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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Bought the course 3 years ago and since then I have been making tiny tine steps every day towards my transition. At this stage I am nearly ready regarding knowledge however need to work out how to make this shit profitable and how to market myself. Overall the LP course was probably the best investment I've made in my life.
  2. OK but what does any of that have to do with preserving the nature and the environment. The collective consciousness can only be changed on the individual level by every single person working on their own shit. Studies on large populations are as biased as any other. Where are the people recruited from? How many drop out? What was the incentive for participation? How many never got interviewed? Did they recruit people from entire australia? Did they only send questionnaires or talked to all the individual participants What are the statistical methods they used. I am pretty sure that 80% is a massively exaggerated number. There are organisations that genuinely care and that are concerned. You can choose to support these. Enough damage has already been done. I choose to support those who are willing to fight the devilry even if it is on local level.
  3. Could you be a bit more specific? Have you been diagnosed with anything in particular? What are the symptoms you are experiencing? Sleeping can be disrupted by many factors and it is hard to pinpoint it to anything without more info.
  4. @Raptorsin7 it does, there are few in there and he also has other books with exercises.
  5. Devils trying to cut corners, always backfires in the long-term. At the same time, which one of us has never pirated a video game, movie, watched game of thrones on free online streaming sides etc... The collective damage is there whether one admits it or not.
  6. you know fruits are way more than just fructose and water and few vitamins right? There are thousands of phytochemicals that each influence different systems in the body, feed cells, feed the mitochondria, scavenge free radicals, suppress inflammation, stimulate enzymatic production...oh boy I could go on and on
  7. The book "healing the shame that binds you" talks about how to talk to the inner child and how to heal any internal wounds. I'd highly suggest you read it.
  8. Good insights! Many addictions stem from lack of purpose. However there is a huge degree of past trauma, abandonment and bad parenting, especially in the drug area.
  9. with so many available fruits out there, who not go for a variety rather than mono fruiting. Bananas aren't as high in Potassium as people think anyway. But to get a best variety of vitamins and phytochemicals go for the whole lot
  10. You can do visualisation on both options. Sit in peaceful meditation and when you feel you are well relaxed, start visualising yourself taking the first option and going all the way through. Make it as vivid as possible. Then you do the same for the other. While many things cannot be foreseen you can already assess some challenges of your potential decisions. Make your visualisation realistic and look at everything. Where are you going to live? How much will you pay? What will you do? Where will you shop for groceries? What are you going to study? Visualise yourself in classes. As you do this observe any feelings and sensations associated with both journeys. Which ones seems to be calling you more? What does your intuition tell you? Alternatively, you can start backwards. Imagine yourself in the position you want to achieve and then start backtracing your step. I know this sounds a bit woo woo but I've done something similar in the past when making some decisions and it has helped me muster confidence I needed to make these decisions.
  11. Every act is an act of love or a desperate call for love.
  12. It can absolutely be done right and if you took 100 vegans from the streets and 100 omnivores, vegans would probably be several times healthier on average as most people suffer from basic deficiencies such as vitamin C, folate, most B-vitamins, zinc, magnesium and many other. That being said, there are few potential deficiencies especially zinc, calcium, retinol (active vitamin A), sometimes selenium and often full spectrum of essential amino acids. If you track your nutrition, balance it well and add few necessary supplements (B12, D and DHA) you can be perfectly healthy. It is also important to manage stress and excessive exercise. Because vegan diet is devoid of cholesterol, all the endogenous production of steroid hormones is reliant on liver production. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone is made of cholesterol and so is testosterone and oestrogen. If you get excessively stressed, your cortisol pathway will start "stealing" building blocks for your sex hormones production and you may end up with low libido, hair loss etc.. So it is important to keep an eye on that
  13. 2.5 hour session will deplete a lot of nutrients, create a cocktail of free radicals and probably a lot of microdamage to the muscle so a nutrient-rich post-workout meal is a must. Mix up a lot of antioxidant-rich fruits, some greens for chlorophyll and B-vitamins, seeds, nuts and probably some vegan protein powder to aid recovery. Foam rolling before and after can be helpful as well. And I know you didn't ask but 2.5 hours might be a little bit too long for workout, your cortisol will be very elevated for quite some time due to all the gluconeogenesis happening after you burn through your sugar stores. Just 2c
  14. It is a bit too pricy imo and you could create similar blend by chugging a lot of ingredients into blender although this is for sure easier. Better than other green blends I've seen but there are still powdered supplements (B12, B1 etc), in there so you won't be getting away from those. They are boasting with super high ORAC score but there is only so much antioxidants the body can utilise before they start turning into pro-oxidants. If you can spare the cash go for it but I think nothing beats a home made smoothie from bunch of greens, fruits, seeds nuts and a scope of some organically cultivated protein powder if you need to add one
  15. There you go. I believe that not everyone is meant to climb the spiral and that for many people it is just way too late or they are way too far out there. In the end we all need to shape our own path. You will know when the person is open to move up and they will gladly accept your advice, most of the other cases are waste of time and energy as cruel as it sounds.
