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Posts posted by charlie2dogs

  1. 30 minutes ago, Names are labels said:


    I think Leo has a check list somewhere that lets you know if you're actualized or not...

    Is it a permanent feeling?  Because I think I've experienced this several times during meditation, and hypnosis.  You just feel so calm and at ease. You just go with the flow of things and be in the present moment.

    you havent experienced self realization,  there is no check list to tell you if you are self realized, self realization is not a feeling, yes it is permanent, who told you that all you have to do is go with the flow of things and be in the present moment to be enlightened or self realized?  the human identity hasnt experienced the present moment.

    when you are talking about self actualization you are not talking about enlightenment or self realization, there is no connection between them. the only thing that might connect them would be some newage thinking.


  2. 15 hours ago, Christian said:

    I find that to live a self actualized life and to instill powerful habits like meditation, visualization, positive affirmations and have a strong work ethic, energy is important. And it is very hard to have high energy. Because we live in a culture where we are constantly bombarded with stuff going on around us and are expected to be doing so many things. And I don't really know about you, but for me, it is really demanding on my psyche and has taken away much valuable energy that I want to take back.

    I was therefore wondering if there are any folks on this forum who generally have a high level of energy in daily life and do not get drained easily.

    What are the different habits that you have installed that give you a high level of energy?

    Would be quite beneficial to know cause energy certainly is an important aspect as it relates to focus and results.

    Thanks in advance guys :D

    if you want to have higher energy during the day, eat smaller meals more often, like eat something every couple hours, doesnt have to be a lot, it will help maintain the energy and be sure to eat the right foods in the process

  3. On 7/18/2016 at 4:41 AM, Leon Bell said:

    Another side effect of this experience is that I see my appearance accurately now. Before I would try to picture what I look like and it would look like a caricature. Now it's still blurry, but it actually looks closer to what I see in the mirror. And it has nothing to do with confidence, it has all to do with acceptance. I rather see what I actually look like, then a better or worse version in my mind.

    can i ask just what is it that you are accepting about yourself?

  4. 12 hours ago, Muhammad said:

    Please, do not answer me with enlightenment jargon, for I am looking for a simple answer, and I don't sBeak English very well :D 


    Let me introduce myself first ;), I am Muhammad and I am from Morocco, North Africa. I have been following Leo for 8 months, and it has been a bliss. I am no longer depressed. I am no longer a negative thinker. I can stay at home with a complete peace of mind, feeling no kind of loneliness, guilt, shame, or anything like that. Just recently, when I watched the last videos of Leo, from Life minimalism to the last video of happiness, my vision starts clearing up. I want to make a BOLD CHANGE this year, but I am AFRAID, because I do not know where it is going to lead. It may lead to some AMAZING rewards, and it may be a WASTED year!!   

    I want to quit university and continue with my blog, which I started recently, why? because of the following reasons:   


    • If I quit university and my blog goes well, I will be able to settle in one of the most beautiful cities in Morocco and the world; a quiet city where I can pursue enlightenment work.   
    • I will be no longer living with my family, which means more freedom and discipline.  
    • I will not work in a 9 to 5 job. 
    • I will live a truly tribal simple lifestyle.   

    what do you think, guys? 





    let me see if i get this right, you dont want to get an education, or work, you just want to spend time on a blog online, and you want to live a truly tribal simple lifestyle, i think you are very young and foolish at this point.

