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Everything posted by Butters

  1. Do you watch ASMR? If so, what benefits have you found? I tried some videos for sleep and it calms me down but doesn't make me fall asleep.
  2. I asked Dall-E 3 to draw a picture of life on Kepler-442b; one of the most likely planets to have life on it. Kepler-442b is a nearly Earth-sized planet orbiting within the habitable zone of its star, which is a type K dwarf star. This planet is thought to have good conditions for liquid water, a critical ingredient for life as we know it. I asked why everything is red and it says: I asked for another picture and got this: I think it's pretty cool. There's a few other planets that could inhabit life: Kepler-442b is one of the top candidates. It's a nearly Earth-sized planet orbiting within the habitable zone of its star, which is a type K dwarf star. This planet is thought to have good conditions for liquid water, a critical ingredient for life as we know it. Proxima Centauri b is another intriguing candidate, orbiting the closest star to the Sun. It's also within its star's habitable zone, but its star, an M-dwarf, is very active, often emitting flares that could affect the planet's atmosphere and potential for life. TRAPPIST-1 system is also notable with several Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of an ultra-cool dwarf star. This system's unique configuration of multiple potentially habitable planets makes it a prime target for future studies concerning exoplanetary atmospheres and potential biosignatures. Leo should know which planet aliens actually come from.
  3. I watched the video that Leo shared on his blog last night: And although I'm excited about the future of AI, it also makes me sad and hopeless for these reasons: 1. To think that in the near future people will just be able to manifest anything directly into form, while I have to go through suffering and be patient when manifesting my dream reality. This seems unfair. 2. To think of all the lost jobs of creatives, to think that there is no real future for human creativity just saddens me. 3. To realize that AI will get so clever you have no idea what's real anymore. Even with safeguards in place, the AI could technically fool us, I guess. 4. Learning new digital skills seems a waste of time. I'm learning video editing right now but that will be obsolete. Any creative endeavor will be obsolete in the near future it seems. The only thing I think will go up in value is human-to-human contact; seminars, social gatherings, 1-on-1 coaching etc. And perhaps in the short run manual skilled labor. I believed that there will always be a role for some human to bring their expertise, but this video makes it seem like in the future people will go "make me a movie about XYZ" and AI will literally create that movie with human-like creativity. I picture this as some VR, AR, AI pleasure dome of instant gratification and instant manifestation, but maybe I'm wrong here.
  4. I'm going to make a case that you should be proud of the work you do. After running a successful Etsy shop for the past 3.5 years it all came crashing down and I realized: I should just focus on what I'm passionate about, period. Why is that? Because let's say you work on your business 8 hours a day. Every thought, feeling, emotion, every Youtube video, every article you read, it all goes into your subconscious mind. When you do something you're passionate about, those 8 hours will turn into positive energy and feeling good about yourself. Else, those 8 hours turn into stress and discomfort. The worst thing that can happen is you actually become successful in something you're not passionate about, because now you have cords tying you to this business (income, staff, social pressure). Then it can be like you're living someone else's passion. So it's almost worst being a miserable lawyer working 80 hours a week than being a slightly dissatisfied toilet cleaner working 40. At least there you have more spare time. You can actually never be actually successful doing something you're not passionate about, here's why: Most people are employed. ChatGPT 4 says 85% - 90%, that means that around 10% are business owners, a very small percentage. Of those people, most aren't creatives. Most self-employed people are painting houses, running a corner store, finance, health, very useful contributions to society, their economic value is easily measured and you could say represents their value. So of this 10%, perhaps 1% are creatives. From that tiny tiny pool, the only way to stand out and create art / value is to create with passion. So the only thing to do is the thing you want to do. Don't give any thought to where the money is going to come from. The highest paid skill in our society for any creative is the ability to focus on one thing for an extended period of time. True creativity is highly valuable. And if you are currently not proud of your work that's fine, I was never proud of my dayjob work, this advice is meant for those starting a business. Don't go where the money is, do what you're passionate about.
