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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Lots of really good plant based sources: tofu,tempeh, natto, sesame seeds, bok choy, amaranth, okra, almonds. You need around 700-1000mg/day but your body can regulate this easily even if you don't as long as parathyroid and thyroid are working optimally and gut is clean. + good vitamin D levels are crucial for calcium metabolism as well. Also coffee may block absorption of it so best to separate it from large meals.
  2. lol, you've just downgraded her entire existence to a walking vagina, what did you expect
  3. John Brandshaw - Healing The Shame That Binds You
  4. I would take advantage of the fact that your family is well provided for and that you don't have to work some sort of shitjob but can rather dedicate more time to finding something more meaningful. Internships are good entry points. This means working for free for a respected company where you will most likely provide some sort of administrative service but you will: 1. Gain the CV entry which you need 2. get potential opportunity to be hired by them later (happened to me in my first company) and 3.obtain good contacts that may come in handy. You can start volunteering anytime. Lot of employers have great respect for people who do volunteering. Perhaps there are ways you can do some beneficial volunteering work on weekends such as helping out with three plantings, working in community gardens or so. You can also move abroad for a while and work with endangered animals although this would prevent you from having another job. Borneo's Sepilok Orangutan sanctuary for example does a lot of volunteering, been to the place myself and saw many volunteers running around. There are elephant parks in Thailand such as in Chiang Mai who do that as well and lots of other animal sanctuaries in South-East Asia. You can also find places that help to re-grow deforested areas etc. I know this doesn't resolve your dilemma but it is you who needs to strike this balance. You say you are young so you probably have 65+ years ahead of you if you take care of your health. Don't see every task as "means to an end" but see it as a new fascinating experience and a chance to learn. If you think that you want to go to Malaisia and work with endangered animals for 6 months than go do that and don't look back, no regrets. Have a time of your life, learn as much as you can and gather as many contacts as you can. If you think that you need an actual job first, go get an internship and spend 3 years building up a career while doing occasional weekend volunteering for local community, then take a break and go do some volunteering in Asia. Whatever you decide to do is fine as long as it makes you fulfilled
  5. I don't think you should go for veganism before you can fix the digestive part. You'll be cutting out a lot of sources and can result in deficiencies down the line. Getting bloated all the time is often indication of insufficient stomach acid, SIBO/IBS , gut dysbiosis or increased gut permeability but without testing it would be impossible to tell.
  6. Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck has a chapter on Love that I found transforming to the way I perceive romantic relationships. The book is definitely worth reading and it talks a lot about relationships, family, honesty, integrity and truth. Most of these values are critical for a functional relationship so I'd definitely recommend reading it.
  7. just observe her reactions. Some girls will allow more than others. However if she enjoys being called bitch and a lot of "punishment" you may be opening a pandora box to potential childhood issues and that's something to be on a lookout for, but innocent slaps on the bum every now and then should be turned on to most girls
  8. Hard to say...possibly. Our bodies have mechanisms for coping with both. Lactate gets shunned back into liver eventually and soreness is the healing mechanism for the micro-damage in muscle tissue that has been put under stress.
  9. Any inversion exercises will stimulate the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (calmness & relaxation) so in that sense, it can be helpful to reduce your heart rate and relax the muscles. If you are able, headstands against the wall will be better than just leaning legs but anything should do the trick Bridges are great as well.
  10. Good luck! The best approach is probably cold turkey, sell your console and all the games you own. If you have a PC, replace it for one without graphic cards and with poorer performance. I think even that doesn't fix it the addiction thou.I've quit many times and always came back it has been my biggest addiction since the times I got my ps1 15 years ago. P.S. society frowns a lot upon gaming yet it is completely acceptable to spend hundreds of hours watching garbage like Friends on Netflix. This may be an addict defencing his addiction but many of the games can enrich your life and creativity a lot. As long as you don't just play call of duty 8 hours a day.
  11. https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Not-Die-Cookbook-Recipes/dp/1529010810/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1269BUMPAZ1SE&keywords=how+not+to+die+cookbook&qid=1575802111&sprefix=how+not+to+die+coo%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-1 I found this to be the best cookbook I've ever owned. Some of the recipes are more complex but it will teach you how to implement new meals and new cooking techniques. The other day I've made plant based pesto for the first time and it was 10 times better than any dairy pesto I've ever had. The book is brilliant. Many of the recipes will require a food processor or blender though so that may be a limiting factor. Both are well worth investing in over long term
  12. are you still having the symptoms?
