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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. The aim of that training is to go heavy but not to the point of complete exhaustion, in fact you don't want to go to that point as it may trigger a catabolic response through a lot of circulating cortisol. You kinda want to feel like "that was a hard session but I could do a bit more if I had to" . As such 3 such sessions per week are doable but I think it is not appropriate to a beginner as there is a prerequisite that some foundations are already in place. In the end it comes down to what you write in the second paragraph, what your goals and aims are. If you want to stay mostly lean, mostly similar body weight, and just exercise to stay in shape, then once or twice a week might be enough, but I think if the goal is different, it might not be enough. I like being a little bit bigger and absolutely love being strong and feeling that my body can take more than average person's. It is kinda egotistical and vane but then, we can't all be saints! It's part of my branding of my health business as well as, in this industry, people judge you based on knowledge and competency but also based on looks.
  2. @Nilsi I am not very familiar with Mike's story, The issue I have with that whole bodybuilding period is that I don't believe any of those guys were ever clean. Whether you look at Franco Columbu, Sergio Oliva, Kevin Levrone, Mike O'Hearn, Dorian Yates - all of these guys were on high volumes of steroid cycles. Potentially even someone as lean as symmetrical as Frank Zane would have been enhanced. But ofcourse we can't prove anything. Maybe Mike was different and extremely genetically gifted? Maybe. But I think there are limits to natural development as most bodybuilders already train at peak of human capacities and those who are natural and those who are not look nowhere near the same. The most prominent is how they look when they cut and how lean they can become during a severely catabolic diet. This is where steroids protect you from severe loss of muscle tissue. According to nattyornot https://nattyornot.com/mike-mentzer-use-steroids/ "Mike Mentzer believed that natural bodybuilders should introduce long rest periods between training sessions to ensure proper muscle and joint recovery. According to him, pro bodybuilders get away with frequent high-volume training thanks to the steroids in their systems." - I would agree with this. But then they go on about this (I dont know if this is true or not) "According to another legendary bodybuilder, Casey Viator, who was close with Mike Mentzer and his brother Ray Mentzer, Mike used to take about 2.5 grams of Deca a week, along with other drugs such as Primobolin and Dianabol. Here’s an excerpt written by Nelson Montana, author of The Bodybuilding Truth: “I have fairly recently trained down in Florida with top pro of the 70’s and early 80’s CASEY VIATOR. I asked him directly about steroid use in the 70’s and this is what he had to say…. and I quote… ‘Don’t let anyone fool you about our low doses. We were just as reckless with steroid use as they are today.’ I asked him when the big doses started…. ‘The big doses started around 1974 and yes we were all right on top of it. Yes we ALL used GH back then and it was from real cadavers. The GH we all used was called CRESCORMIN and nobody was going to morgues to get it’. I wanted an example and I told him about what I heard my mentor, and his friend and former training partner, Mike Mentzer used……only 400 of deca/week and 30 of d-bol/day. CASEY LAUGHED and then said this….Mentzer used up to 2.5 grams of deca a week, God knows how much primobolin acetate, along with d-bol and growth, so as I said don’t be fooled about our low doses as we were just as reckless as theses guys are today.” I love this If all drug usage is discontinued, the muscle industry will collapse because people will suddenly realize that their idols don’t look nearly as impressive naturally. Therefore, the incentive to buy supplements and training programs will drop. This will lead to the bankruptcy of many companies. in summary I think if you enjoy the training and it brings you results, carry on with it, just err on the side of scepticism where claims are being made about what is naturally achievable. If you are relatively new to weight training you will make gains on any training routine because your body is unused to this level of mechanical stimulation. It is only after you get the newbie gains that you start noticing how your body responds to different ways of training.
