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Posts posted by Peak

  1. So it seems, that nobody does complete personal development at my school. And by complete I mean focusing everything holistically. Exercising, meditating, self improvement work on the mind, hobbies, living each day to the max( using time wisely.) 

    Now there are people who go to the gym and eat healthy. But they watch tv, waste time with people that are negative, listen to awful mainstream music( subjective opinion).  

    It seems like the problem is that i'm not a good conversationalist. 

  2. This video talks about how "what am I" is not the body, or the mind or the thoughts, but is the consciousness of one self. It seems like to get there you got to let go of all that conditioning, concepts, and any label you put on yourself. Even the personality you have is constructed. All beliefs are false since you made them up. Any emotions or thoughts is just your body responding to conditioning you made up.

  3. 8.22.2016

    The internet can be a time waster

    Here's how school went: Day 1, unfortunately, I got to school late because of traffic. I also happen to go to a very authoritarian school. I am forced to wear uniform and pants and be there by 7:45am.  Got to leave the house by 7:20 because of the distance and car traffic jamming up the streets later. When I got out of the car I had to climb over a door and push the handle and then knock on a second door and have someone open it because it was lock. I couldn't use the main gate because it closes after 7:45am . Day 2 was the same. For this day I went around the school and got in through another gate because of the rules and regulations I have to deal with. Day 3 I got in on time, same with day 4 and 5. One thing that I find is that whenever I come home from school I will usually waste time on the internet and go to sleep, if I happen to be on a tablet laying on a bed. Which is not good sense that wastes time and school already wastes 7 hours of my day. .

    My classes: Math isn't going to be easy. I will have to understand what the teachers is saying even though she teaches bad. I also gotta make sure that I succeed or else I got to deal with repeated classes. English(reading and writing class) In this class I will have to read freaking springboard (collegeboard) and do assignments on it. Same thing for math. I will also have to learn new vocabulary that is obscure. Biology- I will learn about human cells and other stuff related to that. Art- a class where I get to relax and not memorize and develop my drawing skills. Online class-HOPE( Health Opportunities through Physical Education) This class will be about P.E healthy eating and exercise and a few other things. It seems like this class will use some information that is quite outdated(government food pyramid, and myplate). There is one class that is a repeater class due to bureaucracy. The reason I got to take this repeater class is due to me failing a standardized test by 7 freaking points. And the final class is just a freaking study hall.( Well not really since its a learning strategies class where I learn stuff like setting goals, ways to study and other things. I already know the information that the class is going to teach, that's what personal development is for.) I am forced to take this class because I can't finish a standardized test under a time limit. I can also get help from the teacher if I want to. And finish other work.

    To make sure that I am not wasting time on the internet searching random stuff on how to be successful, I will have to give myself a 1-2 hour section of free internet searching on Friday and if I get all important tasks done on other days then it will be around 10-20minutes. The problem is that most of my internet searching is just me searching aimlessly and reading articles related to personal development and how to be successful. The problem with that is that I already know how to be successful. I don't need to be wasting time searching different articles on the same thing. What I am worried about is the fear of missing out. But it seems like I already know the basics to this and any little tip I learn may not be worth the hassle.

    I will probably not get perfect grades. But I really want to see myself get a 3.5gpa and B+ or higher. Since last year my grade was C's some B's and an easy A with a D and F in there. Only during 2nd quarter did I get the D and F in two classes while the rest was just C's and B's

    I will also need to make sure I can do the stuff that I am interested in and have time to meditate.(even if it's just basic meditation).

    Yesterday I meditated for 20 minutes and some time later my body was moving and it felt like a roller coaster ride.

    More study tips:

    understanding the fundamentals( make sure you understand step 1 before moving on to step 2).

    first principles( boil things done to the fundamentals and truths and work your way up from there. )

    analogy and metaphor- compare the thing that your learning to something else and you will make a connection


  4. More mnemonic techniques/ other things


    Other sources to follow:


    I been taking a course on coursea on how to learn, and so far its been great.

    There are other courses I been taking such as Buddhism and Modern Psychology, and a few others. But I am not sure if I want to continue them.


    More study tips: Interleaved practice (mixing things up, different problems sets, concepts, ideas)

    Distributed Practice: breaking things up into smaller study sections.


    School starts tomorrow for me, So I will have to go to a place that steals my creativity and forces me to be in an industrial grinder. With unconscious humans in the room. What I have is a weapon to defeat the school system(study techniques and mnemonics at my disposal.) This is just me being funny.

    I need to also make sure I am learning for knowledge and not just for grades. If I memorize something but don't understand it, then what is the point.

    Long term thinking:

    All I want in life is to just to be at peak performance( amazing body/energy, peak brain,), Be amazing at what I do, and spiritual awareness/meditation.  

    I also want to contribute to the human species in a big way, but I have to deal with the world of economics. If my mind was not open then I probably won't be here right now. Which means I can do this, even if I have to deal with economics.

