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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Its just This and then silence. Namaste 🙏
  2. Added the Was Razard right for "clickbait" shock value, as I had many arguments with him in the past, me saying reality is not a dream and him saying it is a dream I've never had a more real dream in my life. And ive had many dreams both lucid and not. The night before I was in a perfect copy of one room in my apartment in Bulgaria, everything to small detail, i look is this there? Its there. And not like in normal dreams to change when i look away and look back. Everything was so ordinary. I didnt know im dreaming but I had a strong inkling, because i havent been in my apartment for a long time. I started to test the environment by interacting with it. I was fully aware within that dream, i was elaborately deciding, not just unconscious choosing what to interact with. I decided to pick up one cushion, and there it was, the first bug, as I picked it up, another one appeared in its place, but the feeling of picking it up was so real, so I did it again and again and even tho new cushions were spawning, that dream felt just as real as reality and I did not want to wake up from it. Makes me question, is Razard right that reality is a dream? Just a very elaborate dream, but so lucid and "realistic", i really dont think i want to wake up from it (unless it turns to nightmare). I found myself the next day exploring reality as that type of ultra real dream and started picking up things and interacting with objects i would just skip past before. I look at my environment and how rich it is with objects. Its amazing, i picked up some litter as a result of that and stared into and payed attention to what reality has to show me, while I can.
  3. Hi princess, Lets investigate, is it Now now now now now now, or is it just Now? I suggest to you that it is not many nows next to each other, but one Now and many damm tings happening within that now and changing. The words keep changing, content keep changing, space of now doesnt change. Makes you a bit less dizzy 😵 Only ever One Now, the razor's edge.
  4. @Razard86 sounds like the results of many hours restless overthinking. There better be a boundary, I dont want others to watch me shit! I'd urge you to stop overthinking and labelling reality trying to figure out every little detail, because it can be very paradoxical stuff. Or if you like doing that, then dont try to present your subjective findings and opinions as objectice truths for everyone. I can accept only one objective truth - consciousness. The rest you can keep to your own mind, because I try to keep mine clean from pollution.
  5. If I were a gamblin man I would bet my left nut that pure consciousness is prior to imagination and therefore imagination is not the end all be all God. But I dont want to lose that nut, so lets say im not a gamblin man. There is something more important than imagination that is actually verifiably real, it is here in the waking no matter what happens, it is there in the dreams no matter what dream, and its there in deep sleep when all imagining is gone. FIND the common denominator, its easy, and it cant be Imagination, because there is no imagination during deep sleep, but you still are. There is One that unites the Three and That is me. (Poetry corner) And here's some visual approximated representations of that which cannot be visualised (generated by.. Drumroll... Dream Ai, with a special prompt that is more like a prayer really):
  6. You cant get hit over the head by vapour, but you can be hit over the head with ice. You can't drink neither ice nor vapour, but you can drink water. Its all H2o. Its all imaginary? Its all H2o. Do Not paint with a broad brush. If you treat waking reality as the same imagination as your dream reality at night, you are treating ice as vapour. They need to be handled in completely different way and have completely different properties and "purpose". So the statement "its all imagination" gets us nowhere, because we still need to investigate the three separate states to know them. We cant know Vapour, Water or Ice, just by saying "Its all H2o", you need to actually drink the water, "vape the vapour" (sorry lack of vapour analogies) and hit your head with that ice and touch it, to really know them. Your intellectual knowledge that they are the same at their root cant get you there, and if you start claiming to others they are the same thing, you will get laughed off the stage after you break your teeth tryin to drink that ice! Nasty stuff
  7. Descartes is just an example of glorified ego of the past. He never checked the simplest thing, that he exists/is when he is not thinking. Probably was way too plagued by thinking to notice this simple yet radical fact. I do question what the Self is, but that question gives an experiential answer, not an answer for the mind, so it doesnt work to share in a forum discussion.
  8. Your problem is you think you know something. Who told you time and space exist? Im on the fence about everything apart from my own Self. Whatever else you're talking about only exists in your mind and in the minds of those from whom you learnt it from.
  9. What evidence bro Waking and dreaming are different states of consciousness, how do you dissolve boundary between ice and vapour, they are completely different states with different properties.
  10. I believe thats painting with a very broad brush. How real a dream can feal vs how real reality always feels I cant say waking is dream, but I can say that both these two states ( and the third state deep sleep), happen within me, and it is this me that is the only verifiably real thing, and its neither the dream nor the waking. Perhaps dreams are just the shadows of reality, or a lower dimension reality. I certainly dont know, all I can ever know for sure is myself.