  3. Not every session, but I am gradually increasing the weight I can handle on an almost weekly basis. For example I've gone from being able to squat 90kg for 8 times to 140kg for 8 times within about 5 months. In the same time, I've gone from 80kg*8 benchpress to 100kg*8g. At the same time my bodyweight has only gone from 88-91 so I assume either some fat loss happened or this shit activates other, secondary pathways that enhance peak strength. Shoulder press I went from 45kg * 10 to 75kg * 6. My back and my grip have always been weak, so I progress the slowest with pull-ups and pendlay rows. Given that I've been lifting since 15 and made all the newbie gains long time ago, this is the most progress I've made from consistent training for the past 12+ years. But there are days when my strength dips. What fascinates me the most about this type of training is that when you do the same thing over and over, you can calibrate your performance and monitor the impact of, for example, fasting vs. having breakfast. You can monitor the time of the day when you are the strongest vs. when you are the weakest. I find 11-12 AM to be my golden hour; I always thought it was 6 p.m. Sleep quality has a drastic impact on this as well. Hydration does not have as much of an impact which surprised me but caffeine does, to some degree although overcaffeination (> 1 espresso) actually made me shaky and weaker on that day. I have not tried creatine or any supplement, maca would be interesting to try. SO I've kinda been geeking out with Chat GPT and excel spreadsheet , observing variables and modifiers that make difference. It is the most fun I've had lifting since my early 20s honestly, I'm 33 now. Btw I did not invent this training. Full credit to William Charters https://www.instagram.com/charters_william/
  4. This is definitely a good start even for an experienced lifter. Deadlifts and dips are perfect but I'd push back on smith machine squats and still encourage you to do unsupported squats. If you are worried about balance, use the safety rails that catch the bar if you lose balance and make sure to start light. Don't add more weight unless you can confidently do 8-10 reps. It is important to master the form properly before loading weights, a knowledgeable PT or a lifting coach would help you. As for the rest of this split, they are all like Tier 3 exercises, very isolated, single joint and not anabolic stimulating enough. You would probably see better improvement by adding a standing shoulder press instead of lateral raises and something like wide pull-ups instead of biceps curls. The standing triceps cable press is imo one of the most useless exercises for a non-steroid user. Overall this is a solid training and likely to lead to some improvement but if you built it around unsupported full body compound training, you would make 30-60% more progress in the same time. Honestly, the more I do this, the more convinced I am that split body training is a giant pile of rubbish that has been sold by steroid users to the natural community for too long. It doesn't work for experienced lifters like you and I, it is a waste of time, leads to exhaustion, injuries and overtraining and guys then have to rely on 250g of protein per day to stimulate sufficient muscle synthesis. I am not convinced that eating that much protein is harmless despite lack of evidence. If you go full body, you become so anabolic that you can easily make gains on a vegan diet with a little bit of hemp protein. I weigh 91 kilos, eat about 140-160g of protein per day (90-95% of that from plants) and have been making consistent strength gains on this program, unlike anything I've ever done before. It blows my mind how effective this routine is. What you need is: squat or deadlift benchpress wide pullup standing shoulder press pendlay row dip some form of abs where your legs aren't hooked to a bar, and you actually have to engage your core at 100% capacity. all free weights, no machines , no cables. 48-hour break between training as the peak of protein muscle synthesis occurs between 24-36 hours post-training. That's it. Try that and let the results speak for themselves. Ofcourse it is still a good idea to do some form of functional training like gymnastic rings, TRX, rope climbing and some occasional HIIT like boxing, Tabata etc so that you continue increasing your V02 Max because the heavier you lift the harder your cardiopulmonary system gets challenged. When it comes to weight training, for a natural lifter, this is as good as it gets. But if this feedback doesn't resonate just ignore it
  5. Could you find a part time job in Sweden? What is the annual fee for the course? Otherwise the question might be, not just "How do you pay the fee" but "How do you survive in Sweden for 5 years given it is one of the most expensive countries of Europe?" Northern Europe countries with their liberal politics probably have some form of support for overseas students, other than scholarship directly by the Uni. Perhaps also worth exploring your options there. Look at what the Swedish government offers. Also worth maybe checking if Indonesian government offers anything that could be of use to you? Like the Erasmus exchange course but tailored to this particular case
  6. Hey, There are many reasons why it could be so. It could be a compromised immune system in general or a prior infection (e.g. COVID) that has taken hold of you. It might also come down to your lifestyle, diet or living environment. Sometimes, immune system is also weakened by a challenging life circumstances. Here is a non-exhaustive list of things to look into long-COVID - a possible and somewhat likely explanation given it was the trigger low iron - significant contributor to weak immune system low vit D / zinc / selenium / protein / hypocaloric diet/ low antioxidant status (e.g. glutathione, vit E, selenium etc) or even antioxidant depletion if your body was, for example, struggling to produce sufficient glutathione because your levels of proline, glycine and other amino acids was low during a period of high stress or while experimenting with restrictive diets, fasting etc - this is a speculation without testing. chronic stress, burnout, redundancy