    I really need to get back in meditation, but I fear if I meditate the wrong way I won't reach advanced levels of awareness/enlightenment. I know that you have to meditate for the long term to see results, but I don't want to be meditating for 5 years and realize that I wasted 5 years of meditating the wrong way.

    It will be a long, long time before I get to the place I want to be in personal development.



  5. You said something about going to college to study game programing. But yet you said in another video that you went to college to study philosophy. In another video you said you went to college to study Aerospace engineering. Which one is true? If you did study all of that, how did you do it? If you did'nt went to college to study one of the topics I manage above, than where did you get your knowledge?

  6. To improve your habits use system goals

    I usually use my mind as my to do list to not waste any paper. This can pretty bad if there too much to do than I will probably write it down . It should never reach that point because I do my tasks for today. If you want to really understand something use spaced repetition. Use mnemonics if there too much to remember. And if you use your notes everyday and practice it. It will be easier to remember. If you have way to many stuff to do than do the hard things first then finish off with easy. If you find that hard than do the opposite. Just focus on one thing at a time. Don't multitask, your brain performs worst when multitasking When you multitask you are distributing your focus across multiple things and that focus will become less and less if you keep on having to refocus on something but decide to switch something else.  Take a break after finishing something than continue on to the next one and to the next one. Use rewards to keep you motivated. Lower your simulation (TV,internet, etc).

  7. 7.31.2016

    Information Overload

    OK I haven't done that much research on meditation. I been procrastinating .I been mostly looking up information across different areas of personal development (diet,exercise,nutrition,how the brain works, learning techniques/studying techniques, and other people who do personal development.) Although I did do some research on meditation a few days ago on this:

    This video I watched weeks ago.

    Here are some the others things I been learning:

    Tips on studying better:

    Use spaced repetition

     Get enough sleep to make sure that your brain is storing those ideas in long term memory

    exercise to get blood pumping to your brain


    eat healthy

    use mnemonics

    connect your ideas to other ideas that relate to each other.(use mind maps)

    quiz yourself

    Learn new things to increase gray matter

    Master the areas of intelligence(spatial,naturalist,musical,interpersonal etc.) The goal is to master each area of intelligence, not to rely on one as if it was your learning style. Science says that humans don't have different learning styles.

    Be open minded

    Do weird things to your brain


    How to take notes

    1.Preview(read intro and summary)

    take notes

    overview(read heading, subheading, 1st sentences of each paragraph, balded text, diagrams, pictures)

    take notes


    take notes

    memorize( after reading is finish, if too long take notes/ memorize at each paragraph.)

    80% reading 20% note taking

    25-5 strategy

    25 mins of reading, 5 mins of note taking, repeat\

    If its a diagram, read a sentence, look at the diagram base on what the sentence was talking about, repeat.



    I also have started a personal development journal to keep track of what I learn and write it down. To make sure that I don't lose anything that could be very useful for the future.

    System goals: Systems goals are way better than using plain goals: and





  8. What I'm looking to get out of meditation is to have a spiritual waking. I want to experience the no self and the ultimate truth of reality. There are some other things I want my meditation to do such as: being consciously aware and present. There was this meditation experience that I did yesterday that was going good until I start to experience no breathing and had to open my mouth because of the nose not breathing enough air  

  9. Lets not forget:

    polyphasic sleep

    How meditation reduces our need to sleep to around 2 hours (need to reach advance states of meditation and have years of experience.)
    How Steve Pavlina manages to reduce his sleep to 6 hours and 30 minutes by eating raw vegan, exercises a lot, and is very healthy. He did try polyphasic sleep and manage to reduce his sleep to 2 hours.)He doesn't sleep polyphasic any more.

    how being in ease helps to rest the body and get less sleep and get better quality sleep

    There's also bulletproof sleep:

  10. Here are some ideas that I have for P.D.C (personal development city) or whatever name I call it. 

    The polyphasic sleeping area.

    In one section of the city, there will be pods outside with a door or see-through door if you want people to see you. You use those pods when your required to take a nap. Depends on the schedule you have in order in sleep. The pods will have a timer to tell how much time is left before you can use it. There will also be pods in other sections of the city that aren't polyphasic sleep areas just in case someone visits and needs a nap. There could also be regular napping pods if you just want to take a nap.

    How social interactions work in the city.

    In the P.D.C you can be althethic and honest, there will be no B.S and small talk(unless if you like smalltalk and the other person likes it too.) And no hoops to get around with. With this you can talk about what your interested in or ask questions about the person life. There will be areas where you can easily find people who are into what you do. (polyphasic sleep, technology, meditation, or whatever) the city as a whole is growth oriented. The point is that you should walk up any stranger you haven't met and ask personal questions to him or her. This sounds like privacy is being taken away from you, but in others cutures people ask different questions to chat with the person they are with. In china they will ask how much money you make as a introductory question, in Indonesia people will call you fat if you are fat and people are fine with that. The point is that you should have easy questions to ask to a person if you want to become friends with them. Now you don't have to give out your secrets, just be more open. There will even be a section in the city where you get to be open and share anything deep with a stranger so you can be friends with them faster. And I mean real friends not superficial friends.

