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Posts posted by Michael569

  1. 1 hour ago, IronFoot said:

    Do you have any pointers for crafting a good CV

    They are very similar with some mild differences. AI can probably help you distinguish

    1 hour ago, IronFoot said:

    Also, would you care if I sent you my resume to look over?

    I'm going to say no, sorry. I'm not a recruiter and not an expert on building a CV. Not by any stretch. I had other people who are more experts in that help me build mine. Whatever feedback I'd give you, might not be relevant. 

    1 hour ago, IronFoot said:

    Also, you don’t think that waiting and potentially being terminated if everything goes wrong this week is a real risk worth worrying about?

    If you think there is a termination risk, even more the motivation to look outwards. Unless your termination comes with a sweet redundancy bonus like 6 months salary in which case it might be worth it. You'd have to consult your employment agreement. 

    1 hour ago, IronFoot said:

    I did have an employer reach out to me today from an application I put in on Saturday to schedule an interview this week. So this may not be as big a problem as I think.


  2. I am in a somewhat similar situation with my 9-5 job. Also based in a fast-paced corporate role. 

    I think the safest way to do this is to make yourself visible to LinkedIn recruiters by using the Job Seeker badge that only people with the title Recruiter can see (nore -  also recruiters in your company may be able to see this). Start connecting with recruiters in your industry, reaching out for confidential discussions. Remember they are also looking to always expand their portfolio of real estate professionals so you are doing each other a service. 

    And basically, start applying for roles while keeping your current job. I assume your leave period isn't longer than 1 month which is pretty standard time for your new employee to completed 3rd party background screening after you've been hired so there is always plenty of time for that organic transition to happen. 

    Of course a polished professional CV is a must. 

    What you are describing is a situation ripe for a change. Your appeal for promotion was rejected, you feel frustrated and unfulfilled. Get out of there. Those people are not worth your time. Your clients will be fine and the company will move on. 

    It may take some time but there are better jobs out there and while I'm not familiar with the market it appears to me that you could do better than 57K as a real estate manager. If you, say, went for a directorship roles which would revolve around 80-120K you might feel more fulfilled and not necessarily more busy as it seems you are already doing work above your pay grade anyway. 

    Good luck! 

  3. Do you have symptoms of parasitic infection? Best start there. There are stool tests that can confirm that. 

    If you have a lot of persistent anal itching with diarrhoea, vomiting, regular fevers, malaise etc - then this is certainly a test worth pursuing. 

    I'd always be cautious with jumping into some "cleanse" protocol as you might potentially go from a stage where your digestion was fine to messing up the microflora balance through antiparasitic cleanse. 

    SO before you end up giving yourself enema with garlic-infused, oregano-scented alkaline water, ask yourself if you are sure that there is something going on in the first place. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Monkey_in_suit said:

    What would you guys suggest for anemia? Any suplement and any specific diet?

    Diagnosis first. Make sure you actually have anaemia by getting your full iron panel medically invested.

    Depending on the severity you may need to go on high dose for a few weeks up to few months. But always start with diagnosis because iron overlord can be quite harmful.

    If you don't have a GP over there, could you maybe pay a private clinic? 

    With regards to the diet, have you lost any weight recently?

  5. @RendHeaven i think those are very valid and good things to do, and I do those already because, like you said, require no effort so why the heck not. 

    But what about the fact that most of us live within 5G grid, what about your neighbors wifi and wifi in the office and trains and buses etc. I like those quick strategies but honestly that feels like a spit in an ocean compared to the magnitude of the problem. 

    I don't think there is an escape from this unless you can live completely off grid.

    This is what i mean trying to live without worry because you'd go crazy.

    @Schizophonia I'll have to read the whole thing but pretty much the first thing that strikes me is urinary measure of neurotransmitters can't determine even remotely the levels in the brain only peripheral nervous system. That's and alpha omega difference.