  5. On 7/19/2016 at 11:49 AM, Shab-e Ma_araj said:

    So for two years I was doing nothing but devoting myself to chasing women and improving my looks as much as possible. And I was really awesome at this life. So awesome that I became a bit of an internet sensation of sorts in a small red-pill sphere that I wont name. Thats how I met my current girlfriend. After discovering I quit chasing women and settled down with my favorite main girl and started devoting myself to attaining Ultimate Truth, Peace and Eternal Happiness. But then my girlfriend, with her big doe eyes and sweet nature, tempted me back into the world of temporary states of affairs. Now I have almost entirely given up my spiritual pursuits in favor of building an awesome future with her. Which is nice but I just wonder what the hell Im doing sometimes. God or Worldly Affairs? And then on top of that, I have so so so many doubts about her and our relationship, which is a whole other topic. But long story short I have a ton of trust issues especially with her and I really miss sleeping with new girls and I feel like I could go back to that for a few years and have loads of fun and end up with a girl I am more sure about. But I wonder if I could possibly even meet somebody I love as much as this girl. And I wonder if I can handle another few years of exciting but unfulfilling loneliness and constant effort to maintain such a lifestyle. 

    So long story short: Girlfriend? Random women? Or God/Enlightenment? Because, while accomplishment is nice, I don't see why chasing any sort of temporary state of affairs makes sense 

    this post shows your lack of maturity, maybe the consequences you create with your nonsense and time will help you and then again maybe nothing will.

  6. 3 hours ago, cloudpusher said:

    I noticed recently that I can easily get upset when someones ego is showing off. For example a fellow colleague figured out a solution and wants everyone to appreciate him and accept that his solution is the one and only and anything else is wrong. 

    Is it suitable if I just quickly agree and go along instead of revealing his faults in the matter? 

    Or in another example, a person seems (!) to be disapproving of me as he doesn't know me and generally is suspicious about new people. This tends to bother me.

    Is it suitable if I just brush such and similar situations off and ignore it? Or should I act in such situations to stop show offs or "proving" myself to the person who seems to disapprove?

    I seem to have discovered a rabbit hole here, as these patterns seem to repeat and create friction. 

    fix your own life and let others fix their own, its not your job, sounds like you want to impose your ego over someone else's

  7. 1 hour ago, Names are labels said:


    That's a very good question, and honestly I don't think I have an answer for you because I don't know what to expect.  I'm not even sure if I know how to tell if I am enlightened or not! lol I'm expecting some sort of heightened state of awareness where I just don't care about anything to some extent.  That I just realize that the outside world is meaningless, and I have total control over my emotions and thoughts in any given situation whether good or bad.  Where I have total control over my happiness.  And maybe my expectations are wrong!

    im going to help you now by telling you that your expectation are wrong, and will be wrong.   Let me put your mind at ease, when you self realize you wont miss it, you will know, you wont have to question it, or try to rationalize it, you will know.  It will be like going from darkness to daylight.

  8. 34 minutes ago, Extreme Z7 said:


    Easy there buddy :D. . . that's great and all but I'm sure you know that you can't control your level of suffering even after you realize this because there isn't anyone there to control your body and mind. If there was, then both of us would be perfectly capable of stopping suffering completely, no exceptions! But we're still not perfect at it, all there is now is a small step towards letting go of resistance and big bags of thought.

    suffering doesnt exist for the self realized, you suffer because you are and function as the human identity being.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mal said:

    Can you confirm what ego is please Charlie?

    was under the impression that it was the aspect of mind that feels like it is in control. But that there is a human consciousness and it works fine without a controller.

    But I've been listening to what you have been sharing with us all and i am now thinking that "ego" is something far more sinister than a mere controller 

    When you say ego is programming I'm taking this to mean the whole enchilada, the whole of human consciousness, not just the controller or the aspect that imagines it has free will over its experience.

    For me as I contemplate programming I actually sense that ALL human interaction is programming.  But not to throw the baby out with the bathwater here, there is a way of being human that doesn't require the programming at all.  The "Divine" human, on a path of purification from the lies and toward a sense of authenticity.

    You say the human identity is an expression of consciousness in this physical realm. The more I identify with consciousness the "cleaner" I feel, but at the same time I know deep down there is no need to rid myself of a self, just let consciousness transform the expression into a Divine human identity.

