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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. @SFRL This is what many many people experience when drinking coffee. Hell back in days when I was daily coffee drinker, I knew I had to find a place to "lay low" within 30 minutes of having the drink or else I would shame myself for eternity Coffee increases bowel movement in many. It is not natural but it doesn't mean your digestion is messed up. Coffee does this to perfectly healthy individuals all around the world. As suggested above, green tea could be a great replacement/
  2. You are welcome, I hope you will find it helpful Once you start cleansing yourself, you will see your energy levels escalate. Good time to run is in the morning on empty stomach which is where your body detoxes greatly and also burn stored fat cells instead of sugar since none of is left after night. Take a shot of water with lemon and cayenne pepper to give yourself a kick start to boost metabolism before you head out
  3. @pluto I've heard about eating dandelions and how beneficial to gut flora it can be, but never tried it myself. Do you buy them or pick them yourself?
  4. @Richard Alpert generally whenever person has certain disease, it is advisable that they get of the sugar as much as they can. Glucose, the final product of carb digestion promotes sickness and contributes to acidic environment of organism in which most viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, (you name it)..thrive. Fruit sugar is no different. For a healthy individual a rational portion of fruit per day is absolutely fine. From what I've researched and observed during my fasting, the veggie juicing cleans the fastest and you don't get the insuline spike you would get from juicing fruits ( fiber in skin that is thrashed during juicing slows this down so fruit is better blended whole). Combine it with some seaweeds like Chlorella powder of supplement and you have the complete Vitamin-Minearal Spectrum as well as all Amino Acids and essential fats. Many experts promote Frutarianism, other are against it...it is a mess of opinions. We have to organise the data ourselves and find whatever works for us.
  5. Besides mineral waters and fruit, hardly anything from Starbucks could be considered healthy. When your baseline is "messed up digestion every morning", basically anything that makes you feel any different would be considered healthy? Or less unhealthy perhaps? Rather try to get of coffee completely and see the difference then. You have daily evidence that it is not good for you. The "alive" feeling it gives you burns out your adrenals and few hours of energy will be paid heavily later on in your life.
  6. Start by addressing the causes in your life. Majority of diseases that humanity has are lifestyle choices. Retrospect back on your life. Where does your lifestyle backfire?: 1. Smoker ? Alcohol drinker? Coffee drinker? 2. Excess animal food? ( meat, dairy, eggs, ) 3. Excess sugar? ( includes fruit sugar, honey, agave, pasta, pizza, pastry.....) 4. lack of exercise? ( 5 times of week minimum) Heavy weight lifting and high heart pounding aerobic exercise. 5. Stress at work? stress at home? bad relationship? 6. Polluted water source, living close to highway, power plants, coal mines..... the list goes on and on and on....... Start treating symptoms first before you include "superfoods" and ultraffoods for hundreds of dollalrs. Once you have identified causes , what can you do? Become your own doctor, take your health 100% in your own hands! Re-starting your immune system Look into Juice Fasting and Enema cleansing to give your immune system a "restart" and boost. Don't blend, Juice !! No fruits, only vegetables, seaweeds and a lot of fluids. Hold your nose if it tastes bad or add Stevia. No sugar. Get a decent cold pressed juicer ( not blender and not centrifuge juicer). Enema will help cleanse your intestinal tract like nothing else. It is not a usual method and a bit uncomfortable the first time so make sure to use some oil with it( coconut, olive) to help "get it in." Majority of docs will not recommend this as it doesn't earn money. Be prepared for symptoms of serious detox ( headaches, swinging moods, cramps, lack of energy) those are all symptoms of detoxifying, you might feel like shit before you get better. * NO ANIMAL FOOD during this phase * NO PROCESSED FOOD * NO SODAS AND SWEETENED DRINKS Do your homework and research before you fast or try enemas as there are many aspects to consider. Heal Yourself 101 from Markus Rothkranz is a great source of incredible information. Other things you can do if you don't like the idea of fasting 1. Raw plant based diet, preferably vegetables, small amounts of fruit, seaweeds , seeds and little nuts ( grinded, soaked). Don't worry about protein, you'll get enough of it. 2. Exercise - you know the benefits. 3. take sauna for detox ( ideally infrared if you can) , daily. 4. Don't touch animal food during your cleanse phase. 5. Avoid all shit food - many threads have been opened on this forum discussing this. START TODAY
  7. One of Eckhart Tolle's books (or maybe more of them) has a very specific sign at the end of each chapter or an important section. This means that you should stop and ponder for a while before going on. Perhaps try to draft with a pencil random sign or a word STOP on every 2nd or 3rd page or at the end of each sub-chapter to give yourself the sign that it is time to stop reading and think. Another great way is to take notes as you read. I like to use highlighter and take notes later. Whatever works for you. Review your notes during your commute times or when at the toilet
  8. @ElenaO yes indeed it can. One of Iron's main functions in body is to work with red blood cells transferring oxygen all around your body. A lack means insufficient cellular oxidation, over long term that could have some nasty consequences. However I would discourage you from buying Iron supplement. Instead focus on eating more dark green leafy vegetables ( spinach, kale, broccoli, watercress...). Too much iron can be toxic but you are very unlikely to go overboard if your main source are plants But again, most of us here are not nutrition specialists so just to be really sure, maybe talk to a nutrition expert or look someone up on youtube. Good luck!
