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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Not necessarily that much. But depends on your recovery rate. Use your intuition and observe strength levels and fatigue. you can never go wrong with running try standard situps where you are not using any bench but you keep your feet on the ground instead of hooked to a bench. Keep your knees bent and travel backwards as slowly as possible, keeping your feet on the ground, not in the air. You'll usually fail to do more than 8 unless your core is extremely strong. I don't know the answer to this. You should be squeezing your abdominal wall quite hard when squatting and deadlifting which should almost be forming a belt around your core region but I'm not sure what the correct way to use belts is for an amateur lifter. Not sure about grip stripes either. Best check what experts on Youtube say
  2. Christ, I had no idea it was this bad when he raised the Fibro topic, we will never know whether there was anything else going on or not...must have been. Fibromyalgia can be driven by an ongoing mental health condition. I hope the poor dude is now in a better place, wherever the next journey from this planet leads.... Maybe it is also a reminder to all of us (including myself) to tread carefully and lightly when giving advice, especially in the Mental Health and Health subsection but also everywhere else. We shouldn't be taking piss, giving a troll advice, uneducated advice or half-arsing our responses. With ever comment to whomever out there comes a massive responsibility I wish my response to him was charged with more empathy and less due diligence...but maybe he was far too out from this world a long time before he even wrote that last post. May he find the peace he was looking for
  3. Not sure which part of the response this pertains to but in general , I do 2 sessions per week where I used to do 3 - 4 before. I've now split my training into 2 * boxing sessions (includes tons of HIIT, mobility, speed drills, occasional primal movement if I'm alone in the boxing gym etc) 2 * weights (the above routine), some weeks only once 1 * 30-50K mountain biking (if weather permits), if not, weekend might be off time. My wife and I want to start attending a new gym with swimming pool so some of that might now get reshuffled in favour of swimming routine, maybe like 2 kilometres a week, not sure yet, I'm always looking for way to change variety to focus on all sorts of different things. I'm also looking forward to starting sauna in that new gym, I've been missing sauna for years. which question exactly?
  4. A short update on the program I shared. I'm still doing but with less frequency and I started going much much lower on squats as I was told "ass on the grass" is preferable to paralell legs. This means my squatting weight has gone down significantly although I feel my glutes and hamstrings 3 times as much. I also slightly improved my benchpress technique so the weight has gone down slightly. I think I was ego lifting a bit as well. The results were quite impressive tho but I actually noticed myself bulking too quickly and I got almost 95 kilos so I tuned it down a bit, added more cardio and got back to 88kilos which I'm more comfortable with. I didn't notice any drop in stamina all the way throughout so that was also a bonus. I think the training itself is a great cardio work as well because it is so heavy and demanding. But overall, anyone looking for pretty impressive strength gains and hypertrophy, I honestly don't think anything (without roids) beats that routine, at least not anything I've tried over the 19 years of training on & off.
  5. Its not about being productive all the time, but its about having available resources at demand who are trained to do what they need to without needing to be onboarded again, trained etc. Also, lot of large tech companies go through endless mergers and acquisitions so you're sorta inheriting employees from other businesses and you can't just rid of people without a strong reason because you either have to pay them off or there is a high risk for the company to be taken to court for wrongful termination so it is often cheaper to keep unproductive employees than sacking them and risking reputation damage and legal penalties. If you want to terminate someone without paying them off, you have to have a significant amount of evidence consisting of multiple warnings, violation of employee's guidelines (in writing) and just have a strong case. That takes a lot of time to gather and most people are generaly hesitant to go through that. Alternatively what I've seen is employees get moved to a dead project or a dead department. Basically you get assigned some shit work and they hope you'll resign yourself.
  6. @Schizophonia cool, sounds like you have a plan 🙂 No idea what the dosing was but i think somewhere between 500mg and 1 g ?..maybe less.
