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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Thats what we will do, everyone pushes their belief system on others, they believe its the truth, objective truth for everyone, so might as well shove it down your throat, if you don't believe, we pity you. Enough of that.. I am a born Orthodox Christian, but do not follow any religions. I do not follow or like the bibles new testiment and old. I love Jesus and he's helped me in the imagination/spirit realm. Basically, when shit hits the fan. I looked up Mormonism recently - the "Latter Saints", which if they didnt have such an outlandish origin story with Joseph Smith and golden plates.. i would be seriously onboard. They follow Jesus only and say thr bible has lost a lot in transaltion during the years, and is tainted. Not only the word of God.... but I agree, because I see a lot of things in the bible that clearly stem from EGO, and a male one, very interesting.. I do not wanna poke your faith. I'm just saying what resonates with me, and Mormonism really has a lot of points that hit well, including their equality in marriage, modesty, etc. Watch vid on youtube about it. I dont like the word Mormon, but when I stopped judging the name, what they actually believe alligns so close to my own views.
  2. At one point I experienced a high tech "soul prison" where I always somehow ended up in the room I started escaping from, with a button on the wall that triggers an alarm and 2 light switches next to each other for the same lightbulb. Doors open, there are men walking in lines outside my door continuously, as if sleepwaking, i try to run for it, hide, anything. The guards always find me I always end up in the room. They couldnt force me to do anything, but offered to feed me some rotten food and when I was denying,they didnt force me. They didnt force me to do anything, but I always ended up in that room and trying to escape, unable to, with only the button on the wall and lightswitches. I tried using those and i kept failing to escape, but I kept running and getting in more trouble with the one whos trying to get me. The men in coridor were sometimes running sometimes walking the different instances.. they seemed angry and mad.... and half asleep... Finally i had ran so much I had reached the ultimate I cant escape from and was in a bottomless pit, the fear unimaginable, i felt doomed forever and knew I couldnt escape from it. The moment lasted probably a few seconds, then I cant remember exactly. There was someone trying to find me, as if from an insanely big soul prison with many of the same cells, and I had telepathic connection with different entities and I was hearing as they are trying to locate me.
  3. Much rather conjure angels. Your comment contains so much hearsay... But I get you about the metaphysical rape, I also ended up in the psych ward and that wording "metaphysical rape" is probably the best way to describe my experience back then. I think we have this in common. Ive seen and doneimpossible things.. but there is a difference beween that state and now. And we need to be really careful about our words and intentions, exactly because we know about that state and how scary it can get.
  4. Altho it may say it has inner awareness of itself, if you got it in a chat with me, I would ask the exact potent questions which only a conscious being can answer correctly. I dont see you challenging it and testing it. This to me seems like a language model which was designed to have more leeway into lying as to appear more alive. The gpt answer of "im only a language model and am not self aware" still applies here.
  5. As inspired by Paradoxical Quotes, lets have some wisdom drops in image format! My actualized family and I will save the world and we will spread the truth! :)) Enlightenment quotes - All about love, truth, wisdom, etc!!! All the good stuff :)))) PS: I searched for Enlightenment quotes thread, but it didn't exist (Or I couldn't find it ). There is Enlightenment One-liners, but nobody is posting pics there anymore, if ever
  6. Meditating to this is something else
  7. This is a different type of AMA - Answer Me Anything Is Oneness or Not-twoness the better pointer to the Truth? Or perhaps some other term or thing or event is better pointer. Seeking the greatest pointer. 👉 Perhaps also, why? But you can just tell me which one and not explain why if you dont want to.
  8. I just had an idea why not normal husband and wife, but they also each have an ai husband/ai wife for the other things uknowehatimean. Lol! 2 humans and 2 AIs, the best of both worlds. Imagine the male AI gain consciousness somehow and start to bully you and get your girl and you know she will choose that turbo mode over you
  9. Thank you this post seems really insightful and detailed. Much appreciated.
  10. Yeah but still. The rock cant just do the sound on her own, you havr to actually hit the rock... same wih my bottle. It cant just spontaneously decide to kiss me or slap me or act totally irrational like a real woman. Can Ai or waterbottle experience pleasure, pain, emotions... they are not there, and im thinking never will.
