Adam M

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Everything posted by Adam M

  1. Give the entire video a listen. Her descriptions of your true nature are very precise. She's very awake and is a great speaker. Awesome stuff!
  2. ?❤ you've imagined the distinction between real and imaginary If everything on is understood with sufficient depth, then, although, this is surprising, at the same really isn't. The ramifications of what is being taught here are insane. I am not claiming to fully understand. The universe and everyone in it disappearing instantly is crazy. But a little less crazy when you realize it never existed in the first place. When you wake up from a dream, do you mourn over all of the imaginary characters in your dream whose lives instantly ended upon your waking?
  3. You are. ❤ Sending blessings.
  4. @Surfingthewave I understand that your concerns are based in Love. I understand that you want Leo to be safe and sane, and that you want his followers to be safe and sane. At times like this, it's important to remember that your concerns about Leo are all based in love (therefore, in perfect alignment with what Leo says) And also, is a sneaky way for you to project your own lack of personal development and self acceptance outwards. But! I understand and love you anyways ❤ we will remain safe and sane. And I wish the same for you ❤ ^
  5. I've microdosed 0.2 to 0.5g of mushrooms with half a tab of modafinil. Feels fkn awesome. I don't see why it would be dangerous.
  6. @Leo Gura Hi-Five! If there wasn't way more I'd be rather disappointed... @loub Ralston! Psychedelics clearly raise consciousness. Consciousness on LSD is just as real and valid as consciousness through self inquiry. I like this picture! It did look a little bit like this at times but not as dramatic. What interests me most on psychedelics is the energy shift in my body and consciousness. The visuals are often a minor bonus. By that logic, an enlightenment through self-inquiry (which I admittedly, have never experienced), is just as impermanent and temporary as an enlightenment on acid. Both enlightenments require integration. @abrakamowse @Cepzeu @Javfly33 @Serotoninluv @Harikrishnan @Preety_India @Osaid
  7. Whenever I think of aliens, my intuition always tells me that aliens exist. However, they need not necessarily exist in 3-dimensional space-time. If I wanted to contact an alien. The first place I would look is in my own consciousness (especially with a psychedelic). I personally believe that many of the ancient reports of aliens are reports of altered consciousness experiences. Other-dimensional beings granting wisdom and insight to humans directly through our consciousness. I also believe that if an alien wanted to visit Earth, one of the most efficient ways I can imagine is to incarnate into a human body. Dolores Canon Talks a lot about this in her book "The Three Waves of Volunteers." Crazy stuff! Of course, I am also open to the possibility of actual physical aliens flying around w flying saucers! I think it would be insane to NOT believe in aliens!
  8. Watch Leo's video "advice for college and highschool kids." Here are some general tips (I also discovered when I was ab your age): - Make a commitment to gradually watch at least 80% of Leo's videos. Don't judge the video by the title. Just watch. It might be wise to start with the older ones and build up to the more recent ones. This will take a few years. Watch at least one or two each week. - DON'T worry too much about taking notes. In my experience, you don't have to remember everything Leo says in each video, but what's important is absorbing the main idea and Leo's thinking style. After watching most of his content, you'll absorb his thinking style. My point is that, don't be overly focused on memorizing what he says... focus on understanding what he says. Follow his logic. Usually, I would put in headphones and walk with Leo talking in my ears. - Purchase the Book List asap. Read books that genuinely interest you. - Practice daily meditation - Don't be too hard on yourself and don't give up. Stay committed by watching Leo's content. I've been on the path pretty hardcore for a few years and I still have occasional porn and video game relapses. The key is radical self-acceptance, and the ability to witness yourself with judgement or guilt. - Dabble around. It's difficult to commit to mastery at such a young age. Just do try things that naturally call you and make you feel blissful. Follow that. Also, I advocate being social and hanging out with other kids your age. You won't find too many conscious 15 year-olds... but do your best to select friends that are more conscious than the rest. This requires an eye of discernment.
  9. @Husseinisdoingfine Do what you can when you can. If you're drowning in homework, you can only do the best you can. @Oliver Saavedra True Love is to realize there are no others. Relative love is always selfish and conditional.