    Look guys I'm not opposed to protection i am just not convinced this is something we can honestly do much about and it probably isn't worth the stress besides some small things that are indeed in our control 

  6. @Monkey_in_suit whatever you've been doing the past 4 months, continue doing that, your lipids have improved significantly. Still not there at the ideal but so much better! 

     You could consider a statin for a short term while you continue working on the root cause or some form of supplement with decent evidence of cholesterol reduction. 

    Also i think there is something else going on. Can't tell if you're low on iron, folate or b12 but something is pushing down your red cell profile, hemoglobin and hematocrit. Worth having that looked into in case you feel tired a lot. 

  7. Its nice if you can afford it and there might be some benefit which is more about reducing toxin exposure than getting some form of superior nutrition. 

    If you can barely afford healthy food then eating a lot of non-organic fruits and vegetables with be better for you than eating very little and only organic or not eating any at all, that one seems pretty clear at the moment. 

    If you have the money to spend, then maybe selectively choosing either those that have notoriously high pesticide residue or those that you eat the most of. 

    Or just focus on whatever is treated the least in your country, work with GPT to help you put together a list to maximise fibre and antioxidant content and minimise toxin exposure. 

    It is a difficult question. I wouldn't say that it is BS and then spew nonsense about carbon molecules, Brian Clement was the first one to came with this. Organic, amongst general public means something different so there is no need to play a smartass because he has a PhD. Yes, maybe the true scientific meaning is different, but at this stage, who cares. 

    Eat your veggies, eat your fruits. Some is better than none and more is better than some. Enjoy your life, don't sweat the small stuff. Find a nice girl, start a family, find your purpose and live a fulfilling life. Food obsession only leads to a miserable existence (speaking form past personal experience) 


  8. 1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

    You can say the same thing with everything.

    There are heavy metals and microplastics everywhere, and yet the situation is still manageable.

    For some of these things we have increasing evidence on humans so I'd say that is a strong indication that something is going on. For example it is becoming clearer and clearer that microplastics are an issue. Similarly for mercury or cadmium, we are getting more clearer on harmful doses, sources etc. I haven't seen anything interesting on EMF other than some speculative nonsense and its been years since this has been flagged as a problem. 

    So its either been looked into and abandoned by academia because there is nothing there (similar to genetic testing and treating people based on genetic profile like 23andme ) or it is impossible to assess due to complexity (also a possibility) or the dosages we are all exposed to aren't significant to be problematic (I think personally it is the latest). 

    Doesn't mean it is not an issue, I don't want to fall into scientism and say NO research = NO harm. But there is certainly bigger fish to fry and most people can barely get their ass to the gym twice a week and eat reasonable amount of vegetables. Getting public focus on these things rather than on harm of eating shit diet and being unfit and lazy is basically doing humanity a disservice. For example, we have, at this stage, perfect public diet guidelines yet even that message hasn't got out there and there are people out there who are actively discouraging public from following the dietary guidelines... we haven't even moved past these basics. The WHO minimum recommendations for 150 minutes of moderate physical activity is met maybe by like 30% of people (maybe less) I see that as a bigger issue. 

    But yeah, if you wanna go crazy, buy an EMF shield, live in Faraday's cage, wear a tinfoil hat and have a desk outside while keeping your feet on the grass, sure go crazy. I'd encourage you to do that if you can. But just make sure you have all the other boxes checked so that it doesn't turn into a neurosis and cause more suffering than benefit.

    That's all I'll say. Happy for you to disagree. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Agrande said:

    I've heard EMF is pretty bad for you and the brain. Like holding your phone close to your head

    Imagine if that were true. Wouldn't we have by now realised that millions of people around the world are being diagnosed with brain tumours? I've heard about these hypotheses before and the question always was "show me that its happening?" Everybody uses phone and most people spend hours with it attached to their skull or wearing cordless headphones or sitting close to a wifi router or in proximity to a major antenna. 

