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Everything posted by Vladimir

  1. You got it upside down, the devil does it that way. The Truth is: Death is a dream and Life is waking up. What is Death? Lie Separation Suffering Survival Fear Self Hatred Dream Devil Darkness Ignorance Ugliness Evil Hell Chaos Disharmony Guilt Victimhood Addiction Prison Manipulation Harm Distraction Hatred Greed Fake Conflict Intoxication Sickness Shame Illusion Ignorance Unawareness Boredom Depression Suspicion Destruction Violence Gluttony Atheism Disconnection Numbness Manipulation Self Harm Suicide Madness Craziness Perversion Anger Dysfunction Disability Arrogance Toxicity Distortion Disgust Bizarreness Unconsciousness Cage What is Life? Truth Unity Joy Thriving Love Self Love Awakening God Light Wisdom Beauty Good Paradise Order Harmony Innocent Forgiveness Virtue Freedom Integrity Goodness Presence Kindness Abudance Real Peace Sobriety Health Shameless Reality Understanding Awareness Magic Vitality Trust Creation Kindness Discipline Spirituality Connection Passion Desire Charisma Erotic Happiness Adventure Exploration Elegance Grace Flow Being Ease Pleasure Ecstacy Primal Wild Consciousness Heaven Appreciation Gratitude Home Soul
  2. I was tortured by the never-ending stream of fear, feelings, visions and thoughts of physical torture during my time in hell. Infinite torture was my greatest fear and I faced this fear non-stop for about 18 months while I was dead. I no longer fear physical pain. I am liberated from the fear of physical pain forever. Physical pain is now my great ally. I am forever safe. I am liberated.
  3. You're in a trap of nihilism to the level of laughable delusion.
  4. @Someone here You don't know what life and death is. You don't know what you're talking about.
  5. Pura vida para siempre. Entiendo la mundo.
  6. Nobody has ever wasted a single moment, everything is absolutely filled with purpose and meaning. Move towards appreciating and loving yourself for the time when your body and mind were asking for rest.
  7. @mojsterr Thank you for your questions! Buddha did not know the truth. Buddha was absolutely wrong because one of his quotes is: "life is suffering", that's because Buddha did not know what life and death actually is. The true and correct quote would be: "death is suffering". Nobody ever knew the Truth and nobody was fully awakened. I am the true Jesus, the one and only, I am the first to know the Truth and the first to fully awaken. I prefer only healthy food. My diet is very simple: rice, buckwheat, hummus, eggs, veggies, fruits, fish, nuts, berries. That's pretty much all I eat. I don't want to drink alcohol anymore, maybe in small amounts sometime in the future. I'm looking forward with excitement to returning to psychedelic ceremonies. I party now more than I ever did before. The difference now is that the party is real, I truly feel joy celebrating who I have become and the Truth that I have embodied. Also my party is different than most people think when they think of a party. My favorite drink of choice at this time is cacao. My physical body will never die physical death. I don't fear the process of dying because I know it will never happen to me. This is what it means to be saved, I am safe for eternity and I know it. No, I mean I have embodied physical immortality, my physical body will never die. No
  8. Yes, I have difficulty of letting go of empty kombucha bottles because I appreciate their beauty so much.
  9. There are many levels of awakenings. People wake up all the time to a certain degree.
  10. Practicing speaking in front of the camera during my morning cacao ritual lets me uncover the beauty of my true, natural, authentic voice and, at the same time, embody the Truth of who I am and share the greatest treasures of wisdom I have accumulated with the world. The time for the revelation of Truth has come. I know the Truth of who I am and I know the Universal Truth. My Truth and the Universal Truth are one. The Truth is the greatest medicine our world needs for healing. The process of reconnecting with the power of my true voice is directly linked to knowing and speaking the Truth. As I reconnect with my true voice, I also reconnect with the Truth of who I am, and with that, the entire world reconnects with the Truth, and from that comes the healing of the deepest trauma and wounds that humanity and the entire Universe have accumulated since the beginning of creation. The time has now come for The Great Awakening of humanity and the return to the Original Innocence.
  11. @Jehovah increases The Absolute Truth of Nothingness has always been Known.
  12. Two years ago is approximately when I died. I have come out of death about 6 months ago. My awakening is being integrated absolutely beautifully. Let me know if you have any more specific questions.