  5. Yet another video talking about AI as being a hype (sort of). Very interesting:
  6. If anyone is interested in reading the Bible without reading anything, you might enjoy this: Sidenote; if anyone knows how to generate THAT many images + voice over without spending weeks or months, let me know 😂
  7. That sounds fantastic, nice to hear. Whenever I get sick and sleep the whole day I realize how busy I usually am. So ironically for me it's almost always nice to get sick, as long as I get better.
  8. I would not want to rob anyone of this new wizard I have discovered. These healings are absolutely fantastic for me and I never thought Reiki healing could be done on Youtube but I feel it so strongly, it's amazing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_0OSTHs9pg Channel @healingandbeyond on YouTube
  9. I think it is fundamental to understand these principles or you'll suffer. Some will call this "Red Pill" but being stoic, masculine and on-purpose are just life fundamentals for guys, and understanding how this ties into dating is important. Thoughts?
  10. On Leo's last blog post he says he disagrees with the aliens. I get confused here. Are you saying this part of the testimony is false? Did the alien lie or the surgeon? Sounds to me like this is Leo's bias because of your personal health issues, and I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with your health, that really sucks. Perhaps the aliens can heal themselves but humans with alien consiousness cannot?
  11. Makes absolutely no sense. If I do the hokey-pokey method to get me bliss and someone else does the bee-bop method to get them there, who cares? We are truth seekers but why even bother with "relative truths"? This forum is like one delusional person trying to convince the other delusional person that their delusion is the best. I feel like this forum is polluting my worldview. My experiences are true to me and you will never know what that is like. Trying to convince you of the legitimacy of my experiences or you trying to convince me my experiences weren't legit is ludicrous. Also the way Leo is revered bothers me to no end. Sure he can give advice, but if you think what Leo says is and isn't possible you're limiting yourself for no good reason. Comparison truly is the thief of all joy. Life if like my own painting. If anything I think this forum is taking me AWAY from bliss, not to it.
  12. I currently only use ChatGPT and sometimes Gemini although it annoys me. I also use ElevenLabs for AI voice generation, it's pretty cool. What tools do you use and what do they do?
  13. Option 1: You are a millionaire You can get any romantic partner you want and they will stick with you You're healthy But you can only be medium happy at most Option 2: You'll always be broke You can never get laid You always have a cold But you're extremely happy
  14. I'm unable to renew my Plus for some reason, but 3.5 is surprisingly good now. The only downside is no image generation OR uploading. Sometimes I upload images to ask what's in it or to describe things in detail so I can use that for prompt to generate images. I'm not surprised these are the kind of questions you'd ask AI all day 😜 Sarcasm I pressume?
  15. I don't think of it as relapse so no idea. I watch porn sometimes, it doesn't affect me, doesn't come with the emotional baggage anymore.
  16. Is there a way to fall asleep fast after waking up at like 12 or 2PM and you wanna reset back to 10PM - 5AM rhythm? Maybe that sounds ridiculous but I often find myself in this situation and end up sleeping <3hrs on Monday.
  17. I already do this but sometimes I still can't fall asleep at night after the reset day. But important note is I do take modafinil, especially on short sleep (reset) days. Hmm. I wanna do low carb cause I'm trying to lose some fat that I gained over the winter. I've also had consistent energy on low carb in the past. What I eat is full fat yoghurt, blueberries, some supermarket mixed veggies, lots of eggs, some meat and fish. Sometimes a sanwich on the go, I don't always stick to my low carb. Thank you. btw, this is the one thing that's helped me most when trying to fall asleep:
  18. Ok so I just tried that prompt from the screenshot and it gives me this: Ok good, thank you for making that distinction clear, makes sense to me. Now I was actually referring to how PC the tool is. For example I asked it to add punctuation to some text and it found it necessary to say that the word "crazy" is potentially harmful language encourages sensitivity towards diverse audiences and reminds us that language can impact people in different ways. That was completely unprompted, too! Just gave that as a sidenote saying: "The idiom "going crazy by degrees" might be viewed as insensitive to people with mental health struggles. While it's a common expression, it's useful to add a note highlighting that it is figurative, rather than a literal representation of the challenges faced by people with degrees who struggle to find work." Never had such issues with ChatGPT. So I can see why people would think this is deliberate. I've used it another day now and I now think the tool is just underdeveloped and they built in wildly overcautious safety measures for liability reasons.