  16. I think its "affects" I'd say you are already doing a lot of good stuff to prevent it getting worse. The wholefood diet will be very helpful along with stress management. Initial consideration: if you haven't already, set up an account on cronometer and track your nutrient intake for a couple days. Give it a week and see if you are consistently not low in anything. 1. Stress will be one of the biggest contributors so definitely keep that in check 2. Gluten could be making it worse, try to eliminate it for 4 weeks and see if it gets any better. 3. Track your Vitamin A and Zinc intake on Cronometer and see if you are getting enough. They are both implicated in skin cell turnover. For vitamin A when looking it up it is important to assess your "retinol" or RAE (retinol activity equivalent) not beta-carotene. Cronometer has the option to see RAE in settings. If you struggle with zinc, you may consider getting up to 50mg/day zinc citrate for 2 weeks and see if that helps, take it before you go to sleep. I wouldn't supplement vitamin A. 4. You could consider getting your vitamin D checked as well. There is never any harm in getting more sunshine exposure. Same as Vitamin A and Zinc, vitamin D has a role in skin cell turnover. 5. Omega 3 intake is important for skin health and for controlling inflammation. If you only eat flaxseeds it will not be enough to turn it to EPA and DHA. Algae Oil could help with that if that's the case. Or megadosing on chia and flax. An oily fish (salmon, mackerel anchovies) would do that for you as well but I know you said mostly plant based so perhaps that's not an option. 6. Selenium is a cofactor of glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme that is often deficient in psoriasis. 2 brazil nuts per day will get you covered if you are low in it. 7. You could get more sun exposure, especially on the affected body parts. This is a bit of bro-science but among other things, it could help. 8. Goldenseal and Milk thistle can be helpful. 9. load a lot of anti-inflammatories into your diet: lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. The more colours the better. Also, implement a lot of green herbs and spices in your dishes. Use less oil and cook more on the water to minimise the production of acrylamides and similar compounds. 10. I'd be careful with eating out. They often use a lot of cheap oils and trans fats. Batch cooking at home is always the way to go. Saves money and is healthier. 11. Don't go too crazy with protein and protein powders. 1g/day is perfectly enough. And finally, exercise and saunas to promote lymphatic circulation and liver detoxification. More focus on cardio training to stimulate a lot of sweating.
  17. in my case its also fear of obesity and fear of disease ....but guess you could say they are both somehow linked to death.