  9. Totally agree! Also make sure to take it slow during the negative phase, when going back to the starting position(lowering the weight). I tend to see guys dropping weights way too quickly. Take it slow, savour the pain even if it means less reps, the quality of each is incomparable though
  10. @TBurg82 this was the beginning of my relationship 6 years ago. And it prevailed for a long time. Give it time, this is perfectly natural for a shy, introverted individual but even extroverts. We care about our partners so much that by fearing we disappoint their expectations, we completely block our natural flow of energy..resulting in things such as you described. Partnership needs time, before the chemistry is stronger, before you develop mutual trust, friendship and deep passion for each other. Don't ever rely on drugs. It will backfire terribly on you, screwing you up beyond repair. Learn to use all your senses and have a really god foreplay, don't go straight for the best. Make sure your partner is satisfied at least twice before you even think about penetration. However as said above, in case you are overweight and unfit, look into an exercise routine and your nutrition. Salty, fatty and sugary foods kill your libido. Avoid staying up late night and over-masturbation
  11. @Prabhaker not disclaiming health benefits of Yoga at all, it is incredible and everybody should do it! However it is not enough to prevent the loss of bone matter.
  12. @PrabhakerI would dare to disagree with the first part of what you said. Lifting weight is incredibly important for several reasons: * Prevents Bone Loss - Osteoporosis, that occurs naturally and especially fast for lifelong meat and dairy consumers can be stopped and even reversed. Unfortunately no amount of cardio or yoga comes even close to what weightlifting achieves here. Actually the skinnier the person is the more important it is to lift weights because their knee joints are not exposed to any weight. * Another reason is to prevent testosterone loss in men and estrogen in women. *It helps to prevent dementia and Alzheimer by stimulating neuron connections in brain and release of serotonin and dopamine. The only withdrawal of weight training is the muscle pain afterwards but that goes away once you get more regular. And of course if lifting is done wrong, it can have catastrophic and long term consequences, on that I will agree. Many intellectuals despise people doing weights but that has to do with many muscleheads ignoring their education in the first place, not the muscle mass having a negative effect on your brain function, far the opposite unless you are extreme.
  13. @ElenaO I don't mean going all juices. But in terms of fasting. A fasting is like an internal cleansing. You get rid of accumulated toxins , clean out your intestinal system and sort of "re-start" your mind and body. If you combine fasting with doing enema 1-3 times a day you will be a new person. Yes, speaking from own experience Juices are to keep the flow of vitamins and minerals however not to over-strain the digestion. To make sure you are really well supplied, look into Algae ( Spirulina, Chlorella) . Algae were first plants on this planet and they contain ridiculous amounts of Nutrients. Chlorella and Spirulina are like 65% of pure amino acids. Unlike animal protein they don't have to be broken down in order to be utilised but can go straightly to where they are needed. Not to mention they have a full spectrum of all vitamins and minerals a human body needs Incredible stuff!! I have ordered Chlorella from LiveGive. This is a wholefood supplement sponsored by Hipocrates Health Institute. Unlike the synthetic shit supplements out there, this is a pure high quality supplement. It helps to prevent hunger by keeping you well nourished, helps prevent premature ageing, and cleansing. People who consume algae daily have much higher content of heavy metal molecules in their pee which means body is getting rod of toxicity much much faster. I wish i have known this 15 years ago. Another incredible plant is Wheatgrass. Based on a research and teaching of Hipocrates Health institute, 2 ounces of wheatgrass is equal to 5 pounds of green leafy veggies. However the wheatgrass needs to be freshly grown which can be a bit of a challenge. Powder works fine as well but not even close to efficiency of the fresh plant. Make sure to start easy with it takes time for your body to get used to it and it tastes like eating a grass, so mix it with your smoothies. And final advice for detox, do Infrared Sauna. The amount of toxins released in a 30 minute session is nearly 90% higher than regular dry sauna ( again Hipocrates Health institute teaching)
  14. I'd add several suggestions: Try looking into adding Magnesium to your diet. Muscle weakness and loss of mood can be attributed to lack of Magnesium in blood stream. It is also good for generally calming you, decreasing blood pressure and reducing anxieties. There is an excellent product on the market called Calm. It is unsweetened and highly digestible. Huge amount of global population is deficient in magnesium simply because we have drained all of it out of the soil, the products we buy simply don't have much left anymore. Do you drink coffee? Sometimes caffeine crash can be a cause of weakness and tiredness or meals high in processed carbohydrates. Another cause may be that your adrenal glands are being burned out through stress, caffeine, over-working.... Have a look into fasting with nothing but vegetables juices ( juiced not purchased) to cleanse your intestinal tract. This has been discussed here multiple times. I think @Siim Land has given some very helpful suggestions in the past. A rather unpopular but helpful method could be doing an Enema to cleanse from within. However I know that this is not socially acceptable so i am just throwing it out there as a suggestion. I suggest you check out Markus Rothkranz's video on this. Is there anything in your life that you particularly don't enjoy doing yet keep on engaging in? Perhaps these are bodily signals pointing to something much deeper, on a spiritual level
  15. As long as she has this "trauma" about her body, this topic will be a mental minefield and it will probably remain so for decades to come. (I am saying trauma with "" because it is not something that could not be changed.) As soon as you subconsciously check another woman's bum and she notices, here you go again...down spiral of jealousy and self pity. Maybe not as tragic but it will always be there as her trigger button. I agree with @LiakosN, you did well to tell her that and now you both know about it. Next step is to work on her mindset. You said she is open to personal growth, good. Not many people are. And physical looks, especially body is not a freaking disease or a birth deffect. Even if her "proportions" aren't ideal she can still have a beautiful figure if she works on herself, I've seen it done times and times over. Seen my fat elementary girl classmates and my jaw dropped when they turned out to be ridiculously hot year after ( or vice versa :)) . But I think the real growth can only occur once she accepts herself as she is, no amount of gym and diet can change the mind.
