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About jakub_friso

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  • Birthday 07/25/1998

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  1. Its a bit complicated question but let me explain... If somebody wants to gain massive self awareness about ones own values, strengths and so on... The personality, psychometric tests and other tools that help you to know more about yourself - these things are great for gaining this kind of knowledge about yourself. And I'm personally using these tools to decide what I want to do in life. But I don't know if I want to go more on these theoretical tests first and than go for actual work experience later or vice versa, or do both at a same time... What is basically my question: Are personality and psychometric tests accurate in a direct proportion to a persons amount of life experience? Because I see these psychology tools as a compass, a guide to help you sort out and make sense of who you are and who not, but if during the testing you are not even able to provide experience, some data from your personal life - than they may be inaccurate or even false. You take them few months forward and they will be totally different because when they for example ask you if you prefer technology or arts, you are not even able to tell yourself or you truly prefer technology, but you think arts because you don't know and experienced other side of the coin. Take this hypothesis that we take a teenager who his entire life lived in incubator - how accurate and helpful would be these tool? Thanks for your responses, I hope I explained myself at least a bit clearly.
  2. Leo, I know you stressed multiple of times this concept of gradual growth in self-development/actualization (from low consciousness to higher, from shallow and lies ultimately to Truth), but I think it deserves a separate video since I discovered I had to drive to this crucial insight and concept by glueing together information from multiple videos + my deep study of Spiral Dynamics (not only from your content). I think this should be an opening concept for everybody about to enter realms of self-development and even life, that first and foremost you need to be VERY honest (or rather congruent) with yourself... Because where I seen myself hugely fail, where I see other people fail and where I see sometimes people who have no idea about self-development and still have a fulfilling life excel (like successful people - maybe on a shallow, first sight level, maybe only in certain areas of life) - is not necessarily an honesty, but huge CONGRUENCY to what they do in and with their lives. And that later applies to their motivation, their productivity (results) and so on... In life and in this work - there exist a reality where you went too deep down the rabbit hole and you suddenly may know too much for your own good. That's why real master would let a young schmuck who he took under his wing - let rather experience and live through all the sometimes stupid, shallow and dead-end stuff and guide him JUST when he truly needed and wanted, give him JUST the information for his situation to move on. And at the end, slowly but certainly move him towards wanting the Truth, the enlightenment, the detachment, the purpose and so on... To not went too far and to drive my point to an end. I would like you to cover this concept in a separate video and mark its huge significance (I assume huge significance, it was at least for me) I would love to hear your opinion and full (deeper) coverage on this to help people like me which I assume are many of them. People who just suddenly weren't prepared to hear all the information and now - rather than living life, acting on it and so on... rather don't even move out of their lair and move a limb because they are afraid that they are doing the - egotistical, shallow, low consciousness stuff and whatever labels they may give. And it may be that way, yes the need to have a better self-esteem, yes the need some success, yes they need some sex, yes they are young and do all that stupid stuff that goes with it... But on the other side, certain things don't have to be lived through {you don't have to reinvent the wheel) - and you can correct much behaviour and thinking just with the right mindset, idea, concept... What are your thoughts on this concept of gradual growth where through certain stuff you just have to "live through" and get done (like for example relationships, finances, maybe some success for self-esteem) and certain things can be corrected on the way with the right information (that later can be very contradictory)? I hope I have explained myself at least a little bit clearly, I hope you know what I'm talking about (since you already covered it here and there) and I hope you correct, help me and many others on this issue - hope you explain it in a much better and accurate manner. Thank you.
  3. Hello guys. I'm currently on my road of finding passion and what I might love and the thing that I'm currently engaged in is writing a academic paper for psychology - so this can test many subjects of my interest at once (writing, psychology, academics...). I'm halfway through the work and project and this things works great because I'm already finding out a lot of things about myself - what I truly like and don't like, what I'm good at, what I'm bad at. The problem is tough that I can already see that this thing may not be for me and I already see many things in front of me and besides my engaged work that now look even more attractive before I started this whole psychology thing... Now the question that I'm asking is - should I just grind through and finish my current project and only after that move on to the next one or should I let go of my current psychology project, save a lot of time and already hop on to that glowing pursuit and profession that I know I might love for death. I know intuitively that I should finish, but I'm still thinking that the whole point of my psychology work was to discover myself further - I already did that but the problem is not at the end but in the middle of my work and now I have ended up with this unfinished work, new discovery and from that - a lust for next, very potential endeavour with which I'm very sure about it may be my final passion. Thank you for your advice and have a great day, it means a lot to me.
