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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. In the context of enlightenment work, what you need is not-knowing and a genuine passion to know. Why would there be a need for religion in the first place? Because you lack understanding, consciousness, personal experience of what's true. Religion is antithetical to the pursuit of truth as it is faith-based and embraces beliefs. It essentially is about doctrine and ideas to be believed in and not questioned. What else?
  2. Make a leap. Do it. Intend to grasp who you are now. Do that until you do.
  3. Hearing that, you may assume a couple of things: considering self (what you identify as yourself) with you (your true nature) thinking that you already know what you, your nature, is. First, grasp who and what you authentically are. Always have been.
  4. You're welcome. Hey, everyone's got their ups and downs. Thank you, too!
  5. Kindle Paperwhite 8th or 9th edition (whichever's the latest). I bought it pretty much when it released. At that time I didn't own an eReader, and I used to have an older version of that same model, six or so years ago. Overall, I prefer paperbacks or audiobooks over digital. Having an eReader allows me to save up a lot of money that would otherwise go to shipping costs, which could sometimes be almost as costly as the book itself.
  6. This is what true revolution looks like. All benefits!
  7. hey gtp, cook an omelette for me
  8. You are the only being in existence. Is this what's being discussed? I've heard from a couple of deeply conscious individuals that it's true, ha! Not that hearsay is valuable in this work...
  9. The targeted release date, according to the author, is this fall, so stay tuned!
  10. The author of Nondual Perspectives on Quantum Physics is releasing a new book soon. https://tomajjavidtash.com/2018/10/29/nondual-perspectives-on-quantum-physics/
  11. Ineffective. Confront the fear and do it. What's meant by impossible likely is that it hasn't been done yet. Try approaching without expecting anything in return, simply talk to many women. Might be a good first step.
  12. @Leo Gura @MihaiXx life's a bitch and then you die
  13. sounds good. Simple structure, as if it were a OneNote commonplace book. 3 sections, each with its own subfolders. So I'm not tapping the app's potential but currently I see no need to overcomplicate things. Might eventually look into it.
  14. Probably guys like Ramana or Gautama did transcend suffering. But don't confuse that with pain. Pain is a function of the nervous system whereas you can probably do away with most of what you call suffering because it is an unnecessary activity done by you. Suffering is added onto pain. But hey, awaken and find out. Extrapolating doesn't make any difference except that it's entertaining.
  15. search the video library. there are a few of them that deal with what you write. Why is there something rather than nothing, etc.
  16. @Carl-Richard just a joke man haha
  17. no porn euphemisms please
  18. Not talking from experience, but the basic theory is that consciousness is absolute. You might be confusing consciousness with awareness or cognition. Consciousness is prior to perception and prior to the brain. It is you and at the source of awareness. Again, I have yet to become profoundly conscious of this. Call it an educated guess/assumption.
  19. Many people seem to be stuck on adolescence and don't grow beyond that. You've occasionally encountered individuals who are mature and grown up. What's maturity?
  20. I like Obsidian. You might want to check it out. It has local file storage so that you own your book, not the company behind the app. Also, since it is based on Markdown (plain text format), your files will be readable by any computer long after the software has been shut down. It's harder to learn at first but you can keep a simple structure.
  21. Once saw a weird, instant lighting at night on the beach. Could have been a comet or a Perseid.