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Everything posted by egoeimai

  1. I enjoy going out very much,and meeting new people. Although not every situation ends well and I'm not going along with every person I meet. But its fun! Its exciting! You have so much to learn from each other,you grow,you experience things.You get to know yourself better. Of course along the way you will meet egos and you'll recognize every part of it but it is what it is. You can't live alone all the time.its boring. When you finally meet people who have much in common with you,you'll have a great time,otherwise you let them go. Don't try to change people,its not fascinating. Let them be or let them go.
  2. Aaaaaah! That's so f*cked up but true.So true. @Psyche_92 haha I really can't help cause I'm helpless lol Really,let it be,let it pass through you in you,and let it go. Watch all of those. You see,you suffer for a certain amount of times,and then it goes,that is happening everytime. Every single time the same f**king thing. It is what it is. You just decide you're going to suffer a bit more,and more. A few hours,a couple of days,a week. Then it leaves your body, and suddenly you feel better. Nobody asked you when and how. All happens just because. You just experience those whether you want it or not. Personally,I experiene resistance when such feelings come in surface so the pain is double the amount of intensity . cool.! Haha You can't do nothing about it and you dont have to. If you think you can change it then you suffer a greater deal. Over thinking makes it worse. Breathing deeply makes it better. Recognizing it makes it feel lighter. This too shall pass.
  3. F*ck! Its so hard to forgive! Hahahaha ?
  4. Oh that's beautiful,thank you! I'm glad you've grown!
  5. Whatever happened,happened little cutie zoey. ? Recording thoughts is healing. Im glad you started.
  6. @brugluiz I see why is that. When you were a kid you're free to behave nomatter the outcome but theeen this behavior of wanting to be perfect came in surface later in age. Anyway,it doesnt matter anymore. You have to un-learn it now. That means ,by awareness of the moment, you gotta see your tendencies to be perfect (are unreal) and try to take risks to draw stupid shit and expose yourself to criticism as well. You must learn that opinions of others are irrelevant to your passion. Also, I sense anxiety. When you draw,you do it for the sake of it,not for it to be perfect. Otherwise you don't enjoy as much. Furthermore,lol your drawing will improve just by dropping perfectionism. Have fun xx
  7. @Max_V wooow i like it. And the name mushishi is so funny ?
  8. Leo madness.
  9. Awareness is not located in the brain. Imo. (There are studies that found nothing in there. Although, the "studies" are ego driven as well,so they're not the truth. Just saying.)
  10. Yeah its a kinda "damaging" belief but Ive been to situations where I felt the same. That u give and not take back. So for some of us it is true,as bad as it sounds. But I think every challenge is for a reason (of growth)
  11. Okay I'm in ! ?
  12. hahahaahahaha Crying ?
  13. Hey Max, how r u? Yeah its sad if you think about it. I tend to think about this sometimes,it makes me feel sooo so miserable ? But what can ya do ? Nothing! People that once were important to you,are no longer in your life cause of their choice. Other people just die . There are so much in life that if you think about,will bring u to tears,but really, when you are present none of these really exist. ?
  14. ❤ Yeah its nice. Although its far from I havent learnt proper shading and blending yet so maybe its confusing in some parts as for where shade or light is.
  15. @Sparkist Ι study makeup though I just finished my 1sth year there ! ? We're going to learn SFX next year and I'm excited! I'll keep in touch w Drawing is just my hobby.