  4. @Tancrede Pouyat I think I answered my question while asking. If you think you have enough experience to offer and only thing you need is to guide it and reveal it - then go for theory to help you, And after that go back to practice of course, now smarter, more focused and everything... But if you lived in a bubble - what do you want to reveal and guide? What information do you have to provide? Did I get it right? And thank you for your advice of course
  5. Hello guys I'm 18 years old and I'm currently all about finding my passion and purpose in life, but now I face a pretty important decision. I started dipping my toes of course in many professions that interest me and now I'm on psychology - writing an academic paper about Graves Model. I'm already in a middle of it - slowly getting into an end but suddenly I have a problem. You know, not only I do the real life practice but also I hugely supplement that with all the (psychological) theory about this topic. That means value, strength assessments and tests, concepts about following this road and pursuit and just in general - self-discovery through theory. Further I go I'm starting to think that I should probably stop and pause real life experiments, go full bore, in theory, get to know myself better and after finishing being a student go again into the world with better idea and focus about where to go and what I'm really after + what I should avoid and be aware of on this road... Because maybe now I'm just wasting time - shooting straight into the void, which I will maybe realise while tackling theory. Or not - that with psychology I was on a right track, that I should come back to my project and finish it. The only thing that I'm the little bit concerned about (what is really keeping me still on this strategy). Is that I could be not experienced enough to reflect back on my life and all that I did in terms of work while taking all the tests, assessments and doing exercises - therefore, getting bad results or none at all, meaning that I would end up where I was, lost. Lost and being necessary to get all the experience and data from the world and come back to theory to help me guide myself and reveal my authentic personality. What do you think guys? Practice first, then theory? Theory, then practice? (this is option I'm considering) Practice and theory at the same time? Please, I need your help on this decision because I'm afraid I'm just avoiding lasting work in front of me OR I'm having a great authentic and strategic insight from my mind and intuition. I just need somebody to help me and pin point where I am - friendly therapist you can say...
  6. Hello guys I'm writing a schoolwork about Spiral Dynamics/Graves model and last part is that we want to do a research of people in our school based on this model. But, to honest, we are struggling a little bit because we don't how to structure our questionnaire and make it as best as possible. We know the main focus is on analysing values of a monitored person but that's about it... We don't know what is the best way to collect accurate data for our research and how to structure the whole paper... I would like to know your opinion about this - how would you tackle this project? Or perhaps do you know any sources out there by which can be inspired? Because I didn't found anything yet - I was trying to find how the graves research looked specifically and also for other possible tests and sources out there but without success... Maybe I overthink the whole process and the whole research can be very simple... Thank you for your responses, have a nice day...
  7. @Nahm in which sense? May I ask, sir.
  8. Hello guys Please I'm on good old road of discovering myself and my work of life and I do it as through real life experimentation and reflection but also through theory. And I would love to hear your advice if you know any good material that will help me also to uncover myself through mentioned theory. And I'm specifically looking for sources that are focused on personality type and strenghts/talents discovery - that really help you discover yourself through some research, tests or any great method. example would be: https://www.amazon.com/StrengthsFinder-2-0-Tom-Rath/dp/159562015X https://ca157.infusionsoft.com/app/storeFront/showProductDetail?productId=42 or also some personality types books (Enneagram, Mayers Briggs). My intention with them is to help me a little bit with narrowing and focusing my beam of focus by good scientific research because right now I am not that good with self awareness and I would need something/somebody to help me point out some of my potential guiding aspects, characteristics, strenghts and so on... Please, if you have any great nuggets that helped you on your journey in any form - letter, audio, pixels, I would be so thankful to you for your share. I'm grateful for any material from you... Thank you for your answers and have a nice day.
