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Everything posted by kurt

  1. @aclokay In my experience weed does nothing more than dull the mind. It feels like youre getting somewhere magical, mystical, wornderfull, but all it is,is your mind is being switched off for a while. The long term effects are a dull mind that is incapable of processing experience properly and this leads to a backlog of emotional issues later in life. If you want health and enlightenment, check your lifestyle and get off the dope and start living a life in accordance with your highest self, your highest self manifests in your conscience. If your mind is working properly, your conscience will tell you that you are hurting your body with drugs, and in order to be happy and healthy you will need to follow that intuition. Or let the long term effects show you for yourself. Its upto you, you can only do what you can do, I did drugs for years and did not have access to my higher self, so I paid the consequences and learned the hard way. Its upto you.
  2. I was going to say but edited it out. You are right on, even Ramana (who most put into the instant enlightenment camp) had 26 years of favourable conditions (16 years as a satvic minded Bhramin with hardly any karmas) and 10 years in the Viripaksha cave doing self inquiry. A total of 26 years of practice under his belt. Plus he was a knowledge junkie, had access to all the texts on self knowledge, the guy was incredible. Thanks for saying that, because most of these kids think its easy
  3. I dont think its a problem to have the desires your having, but what is worrying is that youre mistaking your need for sex as "love". It sounds like the desire is so pent up that its causing you some psychological problems, which is making you act in needy ways. This is not good! This is not about you, dont take this personally, but its about not getting a need met and then being a victim of that. If you want my advice get off the porn, put a block on your internet or do what it takes. The more you masturbate to porn the more you mess your mind up, because youre not facing your low self worth issues, just acting them out. Porn addiction and falling in love with random strangers is your low self esteem being expressed in covert ways. You need to deal with the thoughts entering your mind, get a daily practice of reconditioning going, replacing each thought with more positive ones until youre firmly established in positive mindset. Practicals: Resist the urge to go on the sites - this will be difficult at first, but become aware of the opposites working inside you - on the one hand you want to get this handled, and on the other hand (excuse the pun) you want to keep whacking off. You need to be able to hold the paradox in your mind while it resolves itself. Talk to your ego and educate it. Talk about the long term effects. See the limitations of your daily habit, and let it resolve in the awareness you truly are (dont identify with it, understand that this is not YOU its just a habit problem). Meditate sit with the feelings of low self worth, and just challenge the samskara formation that is appearing to you (the personality trait of low self worth). Dont resist, just try to look at it objectively and dont do anything to change it. Just make it "not-self" and let it pass. Let the feelings pass, see them as untrue and then replace them with more life affirming thoughts. Dont worry about accepting it, work on just seeing it as untrue and reconditioning your mind with better thoughts. Take your time. The longer you stay off the porn and the longer you practice the better you will feel. You will fail lots of times, just understand that its par for the course, be nice to yourself (prevent creating another self esteem problem) and just keep working at it, thought by thought, habit by habit. It takes a while, but it will work.
  4. This is a beautiful thought in my opinion, grandparents in my experience are at the age in life where their memories and experiences are the most important thing to them. I would try to get to know them better as people, take an interest in the advice they have to offer you (it will be amazing advice if you can just get your ego out of the way!). Try to discipline your desire to play computer games, if you observe it and have a word with yourself and ask yourself if you REALLY need to play computer games which will make you miss another opportunity to spend time with your grandparents, is it really that important to play the games? What seems important to you now is your relationship with your grandparents, which is a sign of maturity and compassion in you If this is important to you, then make a sacrifice. Nothing is gained in life without a sacrifice, if you want to do this then you can. If you can get over that little hurdle first you will be surprised at how easily you will relax into just being with them naturally without forcing it or having to think of something to say or do. Once you get there, then you will naturally want to do things for them. Make them tea, bring them cakes, help out around the house with the chores. You also wont believe how happy you will feel because youre living on "purpose" and doing what you feel is right in your heart, instead of being "lived"by your lesser desires.
