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Everything posted by LiakosN

  1. As E. Tolle suggests, by judging, spiritually speaking, you say i.e "You are stupid" to someone! And then you act him as if he is stupid. You are facing your won label every time you meet that person and you are trapped in your own mind. By not judging you can say: "I recognize that this behavior of this person is stupid". NEVER say to someone :You are.... stupid/awful/lazy etc. Instead say to her/him: "Your behavior is.... " or better " This behavior is such and such..... " ..
  2. As I am becoming more conscious, i have realized that the ways i speak to my family, to my friends and to girls is different. For example i act differently with my one friend and differently with another. Let's say we are 3 guys and then one girl comes in the group that is hot and i like her, then i can feel inside me that i tend to behave differently i am kind of more careful with the words i use, how i talk etc. It's like i want the girls to like me. And with my close buddies, i talk differently to those who are shy, or angry, or anxious it's like they tend to take me with their emotions. I talk differently to my cousins, to my uncle etc. Am i playing roles or are these roles natural ?