  7. Speculative investment purely based on attractiveness of the product in the present moment can be tricky and future yield are never guaranteed even of the company's profit rises. The success of a single company may attract other investors meaning you will earn a bit of money in the short term because you already own some stock and that will rise but in the long term buying more stocks may become more expensive as the interest grows and further profit is likely to be reduced...but maybe not... it's really hard to tell. If the company offers bonds rather than stock ownership that could be an attractive option if they have solid cash flow reserves and good management and are unlikely to go bankrupt in next 10 years. It will be a great experience for you one way or another. Hope you haven't put more money than you can spend into it tho. It's usually a good idea to diversify the risk then you're not putting all your eggs into one basket although this way a more aggressive investor would be losing money where a conservative one gets to sleep better at night Hope it'll go well for you 👍🏻
  8. Doing 5 rounds of Pomodoro method per day will probably yield better results than any nootropic alone, although it probably won't do any harm so worth trying you can turn your mind into nootropic if you study the right way. The trick with conversion from short to long term memory is consistency, repetition, predictable study pattern (same times each day) and taking regular breaks after intense bursts of studying. Short revision of key takeaways before bedtime may also improve the conversion as your cortex and hippocampus are particularly active during REM sleep. It is also important to practice your skills so finding a way to regularly speak English can go a long way. Ultimately something such as considering some sort of exchange studies, internship in UK etc could do wonders for your English. Not sure where you currently are but if you are a student and have an exchange study option like Erasmus, taking advantage of that could be a great idea. Good luck with your studies tho 👍🏻 Lion's mane never did anything for me, neither did anything else, at least not in the long run. I think caffeine and studying early on on empty stomach seems to work quite well tho
  9. Sounds like your life might be lacking a deeper purpose/passion? Do you have something you are actively dedicating hours of your time each week? Maybe in your pursuit of enlightenment you have skipped the entire chapter of life purpose and it is now coming back to you. I don't think reading about enlightenment etc will give you the drive you desire, seems like the calling for adventure is for something else. As a guy you need to have something you are actively struggling with or conquering, not necessarily a physical challenge, it is more metaphorical, but for example building a small business could be that. Or creating something valuble, beautiful and meaningful that will help other people , the planet, or the welfare of all things living. Also, maybe you would benefit from something that sort of unleashes the "animal" within. I find a lot of guys get back some of their lost vigour once they reconnect, at least partially, with that sort of old-fashioned masculinity. I think we all have a little bit of wolf/warrior spirit in us and it helps to reconnect with that occasionally. Some activities that come to mind : weight training, martial arts, boxing, rock climbing etc. Meditating and reading about non duality is important but don't underestimate the wonders a 45-minute session of hammering boxing bag or squatting under a heavy barbell can do for your psychological wellbeing.
  10. Benjamin Graham - The Intelligent Investor is a good one to start learning about holistic way to invest money without hopefully burning yourself. As in how to stop overspending, that might benefit from some journalling and maybe a bit of monthly expense management? Start by understanding where does your money actually go, what are your top spend categories and where you can start cutting off expenses. I find having one of those online banks that help you categories spend help. You can also use these as a virtual wallet and never carry more than 100$. If you have to top up frequently, I find I am less likely to overspend because your higher cortex kicks in and goes like "ugh...what is it this time?, How am I toping up again WTF?" If you are spending a lot on delieveries, takeaways, restaurants, nights out, gadgets etc then those can be some immediate savings to make. Consider that, for example, a single night out of 80$ spent on dinner could be spread across a 7-day worth of groceries for one person. That's one meal vs 21 meals. Selling stuff on Facebook market place and Ebay can get you some money back for any stuff you bought unecessarily. In the long term, it comes back to understanding what drives you to overspend. Maybe you are a bit out of touch with your values or you are part of a social group where that sort of behaviour is rewarded? (expensive clothes, watches, lots of nights out etc) , what do you think? I used to know a few folks in sales and in these groups overspending was kinda glorified, like they would go through an evening spending 1000 EUROs per table of 4 people twice a week. Despite earning tons of money, they were always down to 0 at the end of the month.
  11. If your immune system is healthy , you'll probably fight it off, within 3-4 days, depends what it is and how fast before your antibody production is full on. Lots of good advice above already to support immediate immune response, just don't combine medication and herbs, choose one or the other. Take it easy, sleep it off, maybe something like Leo's veggie soup if you have the energy could do you good or ask someone to make it for you. Feel better soon.