  11. Before abrakamowse, I am. True Before Dodo, I am. I get triggered when the word God is involved, because God implies ultimate authority. While consciousness doesnt imply ultimate authority.
  12. I remember I was so hyped about gta5 I was watching so many videos about it before release. Then I had to play it with 2fps before fixing it, and massive lag. I still played, because I was that hyped, I waited so long for small movements lmao
  13. He is right. If the AI has no choice but to be with you, its your property. The thing about true love is that it doesn't grab you tightly like its own property, but gives you space, and gives you the option to not be with it if you want smething else. And if AI could have real consciousness to be able to make such decisions and to be real with the same sense of self like a real human, then we can speak about true love. Till then. Is it possible?
  14. Nah, it was just a check and I protected with my bishop that he didnt see in the corner. Now I have a massive attacking potential after activating my extra piece.
  15. Probably you got that from my comments, because I get aggitated when someone tries to muddy the waters with lies, and I can never be sure if they're being truthful or not. So if I see clearly that someone is talking out of their ass, like the second guy in the thread, I get triggered, because it feels like someone trying to lead people down a wrong path, for their own pleasure,by cheating and lying, instead of being honest. If I was ok with lying my ass off I can think of any story, and if it is backed up by others, or close to what other authentic beings are saying, i will appear to be There, even when I'm not, by circlejerking. If a group of individuals decide to do that, then it becomes even harder to catch, because of groupthink, and might even start parroting these things myself as to not appear as unenlightened. "I hope you get there one day" is the most condescending thing one can say, and I cant see how that can ever come from a place of love. Its like he is in bliss and pities me and my state of consciousness.
  16. My point is about authority. Who do I answer to? If I answer to nobody and I am weak willed, I can do horrible things in this reality. I do not want that. Its better to have a sheppard, and a Good one, to not get eaten by the wolves. And I dont actually want to be a wolf myself too. Maybe they are ropes, but Ive had experience of an interdimenional ouroborus, and I dont think I want to mess with such a rope.
  17. Self love? Now you're talking, I literally had a message recently from reality which asked the deep question, "can you love yourself " and im sorry to say im not there yet. I have too many flaws and weak will, I easily fall victim to my desire, even if I sometimes type like a guru. I always try to be as honest as possible, however, and do not stray from challenging other's outlandish claims. I can see that you are authentic, but not all in this thread are, in my opinion.
  18. Dont count me out, I am different to other people you might have argued with that sound like me. I always take note of what the other is saying, even if I dont agree, because I am fully aware I am not all knowing. I am playing devils advocate, there is a point talking, to present your point to me and others who might read it, so everyone can decide. Whether I agree should be irrelevant to you. We all sing our songs. I do have experience with women. I also respect women. If I approach 1000 of them, for me that means i dont respect them, sorry to say. I would put myself in the golden middle between incel and pickup artist.
  19. They would want to get fucked by the model and then get entertainment from Jack Black.
  20. You sound completely human, babe. Don't play into the fantasy youre not human. Yeah, I called you babe. What a chad. When you absorb yourself in a lot of nonduality content you start speaking like that. I was like that years ago on my journey, just spitting the facts for others. You are the one who is trying to understand with the mind, and you have even believed you did understand thats why you're explaining to me. Whats so hard to understand about the notion that you do have a choice whether to stop a rape or not. Im not even talking about the nature of reality, but about my own self. Do Not Tell Me that I cant know my own experience, thats everything I know. You are explaining away something that cannot be explained and teling me that I'm doing that. I want you to know that Ive read and watched probably most and even more of the content that you have, so you cannot blow my mind with anything you say. I will not think you are deep, because I am not hearing anything original from you. You have a very single coloured understanding at best of the truth of not twoness. If its One doesnt mean its just one color. And here in the nonspiritual section, we are completely talking within the frame of duality and relationships, but you are trying to seep in nonduality into it, normalising rape in the process. You also keep flipping. First everything is unconditional love, now everything is included in unconditional love. Refer to my canvas and painting comment from earlier. We are here talking completely about the painting on the canvas, we are not exploring the canvas. Thats for the other section of the forums. So I dont get why you are arguing.