    This is not an intellectual understanding, but a real understanding of my work contemplating what you are saying. 

    mal the ego is programing and false belief, the matrix is the collective consciousness of planet earth, and most everything is controlled by that collective consciousness or matrix through programing and false belief.  and yes most all human interaction is programing,  and yes it is possible for the human being to exist and not live under programing and false belief, but it has to be cleansed from  consciousness in order to do that.  the human identity cant cleanse the consciousness, but the awakened consciousness will cleanse itself without hard work or struggle , it simply dissolves and flows away from consciousness once awakened.  As i have said before we can help this process, instead of being caught up in all the nonsense, we can give time to contemplating things of importance, like you are doing now, that kind of work and seeking out the life force within will cause consciousness to awaken much faster, and it will create change in you as the human identity,  preparing you for the self realization of your consciousness which will bring change to you as the human identity,  but the human identity will be the secondary carrying out the will of the awakened consciousness or being of consciousness.  functioning has then shifted from the identity being to the being of consciousness.

  10. 1 hour ago, Tancrede Pouyat said:


    You're absolutely 100% completely RIGHT ! We do create our own suffering !!!!

    The ego needs to sustain itself, it needs to survive. Suffering is a means that it uses to make it move away from stuff that could kill it. And this is also why low-conscious people who start out doing personal development use it to solve their problems. And then we raise our awareness, real growth occurs, and the problem simply becomes a non-issue. Truth dissolves all suffering.

    could you define the ego for me

  11. 7 hours ago, Extreme Z7 said:

    I've been meditating consistently for 1 hour everyday for almost an entire year. The more I do it, the deeper I feel I go into exploring the nature of my human experience. Today I want to share just another epiphany I had while I was having an unpleasant experience.

    Just a few hours ago, I washed my clothes by hand which is a chore I always found to be very unpleasant. I hate how tedious it feels, I hate the feeling of having water splash on my arms and my feet. As I finished and started to pick up the clothes to hang outside the house, I started to notice very subtly how my body tries to avoid these certain feelings, I noticed that when I walk barefoot on the wet ground, that the soles of my feet where slightly lifted up to prevent my feet from feeling the water around the dirty ground. My body was trying to avoid a pleasant experience. I decided to instead release my feet to feel the wetness of the ground. I suddenly felt a release from suffering. I could actually see that the entire time, the experience was not the thing causing my suffering at all, I was creating it out of my own resistance! The suffering was artificially created, all I had to do was to let go and accept and. . . . there was no more suffering.

    It made me think about all the other times I've "suffered" in life. Of course, the story above involved a very small and petty kind of suffering but what if the more significant problems we see in our lives are actually just combinations of numerous small, petty, self-created problems combined into huge messes of complicated suffering? Furthermore, if it is the case that it's always been created by the self, then that kind of means we don't really have to expend any effort to get rid of suffering (besides the consciousness work required to see this, of course). All we need to do is recognize that we are creating our own suffering and . . . that's about it, actually.

    The question that comes to my mind now is, "Where does it come from?". Do we, as human beings, have good reasons to create suffering in our lives. Our do we really just create it out of freaking nowhere?!! I'd love to know what you think about this.

    suffering is created from the nonsense that has taken root in your consciousness, the consequences of that and your actions,  your resistance to what is. and functioning as the unconscious human identity.

  12. 2 hours ago, Names are labels said:

    Enlightenment causing Depression/Sadness/Feeling Lost


    I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing these same feelings and predicaments on their journey to enlightenment???

    Here is what I've experienced so far...

    I've been working on enlightenment for about year now. It's really has been life changing for me. My life has become more simple, relaxed and at ease. Also I've cut a lot of negative and dramatic people out of my life. But now that I realize that we really don't need video games, movies, entertainment, friendships, relationships etc, and every thing we define ourselves to be is an illusion or labels, I've started to feel really sad. I also did feel happy and relief to some extent. And I felt a huge weight off my shoulders at certain times but the feelings have been predominantly negative. My life started to go in this downward slope. And it got to the point where I felt ashamed that I needed to use materialistic items to feel good about myself and for enjoyment. It's like I started to deny myself those simple pleasures in life . In Buddhism I think it's called the “beginner's mind”, because when you experience fun things it's the newness that makes it exciting.