  12. interesting observation. Do you feel like you have a tension on your chest when you exercise? Like you want to take a deeper breath but you can't? Is the feeling solely a tension (like somebody has stepped on your chest) or do you feel that it is also in your upper breathing aparatus (feeling of having someone's hand over your throat) Do you experience things like nasal congestion and runny nose / itchy eyes a lot?
  13. ofcourse, you need to understand the strategy, the deep mechanics of the game and all of that. But you don't need to be a top level pro to be able to tutor. It does help to have a lot of experience tho.
  14. If you are indeed being serious then there are probably two ways: play poker for money teach poker for money The later is probably more doable than the first as I assume the competition in high end league is quite savage but don't take that as a limiting belief. Maybe you could coach young people who are trying to become better and incorporate things like emotional mastery and mindfulness in the tutoring.
  15. Activision have completely abandoned the classic series of COD 1, 2 And World At War that made the series so special. They created Zombies, endless remakes of the same Modern Warfare. The multiplayer remains the same since MW2. The same happened to Medal of Honour, Allied Assault was brilliant and beautiful, everything after was shit and the series died. Creative Assembly are slowly killing of Total War series refusing to listen to their fan base and instead of creating a new beautiful epic campaign with a new engine to get all of their old millennial fanbase back (most of whome, like me, are still waiting patiently) they are milking Warhammer shit series and it is going downhill. Pharaoh was a disaster. I want something as groundbreaking as Rome 2 or Medieval 2 in its time. One such game would rocket launch the company on the horizon. They have the money and the skills. Ubisoft has killd Assasin's Creed long time ago, Valhalla was the worst of all series in my opinion. I like what Rockstar have done with RDR2 but I feel that was their peak and the new GTA will be crap, hope I'm wrong. I hope that whatever comes from Bethesda as their new Elder Scrolls 6 will be what each of its predecessaors was, if they fuck it up, like they have been since Skyrim and Fallout 4, they might lose their core audience to people who don't mind playing Older Scrolls online or replaying the old series endlessly which means no new revenue from core audience. Not sure where I stand with Diablo 4 but I wonder if there is a reason the hype is nowhere near it was with 3. Maybe Blizzard have also been reprioritizing. All of these games still have their old audience waiting in the shadow , desiring them to do better. All they've been doing tho is regurgitating the same game with same engine, slightly better graphics as Nvidia keeps upgrading their tech but other than that there is no soul, no story and low replay ability. On the other hand I am excited about From Software, they have been showing consistency, slow but noticeable progress and each of their game is better than the one before. They basically took an incredible concept of Dark Souls and took it to another level without offending anyone, without destroying the old game while including tens of millions new players with Elden Ring. I would like to see them move a little bit away from their current graphics and incorporate something more advanced in the near couple years but what they've got going is definitely worth keeping. Larian Studies is also one I have lot of hope for. I hope they have some sort of Divinity 3 coming up and that it will match the glory of Divinity 2.
  16. 180 mins of zone 2 per week is actually right into the WHO gold standard recommendation per week so I think that's about perfect volume.