  13. It is good to distinguish between types of carbohydrates. High carb diet (such as Barnard or Ornish model) can reverse diabetes and heart disease however your carbs have to come from wholefood complex sources. I agree that high (processed) carbs will make you sick. Let's not throw everything in single bucket
  14. cmon dude...
  15. 3-5 beers twice a month is fine . It would be better if it was 1 or 2 as no alcohol is better than some but you are still good. If you want some more info on chronic alcohol abuse, National Institute of Medicine (PubMed) has a lot of studies, that you can look up. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3307043/. This link talks about the risk of all major diseases increasing with drinking. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC543875/ this talks about what happens with alcohol in the body and what are the involved systems.
  16. Unless one can completely isolate themselves from society it is no longer possible to avoid the impact of endocrine disruptors. They are now absolutely everywhere. So it is a good idea to avoid the most significant and obvious ones like unpurified water, cheap personal hygiene products, alcohol , tobacco, excesive caffeine and any unnecessary medicines including OCP and painkillers but it is equally important to support our bodies to ensure proper liver Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification as this is where all the toxins are being dismantled and metabolised (see picture). On top of that, high fiber intake ensure that once toxins are metabolised they are fast excreted before being reabsorbed. Phytoestrogenic foods can help to safeguard oestrogen receptors from docking of oestrogen disruptors. You mentioned soy but actually soy products from organic soy are very protective from oestrogen imbalances. And of course, good water intake to support all metabolic processes.
  17. if you can spend the money, the Life Purpose Course could give you a direction on where to go next. Without a strong drive in life, you will be like a ship without a captain. Most people on the planet exist in that way jumping from one slave job to another if it offers a slight hint of improvement yet they always end up in the same shithole. Find out what is your calling. Find out why you are here and what is your mission on this planet. How can you help with the suffering of humans, animals and the planet that is being fucked by unconsciousness? This earth needs more awakened people so try to become one, find your direction in life and than give it all you got until you get there. As I said, Leo's Life Purpose Course is a brilliant tool to show you the way. More like a compass than a map. It will show you the direction but you will have to find your way. At least that's what it did for me. And many many other people. Good luck! Regarding your love, long-distance relationship can be a thing for the short term but it will not work for long. You have to consider the pros and cons.Unless you or she are willing to change countries, it will probably not last. But that's just my opinion and I know many who succeeded would contradict. Good luck buddy! You can make a difference just don't settle for anything less than your best.
  18. Why not. If I am dead yet there is still someone who can survive because they recieve something from my body, feel free to harvest as much as you like. I equally wouldn't mind becoming a specimen for science after death or medical students to learn. Wouldn't donate an organ while I am alive though unless it was a child or partner needing a kidney perhaps.
  19. Get a private testing mate. It is not as expensive and can be very comprehensive.
  20. Fascinating, thanks for sharing! Heard about the benefits of keto for epilepsy but didn't know it can be helpful for schizophrenia. Are you the 39-year-old patient? They said that it works through bypassing the insulin resistance of brain cells by feeding them ketones? Does that mean that schisophrenia is not caused by excessive neuron firing but rather brain cells being starved? Is this a permanent diet to follow for you or will you be able to get some carbs back in the future>?
  21. https://www.coeliac.org.uk/home/ Coeliac UK has some good information. I know you said this is not your case but they have lots of tips and recipes as well as educational materials.
  22. I'd try to start with this before blaming it on chakra imbalance sometimes the answer is very simple.
  23. that's gotta be that black pill "genetic" component
  24. I have recently become aware of how much everyone around me is suffering on daily basis. This is especially prevalent in food services , coffee places, book stores, transport services etc. When I look at the people working in these places I see pain, disgust, fear and often anxiety and depression. Sometimes I associate myself with their situation so much that I have to leave the place because it leaves me slightly depressed seeing them go through this I wasn't too concerned about this so much before perhaps its a lot of hidden devilry finally coming up after realising I am participating in all of this by purchasing from these places or just becoming slightly more mindful. Wondering if other people often feel the same?
  25. You guys need to stop with all this pill crap. Bunch of cry babies got together and created a conspiracy against women because they could not get laid. Thousands of men are now using this to not work on themselves and to accepts shitty relationships with women they are not attracted to. Get your heads out of sands and start approaching girls as equal human beings not as numbers (she is this and that number so out of my league,,,) not as goddesses and not as sexual objects.