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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. You can choose to focus on the things that you have immediate control over and that aren't taxing your budget too much. exercising and being more active can literally cost you nothing - get yourself a skipping rope, some resistance bands on Facebook Market (ideally for free) and find the nearest calisthenic ground. Take 3 sessions per week and combine it with 2 joggs per week. - that alone might do wonders for your cognitive health. Maybe you could sign up at a council gym, those tend to be super cheap. If your body is physically weak, your mind will be the same. Give it a shot! your diet does not have to be expensive either - who in your household does the cooking? - can you help? could you learn some healthy recipes ? How much money per week are you able to invest in food? Are you getting any pocket money? do you have any savings? educate yourself -these days you have unlimited access to (almost) free books - libraries, book exchanges, second-hand book stores. Sign up in your local library, borrow a bunch of books and start educating yourself on the human body, on nutrition, on mindfulness, on relaxation practices, on productivity habits, personal finances and empower yourself with access to practical information - worst case scenario you'll pay some late return fees. People on Facebook Market are literally getting rid of millions of free books all the time. Look into that. try to socialise with people - do you have any friends? You only need one good friend, ideally someone who is also into developing themselves, you don't want a couch potato who plays video games all day for a friend. Maybe you don't need to chelate maybe the problem is that you haven't stuck to anything long enough because you've trained your mind to be uncomfortable with lack of immediate gratification. (hence why you said "most attempt fall on their face after few days) - anythingno healing modality can fix anythign in days. Even chelation may take 3 years. Healing takes time and the early results may take 6-9 months to become apparent in some cases. You might be surprised how much fixing your diet, lifestyle, sleep and stress management can improve your wellbeing. I've seen it happen over and over again where guys told me they need some radical detox therapy and all they needed was lifestyle adjustment. Grab the bull by the horns, accept 100% responsibility and start sorting yourself up. Don;t expect immediate results, you're likely looking at a long term journey but if you don;t do it, nobody will do it for you. in terms of the job, could you get some part-time offer such as delivery cyclist, driver, a part-time worker at a gas station, at a mall, library etc - check if there are job agencies in your town and apply for some part-time jobs. And finally, could you get access to some government support? Maybe you need a medical diagnosis for that. Either way, might be worth looking into. There are all sorts of support packages for people who struggle. Good luck!
  2. I don't disagree. It's a very valid post. The only thing I'm not too clear on is to what degree these are imlicated in the disease outcomes. I think when it comes to read meat, it is harmful regardless of processing type because its real harm to the human body comes from ApoB binding inside tunica intima, not from hydrocarbons. But hydrocarbons might be aggrevating the damage that's for sure. Interestingly for fish, the literature is clear on their beneficial effects despite the fact that half the fish in the world is probably consumed grilled...which makes me think that the impact of PCBs and HCAs can be mitigated by other beneficial factors in the foods such as PUFA, Vitamin E content and polyphenol content of vegetable served alongside it...maybe...maybe not. Diabetes is caused by energy excess in the first place - diabetes can be caused by any diet as long as the person is constantly gaining weight. And the only reliable "cure" for it is weight loss. The literature on cancer is a bit of an enigma for me - no idea how much hydrocarbons are implicated. I think when I was reviewing the bowel cancer literature, the impact of hydrocarbons was not conclusive When it comes to neurodegeneration the research is inconclusive but I would side towards them being quit harmful. That being said it is probably preferable to always cook meat on lower temperatures. Grilling and flaming is just stupid and completely unnecessary practice. I don't care if it tastes good. One of the reasons these things are so hard to study is that hydrocarbon exposure is a proxy for a bad lifestyle overall such as eating a lot of junk, being inactive, smoking, drinking etc. And because studying PBC exposure in clinical setting is unethical, the epidemiology is what we have and it is a mess. My personal take is that they are probably quite harmful and should be minimised on individual level. I'm more worried about burned meat than I'm worried about grilled sweet potatoes tho. But i wouldn't make a bridge saying "PCB" causes cancer or heart disease - that would be taking it too far Overall I think this is a great post bringing lot of awareness @LSD-Rumi
  3. @StarStruck bro just upgrade the shit I have 1 TB for 50£ a year and it includes the entire office package. The cost is very fair imo
  4. What about the best cinematic game trailer. Vote this one
  5. One Note should be part of OneDrive same as all your other Microsoft docs. Unless you have multiple accounts. Check if the notes on your PC match the notes on Cloud - if you go to OneDrive and open the virtual One Note it should have the same content. Alternatively just upgrade your storage, it's pretty cheap Are you on the 1TB package?
  6. nice sum up. I've probably spent too much time in corporate glass houses - I'm sure the topic could be approached in a more chill way. Or not if you don't mind an occasional knee in the balls
  7. You should mostly ignore them in polite conversation including dating, work, socialising etc The only times when you can touch them is either when she is your girlfriend/wife/fling, when you are a medical professional examining the tissue or when specifically given permission (usually drunk scenario) In all other scenarios assume that boobs are neither to be talked about nor touched nor looked at (when she is looking at you) or it will make you look like a pervert. Sure, you can take quick glances and everybody does just try not to get caught The fact that a lot of girls like to flash them around does not authorise you to touch or really pay them an excessive amount of attention, that usually turns into an awkward scenario pretty quickly. When complimenting (in a non-formal setting), at least in the West, you can compliment things like evident weight loss, dressing style or a particular piece of clothing, new hair, makeup etc. You should not compliment individual body parts unless you are very familiar with that girl and you know she appreciates it. As a guy that is - girls can generally compliment each other's body parts in a conversational scenario - this is also very country dependant and would probably be more likely in the Mediterranean region and less likely in the Northern and Western Europe where relationships tend to be a bit more professional. In a professional setting, you generally don;t compliment people on physical appearance, you compliment on professional achievement or personal achievements (family stuff, achieved education etc). Rarely you can compliment on stuff that is obvious and begs to be complimented on (e.g. long-hair girl comes into the office with short hair) - that should be acknowledged. But if you noticed she got a boob job, unless she opens that topic, you do not talk about it. When you are in a professional setting - work, corporate etc - you do not acknowledge any differences between gender and completely forget about people's bodies and looks. Forgetting this unwritten rule not only gets you fired but will get you labelled as a sexual harasser and can get you into a criminal register. The professional setting is dry, direct and formal communication only , with the exception of a colleague or a person with whom you're extremely familiar and comfortable.