  16. Watching Leo's videos is not going to give you much results unless you take an action. An abundance of information can be confusing but than, the guy took years to put all that together, do you expect to suck all the juice and get Self Actualized in a month? Self Actualisation is a life long journey ending on your death bed The beauty of this is that the more you learn, the more you see how blind and uneducated you really are, I guess that happens to most of us. Start watching videos that resonate with you the deepest and do a deeper research on those. Especially those where you are generally lacking. Don't watch too many just for the sake of taking as much knowledge as possible. Watch one, make notes on it and study it deeper. What is stopping you from uncovering other sources? Leo talks about a lot of other people, watch their content as well and compare. Over time, you'll see first bits of a giant jigsaw being put in place. Commit yourself to a lifelong study and growth. 1. Your first step should be to implement a daily meditation habit to calm your neurotic mind. 2. Second is to read daily and become a lifelong learner. 3. identify all your neurotic bad habits and work to remove them 4. search for more positive habits to put in place 5. work on your fitness and nutrition, unhealthy body cannot successful self actualize. 6. be ready to invest in yourself. 7. Be Patient !!
  17. Thanks guys, awesome advices! I've browsed several bio-shields, various metal necklaces that should help to protects. They vary anywhere from 30-300£. Any thoughts on how to pick and how to recognise a scam product? Can you share links to the ones you are using if any?
  18. Follow your inner voice. Everybody in here is different and we all have our own struggle. What may come as way out to one is a doom to another. So far you have been following your bliss and look where it took you. At 21 you know your purpose and you are working on it, you are probably twice as developed already than most of your classmates and friends. They don't understand you because they only follow the herd. Don't judge them, they don't know any better. They don't know that there are other things out there. Having worked with many Spanish and Italian, I will be as cheeky to claim that your country is primarily focused on making impression and looking good than an actual growth. You being different makes you the black sheep and that's fine. Just keep doing what you are doing. Follow your values, they are the guiding light in the dark Utilize your strengths Give something back even if you do not get anything in return. Deep inside you already know what you want so go for it. When I re-joined the university at 27 to study Nutrition Science which is my passion, I felt a deep happiness inside near the heart. This was the sign that I made the right decision despite what others are telling me. The voice inside "was celebrating." Follow it and you will not be lost. If your friends don't understand you, cut them out. You don't need naysayers. Surround yourself with inspiring individuals. You only need few.
  19. Maybe we'll see once Juno's power runs out? Same as Cassini who will end it's journey in depths of Saturn. I think that's pretty amazing way to say goodbye!
  20. I have wasted 5 years of my life studying business thinking i am getting myself prepared for life. Bullshit... I am utilising less than 2% of it. They teach you a complete horse-crap , useless theories from people who have 0 experience in business and you can learn all of them on your own. Outdated case studies, boring lectures.. Your dad wants you to have a "good life" just like my dad and just like every dad that sends their kind to "good school". He means it well because he doesn't know any better. Grow up, get degree, get job, get married, retire die... Don't resign without having an escape plan but as it was suggested above, start devoting all your free time to what you love, cut all the crap that is not important like wasted evenings and idle socialising. You are still very young and haven't lost as much time yet. Go do what you love, nothing else is important.
  21. @Jedd the life purpose course goes into a lot of detail about this.
  22. a nice mix for not having to change songs all the time. Not sure if you're into that kind of music though.
  23. in China, females have their bones in legs broken and re-assembled somehow and obviously this can ad couple centimetres, seems like an "enjoyable" method to try if you don't mind a bit of pain. General answer is no. Once you stop, that's it. At 25 you should have already achieved your max. Most people do before 21. Embrace it brother, don't suffer about something you cannot change There are much more important things in life.
  24. @mudita fair enough
  25. @pluto nice one. The variability is the key. We should altogether stop concerning ourselves about protein since it is literally everywhere. Once you stop eating meat and rice daily, you'll truly discover the miracle of natural foods