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Everything posted by abundance

  1. 1. What does it mean to be an adult (or what is maturity?) 2. Having a Life Purpose in troubling times - There are a lot of people (myself included) struggling to find meaning in life due to the implications of climate change, war and political upheaval. There is an overall sense of dispair for the future. It would be nice to hear your insight on this.
  2. Agreed. Sometimes violence is a necessary evil to prevent further suffering. In the case of Trump the only way he'll ever be able to become a better human being is if he's held accountable for his actions. Trump is a man whose been allowed to engage in devilry with no restraint his entire life. Its really an indictment on our system that he's gotten away with so much corruption this long. Now at the age of 76 he may finally be held to the standards of a true adult and not coddled like the man-child he's been his entire adult life. Remember, a system that is just and compassionate holds ALL of it members of society accountable.
  3. This may be a lot more serious than previously expected Apparently some of the items the FBI were searching for are nuclear documents. https://youtu.be/_OvD7GbYbp8
  4. Hmm I don't recall him ever suggesting that humans will go extinct. I thought he proposes that there will be a rapid reduction in our standards of living due to resource scarcity, over consumption and the implications of climate change.
  5. Its getting to the point where I'd rather live in some developing country than be in a country where I have to worry about my daughter being blown to bits by some mentally ill 18 year old with an AR-15. Or her being raped and being forced to carry a baby to term. Or me or my family being gunned down in a grocery store by some punk lunatic kid whose been radicalized my racist online meme about 'Great Replacement Theory' . We still have the power to influence the federal government via our vote but with the upcoming SCOTUS even thatay be virtually stripped from us. Our infrastructure is crumbling and woefully unprepared for climate change. About climate change btw, half the country believes its either a hoax or no big deal and will thus continue to vote for politicians who also think its a hoax or no big deal (or just in the pockets of big oil). Wealth inequality is growing more and more grotesque. Living costs are increasing. The fascist far right seems to scoring victory and after victory. I could go on and on. In many ways the US is a shithole country.
  6. It isn't too hard to imagine China taking the lead. It has to become a severe enough problem for them first. Look at the draconian steps they took to curtail the spread of covid. China isn't held back by the back and forth bickering of Congress and can take immediate drastic steps at the stroke of a pen. Sadly at this point I think its going to take an authoritarian government to do what's necessary to mitigate climate change and it may involve taking some actions that turn our stomachs here in the West. Our Democracy isn't suited to deal with an issue as encompassing as climate change. Our populace is too ignorant and can barely vote in politicians who acknkwledge its even a real issue
  7. Our situation isn't looking good at all. At this point I think its going to take something catastrophic for America to get its act together. With a radically conservative SCOTUS and Republicans possibly taking congress and eventually the presidency we may have to accept that climate legislation in America is dead for the foreseeable future. It will be disastrous for our world and ultimately an unfathomable crime against humanity (and life on Earth in general). Ultimately it may take a country like China to lead the charge when it comes to combatting climate change.
  8. There will be plenty of enthusiasm to organize when the true exisistential threat of Republican dominence becomes realized. Right now too many people are ignorant and apathetic. Leo's correct in saying suffering is the greatest teacher. I just fear what extent of suffering it will take in order for people (particularly young people) to become poltically engaged.
  9. Why would they need to do that if Republicans take back control of the House, Senate and Presidency? I think what's more likely is Blue states forming pacts and not recognizing the federal government as legit when SCOTUS and a Republican led Presidency and Congress steadily erode our civil rights. What will America look like? Well we can look at other countries who've had similar issues to get an idea. It will be minority rule and the country will be at the mercy of 30% of the country. Far right militia groups will become more emboldened and hate crimes against non-Christian Whites will become so frequent they'll go unreported. Protests will be violently crushed. Regular citizens who align with the new far right regime will be deputized and encouraged to target and turn in dissidents who dare speak out. Mock elections will still be held every election cycle to give voters the illusion they have a choice but in the end it will be one party rule. Meanwhile, the country will become more racially diverse despite the regime's best efforts to curtail it. Wealth inequality will continue to explode. Climate change will wreak havoc on infrastructure costing billions of dollars worth of damage on a consistent basis. And a large, but politically nuetered majority of Americans will generally become increasingly dissatisfied with the ineffectiveness of right wing policies. A resistence movement will be formed but with no real pathway to impact national change via electoral politics. IMO that is when the possibility of civil conflict will become more pronounced. However for the forseeable future, I think we'll be subjected to minitority rule with far right groups acting as the brown shirts of Germany to spread fear and insecurity to anyone they view apart of the opposition. Or we could just vote in overwhelming numbers in 2022 and 2024 to completely defang the Republican party for good. There will still be political violence but a lot of the chaos could be mitigated.