  8. @Harikrishnan I've learned a lot from the How not to Die - Cookbook & How not to Diet - Cookbook . Both have great recipes. Although I'm not a raging fan of Michael Greger's work as I once was, I am yet to find recipe books that come even close to these two...at least for me. They are all 100% plant-based tho
  9. Both, but the thing that bugs me on phones is the inability to remove tags (has someone figured this out?) Otherwise the forum is well optimized for phone.
  10. Games can be more cognitively stimulating, often requiring a much higher level of deeper concentration, and can lead reduced rate of blinking and that intensity might, in some people lead to headaches. You might be unconciously tensing your jaw , neck, traps and upper back muscles while focusing - pay attention to that, all of these things can lead to headaches potentially. Some games also require endless micro-ing and task switching, that could also be it. Movies usually don't require that. Do you watch movies on the same monitor?
  11. @Kksd74628 that's fair feedback; you're right, I was being insensitive. Thanks, I'll pay more attention to it !
  12. If you guys are still together 12-months from now and you'll report that the relationship chemistry, communication and synchrony is great, we can say that it worked.
  13. @Mormegil awesome!? Thanks for the report. There is time and place for IF but it is not when you can barely keep your eyes open and every task is a struggle.
  14. This might be pushing it a bit too far. I'd try to cut it down by 20-30% and see if that works better. I think high-carb breakfast work really well for most people, but there is a threshold, which once crossed can lead to a bit of a brain fog. Alternatively, try cooking the oats rather than eating the dry and replace the yoghurt with some raspberries or strawberries - it might help balance it all out a bit better. If your current weight is < 70 kilos, you can probably make do with fewer calories. I weight 86 kilos and would not be able to stomach that quantity of food either, pretty sure. If your stomach is full to burst it defeats the purpose of energising meal. Another tip that I've been doing lately is to make a smoothie bowl from 2 bananas, cup of berries and some greens and flax and then I grind about 80 grams of oats into that with some prot.powder I find if I exercise within 90 minutes of this type of meal, I can lift more, I'm more explosive and I can extend the reps-till -fatigue- by up to 3. Its an anecdotal report so take it as such. I don't get the same boost from oatmeal tho. Only works in summer, I hate cold breakfast in winter
  15. @001 I still do while at the same time trying to dig myself out of that- it's a sort of a "going forward" goal
  16. Couple of years ago I was journaling exactly on this topic, and I concluded the article with this picture. Even now, years later just looking at me fills me with dread and an incredible sense of sadness. If I was to summarise it with a single sentence, it would be: "The realisation that I've wasted my entire potential and spent my life serving someone else " I think that particular day I promised myself that I'd never give up on myself even if it took me 20 years to dig out from wage slavery
  17. Are we talking about existential fears (e.g. child, or partner dying tragically) or more like weird unusual types of fear?
  18. @at_anchor do you have an exercise habit?
  19. on a daily basis for months and years? yes it turns you into a food slave But to do this as a one-off experience, especially for someone trying to sort out a bunch of health problems or oprimise for energy and mental performance it may (or may not) give some hints. For a person confused about nutrition and trying to make sense of it all, tracking is an incredible tool shedding a lot of light and clarity. Also if you're interested in long-term health preservation, things like Cronometer can help you calibrate things - such as doing ad hoc tracking, say once every 3 or 6 months. But yes, it shouldn't become toxic and cause anxiety about micro deficiencies etc. I think any tool you use can become both useful and toxic - its all about balance isn't it
  20. I'm so done arguing over nutrition with you
  21. @LSD-Rumi just curious have you ever experimented with things like large doses of St John's Wort or Saffron? Some of those experimental trials show comparable effects to even Prozac or Mirtazapine but I've never had an opportunity to try them with anyone because they can't be mixed with any meds.
  22. @MarkKol yeah , chia's safe to eat daily. Make sure to adjust your profile based on your age, weight, height and goals + those numbers will adjust accordingly The only ones I'd be worried about in excess the most is sodium, saturated fats and maybe vitamin D & A (if you supplement) everything else is fine
  23. The second day is not bad. Don't worry about Vit D just supplement that. The rest can be pimped with some modifications and addition of new foods -for that calcium either throw in some dairy or tofu and sesame seeds. For vit E a couple of almonds should cover that. Vit B12 either animal products or supplement The first one needs more carbs and more protein - this will also bulk up the calories and probably cover the micros as well I love playing around with Cronometer, everytime i do i discover some new micronutrients superfoods i didn't know about. It's a good way to build a functional diet and cover micro deficiencies although not ideal if you're a foodie who's all about pleasure.
  24. can you describe your meals? Or even better, can you take a pic of your breakfast, lunch and dinner and post it here? constipation is one of the side effects of Biperiden Hydrochloride (Mendilex) so maybe changing that med for an alternative would also help
  25. it is an extreme protocol to a condition that (in my opinion) requires an extreme approach - almost like a reset. Alongside everything else I described, it may work (but results not guaranteed, the LC can be a bitch to treat)