  17. @Jannes thanks for the clarification. Well, put it to the test and see how you get on Maybe it will work for you and if not you can fine tune along the way
  18. It might potentially work although it sounds a bit unholistic. Some concerns i'd have for this sort of training: why do you want to specifically be "skrinking" certain muscles if the idea is to maintain. Maintenance would ideally exclude any atrophy. If you are not going to be working on hypertrophy (gaining mass) any atrophy (losing mass) you get, you won't get back. This might become a problem once you start ageing. i feel like there is a bit of overuse of certain muscle groups (e.g. knee extensions, lunges) and lack of deployment of other groups, for example there is very little to preserve upper body strength (pectoralis major and minor, triceps - lateral, medial and long head, biceps, brachii and long head, deltoit al 3 heads, rectus abdominis, the obliques, etc. - maybe a bit with deadlift once a week but without higher weights it may not be enough and you could lose strength in those areas ending with a sort of long distance cyclist type of body ) there also seems to be no focus on your core strength and stability like hanging leg raises, any form of ab lifts, planks etc. for the long term you should also think about explosiveness so your fast twitch muscles don't atrophy (think about being able to stop yourself from falling when you're 65 - that's purely fast twitch) but also a little bit of speed, peak power (helps preserve bone mass), peak cardiopulmonary performance (V02 max - significant association with longevity and some flexibility / agility - presrvation of good mobility, joint health etc. - maybe you have separate plan for those? I do get the idea and can understand the logic behind it. Totally fine that you don't want to appear muscular, not everybody does. But maybe there are things like rocking (wearing backpacks with weights), mountain biking, bouldering, swimming, some plyometric stuff etc you could also consider including in the long term to compensate for anything that won't get sufficient focus in the gym so that you still get sufficient deployment of all muscle groups. Gym is not the only way to train and tons of people don't enjoy it. Thankfully there are unlimited ways to be active these days.
  19. @Jameskells its one of the best purchases i ever made with regards to tech upgrade. I love the limitations it has on integration with other apps and that it doesn't allow me to go online properly. I plugged it to my Google Drive but that's about it. I use it as a sandbox tool. I noticed that when I type on keyboard my mind slips into analytical mode then when I write manually that helps me become more creative and reflective, which I'm trying to get into with my side business. Remarkable has, so far been amazing with that. The writing feels organic and natural. Easy to add, easy to remove. You have a few available pens although I prefer the mechanical pencil for most of the time. I don't notice any delay in writing compared to real notebook. The Pen has a soft feel, fits well in your hand, has no weird shapes or angles. I have already gone through one replacement tip but people say a single one should last you for months, even years so maybe I was pressing to hard or something, not sure. You get a whole pack of replacement tips packed with the pen. Functionality is pretty basic - add new sheet, new journal, new folders - that's about it. Settings are extremely basic too. There is auto upload to the cloud each time you type something and if you're offline, it gets saved to internal memory which isn't huge but sufficient. The Remarkable app has a nice integration between the device, your phone and your computer so transfering files between your tech is super easy. What it doesn't have is real time annotations. Like you would be recording a video while drawing something for the audience or making notes/ drawing to show a point. I tried and that isn't an available function at the moment. I would like that but maybe it would defeat the purpose of the device being a sandbox. Its not a big deal right now. You can also download ebooks, pdfs and annotate them, which is phenomenal. The only downside with ebooks is that they can't be made for Kindle , I don't think Remarkable can access kindle format as it is copywrighted by Amazon. but if you can get free online ebooks, it could work. Haven't tried yet, ebooks were never my thing. The device has no back light so you're not being exposed to blue light, LEDs and its not draining your battery although that becomes a downside if you want to journal in the evening as you need a bulb light which tends to reflect of the surface but if you use the right angle or just use larger lights in your room, its not a problem. I actually prefer not being exposed to blue light in the evening so it works perfectly. The interesting function it has is that it can transcribe your notes to typed format although I use chat GPT for that which works brilliantly. You get 1 year Connect membership but you don't really need to activate it to use the device, it has some nice additional features like the One Drive and Google Drive integrations and some additional storage but other than that I don't see much difference. Maybe over time, the cloud storage becomes a need. The cost is small tho after year 1 so I added it to my business expenses. I think its about 2.50$ a month? Battery is pretty decent, I don't notice any downsides to it so far. Charging seems a bit slower but I'm not bothered by it. I charge it like twice a month. I would maybe like to see more templates tho? Although if you are creative enough you can create your own templates in Canva or whatever and upload them into Remarkable so that's not a big issue. For me, it has become part of my productivity set. Between Remarkable, Notion and Google Pixel, I've created a pretty good second brain system for collecting information, storing, editing, brainstorming and archiving. Its not there yet but I feel the device has a been a piece of a puzzle I was missing for years and didn't know about. Overall 5/5 but note its not a tablet, means no social, no games, no news. It is basically an unlimited virtual journal notebook with limted integration capabilities to your One Drive, Dropbox and Google Drive. Its a no bullshit, no distraction device and that's its biggest strength. Its light, compact and satisfying to work with. You gotta have a protective case for it tho. The biggest downside is the cost but I think its worth it.