  10. Was waiting on Beau to make a video on this. This is very concerning. This is not a time to be silent and twidle your thumbs. American democracy is an immediate danger. https://youtu.be/ANrBplbZsFM
  11. How bad do think things will have to get in order for Americans to come to that realization? And if SCOTUS rules in favor of this case wouldn't it essentially be impossible to dispose of this right wing government via electoral politics?
  12. https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/education/559881-florida-gov-signs-law-requiring-students-and-faculty-be/ DeSantis signed a law requiring students and faculty to be asked their political beliefs. .......suggested that budget cuts could be imminent if universities and colleges are found to be "indoctrinating" students.....
  13. This is pretty MAJOR and has some pretty terrifying implications for voting rights in America. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/30/1106866830/supreme-court-to-take-on-controversial-election-law-case? https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/06/30/politics/supreme-court-state-redistricting-voting-rights/index.html https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/06/supreme-court-dangerous-independent-state-legislature-theory.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore_v._Harper If SCOTUS rules in favor of Moore (who is the pro-Trump side of the case), then ISLD will become US law. Here are some of the potential consequences of ISLD: * State legislatures are allowed to throw out electoral college electors in federal presidential elections and replace them with whoever they like, overriding the public and giving every vote in their state to their preferred candidate * State legislatures are allowed to destroy ballots for any reason they like in federal elections * State legislatures are allowed to create new ballots for any candidate they like in federal elections (ballot stuffing)
  14. Yes, its looking increasingly likely that a transition to Green will be marred with political violence and instability. Americans have to learn through immense suffering that right wing policies are bad. I'm afraid that by the time a large enough number realizes it we'll be knee deep in a far right theocracy with the full power of the state to supress any resistence. We're entering into some very grim territory. As a minority I am very concerned. There is very real sense of fear amongst people in my personal life. I'm seeing people I would have never thought buying and training in firearms.
  15. All those psychedelic trips and floatation tank sessions and not an ounce of wisdom
  16. It isn't fascism but its usually one of the first things fascistic regimes outlaw. It doesn't make sense to bicker about which idividual action is considered fascism or not. The culmination of everything the far right is doing in this country IS fascism. And I wish I shared your optimism. Most Americans are far more concerned with the economy and increasing rates of crime and that will reflect in their voting decisions this coming November. The overturning of Roe v Wade is terrible but it won't stop Americans from voting for Republicans if they perceive them to be better for the economy and reducing crime.
  17. Far right MAGA Republicans having a bias towards the white straight Christian male identity is not a media narrative. Lol. Its quite overtly in some of their rhetoric. One of their main and perhaps legitimate gripes is the perception that the white straight Christian male is becoming less privileged and less influential with time, given the increasing diversification of America. Yes, there are non-white communities that are doing quite well economically but that won't insulate them from an authoritarian regime that is rooted in maintaining white straight Christian male dominance. Furthermore, their economic prowess doesn't necessarily translate into political power.
  18. Unless your on the receiving end of their wrath and are apart of the scapegoated "other". If you're not a straight, white Christian male or can easily disguise yourself in that demographic you can expect life to get a little bit harder and have a much lower margin of safety.
  19. Hopefully this will impact voter decisions come November. One can only hope. We're in a very dangerous moment in history right now. I fear that if Trump's brand of Republicans take the house and senate they'll become more emboldened and overt in their attempts to undermine Democracy. It sounds hyperbolic but 2022 and 2024 could be our last chance to change the direction of this country for a very long time.
  20. Until Democrats have a high enough majority in the House and Senate literally nothing will get done. Republicans refuse to budge because they're taking bribes from the gun industry. This is the country we live in and its pretty bleak and grim.
  21. What's your point here? Are you suggesting that we shouldn't be very concerned even if its a real possibility?