    I've had my moments where I could sit in my room and feel amazing by myself for a few hours like Leo mentions in his videos, but I'm wondering if I took it too far and too seriously? I started to question the purpose of my life.

    From what I've experienced so far I feel that enlightenment and life purpose go hand in hand together. When I started taking the life purpose course a few weeks ago it made it a lot easier to focus on enlightenment as well as bringing balance to my life: friendships, entertainment, and even opening myself up to the opportunity to date again, now that I have more of a clear "vision" of what I want and need to do. 

    Maybe if I was a Monk living in Asia in the middle of the woods somewhere it would be a lot easier to give up these things entirely. But I'm also somewhat confused because Leo states in the video “10 things that you don't know that make you happy” that you want to feel like a kid again, and have fun, and have that mindset. I've started to apply that to my life and I've seen a great significance in my happiness levels. My intuition tells me that I'm headed in the right direction. And I realize that even though I'm enjoying the things around me for fun I know I really don't need them at all, because happiness is manifested from within. And I am not my activities, my feelings, my emotions, or labels that I give myself or what was given to me by others.



    what do you do when you look for enlightenment for a year?  what do you expect it to be like if you ever find it?

  13. On 4/2/2016 at 9:26 PM, Kevin Dunlop said:

    In your opinion how has capitalism, industrialism, hegenomy and other ruling class stuff effected our perspectives, goals, interpretations, resopnses to reality? 


    you have never seen reality as the human identity, all this stuff you talked about you accepted as programing then made a belief system out of it, now you are trapped, and you can't find your way out of the trap, you are running in circles trying this, trying that, trying to make sense of things, trying this teaching or that teaching or practice hoping for results but you havent found the escape hatch out of the matrix, you had the answer all along but you can't see it because of the programing and false belief.

  14. 14 hours ago, John said:

    I had a dream recently where I was walking down the street with Eckhart Tolle and I asked him,

    "Eckhart, why is it that your suffering led to your enlightenment? When so many people around the world suffer so much, and it only leads to more suffering, even suicide. Suffering hides from awareness and is only ever the punisher and not the teacher. But for you, it seemed to have some sort of scientific effect on your ego, breaking it down until you could see it for what it is"

    I can't remember what he answered in the dream, could anyone help me with this?

    Cheers guys.


    if he was enlightened, he would have said this: when you as consciousness evolve to  complete self realization you will experience what is called enlightenment,  now what are you doing to cause this greater awakening, are you playing some religious or newage game of practices, meditations, philosophies, trying all these paths and trying out all the newage teachers and gurus on the net? but going no place, but getting more frustrated because no one seems to understand enlightenment or how to get there.  you are looking in the wrong place for the wrong thing.

  15. On 7/21/2016 at 7:26 AM, Allinthemind said:

    My personal view on it is a method of distraction (placebo, see Wikipedia). This can be a good thing when you want to focus away from something negative like a panic attack, rather than being overwhelmed by your symptoms.

    I consider breathing techniques/mindfulness, visualisation, identifying core conflicting beliefs and desensitisation as more effective ways of dealing with panic attacks.

    What's causing your panic attacks?

    good answer

  16. On 6/21/2016 at 1:06 AM, actualized1 said:


    how can I confirm that I am normal? that I have a healthy mind? that I am perceiving reality as as I should?

    you cannot perceive reality as the human identity, normal is to be gullible, ignorant, deceived, brainwashed, naive, fearful trying to cling to anything to have a sense of security even if it is false, imprisoned within the matrix.  The mind is like a garden, it produces according to the work done, if you work with nonsense and false belief, you get more of the same,  in time you will find out that others dont have the answer for you, the real answer lies within your own being, find it.  are you really aware that you are not this body, that the body is just a means of expressing the real source of life that lies within you,  look deep within yourself, contemplate important things, like who am i, how did i get here, how was i created, how do i know what i think i know is real,  what justification do i have for even existing here, am i a prisoner of my own making with a false belief system, am i being programed by everything around me, contemplate these things, and look for the answer within yourself,  that is the only place you will ever get truth and reality from, but not functioning as the human identity and ego. you need a deeper connection with the life force within you, and i am not talking about some fake god or religion here, this is about liberation from suffering under the human identity and ego.

