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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Seems like you have a lot of work to do on yourself friend. Trust issues are a common problem of someone who comes from rough materialistic lifestyle. Needing proof, references and scientific validation for everything will be your doom. Stop listening to other people, look inward and listen to your intuition. Sorry to say but your dad is far lost in this, just like mine and my mother and most people around. Follow your own journey and don't be a "bag in the wind" being blown by the strongest wind.
  2. You could look into the work of Dr Robert Morse. He and his team have healed people from diseases where modern medicine is completely helpless and clueless I'd suggest look into his book called Detox: Miracle Sourcebook. They also offer free self assessment that you fill in and send to them to advise on proper cause. They do sell many formulas and tinctures but you don't have to buy anything or you can make them yourself. Word of caution: Don't jump into any drastic program before researching it properly. Especially if you have never done it. You may damage your kidneys if the detoxification is too heavy.
  3. @Amer yes absolutely !! It happens very often and it will keep happening throughout your life. I've found my purpose around a year ago and have been taking steps towards it. I get a lot of pushback from my ego, family and friends and it is difficult to push through all that. Meditation may definitely help you calm the mind and I found visualisation very helpful as well. Simply take 5 minutes to visualise yourself doing that thing that you want to do, and being really really good at it, changing lives, helping people..whatever is your core drive, visualise yourself succeeding at that. This and surrounding yourself with people who strive towards the same will help you keep on track while limiting a contact with those who discourage you. And finally, youtube is an excellent place to find someone who is on the same journey. Many youtubers record their journey towards whatever it is that they want to achieve Finding someone you can relate to is a massive confidence booster.
  4. have you looked into the "life purpose course"? seems like you need to find that thing that "kindles that flame" in you
  5. Vegetable Police (youtuber) made a video about this, check it out, (the guy has an attitude because it is a comedy channel but he has massive knowledge on health and detox).He overdosed himself on turpentine and only went overboard a little bit. Be very very....very careful with proper dosing. You'd probably benefit more from traditional water cleanse or grape cleanse stay safe whatever you decide to do !
  6. look into a book called Oxygen Advantage
  7. thanks guys ! a lot of cool information here. I'll start digging in !
  8. Search a history, Keto has been discussed here many many times.
  9. Combination of lemongrass and grapefruit essential oils (2:3 drops) in a dehumidifier sort of fill me with more passion towards study....but It might be a placebo, not sure how much do I buy into this essential oil thingy.... That and a slow, background music such as Zen, meditation music or one of these fancy mixes on youtube. And finally, perhaps Gotu Kola could help if made into a tea or tincture?
  10. I saw you opening similar topics before. Seems your situation would improve drastically by you finding a job and being able to move away from your parents. Is there anything that would be stopping you from doing that?
  11. One does not simply survive on this flat earth without eating worms. But the key question is, can vegans eat worms??
  12. take action to find your LP so you can start taking action towards the most meaningful way
  13. @Charlotte yeah it is kinda counter-intuitive. We always think we have to load on vitamins and minerals and stuff, body when you look out in the nature, or perhaps if you have a dog, it if is sick, it will stop eating, same that any deer or a sheep in a field would. There is definitely a value in taking in little light-digesting food like fruit but things like heavy starchy foods should probably be avoided. Not to mention that the bad pathogens are fed by sugar in food so eating sweet food is probably the worst thing someone can do. A fasting with veggie juices and a lot of water is superior to any medicine out there .
  14. @Yogi0 fresh fruits and vegetable juices. You can't get any better than that. Foods of animal origin will make you lethargic.
  15. Seems like typical symptoms of influenza (flu). A lot of rest and liquids will fix that for you : ) Don't overload on food as it slows down healing process.
