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Everything posted by abundance

  1. Not enough for a 3rd party candidate to become president.
  2. I agree that we need to dismantle the 2 party system, which is why I'd prefer something like rank choice voting. Presently, there is no viable 3rd party that stands a chance to compete with Democrats or Republicans with the way our voting system is structured. And yes, most people who're on the right or centrist AREN'T voting for Cornell West. Its foolish to even believe so. Cornell West will siphon far more votes from left leaning people than those who lean right. Historically, 3rd party candidates have had pretty disastrous consequences. Ralph Nader in 2000 got us Bush, which led to two disastrous war, deregulation of financial institutions that led to the 2008 Great Recession, and inaction on climate change (at a time when it transitioning from fossil fuels could have prevent the grim trajectory we currently find ourselves on). Jill Stein in 2016 led to Trump, which led to a staunchly conservative leaning SCOTUS, the deliberate mishandling of a once in a century pandemic, inaction on climate change, further extremism on the right, and the attempted overthrow of an election etc etc. Our political actions have far reaching consequences and if Cornell West gets just 2% or 3% of the vote it will more than likely lead to Trump or DeSantis becoming president. And I shouldn't have to explain why a party that just tried attempting a coup and still denies the election results is so dangerous. In my humble opinion if Republicans are given power again, they'll do everything in their power to ensure we have a one party state. Similar to Russia and Hungary. And not having a viable 3rd party will be the least of our worries.
  3. No, its the most pragmatic mentality if your intent is to keep fascists from taking power. And the Republican party are growing more and more authoritarian and fascistic. They're currently the biggest threat to our democracy. Furthermore, Democrats have come up with numerous pieces of legislation that could help working class Americans and each time the entire Republican party has obstructed it. They are not the same party. A good number of Americans don't vote because they're completely ignorant of the importance of politics and simply don't care. Bernie campaigned on a number of hot button issues that should have brought out more voters and they DIDN'T show up.
  4. If West gets just 2% of the vote and paves the way for a Trump or DeSantis victory, there will be no viable path for a 3rd party. It will permanent one party rule.
  5. Reading this entire post was an incredible mind fu**. Trump.....a man who stored classified documents concerning our nuclear weapons in an open ball room is 10x better than Biden...? Brother, you can't be serious with this. I could break down pretty much everything you mentioned but I don't think its worth it.
  6. This is the same sentiment I share. Keeping the current fascistic strand of the Republican Party out of power is priority number one. Vaush sums it up pretty nicely here
  7. Here's an interesting possibility and mind f***. What if the phenomena is able to manipulate time and that what we're witnessing is the same craft (and beings) that ancient humans witnessed and created entire religions around....
  8. It certainly seems that way. Although I'm not entirely convinced that the phenomena is completely extraterrestrial. After studying the work of Jacques Vallee, I'm leaning toward the idea that there is something much deeper to this phenomena and that it is a possible explanation for much of the folklore and religions myths created throughout human history .
  9. If you study the subject long enough you'll see that a lot of their actions are nonsensical.
  10. House Oversight plans UFO hearing after unconfirmed claims of crashed alien spacecraft I'm not too confident that Congress or AARO will be able to obtain classified info about this. It seems like there are echelons in our government that maintain a strict culture of secrecy regarding this topic. If what Dave Grusch says is true regarding our inability to reverse engineer these craft perhaps the only solution is an official disclosure to attract more scientists and engineers to study it.
  11. You're generalizing. Muslims are very hardworking. Immigrants may be more dependent on welfare because they are on average poorer.
  12. Apparently DeSantis recently signed a bill that shields Spacex from liability. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ron-desantis-signs-bill-elon-musk-spacex-spaceflight-liability-1234742632/amp/ https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/13s60bz/desantis_signs_bill_shielding_musks_spacex_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Its starting to make sense....
  13. Compare and contrast this to Republicans banning books, threatening Civil War every 5 mins,banning abortions, trying to steal elections, allowing every crazed lunatic to purchase assault weapons, threatening corporations who don't align with their values, holding the economy hostage by allowing the US to default just to pass their agenda (which isn't in favor of the working class), trying to legalize child labor, trying to impose Christian nationalism on everyone, stoking stohastic terrorism by deliberately spreading misinfo to their lunatic base, denying systemic racism, denying climate change, calling Dems pedophiles when they're constantly involved in some scandal that involes sexual misconduct or pedophilia, opposing expanding healthcare, opposing student debt relief, opposing a livable wage, praising foreign dictators, etc etc etc No. Both parties are NOT the same.