    Think about it, if EMF, which is basically absolutely everywhere today, was so bad that it was destroying our health, the economics would have been at a brink of collapse because we would have the most dramatic shortage of work labour ever. People would be collapsing with headaches, aneurysms, tumours and what have you. Medical systems would have collapsed long time ago, hospitals across the world would be completely overwhelmed with the staff basically suffering the same things as their patients. Airline travel collapse, road travel collapse, logistics, infrastructure, agriculture...I know I'm being a bit catastrophic but this is what partially happened with Covid and if we didnt find the cure on time, it would have been much worse. 

    Whenever something like that happens on a global scale (pandemic for example) it gets caught up pretty quickly and investigated. The fact that it hasn't happened with EMF indicates that it is probably not harmful at all or the harm is negligible (compared to other things humans do). 

    I'm not saying EMF is completely harmless, I don't believe it is 100% harmless. There might be people who are hypersensitive to it. But maybe as @aurum said, there are bigger battles to fight in your pursuit of health. Things such as what you put in your mouth, how you sleep and the kind of people you allow into your life might be more important than trying to isolate yourself from the grid. 

    Still if it troubles you too much, there are probably shielding devices you can invest in if that may give you a sense of relief and peace. Sometimes having that is worth investing a couple 1000 dollars even. 

  10. 12 hours ago, Agrande said:

    lan to take vitamin D to further boost dopamine levels, I plan to take probiotics for curing my gut because serotonin SSRIs kinda mess with that. I plan to make a lot of changes to. I'll start taking lions mane to regain cognitive functioning back to the level it was pre-meds. I plan to take vitamin B complex. I realized how much psych drugs mess up the way nutrients are absorbed and used in the body. I plan to take one of those mushroom reishi supplements that boost cognitive functioning too. Since psych drugs also mess with melatonin and how deep your sleep is, i need melatonin supplements.

    Matcha tea regularly too. Tyrosine, alpha GPC/Choline too perhaps from G-Fuel. 

    Magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin D and other minerals like Zinc, selenium etc.

    I think that's a decent starting protocol for sure. Supplement alone might only get you so far tho and where more of your focus needs to go is exercise (weight bearing even more than cardio), maintaining a healthy sleep routine and focusing on quality of sleep. 

    Your diet will be of high importance too as there is a lot in diet that we can't supplement as easily. Aiming towards something of a Mediterranean approach is likely to be the most beneficial at least according to the evidence on diet and mental health and brain health in general. 

    I'd also adopt some form of daily mindfulness practice.

    Also other things to think about - socialisation and connection with family and friends, educating yourself (reading, studying something, listening to inspirational material), 

  11. If that were true, basing this on the assumption that these particles circulate around the body all the time rather than being deposited in tissue or simply eliminated by the liver and the digestive system (which is the most likely outcome of most chemicals), the question is, is it ethical to donate for the purpose of dumping out your chemical waste that will eventually end up in someone else's body?

    Would you be happy if, say your daughter who requires a transfusion after a car accident, got a litre of such blood infused into her veins?

    I'd argue that donation is unlikely to have any effect on this whatsoever because those chemicals will end up in deeper tissue or in your stool

  12. It helps to use something that people are already likely to be familiar with. Either that or focusing on specific words for the SEO to pick up your website. With the inclusion of AI in the search engine, the simple keywords won't be enough tho, the Google crawlers are now analysing the tone you use, the style of voice, the theme of your website and whether that matches the client's profile, the use of profanity, the use of evidence when making claims (e.g. lack of references) etc. 

    So if you want to be found by your ideal client you first need to understand them. Rather than figuring out the perfect name for your profession, consider what do people who are already looking for you, want? 