  16. if you've been injured, the pain is there for a reason, your immune system has created this inflammation so that different repair and phagocytic cells can move in and out much faster, you want to encourage that process not to stick antiinflammatories on that. . People always want to put out the inflammation or pain but the pain is your body signalling you that it is repairing the area and you should not move it. Taking antinflamatories is going against body's natural healing response. .....a case of chronic inflammation is a different story ofcourse. Embrace the swelling and redness if it is there and let it do what it needs to. Don't stretch the injured area for couple days. Have a lot of rest, a lot of water and a good nutrition. Your body will let you know once it is ready to carry on
  17. Congrats on ascending to another plato! Chasing sex and relationships is very short term-gratifying activity and drains a lot of vitality as well as money. Many people get stuck in this wheel until senior age. That being said, there is still a value in a true relationship that stems from mutual willingness to grow each other and that is not purely based on satisfaction of sexual cravings and ego.
  18. You could go on a raw food, primarily fruit cleansing. If your body is sick you will not heal within couple days, it may take months depending on your condition. Have you been tested for anything?
  19. Google the following and ask someone to help you do both. See if you feel any pain. Normally your doctor would test for these. 1. Kernig's sign 2 Bruzinski's sign But I would say it is probably cervicogenic headache caused by stressed muscles of your neck or perhaps a long term fixed posture (in front of computer or so). A massage / accupuncture or chirpopractic consultation could help. But definitelly make sure your doctor rules out meningitis, hydrocephalus and raised intercranial pressure.
  20. Good for you brother, glad you are still well. Not going to start another raw meat vs vegan fight but i do have to admit that seeing Sv3rige as an authority in nutrition might not be the best way forward That guy is a pathological liar who has been debunked by many youtubers. May all the diseases stay away from your path.
  21. @Soulbass to be honest, I am just following what Dr Greger recommends on this one. Most B12 studies were made on cyanocobalamin and the few on methylocobalamin show that it is quite unstable and has bad shelf life. But I don't really know for sure, perhaps both are ok Solgar is the one I picked as they have good reputation here in UK and are easily accessible. They also had sublingual caps and at the amount I was looking for. I've never looked into Brewer's yeast, only in nutritional yeast. Both are very bad for people with chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as chron's or UC. I've tried once making sauce with brewer's yeast and got really nasty smelly discusting burps and weird stomach feeling, since then haven't tried it again.
  22. to add a little bit on what was said above, Sometimes prevention is indeed the best sunscreen. Most of us grown in colder climates have very little sun tolerance before we start making a lot of damage to our skin. Generally the paler the skin the less sunshine it needs. That being said, of course on vacations etc we want to get a little tan and to do so safely so sunbathing either before 10-11 am or after 5-6pm could be safe strategies. Definitely stay away from rough sunshine especially when travelling to somewhere like Thailand, the sun will roast you in 30 minutes when you get out there after 11 am. As for some natural prevention: Pomegranates and berries due to their antioxidant protective have been shown to have protective effect against skin Alcohol; had opposite effect and reduced the time needed to get sunburned. So sipping margaritas while sunbathing is potentially the worst thing to do as it accelerates the damage massively. Coconut oil has a sun protection factor of around 8 SPF, I use it as my daily face cream although it give me the "dog's ball" shiny effect. Other than that i found this awesome study that collated data on various natural supplements , check it out https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3263051/ there is a lot of info on sun protectionas well as post-sun exposure like tea tree oil and aloe vera.
  23. @pluto I'd say it also comes down to people being on standard diet knowing absolutely nothing about nutrition and often being defficient even on most common nutrients such as Vitamin C, A, Magnesium, Zinc etc..What we strive for is first of all, make sure we are not deficient in anything but second also to thrive on this lifestyle... I wouldnt't say that people being on standard meat diet thrive...they may not be sick or anything but their bodies are not healthy...it is just not possible when someone eats rotten carcass...you only need to look in these people's eyes sometimes...red, discoloured, full of broken veins and tiny bleeding capillaries. . I agree with the argument that you can get all you nutrients in as long as you get out on sun but since we do not eat bugs and raw picked plants most of times, B12 being microbial poop can be difficult to get unless the person would have a garden and natural spring water somewhere next to them. Of course there are fortified foods like tempeh but they are not as rich of a source and we'd need them daily. So a small "cheat" in form of supplement is a nice workaround.
  24. google: <your city> life coach. Not sure where you live but this is usually a good way to find one. of course look for references, website content, their blog (if any) and just overall impression.