  11. Ive had a different experience from long ago which i consider out of body. I was doing some crown chakra meditation, long story short i ended up floating above my body and looked down on it from the ceiling and i didnt have a body, I was like "empty nothingness observer" probably awareness. I was there in the dream, me, awareness, I definitely was there, otherwise i wasnt gonna know it, but yes, my phisical body was not there, but then again, the physical body is just a bunch of sensations and visuals within awareness, just like it was in the dream. But as I say, in reality, the body is more consistent. If I looked at my hand front and back during that dream it was going to bug out, just like with lifting the cushion. Hands are very hard to create by the subconscious, its one of the ways Charlie Morley explains in his book "Dreams of Awakening" how to check if you're dreaming. You have to regularly do it in waking if you want to do it during a dream and then you will realise you're dreaming when your hand turns to elephant trunk or gets fins, or something else random when you flip it a few times. (These are examples of hands that ive had during some lucid dreams after such checks. Ive never a single time had a consistent hand during a dream) I do believe reality is spiritual rather than physical, but again, I cant say there is no difference between dream at night and this reality "dream" even tho they have similarities.
  12. interesting take, it definitely didnt feel like a normal dream and I was super aware within it, but cant really say I was "out of my body" because in that room it was me, with my usual body sensation and interacting with my hands and body, I wasnt a ghost, otherwise I cant pick up stuff, right? I was there in same body feeling as I have now and could do the things I can do now, as far as I can recall. I didnt feel like I can do anything extraordinary like flying, but the ordinary things in that dream were the extraordinary, it was amazing because it wasnt some crazy thing, it was just the beauty of an old place I know and love from my childhood days. I can imagine meeting my long gone father that way, it would be something else.
  13. I just never lifted something for it to magically regenerate the same place while still holding the other thing. You can try to break reality but im still waiting for a video of you walking through walls, which you can easily do in a dream. Ofcourse, I once wanted to take a video of myself jumping insanely high during one dream, but my phone battery was conveniently dead. I love the subconscious, thinks of everything. I really wanted to record it and show everyone, because I believed the dream was reality
  14. Well there surely is a difference, as I mentioned in the dream it lacks consistency, even tho it was incredibly realistic, it still spawned a new cushion when i picked it up. Cant do that in waking. I am willing to accept that reality is a dream of higher order than dreams at night, perhaps the dream of God rather than dream of Human. I can never go to the conclusion "same as dream" because its simply not!
  15. its more like us and the trees. They basically breathe in CO2 and inhale O2 we do the opposite. I dont breathe in the CO2 you breath out We are in perfect balance and symbiosis with plants.
  16. im talking about gold price being 0.000x btc, it still might be bullish, but bitcoin can rise massively in comparison. The reward is worth the risk in my view.
  17. In the current reality, Price of Gold vs price of BTC is on a downtrend as seen in this chart, ever since BTC inception. I cant even show the top there because the current price action will not be seen and its gearing up for another leg down, ready to collapse to 0.
  18. Email does not replace mail, it has different purpose. i can show you the graph of gold against btc price, but you probably dont want to see it. Hint, gold is losing and looks like an exit scam on that chart, trending down down down. I get it has a huge marketcap, exactly why im buying crypto not gold.
  19. well the ones im currently buying, XRP (big fud around it, giving me chance to enter) ETC - the OG ethereum and Gala which is a low cap gaming coin Below is chart of xrp current price vs BTC and its at all time lows. Thats where i place my chips.
  20. You should check out creator of Ethereum, people put their money on anything he touches. The guy tweeted that solana is a good project and singlehandedly revived it from 8$ it is now 150$. Altcoins will rise and fall more than bitcoin, creating bigger volatility, but they will keep trending with btc. In the bull markets they will be better than btc, in bear markets they will be worse. Everyone can decide for themselves
  21. Just like different vehicles, we need the altcoins for different purposes. You cant just have a family car, you need racing cars, you need trucks that can carry a large load, you need all sort of different type of vehicles for it to best serve humanity. There is no universe in which altcoins die and bitcoin remains.
  22. thats for everything, including stocks and gold. You better hope not. Crypto is the email to gold's mail. I dont get why many have a problem with technology. Too old?
  23. Dropped a new chart on Tradingview, my initial measurement appears short sighted, this is the logarithmic chart target, 159k. Then we might experience another bear cycle , but as you can see they usually make it hard to sell even then, by returning to the high and asking the question, least what they did last time.
  24. "Technical traders watch the price charts and take trades depending on trends, chart patterns, and mathematical indicators. In contrast, news traders only depend on the signals that will be generated in the market when a trigger event occurs" Thats a google excerpt. I already posted to you very meaningful charts that made a lot of gains so far, with 0 attention on news or anything other than charts. You can deny the potency of technicals, but the evidence of it working is right there on my previous replies to you which include image. Maybe you skimmed over. Same technical tells me to look for possible top at 100k-105k range, if that level holds, i am definitely hedging my bet the other way.
  25. Technicals better than fundamentals. If chart says great buy and news say sell, i know which one to listen to and which one is manipulating leveraged traders