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Everything posted by charlie2dogs

  1. how many people have the ability to even know if someone is really self realized? what guage would they use to know, there are millions of so called spiritual teachers but only a very few will be self realized, most are not, and if you are not following someone who is self realized, where do you think it might take you, i can tell you where it takes most, in circles on a journey of practices, philosophies, beliefs, with no expectation of arrival at any destination, in todays world it about levels, levels of spirituality, levels of enlightenment, its a misconception that creates confusion, there is no levels of enlightenment, you are or you aint.
  2. the only teacher that can liberate you is inside of you, sit quietly and still and be with your core being, experience it more and more, deeper and deeper, and you will see a master come forth, i promise you.
  3. in the second video his answer to the lady about the teacher was a pathetic at best response. i can only imagine what was going through her mind and maybe i do know.
  4. ok good deal and i agree on the hippy part
  5. let me ask you a question if you dont mind, what exactly do you mean when you say, im working on my spiritual journey, how does that work, what does spiritual mean anyway.
  6. do you really think that the human identity with all its programing, false beliefs, and warped perceptions about everything can actually choose to become enlightened as a purpose?
  7. there is no solution for you, you need to just keep doing what you are doing, and keep expecting what you are expecting until you create enough consequences, pain, and misery for yourself and others and then maybe you will take responsibility for your actions and what they are doing to yourself and others, and then maybe that wont ever happen, maybe you will just leave this body as a unconscious human entity and remain that way for a very long time, or you might cease to exist, maybe a lot of the newage mumbo jumbo isnt right about what happens after the death of the body, after all most of what is heard about it has never been experienced by those saying it, its just people's theories and beliefs. at this point you dont have the power to change or take responsibility and since looking inward is partly a joke at this point, your real self is most likely saying bla bla bla does this help in any way, or should i just be all sweet and nice and pretend that you are just fine and you are on a journey, and its just a learning experience and you are going to exist forever?
  8. why did you feel the need to tell them that you meditate an hour a day?
  9. when you function as the self, doing comes from a state of being not an act being carried out by the identity.
  10. you can write it if you are the teacher.
  11. so you know what all the problems are, but you cant get off your ass to do anything, when you create enough pain and misery in your life, you will get off your ass and do something about all the problems that you already know about, its called, not taking responsibility for your own life.
  12. what would you do to become enlightened?
  13. if we are not to shoot for any spiritual work, and not go for enlightenemtn, then what track are we going to be on and what work are we going to do and why are we doing the work, if there is no goal.
  14. be your own teacher, there is a master awaiting you within yourself, unleash it, this idea of nothingness, and no self, i would drop that nonsense too, the real you is all knowing, all power, ageless, experience your core being more and more, everything you need is there. following others is a long journey to no where most often, cut your own trail, your destination is self realization, don't let other people hold you back with their ideas of what you need.
  15. ok buddy i got ya, let me clarify, i ask a lot of questions here and some other places i frequent where people are interested in personal growth, or self realization, when one of those people ask a serious question about their life, i take that question and my answer very serious. I ask questions as a rule for two reason, one is to get the individual to reveal themselves to those around the group, as a way of learning for the group and sometimes to get them to question themselves, but i never ask a question that i don't already know the answer to and by knowing the answer beforehand, i know the right question to ask, can ya dig it?
  16. its called an addiction, and even religion is an addiction
  17. carlo frankly i think you both are messed up, if this threesome business is what is important to both of you.
  18. maybe you should be listening to a good fitness trainer, instead of asking opinions
  19. its just another distraction
  20. one of the most important things you can do is begin to detach from your pain body.