  14. What is in your opinion considered income worthy? If you're asking if there should income requirements before starting a family then absolutely not. In the long run that will create more problems than you think it will solve.
  15. Yes, culture has a lot to do with it. And culture is deeply intertwined and influenced by economic mobility. Poorer people have more children for many different reasons that range from a lack of education, disparities when it comes to resources for family planning, gender inequality, and a range of economic incentives. Which is why we need to expand efforts to educate, empower women, and decrease economic disparities. You're correct that what I said is a half truth. Children are expensive no doubt. But people (and women in particular) are more educated and empowered when it comes to deciding whether or not they want to start a family. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. Its only a bad thing in your eyes because you ultimately feel threatened and insecure about immigrants taking over and becoming the dominant culture in your society. That's a very real and legitimate fear given the profit driven and highly competitive (excessively orange) society we live in. It sounds counter-intuitive but if you want immigrants to properly assimilate into your culture, we have to address all the forementioned things above. Economic disparity. Education. Family planning. Gender inequality. Sure it may ruffle some feathers but its a project that must be done. There's a lot of talk about the excesses of green these days and I beg to differ. IMO we haven't gone green enough. On the surface, we're becoming more green when it comes to social issues, but it's all done in the backdrop of a deeply orange, highly competitive society. Its performative green. Europe nor the US is anywhere near peak green. We'll reach half green when we make serious efforts to become a more egalitarian society , which requires a radically different approach to economics and society. Not easy task. But one that must be undertaken if we want to progress.
  16. This has nothing to do with feminism. People are not opting to have kids mostly because its too damn expensive. And yes, its true that many are deciding not to have them for environmental concerns. Based on the trajectory we're on as far as climate change I can't say I blame them. I have a child and I'm terrified of the future she'll live in. Ultimatley these concerns and the reluctance to having children is a result of orange in excess. If we didn't live in such profit driven and competitive society, people would have more time to make babies and have less anxiety about bringing children into this world. Your primary concern seems to revolve around immigration. And yes, I wont deny that there is a vast difference in worldviews between say, a Muslim man coming from Pakistan and a European women with stage green values. How you assimilate people who may have pretty rigid stage blue values into a stage orange and increasingly green society is a complex issue. But the refugees are coming and with climate change they'll continue coming. And the solution cannot be the alienation and the demonization of them. That will only cause more tension and further the divide.
  17. European birth rates aren't declining because of toxic green values. Lol. If you want to look at it through the lens of spiral dynamics, they're declining due to the excesses of stage orange. All industrialized nations are seeing declines in birthrates due to capitalism and the trajectory of economic growth, which causes people to have less time and incentive to have children. And if you want to go even deeper pollution play factor as well. Its causing infertility in many western countries. Which is ultimately a function of unregulated capitalism (orange in excess). I guarantee if you take away all the immigrants in Europe and birthrates will still be on the decline.
  18. Beau of the Fifth Column actually did an excellent video concerning this. Many people are confused about why people of color would embrace hard right and Nazi ideologies. It actually makes sense if you understand American history and how race can be a loosely defined concept used to maintain a social-economic hierarchy. https://youtu.be/vhFLoklZ-TE
  19. Going to need full body combat armor just to go to the grocery store pretty soon
  20. The point isn't to stop all mass shootings, its to reduce the likelihood of them occurring. I believe stricter gun restrictions accompanied with better mental health services will have a positive impact on reducing mass shootings. And you're right that we can't possibly buy back all the guns in this country. That isn't the point though. The point is to reduce the number of guns floating around in society. More guns ultimately mean more death. I think such a campaign would be quite effective too because everyone is in need of free money. Also we really need to change the gun culture in this country. For too many firearms (particularly AR-15's) are tied to masculinity when it shouldn't be.
  21. Its a little ridiculous that you seem to put the onus on Progressives to get serious on the issue. The desire to have gun restrictions isn't just something progressives want. Most Americans across the political spectrum agree that we need stricter gun laws. Its absolute buffoonery that an 18 year old or someone mentally ill can purchase an AR 15. That needs to stop, regardless of how many people already own these weapons. Yes, we need gun restrictions and perhaps a national gun buy back program. In addition we need to aggressively expand mental health care in this country.