  5. Yeah, it could happen in 48 minutes, IF you have done most of the 10-20 or so years to get your mind to understand what it is. You cant just pull a bank robber out of his getaway car and enlighten him in 48 minutes (even tho he is already enlightened) - he will never understand it in such a short period of time unless hes prepared
  6. Trust me,without a car most girls wont even look at you. The girls who like "cars" for the sake of "cars" (as status symbols) you want to obviously keep away from them. But its true that a healthy girl wont consider you much if you haven't got a car, because having a car is a symbol for something much more attractive - a pair of balls, vision, capability to get your own needs met, a brain, energy to put your ideas into action. Women unfortunately are hard wired to look at your surface credentials to save time basically. If you have not got your act together then youre just not attractive to her. Them the breaks unfortunately.
  7. You should become a conspiracy theorist lol
  8. @jse Half of the "battle" of enlightenment is (on the relative side) is learning how to interpret experience properly. When you attack someone, you basically attack the thought of them in your own mind, in your own experiential world. This is the hard part, because most of us literally think "the world" is out there. It IS out there, but what we experience is only in here, our thoughts and interpretation of what is happening out there, we tend to use attacks in order to defend our position. Which is dysfunctional. But what else can we do if we have been conditioned this way, and conditioned ourselves to respond in this way our whole life? Its a human thing, its nothing personal. The way to get around this is to employ different ways of responding to our own thoughts so that we dont injure ourselves when somebody is doing something we dont like. Its fair to say that what the causal body serves us is fairly accurate because it is not riddled with ignorance. It is the intellect that is riddled with ignorance, and its the intellect that interprets what the causal body serves us in the way of thoughts and feelings. So be compassionate about others mistakes and delusions, they are growing and are climbing their way out of delusion just like the rest of us. Understand that they are ignorant, but respond in kind ways that dont injure yourself or others even if they ARE being dicks. Leo has not done nearly enough work to be doing what he is doing - serving others on the spiritual path. That much is clear, because the causal body never lies. But this doesnt mean we cannot cut him some slack and allow him his platform to try to do this thing. Hes trying, like all of us, hes a kindergarten teacher for kindetgarten level students, and hes serving a purpose. Hes not going to tranform humanity, but he will make some difference here and when people are ready for better, a teacher and a teaching will appear. When the student is ready, the master will appear. Leo is the master for newbies, and he serves his purpose in this capacity well. nothing wrong with it, just need to learn to accommodate it and allow it because it is God.
  9. Are you sure? 'Apparent reality' just refers to the illusion that there are many sentient beings here, which in 'reality' there is not: there is only one sentient being, me, you, whatever, its the same witness - the all pervading, underlying substrate that animates all phenomena. There is only one person here, and I am deluded by many factors operating in the field of existence. But there IS space and depth, even in the mind too where experience 'happens', the mind measures dimensions true to the objects it sees 'out there'. Space and depth are aspects of awareness, how can they not be? You hear and feel a bus drive past your house at certain hours of the day and not at others. Its absurd to imagine otherwise.
  10. I went to nightclubs, like I said. Thats where girls go. Bars, clubs. Youre a bit old for a shopping mall I would imagine, 18? Get a car, a job and a licence, then get out there, theres a whole world out there full of girls begging to meet you. But get your act together first, most girls wont bother with you if you have not got income or a car. Sad, but true
  11. This is not true. Its silly. The world is not out to get you. Its a nice place to be, even when it does seem as if people are lobbing stones at you. People earn respect by answering their critics. It shows cultured intelligence and maturity. I just hop e you learn to see the difference between being tested and a real power struggle. People with a power struggle dont have an argument, people with an argument dont need power, they want to see what you are made of.
  12. @kyle barnett What do you mean when you say there are no girls around? I started going to nightclubs when I was 15. There is never a shortage of girls in nightclubs. I dont really know where girls hang out for you because I dont know what your situation is. Talk to them. Its the only way. Or, you can just grab them on the dancefloor. You will know when they like you, they will let you know. Just follow your instincts and dont care about impressing them, just buy them one drink and youre good to go
  13. Thanks. Is there anything "out there" beyond our thoughts of "it"?
  14. @kyle barnett Buy a car. They will be all over you like bees around honey. And get job, of course.
  15. Taking the statement too literally. Its safe to say that the pursuit of realization is not a mainstream thing. Unless you wish to redefine the boundaries of enlightenment itself? We could even say that Donald Trump is enlightened - you need to keep an open mind.
