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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. 1. Offer to buy healthier alternatives. Make your own cookies without eggs and sugar with nuts and oats. Buy a 90% chocolate, instead of icecream make your own from frozen bananas and cherries and coconut milk. 2. Second tip, what was already said, put a picture of someone that inspires you inside the cupboard with the sweets, as long as your mom is ok with it. Or a small mirror that will put you out of autopilot and remind you that you are strong enough to resist. 3. Have a big bowl of fruit always available in your room. Whenever cravings hit you, grab an apple or two and if that doesn't help and you still want to indulge, go for it. This way you'll be making healthier choices and also nobody has even been harmed from munching on fruit.
  2. Coronavirus is actually a really naive and undeveloped virus because there is a high chance of death once infecting. A "survival" virus will not kill its host but will learn to live with it for the rest of his life leeching of the host but without producing significant symptoms, such as , Herpes, to a degree shingles and other. HIV Virus will probably get to that stage as well in couple hundred years. So for Coronavirus to not be exterminated it has to morph into something less lethal that will be considered as non-harmful such as rhinovirus (the flu virus) that all of us carry but it is extremely rare that it kills someone.
  3. Let's see if we can break this down on physiological level. Stress induces production of noradrenaline, adrenaline and cortisol from adrenal glands through HPA Axis stimulation --> in long term cortisol has been shown to 1. reduce immune cell proliferation 2. reduce secretory IgA (your gut's immune defence) 3. induce chronic inflammation possibly due to destroying cortisol receptors in amygdala & hippocampus and disrupting its own negative feedback (this is also associated with persistent depression which destroys immunity even more) 4. Separate tight junctions in the gut leading to more inflammation and possible autoimmunity --> meditation was found to reduce cortisol secretion as well as adrenaline secretion which will reduce risk of all above So technically, yes meditation helps the immune function.
  4. It could be a neurological issue that you got when you were born. Tics are usually associated with unregulated hyperexcitation of certain nerve branch. You could probably get assessed by a neurologist Blood sugar management is usually quite effective for prevention of neurological episodes with severe problems like epilepsy so perhaps it can help with ticks? Other than that, minimising stimulants like coffee, redbul , ephedrine etc. These will make it easier to deploarise your nerve cell membrane and trigger excitation. Sleep is important for healing neurons. Also it could be related to anxiety and stress, have you seen it worsening when you get stressed? Acupuncture could really make a difference for you as well as some herbal remedies, could be that you need help withcalcium balance management, maybe a bit of parathyroid support and some upper circulation. Good naturopath could perhaps help with that. Also, have a look at this. This is a dietary approach to Tourette's but one of Tourette's symptoms is ticks so it is possible some of those may be applicable universally. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1367493517748373?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub 0pubmed
  5. One habit at a time otherwise you'll overwhelm yourself and fail to follow on any of them. I'd say diet-wise, it will be to eat regularly and avoid skipping meals. The first meal of the day to be the largest, lunch, smaller and dinner smallest. This simple habit is where most people who struggle with weight management and consistency already fail. Experimenting with one meals, fasts, meal skipping etc...blood sugar becomes completely bonkers, insulin is overdrive and nothing changes.
  6. Why would you do that? Sore throat is not a disease, the body raised the inflammation because it is fighting a pathogen in that area. Drink few green vegetable juices throughout the day to support the immunity with vitamin C and antioxidants to mop up all the dead cells and free radicals. Can't see how weed would be helpful
  7. This part is what will deplete your energy reserves faster than anything. We see coffee as a divine drink that energises the body but in reality every cup takes away more than it gives. What it gives is a kick to the adrenal glands to hypersecrete adrenaline, noradrenaline and a bit later cortisol. What it takes are lots of nutrients needed to go into this overdrive, it acidifies organism and increases need for calcium taken from bone to buffer the acidity , it creates addiction in the brain and tricks body into thinking it needs coffee to function optimally. If you can get it down to single drinks and replace it with green tea. Over time your energy levels will actually improve.
  8. damn.......I recall playing NBA on PS2, Kobe would always be one of my favourites chaps. Him and Lebrone. Life is fleeting and uncertain. One day you could be on the top of your game and the next minute everything is taken from you. He lived life to the fullest doing what he loved and doing what he did best bringing joy and tears to millions of people across the world. This tragic event will put him in the hall of fame next to Michael Jordan for many decades to come.
  9. Time to start saying "no". Even to people you like and with whom you are close. Consciously or not, people will try to push you into their agenda, activities and than make you feel bad and guilty for not participating. Once you spot this kind of mind game either confront them or cut them from your life.
  10. If you have a business that you are trying to market or are trying to approach certain group of people with a message,instagram is a grat tool. Most people use it for self-promotion, and ego masturbation so that's a risk. As long as you don't start following bunch of crap but only what is relevant to you, Instagram can be useful even educational.
  11. Bullies are usually the most insecure people, they have their often trauma they are hiding. While it is necessary to acknowledge the fact that they often can't help it and they are not aware of their own behaviour and its effect on people, it is equally important to know how to punch someone in the face when you get cornered as physical abuse should not be tolerated as long as it is within individual's power to do something. Or you can always avoid that place for good.