  17. 16 hours ago, ana maria said:

    You should break up! The society won't change in two years, you are young but that doesn't mean you have time to waste, you will not be abe to convert as long as religion is not  important to you, could you lie to her that  you believe in God, how often, for how long?  honesty is required if you intend to be happy . Marriage beetween people that are not open minded to the point they ask you to convert to their beliefs is the worst thing that could happen to you! 

    Who am I to tell you this? Somebody who hoped for  5 years that her lover will stop asking to convert, I care about my caracter and honesty is highly important to me, I never lied him about this, I have tried in vain to believe his dogma, tortured my mind and soul with questions about" his" God but I couldn't a relationship spiritual growth should be possible, doors should be opened, don't waste your life in a religious  spiritual cage , grow....

    you are right, religion is nothing but a prison, it is destroying the world today, its a means of controlling the masses.  all religions are nothing more than cults. a religious person will never achieve liberation from suffering, they are only deceiving themselves. the only solution if they want to remain together and be happy is to break away from their parents and the religion, and i dont think either of them is ready for that.  I used to be a religious fanatic at one time in my past, i am thankful that i escaped the religion and the newageism.  religion is a disease that corrupts and destroys. it only gives a false sense of security.

  18. 50 minutes ago, Mal said:

    I thought about this for a while, and discovered that it would be impossible for me, or any human being to understand what this means.  Even non-dualistic thought cannot comprehend what you are pointing to.

    This is literally beyond the capacity for any human brain to think about.

    The only thing I can fathom is that consciousness is not merely located in the brain, it's everywhere? 

    consciousness created your body it encompasses the entire body.  the body is a reflection of consciousness, sickness, disease, problems all begin within consciousness because of what is allowed to take root there before it is manifest in the physical body.

  19. Just now, charlie2dogs said:

    im not so sure that it is enlightenment that buddhist seek, maybe it is more about liberation from suffering is what they seek,  enlightenment is not something that you can seek and find.  enlightenment only happens to a very few and those few, their consciousness has evolved to a state of self realization,  and then the term enlightenment or self realization may be applied to their new state of being,

    so what are those who are seeking enlightenment doing to get it?  meditating? on what?

  20. Just now, charlie2dogs said:

    your objective should not be seeking enlightenment, first of all because the only ones who know what it is, is those who are, so why would you choose to seek something you know nothing about. 


    im not so sure that it is enlightenment that buddhist seek, maybe it is more about liberation from suffering is what they seek,  enlightenment is not something that you can seek and find.  enlightenment only happens to a very few and those few, their consciousness has evolved to a state of self realization,  and then the term enlightenment or self realization may be applied to their new state of being,

  21. 2 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

    @charlie2dogs Yes you're right, I don't know, hence why I said that choosing enlightenment is choosing to go on a panet you know nothing about.

    "are you telling me that all these opinions on this forum about what enlightenment is dont mean anything?" Yes I am. You can't explain an experience most people haven't experienced before, so they really don't.


    But you seem to be saying that pursuing enlightenment is futile. I don't know why people on this forum make that assertion. Plenty of people on this planet don't pursue enlightenment, and all of those people are not enlightened.

    Buddhist on the other hand do pursue enlightenment, and most of them are much more self actualized then the general public. 

    your objective should not be seeking enlightenment, first of all because the only ones who know what it is, is those who are, so why would you choose to seek something you know nothing about.