  20. Hey, Do any of you use any device such as reMarkable? I would like something that works well with hand written notes but can communicated at least with a few platforms like Google Drive and Microsoft Cloud and maybe even allows some interactive exchange of information. Basically a device that works EXACTLY like an electronic diary but allows sending stuff out. I am hearing good things about reMarkable but also a lot of criticism so curious if people have tried everything. I'd like something that could, for example communicate with my Notion. I also can't delete from journals so end up tearing pages, crossing over and generally turning things into a mess. I am mainly looking to: brainstorm ideas - requires lots of notes, underlining, drawing, colour coding, changing font colours etc read articles - mostly pdf E-books benefit be able to take whatever I write and upload it elsewhere Thanks!
  21. No idea, sorry. Never even heard of it before. What are you trying to improve? Libido? Energy?
  22. I'd say in the order of priorities, look into that the reflux before fixing the oral health. Yes, it can be a contributor especially if you suffer form silent reflux. There are tests that can be done, usually including oesophageal scan with a camera to check if you have acid-driven erosion in your oesophagus, if so then that needs to be treated immediately with whatever means available. There are also tests that take the camera all the way down to your stomach. It is unpleasant but worth it potentially. The reason this needs to be a priority is that acid reflux is the biggest risk factor for oesophageal cancer and a potential indication that something's going on in the stomach that should be investigated. I'm saying it to make you aware and incentivise you to take it extremely seriously. Even if you had to take bunch of medication for a short term to fix it, you should. Second to that you want to begin to understand what's causing your reflux and whether there is any form of potential stomach lining damage, ulcer, chronic inflammation, irritation etc.. Again, a good gastroenterologist can help you with that. Maybe even worth asking them to consider H-Pylor testing. There is a breath test a doctor can do called Urea 13C or they can do a stool test called SAT - Stool Antigen Test. When it comes to diet, high protein carnivore could be a suspect as high fat diets especially diets high in saturated fat with lots of beef, tallow and butter have been linked to higher odds of GERD although I'm not sure why it happens, something to do with the upper gastric sphincter being weakened due to high fat content in the diet? Not sure. Dairy, as already mentioned above could be an issue or doesn't have to be. That depends how you tolerate it. I've eliminated dairy mostly from my diet since I constantly have the urge to clear my throat when eating it so its not working great. If you suspect dairy to be an issue try replacing it for plant based alternatives for a few weeks and see what happens. With regards to dental hygiene, that's coming lower on the priority list , sure you want to keep optimal hygiene but if the tartar is a consequence of acid reflux that it is going to be coming back if you don't deal with the above. We have gastroenterologist on the forum who might shed more light into this as well @undeather TLDNR Look into that acid reflux with priority, its a potentially dangerous condition but a good gastroenterologist can help you diagnose and treat it. Dental plaq is a second-tier priority in this case as it might have nothing to do with your oral health and could be coming from acid erosion.
  23. @Growly sorry, been off for a bit. I didn't find the full paper of this study (although I didn't search extensively) so can't look at their methodology and most importantly whether they controlled for any confounding variables that could skew the results such as weight loss, nutrient status, caloric intake, macronutrient intake etc. It is certainly an interesting result but the mechanisms aren't exactly clear to me. Still, if you experience apnoea, maybe give it a shot. From my experience it takes about 3-6 months to fully incorporate such a major transition in lifestyle and I'd highly encourage you to do it properly because half-arsed veganism can be a disaster.
  24. @thierry glad you feel better. Still, do keep an eye on those homocysteine levels and check at least every 3 months.
  25. if this is still on the table then heck yeah ! I like Jordan's content but would be curious to see you guys discuss the things you mutually disagree on. Also @Leo Gura it would be interesting for you to get on Modern Wisdom, Chris is looking for new people all the time as well.