any situation that requires you to "burn the candle from both ends" living with someone who is often sick living in a "sick building" - mould contamination, loud noises, poor air quality, poor water quality (old piping, high chlorine levels) thyroid - anything and everything could be anchored in thyroid hormone imbalance insufficient sleep quality / length insufficient or excessive physical activity temperature at your home - too cold / too hot some form of low-grade allergic response - pet, food item, environmental undergoing a major life transition (career, housing, childcare, caring for an elderly, bereavement) If I was to guess based on the little info I would write you a referral and sent you off to get your full iron panel, vitamin D and thyroid assessed. Then I would ask you to make sure you are eating enough and that your diet is covering all your essential micro and macro nutrients. You can easily track a few days in Cronometer and see what's missing. I'd also critically assess your - exercise routine, sleep and stress levels. Once those are all checked and good, move down the list
  7. Maybe something along the lines of it being attractive for lots of young men and women who might be going into it for wrong reasons who might end up with debilitating long term injuries. People in those sports can be incredibly savage and ruthless even doing sparring practice
  8. No, but have been considering starting a regular fund with Heargreaves Lansdown in UK. Would love a book recommendation for a newbie if any of you guys have any
  9. No MMA duel invite for me ? 😥 I'm generally meh on online debating, done one in the past and it was unbearable. Twisting of words, using Chat GPT for arguments...nah.
  10. Completely off topic Don't have a subscription, never had a never will pay for porn. I've seen some leaked content, that's true, nothing too flattering. OP is free to do whatever she desires but of she was completely convinced this is the right way for her, she wouldn't have raised this topic on the first place. Don't assume everyone who discourages OF is a dirty pig that spends hours a fay watching porn, seems like a shadow of yours @Princess Arabia, There is a reason it has become a severely despised website among men and it is not because men despise female artists expression. OF Is a low class porn side. That's the brand it carries and that's the mark any content creator will be chestised with.
  11. not necessarily, there are no rules other than what each of us imposes on ourselves. Nobody is saying, "You must not do OF". You are a free woman with free will; do whatever you like. All we're saying is "Think about the potential long-term consequences of your choices" You are young and beautiful, and obviously, many guys would pay to see more. But one day you may look back and wish you could take that choice you made in the heat of the moment away. If you do decide to pursue this path, I truly wish you success and fulfilment on it
  12. ^ listen to our GI doc Don't mess up with supplements and experimental stuff at this stage Max. Diagnosis prior to treatment.
  13. I'm going to be blunt because someone has to be. That's exactly what OF is and that's what anyone who subscribers to a "content creator" on OF understands. Only fans no different from any other trash porn website with the pay wall being only difference. I think the deeper reason is that maybe you are worried that quitting your job as an architect will significantly cut your income and being IG and YouTuber might not be enough to provide you the same level of financial security so you're creating a delusional fantasy that somehow OF content is aligned with your healing so you can excuse your moral distortion because i bet deep down you know it's a terrible choice of "hobby/career" , hence why this post came up to be because you were kinda hoping for the forum to talk you out of it ... Furthermore No amount of spiritual mambo jumbo wrapped nearly in fluffy words like "healing, trauma, release, manifestation, acceptation" will cover up the fact that once you start posting nude content on OF, you're selling yourself off to the lowest bidder and with it your dignity and divine feminine purity. There is a reason OF is single hand navigating friendly app, because that's the expectation you create, you become a jerk off material to bunch of adolescents and if you become popular enough your content will leak anyway. Please for the love of god have some self respect. You can pursue true sexual expression through tantric experience and I'd encourage you to do that but don't do it in a such shallow way Also, worth mentioning, the competition on OF is absolutely staggering and so while you may be posting intimate content, the level of ROI -return on investment (or more precisely ROLD - return on lost dignity) might be pretty bad unless you are exceptionally good at creating tickle content on IG and if that's the path then... well, none of this will change your mind. Whatever you choose, may all the divine guide your path 🙏
  14. Thanks for working through this and getting us all back online ☺️🙏
  15. not asian porn stuff but I seem to be getting a lot of their prank videos for some reason that's a nice way to put it Yeah I've noticed that. I'd even draw a direct correlation between inner feeling of anxiety, inadequacy and misery proportionally growing with each minute I spend on that platform
  16. What scares me is how efficiently these apps derail you. Just a simple thing like looking at my work calendar could lead to a 25 minute doom scroll giggling at Asian reels like an imbecil. Then i "wake up" and it's like i was in a state of trance completely forgetting what I was about to do. I'd consider myself fairly disciplined with decent ability to focus but my ability to pay sustained attention has definitely been impacted, same as everyone else's i guess. Social media have completely abandoned the original purpose where FB has become a cult of fake accounts, IG an amusement park for the lizard brain and YouTube still sort of sitting on the edge deciding what it wants to become, their reels aren't all that bad and o consistently get reminded good quality content all the time.
