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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. Thank you! And thanks for your advice! I think it will be very interesting to go through my old posts after at least 6 months or 1 year.
  2. I'm at work right now, I just had a bad experience with stage blue thinking, so I'm probably going to talk about stage blue pretty soon...
  3. I don't know how this journal is going to be, I can be sometimes organized and sometimes very chaotic. I will try to keep things as simple as possible, the more important things are my psychological growth and the impact of my thoughts on me and others.
  4. @martins name Don't you think that some very well trained liars could fake it?
  5. Yeah, I already watched this one. It inspired me to create my own commonplace book. Leo says that he just put raw randoms thoughts in his journal, this is a little light for me and I would like to have more informations from people who have a journal
  6. I not sure if I'm going to do it, but I'm thinking about creating a self-actualization journal on this forum. I already have a personal journal in my commonplace book which I keep for myself, however, I'm not always very regular and sometimes don't write some important insights. Maybe putting everything online can motivate me. I've always been inspired by people who have nice written and structured journals and I'm not sure what's the best way to do it. I have many random thoughts throughout my days, but also some long term plans on which I should think more. Is it better to create a journal for all the random stuff who is going on in my head or a more specific one aligned on a big project (I have at least 3 - 4 big goals in my head)? Or both together? Having one journal is already challenging, I don't want to have a tentacular structure, but at the same time, I feel like I need to focus on long term goals. Also, if you have a journal on this forum, how do you deal with the risk of being recognized online?
  7. I just want to share another tool that I'm using now, it's called Notion and it's awesome
  8. Hello, I'm currently working as a web developer in a big company. I don't like all the bureaucracy, the rigidity, and the lack of independence. I think starting as a freelance would be an easy way to get into business. I want to mention that I'm not living in a first world country, so the companies here don't pay that much compared to europe or north america. I cannot ask for the local companies if they need some freelancers and getting high paid opportunities, I can only ask online. Is it easy to do? I consider myself as one of the most competent person in my company, some other workers also think the same.
  9. No, but I have a GitHub account with some old projects. I also have a little more of 2 years of professional experience. I started computer programming when I was 15, and now I'm 22. Do you have some experience in the domain?
  10. @Truth Addict The fact that the average salary is from £70 to £90 per month for a full time job and that you guys are here on this forum despite all the dogmatism and the political situation in your country literally blow my mind up. I never thought I would experience something like this in my life. Even if I don't live in a first world country, I'm paid more than you and still have trouble getting all my shit together. All of this is fucking incredible.
  11. I'm currently amazed that you can communicate with us in your situation. The 21st century is really one of the most incredible era ever
  12. I actually did it, and everything went like shit! I had to relearn the basis of relationships due to a cultural gap, and it also helped me be more adaptable, conscious and open-minded on other cultures.
  13. Only programmer nerds can understand this :
  14. You sounds like Leo... and yes, all of these are good advices Brutally changing a cultural environment also helps in better understanding the basis as it push us to be more adaptable. Which stages would you classify yourself in? Depends of the perspective, in a sense it's a success as most enlightened people had to work really hard to obtain that. In another sense, it's just nothing ...
  15. I don't like when people ask me to do things outside school/work with them. The typical scenario is the following: I'm with another person or in a group at school/work, I enjoy my time with them and they also enjoy it. Then, someone asks if I want to join them one day for an activity and I'm like: "Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!" I have some social anxiety, and yes these propositions are opportunities for growth. However, it's not hugely handicapping me in my daily life. It's OK at work, I don't have any difficulties to say when I don't agree on some things and I'm really proactive. But, I don't really like to share my personal life. I don't like when my days of solitude are taken, I always feel I have better things to do when I'm alone by myself. I see these people almost everyday day, so why not having some days off? I feel freer when I'm alone. When we invite me I feel like someone catches me by force and that it's not OK to say refuse.
  16. I also have this concern. How do you handle it? I literally never had close friends during my entire life because I was so shy and introverted in the past. I would qualify most people I had social interaction with as acquaintances, and some of them friends. Outside of school/work, I had very few times where I would hang out with other people (These quotes boxes are really terrible)
  17. I still feel like there's a little of social anxiety going on inside me. @Serotoninluv What if the same person asks for it multiple times? I think of one person who seems to be interesting and could become a great friend, however, I always feel like I need to focus on myself and be alone.
  18. No more than these ones? I'm not sure and I'm not enlightened or highly spiritual. I am only supposing that an infinite amout of realities exists
  19. I resonate a lot with this. I also find all this bureaucracy in my stage blue/orange work environment completely useless and ridiculous
  20. What do you mean everything ? Areas of personal development ? Which ones ? However, no matter your answer, I will say no. Except in a different reality
  21. The only times were I worked hard was when I had an objective I really wanted to attain. I think a good way to train yourself can be to: Find an area of your life where you are really bad at and want to change Turn it in your mind into a growing opportunity and accept fully your difficulties Cut your goal into a list of easy actionable steps Go through all of those steps one at the time, and while doing this focus only on the current step It's really important that you accept the existence of your difficulties. I find out this is even more powerful than a neurotic 100% responsibility attitude. Only do a single thing at the time, your mind needs to be detached from the external world to focus on finding the solution of the current problem. So, keep it light, don't overload it with other things (even music, especially if your work is intellectual). You can also do some affirmations and/or visualizations every day. Here are videos who helped me the most:
  22. I think we should be careful when using irony on the internet. One day I was shocked when a friend used it on youtube in the context of France's political elections. Even though most people on this forum would understand it, it can be very dangerous as it's possible to reach thousands/millions people around the globe
  23. Accept the guilt and your mistakes and plan to have a conversation with the other person.