  10. I believe it's an ego defense mechanism. I've heard stories of people (who do stupid stuff like this who have no idea what they're doing with the substance) fall asleep immediately after taking irresponsible doses like 7g. 5g is already a reality melting experience. I've even had nondual experiences around 3g. You can take 20g but if you don't know how to direct your mind with contemplation. You'll probably just fall asleep and forget everything.
  11. Wait...Leo literally answers your questions (and then some) in the What is Death video. Watch that video a couple more times.
  12. Your physical body has already died and been reborn numerous times within your lifetime. The cells that make up your body are completely different from the cells that made up your body 5 years ago. From a direct experience perspective, your body is made up of passing impermanent phenomena that are being born, existing, and dying in every moment. What you call "your physical body" is just a series of transient sensations. So, in this sense, your body is always changing...yet...something (in your experience) is remaining unchanged and unaffected by the constant changing of experience. What is that thing that you call "you"? Can that thing ever die? Sure, I guess your physical body will eventually end... (and I'm not going to claim that I know forsure what will happen when that happens) What I think happens is that the content of the movie changes... but the screen stays the same ... To be honest though, it's kind of silly to ask these questions from a dualistic frame of mind and expecting a logically coherent answer. The answer to your question is nonduality. But unluckily for you, nonduality can't be captured very well in a forum post. Perhaps it would be beneficial to spend some time pondering about how body and death are both ideas. Neither of which are actually present in this moment here... Your question is based in a fantasy. Unwravel the fantasy, and the question is dissolved.
  13. Watch all of Leo's videos...
  14. If you watched the content that is already on the channel then this wouldn't need any further explanation.
  15. All is one. All separation is invented. Checkout "Collective Ego" and "What is Death" Edit: also dealing with fear
  16. His mindfulness meditation video is very similar to Vipassana style meditation. I've practiced vipassana for years. It's not a very direct technique and it will most definitely lead to an incomplete awakening. That does not mean that it is not useful. Mixing techniques is the best way. Vipassana is a good foundation because mindfulness with labeling allows you to discern between thoughts and actuality. That, with, self-inquiry and psychedlics and or kriya yoga is a lot more powerful than Vipassana alone. Don't let these schools trick you into thinking that their technique is the only and best technique. Also, the amount of time and effort that I've personally put into Vipassana is not very feasible for the average person. Still well worth it though. Good luck!
  17. I understand! I actually have this experience too. Even though I have doubt. I am still sensitive to feel slight differences in energy with the crystals. I imagine this would be even more amplified if the Crystal is charged with intention! Awesome stuff.
  18. This advice is true. I am always sober at parties but I know how to let loose. Everyone thinks I'm drunk. I'm never drunk...I just know how to have fun by myself! Of course, it takes practice. Edit: I'm not a huge fan of clubs and choose to avoid them if I have the option. Recently (before the virus), I've been frequently hitting up ecstatic dances and drum circles and other hippie gatherings. Toronto has a great stage green party scene where a majority of the people don't drink but still know how to let loose and be themselves! Also, when you find a pretty girl she's more likely to be interested in spirituality which is important for me.
  19. Great share! He mirrors my own thoughts on the matter. Thanks
  20. The problem is not that your Dad is lacking development. The problem is that you aren't developed enough to see the underlying wisdom and perfection in the present moment as it is right now. I had this same dilemma a couple years ago and my meditation teacher answered it very well. He said, "You be a diamond." This means regardless of how your loved ones are choosing to live their lives, you are doing the best YOU can for YOURSELF. Eventually, your personal development will rub off on your loved ones. Example: I've been eating clean for almost 4 years and my Dad has been eating pretty crappy. I didn't waste time worrying about how bad my Dad's diet was... I just focused on my own. Finally, after 4 years, my Dad had a personal awakening to the importance of eating a clean diet. Now, he tries his best to follow the good example that I've been setting for years. The moral is that you must focus on yourself. If your Dad asks you for advice, you give it to him lovingly, if he doesn't ask for advice. Leave him alone, "You be a diamond."