  17. Thank you for your perspective. I think the argument that you pay but eventually you'll own is one of those I try to use myself to justify the purchase. In UK, where I live plenty people rent till older age and many are doing fine but it does introduce some element of uncertainty Yeah , that's a good way to look at it. I'd say I'm pretty good with the current area so that goes in favour of that argument. Thank you! Indeed. I feel like you're never quite be ready to start because most people will never have to money to spot buy and eventually most will end up with a mortgage but I've got pretty used to paying rent and paying "rent" to a bank is kinda similar isnt it? You're just left on your own if things go south Yeah, good call. I've seen house floodings when we lived in Wales a lot and that kinda of stuff terrifies the shit out of me, there go your life's worth of savings. Do you have any tips how can I educate myself more on the dynamics of the real estate market without googling directly? Happy to be referred to a book, Youtube channel or a good blog website. say more Interesting! Never heard of this hybrid model, I don't even know if this exists in UK. Kinda like a trial run, right? Yes, I'm pretty sure the UK government has some form of support for young families. There is also the ISA scheme in which where you start investing in an annual scheme, you get tax deductible benefit each year towards house purchaseI will look more into that as well, good call. This is honestly my greatest fear. I don't understand the mortgage system very well and I know you mortgage and then remoprtgage and the APR might change from year to year so you're kinda always on the edge hoping you're not going to be overpaying your house by 10-15% in the end with regards to inflation and interest increase. Any tips on how could I educate myself more on this? Besides the obvious like asking Chat GPT, I prefer something consistent and structured that goes step by step. Thank you, this is brilliant. You've given me loads to think about. I've made notes in my Notion journal to educate myself more on these things. Anything else that comes to mind that would be worth knowing about, please feel free to share anytime @Applegarden8 thank you! Who knows when that will be, from the look of it, we might be 50 by the time ceasefire is officially signed.
  18. This is interesting, first time I hear about mineral derangements caused by heavy metals. Interesting persepctive, I'll have to explore that further. Either way, an interesting conversation, few takeaways I didn't know about. What does the AC group say about biopsy as a possible assessment of HM. Tissue biopsy for example?
  19. Yes, but OP's levels are all, on average spread below the median (50%) that's all I'm saying. He is embarking on the protocol based on inappropriate test with poor quality of evidence and while being in "normal" brackets. I don't dispute the AC process itself, full admition I have no experience with this protocol, I know you have become an expert so I wouldn't argue on the protocol per se. More like, does the OP need it? Also don't forget about think-tank groupthink type of mindset of these groups. E.g. XYZ symptoms - HM toxicity. To a man with a hammer every problem is a nail. I am not a member of the group but know someone who has been, a close friend I'd say. He gathered that despite the advice is strongly correlated with AC's book, overall there is a trend in the group to neglect holistic health approach - tell me if you this is incorrect. There are many factors that influence your ability to absorb and remove heavy metals, your diet and lifestyle being significant factors. I hope these things are being considered when people blast their liver with a cocktail of supplements that are 100 times higher than recom. safe dosage, otherwise we are engaging in green pharmacy That's all I have to say on this , thanks for your response!
  20. I'm all for dreaming big and giving yourself major life goals but that's a BIG number to aim for. Most people who have been on the work market for 30 years don't have 50K sitting on their bank account. For a start, consider lowering your standard and start maybe with making 1000 a month? That is an easily achievable goal even if you have no prior work experience. 1. Step 1 - create a CV even if you have no prior experience, base it around your traits, education and anything else you can 2. Step 2 - google "[name of your town] Jobs" and start applying. I know you've been raising posts like these before and to 100% of suggestions people give you, your response was negative or you ignored them. Are you actually prepared to take an action and do what you must to find a job or is this just a tick box exercise so you can say to yourself "I tried and it is not possible" I apologise for harsh response but softness won't get you far in life and all the compassionate stuff has been said on your previous posts of similar nature.