  11. I see that everyone is talking about the environment and how sea life will be affected if you start building a floating city on the sea. The problem is that the place that you live in was made by man. The house, the car you use, the city you live in, all took resources to build and we can't achieve 100% environmental living where there are only trees and animals/humans that live with each other in harmony. Every big city in the world take resources to maintain and build, but that doesn't mean that we can be more conscious about the environment and build using green materials. 

    One way to solve the problem is to limit construction and build tall. Another way is to raise the platform and use pillars to hold it. The principality of sealand is sort of what I am talking about if we wore to use pillars and raise it very high up. Of course the platform would be much more bigger and prettier than sealand.

    And it doesn't have to be seasteading. If we humans can change the cities we live in to be more high conscious, and growth oriented than that's already progress. It can either be making new cities, cleaning up old ones, underwater cities, floating cities, sky cities. Some of what I'm saying sounds too futuristic, but technology keeps on advancing.


  12. What meditation should I do to get to super consciousness. Unless if it's something that is built up over time.

  13. buhh1.jpg          buhh2.jpg    buhh5.png


    I really hope that I'm not taking this too far:S

    I also can't believe that Leo actually responded to this. I am also wondering do yogis exercise if all they do is just sit and just meditate for the whole day. How can their bodies survive sitting for so long.

    I also hope you don't eat your way to enlightenment: 


    enligghtment ice.jpg    enlightment ice2.jpg



  14. The way things are going


    I don't know if I should continue this journal or not? The original reason why I started this journal is to hold myself accountable. And to be honest it was actually doing it's thing with meditation. But the disciplined counter/ streak counter were things I made up to see if I can complete my tasks for today. And usually I will succeed or fail. Now as for the past 2 days I been changing my meditation habits a lot. There are other ways to do meditation( walking, standing, sitting on chair etc.) And another thing I'm doing is researching meditation techniques and the problems I'm having. One of my problems is sleeping while meditating. Today I was watching a video on the Neti Neti technique by Leo, and along the way I started to sleep. And I had to stop the video because of how close my body was getting to sleep(like really close my eyes were closing and I was being sent to unconscious land).

    For the past two day I been programming and finish two sections on freecodecamp and I am on the iquery section. I also started rollerblading and will be having fun in that.

    The future of this journal... It appears that I have finally found a way to get things done: wake up early, get started on what you want to do and just do it/ focus on it.(make sure your just focus on the task on hand and focus on one thing at a time). I also feel that I won't be updating this regularly anymore. The problem is that do I really need to write the stuff I did today and describe in detail. The point of this is that I want to living my life not writing what I did today. In the future I want to be living a life of growth and learning but to have to write about whether I got everything done just makes me thinks its a waste of time. I prefer to just live, and not rely on any planner to plan out my day. My thoughts can do that. I don't need a system to hold myself accountable, my thoughts and actions can do that. 

    The benefits of writing this journal is as follows: improve writing(could help me in school) but it appears that I only get write so well when I am passionate or excited about something, I only start to fail when I am not interested in what I am writing. (And yes there are parts where the writing kind of suck.)(but mostly I'm using my thoughts.) information to help, I get to talk about myself and share resources on anything I learn or experience today.  

    The downsides of writing this journal: wasted time, usually it's wasted time if I feel like I'm doing this for homework(it feels like homework if I don't feel passionate or excited) or because I have to update the system of accountability.  

    In the end I get to save time and truly live my life of personal growth and learning.



  15.                                                             Update


    There's a reason why I do personal development, even if it's hard. The first reason is that I don't want to become another cog member in society. In society you have to work, come home, complain about your job and how your life is turning out. Another reason is that I want the very best that life can give you. There's people out there who had so much potential, but ended up wasting it with a false relationship, or following someone else's lifestyle. There also people who have hidden potential but never realize it, because of the social conditioning they go though.

    Now for the reason I haven't post in the last two days:getting distracted on the first day and not waking up early on the second day.

    The first day was 4th of July, so I kind of got distracted with that. The second day I woke up late (9:30am). After several attempts at waking at 7:3x , 8:0x and 9:00. What really happened is that I didn't  want to get out of bed in the morning and that led to me sleeping again. Another reason is that I did'nt have the energy to feel wake.

    I managed to meditate on the 4th for only 5 minutes. This is because, I was looking up different meditation positions and types of meditations. In this case it was breathing meditation. Unfortunately I don't think I meditated the next morning after the 4th.

    I may update this later in the day.