  16. No, shes actually dysfunctional. But then again, wanting to help her is also dysfunctional too.
  17. @SomewhatAnonymous One of the problems you might face in the future if you decide that you really like her and want to continue with your relationship is sadly she might become unstable when she becomes emotionally attached to you, and you become attached to her. Which might cause you some stress, perhaps some wounding that you could do without. I assume that youre a person who wants to grow and improve? So what is your motive for wanting to be around this girl? May i suggest its maybe a slight case of vanity superseding your authentic self. Maybe something to look at? Youre wounded and attracted to her to feel good about dating such an attractive girl, and shes emotionally unstable and not really a "spiritual" type. Can you really see a future? If not, then be warned that once attachment happens its going to be a bit of grief that you could have saved yourself. As @NTOgen says, logic trumps emotion if growth is your goal. And your situation seems a perfect example of emotion trumping logic. Its logical to want to enjoy healthy emotion, and vica versa, healthy emotions validate and confirm healthy logic.
  18. Theres a lot of ignorance in this statement. You need to look into this more, lot of romanticizing and assuming about things you dont actually know. No offense, I feel youre getting annoyed because youre not getting what you want, and thats compliance. Fair dos, you are the self after all, but being the self doesnt mean that the self is always right. The self creates, maintains and destroys itself eternally. The self destroys itself in the fight between cancer and human lives. The self destroys itself in world wars. Its naieve to think that just because everything is the self that its good. You dont decide what is good and what should be accepted or not, only the self does that by its own processes of creation and destruction. Be very careful when you are attempting to play God with your limited knowledge and open mindedness, youre not exempt from being brought down by God either, youre a tool for his creation and he gives you everything you have and will take it away when he sees fit.
  19. Kudos on your recent reply to me, I dont see anything wrong with what you are doing. This might sound like nitpicking, I promise it is not, in fact, it might prove valuable to you, or it may not,depending on what you want or are looking for. Maybe somebody else will. Are you wre that you have misunderstood "consciousness" from the very get go? Your language patterns reveal a lot. Consciousness cannot be "raised". Mind knowledge can be expanded, but thoughts and perspectives are not "consciousness", they are as dead as matter itself. Thoughts are "empty" of self nature, meaning that Self does not reside in thought. There is only one "consciousness" and its the same sentiency in everybody. Its ever present, its the knower of alll that is. It cannot be changed, cannot be destroyed, lowered, or "raised". So why do you confuse inert subtle matter with consciousness? Because thats the first thing we learn at "enlightenment school" - that there is only consciousness, and it is one. My point is, all youre doing is actually raising "fantasy" and mistaking that for knowledge. There is only one knowledge, and its the absolute, and you are that. Tat Tvam Asi ! So all of this has nothing really to do with consciousness, it has to do with thought, and thoughts are fantasy and they are either based on truth, or they are based on relative beliefs. like I said before in another post, you cant be enlightened and deluded at the same time, the two dont mix. Either your mind is aligned with truth as much as possible, or it is aligned with relative fantasies and models. Which is why Ken Wilbers work, I believe, has been a spectacular flop, despite all his efforts to turn a blind eye to what his critics are trying to tell him.
  20. @Stoica Doru Im the one who is aware of the dark night of the soul. Works every time, you cannot lose who you are, youre alway present. Just keep identifying as awareness because the rest is just a drama in your mind.
  21. The problem I have, is the stuff I have already learned that has proven many things you say as false information. Im not going to regress back to being open minded about things I know have already been proven as untrue. Everyone is free to be open minded, but when its proved wrong you need to adjust to the new information, because holding onto a perspective in light of evidence that blows it away is a problem. Then there is always the danger of turning into Koi fresco, not that Im interested much in his views, but its clear a lot of what he says is just fantasy because hes not interested in reality, hes interested in being open minded, which is fine, but the guy is clearly lost in his own stories. No offence koi if youre reading, just sharing my opinion its nothing personal, but anybody can misinterpret a teaching then that becomes the new teaching. What was the point of the original knowledge if were just going to make it into something we want? Its very vein