  19. How blessed and lucky are we! Most people don't care about truth, most people don't care about honesty. How blessed are we. Some people have millions in the bank and every second of their lives is spent in misery. We've already got everything we desire right here, right now. All we can do is increase our awareness of what we've got. Between the haves and the have nots you can be whichever one you choose. Meaning; you can choose to look at what you have, or at what you don't have. Gratitude is a strange word but I think this is what it means. Sometimes times are tough but when we value truth and honesty the riches that follow those periods are well worth it.
  20. My dad has had major mental health issues and he raised me as a single parent. Later in life I've tried to psycho analyze this but it came down to problems with empathy and communication leading to substance abuse. That then lead to neglect and trauma for me. I grew up feeling really guilty for my parents divorce and just feelings of guilt in general (low self worth). I'm not sure what to tell you. On the one hand I got over the feelings of guilt and my self worth and self love is fantastic nowadays. On the other hand, increasing my own feelings of self worth makes it harder for me to watch him continue his life with low self worth, if that makes any sense. This can become a vicious cycle because you want to pull someone up with you but their low self worth will not only make that impossible but also turn you into the bad guy somehow. Someone with low self worth has such an unbelievably strong frame that they will manage to pull everybody down with them. People trying to help can be turned into people trying to harm, it is fucking unbelievable. Here's another paradox: the more I grow and become aware of myself and others, the less I'm able to forgive my dad. Now you'd think I'll be able to forgive him better, but by increasing my own self love and feelings of self worth I realize it's better to choose myself and not gaslight myself into thinking he's a good guy. Sure, I understand rationally he had no other choice but to be himself and I don't blame him in that way, but the neglect and emotional abuse of a child is also unacceptable, neurological damage or not. I always thought the end stage of this was indifference; he's not good, he's not bad, things just are. But maybe that's not even human. Seriously the more I do this work the more I'm able to introspect lovingly on this issue. It's interesting. What you resist persist, so just let it be. Maybe there is no end stage to it. These issues are so complex! Millions of variables go into it, childhood emotions, your brain literally forming. To think you can sit as an adult and just work through it may be ignorant. You can always find another angle. The best you can reach is as much self love and self worth as you can. Good you did that, I did it too. It can be helpful but of course I didn't get the response I'd like to have gotten. But it's still good to do I think, just to break through that barrier. Don't gaslight yourself there. It doesn't matter he's deeply unconscious, your emotions are valid.
  21. Poor Americans, look at the hotness of rave chicks in Berlin / Europe: American rave: Both videos cool music.
  22. How does that make it better though? He isn't saying the AI is against Musk, but that the AI is being weirdly PC. I just tried the Jesus Christ prompt and it's not much better than the Musk one. Not my experience with Gemini. Can you give prompt examples?
  23. 1. Healthy, low carb right now. Usually only eat 1 or 2 meals a day and not too close to sleep. 2. I work from home. Often times I only get 4 hours of sleep, sometimes 6, then maybe 12 or 14. On workdays I wanna wake up at 5AM or 7AM tops. But on weekends sometimes I'm out until 2AM and I just wanna sleep with no alarm. I like this variation, but then need to reset again on Monday. Sometimes I wake up 5AM Monday to Wednesday and then wake up 11AM on Thursday, for example. 3. Completely blacked out room, yes. Great, I'll try that
  24. I got my teeth fixed like 2 years ago, gave me a massive confidence boost. Self-image is very important in building confidence. See book Psycho Cybernetics.
  25. And you do approaches. So .... invisible guys can learn to approach and get laid. IMO the looks discussion is a distraction for guys who want to learn game. From the human (subject's) pov these are the same. Raising your love vibration will 100% increase your attractiveness on all levels.