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Everything posted by BjarkeT

  1. Isn't science trying to explain this? The cat part kinda reminded me about schrödingers catödinger's_cat
  2. @Ilya awesome it also explains some other things one of the main things it's about is how you become passionate about what you do i am actually not 100% sure he said that in the book (if not it might be on hes blog or an interview) but the book should be about this kind of stuff
  3. Maybe read so good they can't ignore you by cal newport it might explain some part of it cal newport also says that one reason they keep the motivation in the long run was because they keep getting better and better because they where good at one thing they got the motivation to get good at the next thing (in the same field)and it might also help with the inspiration i am paraphrasing but it should be similar
  4. @Leo Gura do you have any tips on how to convince yourself before that happens?
  5. I personally use a paper notebook but not for any particular reason when I write stuff down I try to do it in a quiz form the reason why is that it support recall(and it helps to avoid the fluency illusion, fluency illusion is basically the illusion of thinking you know it but really don't it's actually recognizing) which is useful to improve memory and is also useful with spaced repetition (which is memorize over a longer period of time and a really use full technique for long term memory which is I think a commonplace book really can make a lot of use of because its likely you have it for a long period of time) I usually just write in it after I have found something I thought was important to know or something i really want to know for a long period of time
  6. To aviod pain is my guess the solution is probably to learn a lot of personal development martial but don't stick with one perspective see it from different perspectives i think it helps to get a more accurate answer as the first one is usually low understanding and possibly inaccurate
  7. Would be awesome if he could do a video on this the title basically describes the idea kind regards
  8. The best thing I recommend is to chose the thing that intereste you the most and that you are most skilled in and then try to become really good at it some research shows it's only after you have become extremely good at it that's is when you will have passion for it(and a lot of other advantages including a financial advantage) if you want more information on this I recommend reading so good they can't ignore you by cal newport and if you are interested in how you become so good they can't ignore you i recommend reading deep work by the same author
  9. @Rujan Mehar Bajracha but science is about understanding and observing reality that's basically the scientific method so if it's actually is real it is science I am sorry but what is the motivation for this?
  10. @Shiva I thought you meant distraction in a different way, for example, using his work as a distraction to not do conscious work(or to escape it in a way) similar to when if one try to use distractions to not fully feel an emotion
  11. why would it be a distraction? if he is doing it intentionally then it isn't really a distraction, right? if he actually is completely unaware of doing extreme conscious work(i assume that's what you mean) then I don't really think its fair to call it a distraction or saying he is sensitive to this type of work as he wouldn't even know it existed, to begin with to me, he still seems like he has made further progress than most people has especially in the direction of ones *life purpose/passion* (in the way cal Newport seem to describe it which is different than what most people think what passion is)
  12. @Shiva i am sorry but why can't he know about both?
  13. i am sorry but i don't think that's scientifically possible
  14. Mostly procrastination and forgetting
  15. Maybe i am not an expert so i might be wrong i heard in one of leos video that a victim is basically one who gives away control for example one could believe that you can't improve in a specific area (would be a victim by this definition if I understood it correctly) while an other one might believe he or she can still do it but maybe at a lower level that they want to (might just be low self esteem deepending on the area)
  16. Hi would it be okay if somebody could explain what meditation is? Most videos i have seen on meditation has been about what you do when you meditate but I haven't really found anything on what meditation it self is. Is it some kind of deep relaxation of body and mind or is it contemplation is it being in a state of not thinking?(i am sorry if i am rude but it doesn't seem so difficult to be in that state if you are bored) or just awareness or something different? One definition google came up with was that its: "the action or practice of meditating" but it doesn't really explain what the word meditation it self is i am just a bit confused would mean a lot if somebody could clarify what it is (maybe with examples ) kind regards
  17. I personally think having a really effective technique to help doing the work is the way to go because it can help you to spend less time on what you want to do and also do it at a higher quality at the same time(at least that seems to be the case in knowledge work I have also found it helpful with personal development but I am not sure if its the same for other areas) a few examples i have found: deep work, deliberate practice. For knowledge work. fully feel the emotion with zero resistance (when dealing with strong negative emotions but also usefull with any emotions), permanently solving problems by finding the root causes of the problem, do the hardest emotional thing in any situation to ace life, be 100% honest. For personal development.
  18. highly recommend reading so good they can't ignore you by Cal Newport :) what he recommends is that you should try to be passionate about what you do but that the research shows that you first become passionate about it after you have become really good at rarer and valuable skills so basically just pick anything you find interesting and that you feel like could create an impact and where you work with people that its people you like being around with there is of course more to it than this but that's why I recommend reading the book
  19. i think its help full to write your thought process down on paper
  20. maybe understand the information at the level of an aha moment usually you will remeber it longer and then try to recall the information without any reference(its called active recall which should be a really effective method for rembering information) you could write your notes in a quiz formart to support active recall (see if you can answer the question first without looking at the answer only look at the answer when you have recalled the information it should have the same effect even if you make the questions your self just as long as the answer isn't in the question the same notes could be help full later when you need the information it could also support something called spaced repetition which is an other help full technique for long term memory)
  21. i am not 100% sure if this is the solution but if its because of productivity maybe check out cal newports deep work and how to become a straigt a student there is an example in deep work that when someone used routines and rituals to minimize willpower and focused as hard as possible with zero distractions 90 minuts a day in the morning he could do in around 3 weeks what normal toke him a year if not maybe this could be useful
  22. it won't be easy but those are some extremely useful techniques i recomend reading the road less traveled by scott m peck it has some really useful information
  23. @John maybe you could do things on a schedule or organize the things you want to do into a project you could also schedule every minute of the day