    • what is the average avatar of your ideal client? - are you crystal clear on this? 
    • what is their age bracket? 
    • what is their lifestyle like? 
    • what is their profession / likely income / industry of work? 
    • what are they looking for? 
    • what do they google? 
      • do they even use google or are they more likely to use other platforms like Tic Tock? 
    • what are they experiencing right now? 
    • How do they talk about their problems? (for example a depressed person may not be refering to themselves as "depressed" but could be looking for "how can I be happier") 
    • what are their pains? 
    • what are their fears and anxieties? 
    • what is likely to discourage them on a health website? 
    • what are their major obstacles to getting better? 
    • where do they hang out? 
    • how do they talk? 
    • do you need to adjust your branding and voice guidelines to match their language? 
    On 27/05/2024 at 8:34 AM, Alexop said:

    but I think people will be a bit confused about it.

    if you think it is confusing then multiple that confusion in the eyes of a client by 10. Lack of clarity kills any sale. 

    Consider that the average visitor will leave your website in about 8-12 seconds unless they IMMEDIATELY find what they are looking for. Also consider that your average client / visitor is likely to be extremely overwhelmed, easily discouraged, potentially have ADHD, focus problems, mood problems, motivation problems so anything you can simplify - simplify. 

    Get to the point asap wherever you can. 

    Get rid of any fluff, anything where you use overly technical language, talk about yourself too much, are being vague, too salesy or too woo woo. 

    Describe your services rather than trying to persuade the client to buy. 

    Avoding patronising language or positioning yourself as a guru. 

    Also some general minefields that Google hates: using unlicensed fonts, using too many fonts, colours that are not colour-blind friendly, sloppy use of language, making too many grammatical mistakes, text sizing all over the place, using pirated pictures and photos, broken links, copying others without referencing ..and stuff like that will generally destroy your SEO rating. 


    Btw I am myself struggling with this as a nutritional therapist. I'm rebuilding my entire website and changing everything from the foundations around brand, brand tone, brand voice, values, USP, vision & mission, creating guidelines, colours,  marketing strategy, handouts, learning about indexing and SEO etc. It is a bitch when you don't have money to pay a professional. 

    I've learned that without being specific, targeting a particular client and understanding their needs and desires, people just won't be interested because there is already too much noise out there and they are looking for simplicity and clarity rather than more confusion. 

    It is a longer answer than you asked for but perhaps some food for thoughts as you go deeper into this. 

  13. If you are in this career for stability, safety, financial security and career progression then stay with the big corpo. 

    Also if you are planning family, thinking about buying a house etc, definitely don't go work for a startup. 

    I'd only consider a startup if you are young, have already decent financial background and are looking for a new challenge rather than something stable. Otherwise startups are not worth it. Long working hours, poorly defined structures, blured boiundaries of work, low benefits, high risk of redundancy and low pay is generally what people close to me who have worked at start-ups experienced. 

  14. Read every day

    Exercise 3-4 times a week

    Practice focused attention - put an object in front of yourself and stare at it for 5 minutes straight, twice a day

    Clean up your diet

    Clean up your apartment if needed, clutter causes psychological stress 

    If needed, improve your sleep

    Reduce usage of video games, social media scrolling, memes, reels, and anything else that destroys your attention. Treat your attention as a precious currency.


  15. @Leo Gura i feel like in this case taking the morally neutral ground is a form of avoidance. I mean sure, morals are a human construct but we are all physically and existentially tied to this 3 dimensional world which is governed by human laws.

    If we can eleviate suffering of some other living species since it is mostly unnecessary, why shouldn't we strive for less suffering? 

    I'm not saying that it is what will happen, actually i think the opposite is happening these days with veganism losing rather than dominating.

    I don't agree with the way she presents her agenda, she is clearly a trained debator but i am tempted to slide with her rather than Shawn who I've always found a bit delusional

  16. 14 hours ago, fanta said:

    Is there any psychedelics I could use to stimulate or kick start my serotonin system?

    Drugs don't cure side effects caused by other drugs. Take a month off everything, you might spend a few days in bed shaking even feverish and then things will be better. A few cold showers and some sauna along the way could help. That's how you desensitise. 

    You folks need to become a tad more responsible with these things, it seems like every day someone on the forum crashes down with substance abuse, psychedelic potential or not, you can't approach these things like a bag of Smarties