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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. Talking about utopia: money seems to me a central issue. Take a look at the Venus project, for example. Think about it: money limits everyone’s potential. Image a scientist wanting to research cancer treatments but being stopped or severely limited by lack of capital. Theft, material greed, etc. is largely motivated by one’s own financial “status.” The poorer you are, the greater the motivation/need to steal. Whether you think doing away with any form of monetary exchange is visionary or utopian, I really think humanity will have to transcend the need for it if it wants to thrive. Imagine a society not held back by scarcity and bare survival, with all its basic needs met. Now visualize humanity in the year 3000, maybe as an interplanetary species. Going moneyless doesn’t seem too utopian now. Of course the negative potential would be real and could be devastating, too. However, providing high quality education on a global scale, and with money out of the equation, how much theft would occur, for example? A lot of corruption would disappear. Still, this would be external and there would have to be a lot of inner work done individually, but it sets the stage for that. Call me naive.
  2. An important point: remember that purpose and meaning are not found, but created and developed. Usually assuming otherwise in terms of career keeps us uncertain, restless, dissatisfied.
  3. @Shin @abrakamowse Buddha is a CROOKED socialist! He hangs around with Bernie too much.
  4. If you want a bible, Healing With Whole Foods, then: Nutrition through the lens of stage green. It integrates Asian medicinal traditions with modern western research. The author even talks about enlightenment and spirituality. I guess that’s not what just you ask from a nutrition book although some may find it helpful.
  5. Brendan, useful and clear as always. You could benefit from this:
  6. @PlasmicProjection okey-dokey
  7. What is the ultimate function of science? Is it to explain its invented distinctions? What are its epistemological assumptions? Will science ever get the Truth itself? What’s the relationship between direct experience and science? How does science reconcile direct consciousness of the truth of something? Will science one day be able to transfer one’s awareness from one body or object to another, what does this say about awareness? What is the ultimate form science will take? In other words, what are its limits? Except fact-based findings, is there something more science could offer in the future? Science can’t explain reality, life, consciousness, the lack of empirical findings regarding the self, etc. Or it can only explain and talk about things, but not get the nature itself. Will it ever be able to?
  8. Holding meaninglessness as a negative is still operating from meaning! Let’s put it this way then: life transcends meaning, you’re free to create whatever purpose you want to create, or not. And then you die.
  9. Canary Islands, Spain
  10. I like the Ashtavakra Gita. It’s as concise and straightforward as they get. Ramana Maharshi held it in high esteem. Maybe Ellam Ondre, too, which means All Is One. Who am I? by Ramana is also great.
  11. Well, The Venus Project is taking action, planning to create a center for resource management. Their plan is to eventually create a city based on a resource-based economy and its values, with technology and architectural designs by Jacque Fresco — the creator of the RB economy. Pretty interesting and intelligent thinking behind it.
  12. How do you research and create your videos? What’s the process you follow throughout the week?
  13. Are you conscious of the nature of consciousness? I think he means what we might call awareness.
  14. “If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” ― Haruki Murakami
  15. Contemplation into emotions and hatha yoga. Any form of exercise will help. Maybe start with less intense activities like hatha yoga or tai chi. They will help you develop body awareness. Peter Ralston has an online tai chi class—he’s a master martial artist. Yoga has helped me solve similar problems. Usually your body starts to hurt due to lack of movement (exercise) and bad posture in the first place. If you’ve been sedentary for months or even years, maybe it’s time to change that. Feel the body. A lot of times exercise, good nutrition, sleep, meditation, and breathwork solve the problem. Maybe try the Wim Hof method or take ice baths/cold showers.
  16. This is what I would recommend. I also have an unhealthy sleep pattern, usually going to sleep at 3:00AM and waking up at 01:00PM. Also try to experiment with L-Theanine, CBD oil, and melatonin. What causes your insomnia? I can see how it relates to my lifestyle: having dinner late at night, drinking coffee or tea at 7:00PM, using electronics in my bedroom, lack of exercise... Maybe a glass of red wine helps one in a while but it’s better to stick to a fixed sleep schedule. Going to sleep at 12:00 and waking up at 8:00AM seems like a god one. Wake up at 8:00 and exhaust yourself with physical activity throughout the day. Limit naps to 25min at midday or in the afternoon. And all that.
  17. Is that possible? Survival still demands identifying with something... Maybe “to study the self is to forget the self“?
  18. Biden should had taken modafinil or something. Trump should just learn to listen a little bit.
  19. “Be happy, even if you don’t like it” - Peter Ralston. What’s the alternative? Either you create passion for what you do and master it or you spend your days miserable. Otherwise, change your circumstances. Since you want the money, you want to do the job! This is easily taken for granted. When you want to reach a goal and the process involves taking a step you don’t like, you still want to do it — since you have to do it in order to reach your goal. Consider, too: Is there anyone doing the same job but with a positive attitude? Try to adopt that mindset. You are responsible for creating passion.
  20. @Matt23 Hi, where did you find that book list recommendation? Could you share it? I’ve never seen Peter recommending books. Thanks
  21. Microdose LSD or psylocibin and contemplate depression. Daily exercise! Most people take this for granted. Research nutrition, eat a plant based, whole-food diet with lots of vegetables. Vitamin deficiencies, especially B12 and D (sunshine!), might be causing your depression. CBD, L-Theanine (or green tea), Qualia Mind, Omega-3 fats supplements. The UltraMind Solution, to see to what degree you have a “broken brain” and how to heal it. Also the immune system recovery plan. Create a positive future for yourself. I don’t think you will be able to intellectualize your way out of depression. So reading about it too much won’t be helpful. Action is key here.