that it could turn to violence.
  5. I find it hard when some one tries to argue with me and seems upset about it. My usual reaction have been to just try to aviod it or ignore(say as little as possible back) it to aviod further discomfort but I don’t think that’s a healthy solution because then you shutoff any possibility of responding back. So what’s a healthy way to deal with someone who wants to argue about something and seem upset about it without making the situation worse?
  6. @Leilani I don’t know all of Leo’s teachings so I can’t say for sure but I don’t believe it’s a part of his teachings (that you should have to doubt your feelings for your daughter) If believing in something or following in something just make it worse for you is it really worth believing in? I would say listen what you think is the right thing and follow that. Not what you feel forced too.
  7. I believe when we die it’s just pure nothingness because our consciousness is gone so in a sense it’s very peaceful like the time before we where born and when we are gone the people we love who are still there are the one who remember us so there is still love also. Of course it’s ok to love your daughter and have fun with her you shouldn’t have to doubt that.
  8. Getting the girls/woman you want is a whole skill in it self which I don’t think you can get from just doing No fap. It only comes from actually practicing it.
  9. “Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that does not make you who you are, it is the rest of it- who you choose to be” ― Soothsayer from Kung Fu Panda 2 I know its a quote from a movie but I think there is some truth to it. I don't think it's healthy to forget about the past. It's better to find peace with it. There things we can control and things we can't control once we realize what we can't control perhaps you are able to let it go and find peace.
  10. I think this is the same for me. One of my biggest fear is losing close friends because they don’t like me anymore.
  11. “If you need inspiring words, don’t do it” Elon Musk.
  12. It really depends on what you want to be successful in. But one strategy is to interview people who are already successful in what you want and learn from them or have a great teacher that can guide you. It's important to be dedicated, patient, consistent to achieve success.
  13. I don’t have any particular requirements. What I mostly care about is if I love her or not to me that’s what determines if I will be happy in the relationship.
  14. Both ideas make sense to me but they seem to contradict each other. How to deal with this? Or what the right approach on this? would love to hear anyones thoughts on this.
  15. @Danioover9000 Did you read the title? It’s not about responsibility vs control but the illusion of it. We want take full responsibility yet do we actually have control to do so because control is an illusion?
  16. @flume i guess you are right but it’s hard ?
  17. Just don’t have any of the foods you are trying to aviod at the house. Then you don’t have to spent will power on trying to resist it.
  18. Nice journal. It almost feel like I wrote it my self I am trying to do similar things. At the moment I am trying to wake up early and go to bed early so I can be productive early as well and also trying to take 100% responsibility. Keep up the good work!
  19. Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with this? I am currently trying to practice self acceptance. It usually happens in social situations if the smallest thing doesn’t go right.
  20. @PukkaDanks I am not trying to reach a point where I am not caring at all I am just trying to reach a point where I don't beat my self up mentally every time something doesn't go right in a social situation. You can still acknowledge what happens without beating yourself up. I still believe that you are 100% responsible for your life but beating yourself up constantly is really painful. "Maybe trying to change yourself is part of the issue!" Do you mean that not accepting the situation as is, is causing the problem? I did mention that I am trying to practice self-acceptance or else I am not really sure what you are referring to or mean here.
  21. @Zigzag Idiot Thanks for your responses. If I understand correctly is external considering looking at the situation from an outside perspective instead of an inward perspective? I think that could be really helpful to help you realize that it might not be as bad as you think it is. Thanks for the advice much appreciated.
  22. I think this would be an interesting topic. I have noticed from my own experience that I have enjoyed what I am doing much more when I am focusing on the process instead of the results. When you set goals it can be too easy to get focused on the outcome instead of the process. When you keep focusing on the process eventual you will achieve the results anyway. Would love to hear if Leo had more insights on this.
  23. If you find you can’t sleep aviod screens the brain becomes too stimulated. Read a book instead. Go to bed the same time every day and wake up the same time every day. It might help to have a night ritual for example two hours before bed no screens. When trying to sleep I have heard it’s good to relax every part of your body and focus on breathing but it may require daily practice to work effectively. A shower can also help you falling asleep. once you have found something that works make it a habit. to make it a habit I found it helps to don’t break the streak(or chain). Write some where you can track your progress. it also helps to write the specifics you want for your habit down and add a reminder to read it so you don’t forget it.
  24. I am starting to believe that in order to improve at something you need to seek frustration because it's a sign that you are outside your comfort zone. and growth/improvement only happens outside of your comfort zone. So frustration means you are doing something right. It would be cool if Leo had some insights on this.
  25. @fridjonk well actually I find it difficult to do more than one minute lol