  12. @Albersen get out of here you lousy garbage supplement pusher
  13. Is life coaching being taught in the university? I'd be surprised if it was. Psychology will give you great foundation to understanding human psyche but I think having an additional training on how to motivate people, inspire them, help them identify their value and strengths..not sure if this would be part of the university syllabus. Life coaching, i found, is not so much about knowledge as about getting people to change their way of thinking and perception on their reality. Of course knowing about shadow work and NLP and other techniques will be very helpful as well.
  14. Check in with your doc, this sort of persistent headache should be examined.
  15. Why not try to tackle the binge-eating in the first place? Lot of people use IF to cheat on healthy lifestyle but it rarely a successful long-term strategy.
  16. I found thats it is not as much about "the advice" per se but about how you present it. You have to consider the person's ego, their spiritual development, their current mood, their relationship the advice-giver and many other things. Some people will not accept advice from someone simply because they don't like their face or something about them, perhaps a spot on the shirt. It is also important not to overwhelm or write too much but give a simple advice and be opened for more questions, if none come, don't push it. They may still come back after they have contemplated their relationship with you and the relevance of the advice to their own existence.
  17. You know cough is not necessarily a disease itself, it just means your body is pushing mucus out of your lungs. The question is why is it being produced in excess? It seems like your body is either fighting something in the respiratory area or there is too much pollution where you live or you have just entered a period of cleansing and the body is pushing out waste. Do you have any other symptoms? Like fever, headaches, joint pains, fatigue..?. You could try looking into some immune boosting remedies. Any of the below could help: Echinacea Purpurea - if you can find a tincture with ratio of 1:1 get it, otherwise 1:2 or 1:3. In UK I only know one company that does 1:1. A lot of echinacea on the market is pathetically weak. If the bottle doesn't give you the ratio, don't buy it. A proper high quality echinacea will leave a nasty taste on your tongue, if it doesnt it is useless and won't work. Astragalus - you could combine astragalus and echinacea tincture and take them both for 2-4 weeks as an immune boosting protocol Medicinal Mushrooms - Reishi are an amazing adaptogen and Maitake &Shiitake are very powerful immune stimulators. Alternatively you could get a medicinal mushroom mix. Either the mushrooms or the herbs, I am not sure I would combine them due to possible interactions. If you are currently on any meds, than they may interact with herbs.
  18. @Cocolove ofcourse but a personal lab will charge you. I don't know where you live but here in UK for example you don't pay for doctor tests. Ofcourse there is medical deductible from salary but that is non-negotiable.
  19. St. John's Wort is nearly as effective as most of the most potent SSRIs. However, NEVER take them together or you may end up delusional even suicidal. SJW is a beautiful alternative to people who don't want to be medicated. SJW is only effective in mild to moderate depression. For severe depression, you should look up a medical help. Thought I'd also add that neither SSRI nor SJW fix the root cause of the issue. Both only slow the reuptake of serotonin so it stays attached to its receptors longer , making you feel happy for longer. It is always advisable to identify a root cause of the depression which may as well be emotional or spiritual.
  20. @28 cm unbuffed .....ah I thought this would have something to do with a digital storage and not some sort of mental superpower. I'd rather have my entire heritage, history and all memories forever lost with my dead body than having it sit in some sort of corporate data processing unit
  21. @28 cm unbuffed perhaps but that was not the core of OP's post was it? This was about physical ageing. Never heard about memories being transferable either, curious to have a look if you have some interesting articles.
  22. Don't want to play the hater here but it is not possible for humans to stop ageing. The very oxygen we breathe is killing us very very slowly with oxidative damage. You can improve your health and lifestyle and that will often fix many issues such as the ones you mentioned. And 4 years are not a long time to spot and significant signs of ageing, you need at least a decade for that. That being said, you can definitely prolong your life and even achieve extraordinary longevity if you spend your whole life doing the right things while minimising the harm done by bad food, stress, pollution, excessive sitting, smoking etc.... and there have been uniquie individuals in history of humans that made it over 120 but these people were in most cases genetically gifted with incredible immune system, antioxidant defences etc. Thinking you have stopped ageing is a bit naive P.S. I am talking about a physical survival of the physical shell, we call the human body. I am not talking about the spiritual side of all of us being a single unity of consciousness and none of us can die because none of us are real and you are me while I am you. This was purely about physical survival
  23. If you can, why not. Your doctor should be able to do a full blood count including ferritin and B12. Go to them and see you have become vegan but feel tired all the time. Otherwise they won't do it.
  24. This is a shout out to all who care about preserving the environment and reduce the drastic ecological damage the wildfires are causing. There are many organisations you can donate to to support the cause, every little bit helps! I know donations will not fix the devilry that we humans are causing but perhaps we can save few koala bears or someone's home https://www.theintrepidfoundation.org/australian-bushfire-appeal https://quickweb.westpac.com.au/OnlinePaymentServlet?cd_community=NSWRFS&cd_currency=AUD&cd_supplier_business=DONATIONS&action=EnterDetails http://akr.org.au/ https://www.wwf.org.au/get-involved/bushfire-emergency