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Everything posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. Music is fucking magic. As your meditation practice deepens you can let go more into and really be absorbed within it and it'll give you the waves of goosebumps and you go deeper into feeling, it's really nice.
  2. Conversations with God by Neale Walsch (all parts free to read online, was on the NYT best seller list for 137 weeks, incredibly intelligent) p1
  3. The questions are just pointers to feelings, which are always deeper than thoughts.
  4. Mantras are great to control the mind, change your brain/consciousness/habit from worrying to being focused and centered, which will help to go and stay focused on the awareness/beingness to eventually breakthrough into self realization. TM is kind of scammy though, they sell a secret mantra from a special teacher which is nothing more than a sound based on your age. You can use any kind of word, I would recommend something that you feel most affinity with, perhaps 'love' or names of the referring to the One are usually recommended, and doing it with love.
  5. Ahh, his book profits go to kids in south India, that's always good to hear.
  6. A very interesting character that I see as absolutely awake. He says all the good stuff and just is a joy and love to watch:
  7. Same goes for singing. Everyone can have an amazing voice if they let their soul and passion shine through, it's good spiritual practice too because really putting that sound out of you can flare up the ego quite well.
  8. Scientists might be having a little bit more of a hard time in than others general with awakening perhaps because of the strong indoctrination of the ego that has to figure something out, and when it gets it it's a good boy. Well, turns out there's nothing to get because thoughts and concepts are just thought and always belong to that imagined self, the real you can only be.
  9. I don't think so, you help the mentally ill.
  10. It's so funny the most profound truth is the most simple obvious paradox, what a paradox again!
  11. I use it sometimes, edibles are great, otherwise the experience is always so short. Had my first semi-bliss like experience the other day through self inquiry (or another good label for it, the feel 'I' mantra), where i could feel the field of consciousness all around resonating with parts of my body, it was wonderful and it has deepened my every day consciousness and practice permanently. drugs ftw
  12. You ARE love, but the mind obstructs it with the defensive ego it has build around it self.
  13. I've been having really good results with Zen/Self-inquiry. First notice there is: -Feeling/Consciousness that is baseline Then notice there is: - Mind activity on top of that based on identification with the thoughts. You meditate on the baseline feeling of being/awareness, when every you become aware of having become lost in thought think 'I' and see that you come prior to the thoughts and meditate on that again.
  14. You are used to suppressing emotions, that's what's causing the struggle. You simply need to stick to it, go deeper and feel what's there to feel and allow yourself to cry like a baby. Try this meditation
  15. @Leo GuraWill you do a video on your process ?
  16. Mortality rate should be (much) higher for serious practitioners then. Unless they are all so much less enlightened than the guru(s) claiming this. How fortunate for their teachings.
  17. Albeit it's negative look at the way things are, it's still one of the most soul filled video I have ever seen and spiritual in it's own right. Some musicians really nail channeling their souls, it's actually what music is about, and in sense it's very shamanic because it can really help you heal by connecting with these now open and bare feelings in a pretty deep way. Also isn't it amazing sound can be universally connected to emotion. What is the 'evolutionary purpose' of that? -
  18. I've been through so much madness, depression etc. and recovered quite easily from it through self inquiry, mindfulness and meditation within a year, that was around 3 years ago. It's not as a big deal as people make it out to be, believing you are crazy because of the body is probably the biggest hinder you can face, because then you might stop taking responsibility for your beliefs/thoughts/intellect, the ability to still the mind, to do introspection and heal. Madness is simply fear, the delusion from the fear that you exist as separate that can die, be damaged, lose happiness, that it can find happiness from the validation of others or some experience etc. That might take extreme forms, often because one is filled with hurt and trauma and feels terrible and is terribly afraid of others, so it's desperate for (false) beliefs that seem beneficial for that person ('I am more special than others', 'I am such a helpless victim', fantasies about reality and the ego to feel better etc.).- And of course reality is much more special than we ought to think and awakening and mystical experiences are just part of the ride, just stop attaching unnecessary beliefs unto them because of your hurt ego and you'll be fine; find the truth of your being.
  19. Yeah that's the thing about talking about the ultimate, you can't even speak about it, too simple and too complex. God's little joke for the all the eager minds wanting to grasp it; don't even bother and just be quiet
  21. So funny how the east has doven balls deep into reality relatively so often, and here with are in the west balls deep in arrogance and ignorance. Then you become more of God, and then you become more of God, and then you become of God, and then the All That Is becomes another All That Is. woooooo-aaaaahhhh-wooooo
  22. Yes, it will come. Meanwhile just keep meditating, any second you do it you make some progress, even if it's enduring and becoming patient with having seemingly no progress. You have been conditioned to look outward 24/7, it will get easier over time, just keep going, stay consistent with doing it every day some practice, even if you start with 2 x 15 min, that's a good start.