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Everything posted by knakoo

  1. So with this diet your health issues are gone or very manageable ? Do you eat only meat ? You plan to add food one at a time to see what works ? Have you tried Reiki for healing ? You can take micro or low dose of mushroom before the session for maximum benefits.
  2. Can you give examples of men not respecting your boundaries? Especially subtle things that men could not be aware of.
  3. Seems you have some trauma related to this. Could be also past life trauma. I know for a fact that many women don't experience this everyday. Though I am sure many women feel it very often.
  4. So do you actually do "pick up" ? If you start seeing 1 or 2 girls and it is not serious, you stop approaching girls and flirting ? Why ? If you see many girls, there will be some that you see like once a week (or more) and other once every month or every few months (some may not live in the same city). It is not hard to manage at all. Why would you prefer one or 2 max ? Why many would it be a disaster ?
  5. If you are good looking, charismatic and you do game, you should be able to have many FWB (like 5-10 easily) and have as much sex as you want. These relationships can last many years and be really fulfilling beyond just the sex. Why don't you ? I was puzzled as well when Leo said he did not have a lot of sex after doing game for many years, especially being in his position. Maybe it's an ethical issue for him.
  6. A fool is always stuck to some degree in ego. Can you not feel compassion and love for them ? Your presence will do the job of helping them if you are awake.
  7. So your advice to someone with depression is to never try psychedelics ? What would be your recommendation for someone in that situation ? Doing it with a trip sitter seems like a good idea for instance. Also I am curious, if I never had a proper BAD trip in 100+ trips, could it mean I am overly prudent with the dosage ?
  8. @HereToLearn I started using psychedelics when I still had a lot of anxiety and depression. Since then I did way over 100 trips and never had a "bad trip", though many trips were difficult. So don't be afraid. Just start low and gradually up the dose. You can also take 5-10 pills of valerian if you start panicking during a trip. That will kill any anxiety and it is a better option than benzos. By the way it seems that having a very difficult trip can teach you a lot, so use something like valerian only as a last resort. The goal is just to avoid trips that create trauma.
  9. There is a group energy when meditating in group that is helpful. Most "hardcore seekers" are in ashrams spending a lot of time meditating in group, are they not ?
  10. Well is it necessary or even helpful to know about enlightenment conceptually to wake up ? Also strong devotion to your guru is part of the culture in India and it seems to work pretty well.
  11. Isn't that a bias of yours ? Is it really necessary to think deeply and critically about spirituality to wake up ? Not everyone has an overactive and sharp mind like yours. Considering the more than 9 millions volunteers Sadhguru has in his organisation, he seems to have helped a lot of people become more selfless.
  12. Well I thought it was fascinating to listen to these turtles contemplate the nature of reality and implications of psychedelics
  13. This is an excellent conversation! Highly recommend it. JP doesn't have the answers but ask good questions !
  14. Hello guys, Following is an extract from Teal Swan new video : "People feel comfortable when they believe that god or source already knows everything. Unfortunately the reality is that source itself has a subconscious mind. It is not perfectly self-aware. And therefore you, in your physical embodiment, are assisting that process of awareness" I am not sure I understand what she means by that. Can someone enlighten me ? Good video by the way
  15. @Being Frank Yang Thank you for the answers Do you know if it's possible for someone to lose their self/center as you describe while sober and then get it back ? I know some people describe losing any sense of self/center on psychedelics but then they go back to a center after the trip. So that is not "enlightenment" ? Why not ? Is it correct to say that what you describe as enlightenment is a permanent, "quantum" shift and someone that did not go through this permanent shift has really no idea what no self or truth really is ?
  16. @Being Frank Yang Hi Frank, thank you for your contribution to the forum. I am curious about something : Sadhguru talks about being in a state of ecstasy all the time. Is it the same for you ? If not then do you have some idea why ? I remember from one of your video post enlightenment when you said you were a bit scared of doing a new vipassana retreat (paraphrasing). I had the impression that full no self realisation meant the end of fear. That is not the case ? Do you still experience thoughts that simply pop up in your mind or is it total silence unless you are consciously thinking about something ? Finally if you ever take 5 meo dmt ago please come on this forum to share your experience !
  17. So I copied and pasted the comment above in the youtube video comment section. Following was Frank responses : "This is spot on hahaha amazing summary. So this really comes down to "exploring altered states of consciousness" vs "enlightenment" the 2 overlap but they're not exactly the same. I tend to lean towards enlightenment work and Leo consciousness work. So it's actually a sweet combo for people who are interested in both. I'm willing to try psychedelics more yes but I haven't felt a calling for it yet. I think it's cool Leo and I share a lot of similar stuff but also coming from different angles and people are exposed to both enlightenment is an un-altered states of consciousness while the stuff Leo talks about is not, but that does not mean you can't explore altered states from the Full Natty State. But the thing I wanted to point out is the difference between the 2, since most people confused enlightenment with exotic altered states of consciousness. Ps. I kinda let go of the idea and attachment that sober way is the way. I see both meditation and enlightenment as both just being tools, and the effects and content of both techniques are mainly the dissolution of the separate self. This does NOT mean you can't explore those content."
  18. So I suppose Nahm interviewing you @Leo Gura would not make a lot of sense it terms of reaching a new audience. What about you interviewing any moderator who is interested and then posting the results on your blog ? That would be awesome.
  19. Yes I suppose what @Leo Gura is claiming is not impossible. But then I am very curious to know what Sadhguru said that makes Leo certain that he doesn't know God.
  20. Let me rephrase "how could you possibly know how awake someone is from what they say to a mainstream audience?" When someone is talking to a baby sometimes they dumb down their speech.
  21. By the way @Leo Gura, I don't know if that was suggested yet, but an interview/conversation with @Nahm would be very interesting !
  22. All of these teachers adapt their teachings to meet people where they are at. So they may tell something that is not true in an absolute sense but is exactly what someone needs to hear. How could you possibly know how awake they are ? Or if they know what God is ? Maybe if you talked to them privately or experienced a spiritual transmission from them they would blow you mind. I remember you comparing Sadhguru to Jesus. If Sadhguru is not fully awake then who is ??