  18. Nutrition will only get you so far when on potent psychotropic pharmaceuticals that alter your brain chemistry. On the other hand, Schizophrenia is hard to manage without drugs and any modifications to dosing have to be consulted with your doctor. It may be worth working with a nutritionist or a naturopath to help you. Also, it is essential to make sure that any supplement you self-administer are approved by your doctor and checked for interactions. When looking at diet, the considerations are usually to balance blood sugar, to prevent episodes of hyper or hypoglycaemia, to reduce systemic inflammation, to support the gut integrity and to rebalance neurotransmitter balance as excessive dopamine may trigger an episode. As such below are few tips that can help but for a more specific plan, you'd need to work with a qualified practitioner. Few essential tips you may find helpful: If you are a smoker, it would be a good idea to cut it down as tobacco was found to worsen schizophrenia episodes and symptoms. In terms of diet, some evidence shows that ketogenic diet can be helpful. It is however important that it is the right one so working with a practitioner would be a good idea. Cutting down on animal protein in favour of plant protein can be helpful as this reduces polyamines (a side-product of animal protein digestion) spermine and spermidine that is associated with increased dopamine (more frequent episodes). Animal protein is also rich in methionine that may increase the release of pro-inflammatory compounds Avoidance of stimulants such as caffeine, stimulating herbs, redbuls and recreational drugs is a must. You don't want to stimulate your brain as this can trigger psychosis or other episodes. Avoiding sources of fried and barbecued meats can help. These produce something called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that are toxic to the human brain and can make your episodes worse Cutting down on any sources of added sugar can help to improve insulin sensitivity of brain cells. This includes any sweets, crackers biscuits, fizzy drinks, sweetened pastries. The fruit is good and should not be avoided. Your diet needs to be predominantly based on wholefood plant-based sources. If you eat animal foods, pick things like oily fish and occasional eggs. I'd reduce dairy and general meat to a minimum. Increasing fruit and vegetable intake to decrease inflammation and improving brain sugar balance. You can try experimenting with reducing gluten, even cutting it out. In some people, gluten temporarily (up to 48 hours) separates tight junctions of the intestinal lining and this may cause an influx of larger protein molecules that wouldn't have otherwise passed through. This will provoke an immune response and potentially raise your systemic inflammation markers. Any systemic inflammation may increase the frequency of your episodes. Any known food allergies need to be addressed as this food may make the condition worse. It might be a good idea to get general intolerance testing for the most common trigger foods such as dairy, eggs, soy etc. Foods rich in quercetin can help control markers of inflammation Physical activity can help balance your neurotransmitters and improve insulin sensitivity.
  19. I think it is always a good idea when learning about health the implement some good old anatomy and physiology of the human body. Helps to understand how nutrition impacts the health when you can pinpoint it to individual systems. I see that a lot of people who make big claims about health hardly understand the physiology of the human body. But that's just a personal opinion
  20. Was there something you took physically? What was causing the pain in the first place?
  21. I agree that it is a factor. Countries with the highest consumption of dairy have the highest ratio of bone loss. At the same time I think there is way more than dairy in Osteoporosis. There is sedentary lifestyle lack of sunshine, digestive impairment, acidic diet, chronic inflammation and unhealthy microbiota. Oestrogen in women is very important for bone maintenance and post-menopausal women have a drastically increased risk for bone loss and same for men with lower testosterone. In my opinion coffee is also has a correlation, the more the worse. Chemicals and heavy metals being stored in bone tissue may also be doing a damage.
  22. Exercise and mechanical stress on bones are probably more important for bones loss prevention than calcium. This is a frequently missed element. Osteoporosis patients are prescribed gigantic doses of calcium and vitamin D and nobody points out their lack of mobility. Put frequent mechanical pressure on your bones through exercise, weight lifting, mobility exercises and manual work and your bones will be good for life Also having some additional muscle mass will protect your bones.
  23. if that was true, most of the western population would be enlightened as f
  24. Corbyn is a clown but Johnson's materialistic ruthless vision for the UK will bring country 100 years back to times of industrial revolution. I'd rather have someone who is harmful than someone who can do some real damage like his "charming" counterpart in the US. In a globally connected world you CAN NOT isolate yourself. Don't forget that British owe it to their exploitation of the entire world hundred years ago for their wealth and economic boom. This is slowing down and under Johnson the country is going to suffer. As an foreign immigrant, I feel sorry for the people and their families who will be forced to live under this idiot's dominion if he gets in. Materialism and sole focus on GDP is destroying this planet. We need less of both and not more
  25. Just out of interest, is it Hashimoto's or just hypothyroidism? If regular, there is actually a lot you can do guided by good nutritionist to potentially move away from medication unless there is radiation damage or any genetic weakness.