  21. I hope this won't sound patronising or anything like that and forgive me if it does but don't you think it would be a good idea to understand the test results before you stuff your body with a cocktail of pills? Why don't you contact the company and ask them to interpret the results. The way I read this is that all of your results are between 10th to 30th percentile. If this is based on average population data, it translates to "your levels of HM are below general average which is good" - tell me if I'm reading this ioncorrectly. I mean, from reading this I see that you have already decided to diagnose yourself with HM overload even before having the test so the results were kinda meaningless. Again, sorry if this is too patronising but I think sometimes an ounce of extra caution will go a long way. Your symptoms, whatever they are could be caused by your diet, lifestyle, insufficient sleep schedule, imbalanced body composition, poorly managed stress etc. Don't assume the worst by default. If it is indeed HM overload then the protocol described above is probably a good one to embark on. Just 2c , ignore if it doesn't resonate.
  22. A few things that help me with mine (I have an environmental allergy to mould and fungal spores that get triggered by rain) HEPA filter at home, make sure it has a good allergen filter function and ideally air quality rating scale. Philips have an assortment of good ones Quercitin Dihydrate - about 1 teaspoon per day in warm water helps a lot when the symptoms of hay fever are mild to moderate. Warm water preferably to cold as it helps with dilution. Also, get a powder, not a supplement, supplements are too weak and too expensive. - Only warning is that if you go over 2 tablespoons per day, it may colour your cum slightly yellow (yes, I know sounds messed up) , this is benign and goes away almost immediately when you stop dosing. I think it is because quercetin enters interstitial spaces in the cells and can penetrate into a variety of body fluids, I think personally this is also a reason why it works so well. I think it also colours urine slightly more yellow. NOTE: consult your doctor if you are taking any other medication before supplementing anything or if you are immunocompromised you can always opt for standard medical antihistamines, those are fairly effective, best consult your practitioner first nasal pot is sometimes useful but I find it irritates me more than it helps there is some evidence on probiotics (I think drinking kefir helps a tiny bit but can't tell for sure) note, don't take probiotics if you are immunocompromised or taking immunosuppressant treatment there is also moderate evidence on bromelain and vitamin D but not sure about exact effective dosages, no personal experience exercise makes a lot of difference due to its (temporarily) immunosuppressive effects I think sauna is useful if you have such place near you, for example in the gym Nettle tea helps some people although nettle has never done anything for me Wearing a respirator on the particularly bad days if everything else fails, stuff your nose with toiler paper and ride it out, it usually gets better the next day. don't forget to hydrate and moisturise, I find my face gets extremely dry on the bad allergy days
  23. I think there is something to be said about treating yourself with a material gift for a hard work, for example when you have a successful year as a business owner and rather than reinvesting everything, you get yourself an expensive handbag or an expensive watch simply because you can and because you made it. I don't see a problem with that. Maybe that was your story with the Omega watch?
  24. @Buba I see you and I feel your pain brother. Sounds like you've been through a rough month. Fibromyalgia can feel a bit mysterious but there are many cases of people who have reversed it successfully or at leaste reached a gradual remision and pain reduction. Lots of great advice has already been shared by folks and there is a good variety of opinions, tips and potential therapies to pursue. Could you tell us a bit more about yourself and the circumstances surrounding the diagnosis: What happened a month ago? What were the circumstances surrounding the diagnosis? Have you been through a period of high stress, e.g. redundancy, bereavement, loss of pet, change of job? Relocation, change of lifestyle, breakup, divorce etc. Accident, or some form of traumatic experience Have you done any long-distance travel / backpacking/ visited an exotic country recently or taken vaccines for prevention of exotic diseases like malaria or TBC? What about things like acute infection, fever, covid? Hospitalisation of any kind? New medication of any kind? Are you currently being treated for something medically or through psychotherapy? Do you have a history of neurological or musculoskeletal health conditions in the family? How is your sleep? Diet quality? Could you give me an idea of what your average breakfast, lunch, and dinner look like? Do you smoke? Vape? Alcohol? Any history of recreational drug use? Do you exercise or have you been exercising before the diagnosis? How was your childhood? Psychologically and environmentally? Could there be lingering shadow of your past that you haven't dealt with? feel free to reply in DM if you don't want to post this publically