  9. Hello, guys, I know many of you (including me) are very confused with the paradox of turning inwards and also being able to turn outwards... This issue came to me also when I tried to seek motivation and vision why I should be finding my life purpose. I think I now have a more clear picture about this issue and had created a great vision for myself, I thought I could post it to help the others if they have a moment of confusion with this paradox and also to hear from you what do you think about my thoughts about it and my vision overall. Thank you for your opinions and hope these words will help you somehow. This is what I had come up with - I tried to be as honest as possible. Yes, I did get caught up in a development of my inner world - mastering my mind. But, meanwhile, I started to abandon outer world as a field of distracting stimuli - having a picture of the ideal man that is absolutely self-reliant and being able to live with his mind alone in a black box with few holes for air. And suddenly, I didn't have the motivation to continue on my search of life purpose because it was the opposite of what I did most of the day - turning inward. I now had to turn outward and seek what there can spark a great joy in me - and that is a bad thing, right? Happiness is found inside they say... and now I'm seeking it outside? If I learned one thing in life - is that when you have two opposite poles, the best way for you is to go the middle way. Yes, most happiness comes from inner work and growth, but you shouldn't abandon the outer world also. Outer reality is just another field of opportunities, another lemon to squeeze, with sources of real, lifelong joy for you - genuine, congruent work being one of them. Work, meaning an external activity that is aligned with your internal world, being the mind and the body. Anxiety, fear, social pressure, pride, desire for success, status or wealth - these were the motivations that I didn't want to drive me. Of course, you can find your life purpose even with this fire under you, but how will be the journey? And how authentic and self-reliant are your motivations? I wanted authentic love, passion, and interest to be my boat for an explorer. I believe that man should and can be guided by authentic, intrinsic, positive motivations - for his road to being pleasant, and for his fuel to be ever present. I believe that man can deeply, honestly desire and love some activity outside of himself - even if he was the last being on Earth, without any external factors playing on his strings. Yes, seek happiness and joy inward. But with right sources and vision - why not outward also? There, genuine and long lasting joy can also be found. A congruence with your inner world and outer world is the cause in terms of work. I don't think seeking some external stimuli is inherently bad. Being a hamster in a wheel seeking external stimuli is bad - not being able to enjoy the reality of what it is, enjoy the moment of now - always chasing goal after a goal as being the main focus of activity. I think loving your work and being very congruent about it will make you quite opposite - being able to enjoy the journey, the activity itself and seeking goal only as a guidance, living the ride of life. I believe that having a life purpose in an external world with your actions aligned with your mind - is just an another piece of joy in life that you shouldn't be missing on.
  10. @STC Yes you are right that the ratio between those things you say is very subjective and relevant but, Did I hit the spot on defyning what personal development is, what is at it's core and what components does it bear?
  11. Personal Development is a field of study where the observed subject is human mind and it's internal, cognitive, mental processes - towards reality or another processes - thoughts. Essential part of this study (what distincts it from, for example - psychology) is also development and execution/practice of a new cognitive processes in order to yield positive mental results, emotions and feelings. (of course, all the mental thoughts and images are only in human consciousness)
  12. I would really love to explore this topic but the struggle is that I cannot find any good source online about this topic… Please, do you have any tips? Thank you so much.
  13. Please it would help me so much to get to that seminar from Eben Pegan and Wyatt Woodsmall about Spiral Dynamics that Leo is talking about in this video. I searched for some of them but I'm not sure which one is it. I want to write about this theory and present it. Thank you for your help and advice.
  14. @cirkussmile I just want to spread the awareness of this topic and I think that has to be done intelectually through thoughts (as Leo does in his videos).
  15. Hello guys, Please, I would really use your help and an advice. I want to write a essay for school (that's a pretty big deal) and I would love to research and write about Ego (sense of self) and Neurosis that stems from it. When did it develop, why did it develop, history of research, what exactly is it, how it affects your lifes (or creates would be a better word), traditions around dismissing it through spirituality, drugs, etc... That is only a rough outline that I had written down in few minutes but what I wanted to tell is that I want to fully explore this phenomenon right, left, up and down. Not only from self-help/personal development perspective but also more scientifically. And I had bumped into a problem - I cannot find any good sources about the Ego that are not spiritual or about self-development. I'm asking all of you for help if you don't know any great sources about this topic - books, courses, topics, videos, anything... I really want to write about this topic in psychology because I believe that this is the information that should be more spread around the world... It was so profound to me and I think it would be the same for the others. I'm not asking anybody to go spiritual and seek enlightenment but I think only awareness of this thing would be life-changing for many people. Thank you so much for your advice and help.