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Everything posted by Philipp

  1. A lot of my friends believe in many conspiracy theories ( plandemic, deep state, 9/11, giants, aliens, pyramids, etc. ) I developed a practical way of interacting /helping them. In my opinion, conspiracy theories are huge beliefs. They involve so many institutions, people, science, history, etc. You cannot convince them at ones to let go all of it. So what the solution You build up little wedges in their belief system over time. You do this by argueing about small but key issues in their belief system. Don't be agressive, they must feel comfortable and they probably will, if you keep your discussion quite focused. You cannot win the war, but can win battles and if you keep it focused they won't feel threatened to let go of the belief. It is important to show and display them quality information and reasoning and with time they might see the worthiness of your world view. One problem I encounter is that I usually don't even engage in many conspiracy theories (giants, etc), because you can intuitivly see the bullshit already. If you want to convince others, you will probably have to engage to a certain degree with their theories. If you feel a division is being created between you and the other over the topic, it is also good to do things you have in common and talk about things where you can relate with each other. The key in my opinion is time. Big, powerful beliefs take time to change.
  2. where do you live? have you a master (in case you want to do a phd)? As far as I know medical treatments (as for ADHD) must be aproved and researched before you can do them. You can maybe find a loophole or greyzone however, You should probably look this up if you are serious.
  3. This resistance. these emotionale reactions by biting the moment of letting go, when the resistance just starts melting away. and no acting Do you find this video inspiring?
  4. Since a few people claimed that "You will need to get a vaccine every 6 month", I made a bit of research to tell you what current expert think about this question. I read this article on healthline (November 30), where two experts: Dr William Schaffner ("infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee") and Dr. Dean A. Blumberg ("chief of pediatric infectious diseases at the University of California") give their opinion. Both expert say: "it’s too early to tell how frequently boosters may be required. However, a COVID-19 shot may need to occur at some frequency for years into the future." Schaffner adds: "Would it be a year, 2 years, 5 years? We don’t know" Blumberg says: "I would hope that we don’t need a booster every 6 months. We’ll see, maybe it will be yearly or maybe it won’t even need to be that often." To summarize, I think it is not fair to say that a Covid booster will be needed every 6 month. It is possibility, but the research and knowledge is just not there yet to tell how often it will be need. The interval could likely also be 1 year (same as influenza) or 2 year.
  5. I see a lot of Misinformation that "the vaccine does not reduce the transmission of the virus" My brother, who is a doctor and did almost only Covid cases for the last 1,5 years, told me that the vaccine reduces the spread by about 40%. I also read this study (Oct 2021) by a Journal on Infectious Disease, which does state, that (since the delta varriant) the reduction of transmission from the vaccine is "minimal". But they also say, that it is possible, that a third shot can improve this. Apparently also the viral load in vaccinated people reduces faster than in unvaccinated people. I also read this article (Oct 2021):, which does speak of a "large study" done by the Oxford University, which does find a reduction in transmission (65% reduction for Pfizer, 35% for Astra). So I guess this question does seem remain somewhat unclear, especially since the emergance of the delta variant (and now the omnicron variant). It is also unclear what effect the booster shot will have. ("The question of whether booster doses will improve the impact on transmission should be addressed as a top priority." Lanclet). It s better to not make certain statements, as long as there is still need for more research. However I would also like to state, that spreading the virus is not the only way you are affecting others. With limited healthcare ressources, we can also affect others by getting hospitalized.
  6. I can imagine that the governemnt incentivizes companies with democratic and social values, but direct ties between government and companies can turn bad very quickly
  7. I had a very communist perspective towards the economy at some point, but my opinion changed, because ultimatly the massive concentration of power in Leninism, will attract way too much corruption.
  8. @Epikur no I would not say, either you control the virus, which means it reproduction rate is below 1, or you don't, which would lead to a steady exponential rise.
  9. @BadHippie you have three options and you HAVE to choose one: A. Do nothing, no or minimal restrictions. Covid goes viral. Many people get sick. Many people die, even people that were vaccinated, since vaccine do not protect 100%. Hospitals system gets overburdened. Many people that need operations, won't be able to get them (this can also apply to healthy 25 year olds, who have no risk from covid). Many people won't get proper treatment to covid. So even more people will die. Tourism will also suffer, since no one wants to go to Covid land for their vaccation. B. We have very restrictive Measures, such as Lockdowns, to prevent Covid from spreading. The economy suffers immensely from those restrictions, as well as the people. C. You somehow manage to convince more than 90% of people (maybe even a bit more) to get vaccinated and thus to create a heard immunity (maybe combined with some minor measures, such as masks and testing). A third dose will also be necessary and eventually after one year or two a fourth probably aswell, however the distance between doses should increase each time, maybe even exponentially. At least 99% of doctors and epidemiologist agree that there is not other options. If you want to believe in some weird doctors who think differently, don't expect people to respect your opinion. 99% of doctors is definitly better than 1%. You are not expert, don't start thinking that you are. All argument you read on the internet are usually very limited, false, misinterpreted, but you won't realize, SINCE YOU ARE NO EXPERT.
  10. you can date very beautifull women even if you are short (I know a friend who does). The real problem is that who think you don't deserve them or that you are in general not very attractive to women, but then focus maybe on the things you can affect.
  11. you want to get rid of heightism, but girls should still be physically attractive right?
  12. @Username hmmm well maaaaaybe covid wasn't that bad, BECAUSE you were vaccinated...
  13. i don't think so. They are definitly people in favor of mandatory vaccination and such. You just don't hear from them. If not enough people vaccinate themselves, there has to be measure to promote or enforce vaccination. It is that or lockdowns and a ruined economy or a overburdened health care system and many deaths and triage. It just a practical choice. You HAVE to choose one. And having to inject yourself with a prooven safe vaccine is not that bad, but you can choose one of the other options if you prefer.
  14. It s ridiculous to compare this to fascism. Mandatory vaccination is nothing new, as it was done for Polio as well. I don't think it is smart myself, but it is not fascism.
  15. @Chakra Lion It is like fascism, their are two groups, and one of them has disadventages. The difference is, you can switch from one group to the other, without any financial, health cost, at any time. Thats why it is something completly different to fascism in 1930 etc., where a jewish could have never just switched.
  16. I m from austria and I don't think it was a smart idea. They already had very strict rules against unvaccinated people (they couldn't go to a restaurant or a theater, not even with a test). And the "lockdown for unvaccinated" really does not change that much more. It's very easy not to comply, since all the vaccinated people will still walk around. BUT it definitly had some symbolic power of creating more seperation and thus fueling the process of unvaccinated people building an identity around being unvaccinated.
  17. NFT are also more than just the idea, they are also a proof of ownership. So it transforms these digital artworks into a status symbol. I think it has a bright future. But it is something for the egoic mind.
  18. Hey, I am wondering on which basis I should decide for my career / Life purpose. I was contemplating the meta aspects. Please keep in mind that these decision nowadays require large entry investments (5+ years of studying) and that it is not as simple as to try everything out. What do you think is the right aproach: having a long term plan (10+ years) vs. no plan (just choosing what draws you in) concrete goal (certain job) vs. no concrete goal allowing fear to play a role (fear of poverty , vs. trying to ignore fears fear of boredom, fear wage slavery, +) Asking myself "what do I want" vs. "what is the best option" trying to consider what it would imply for vs. not trying to predict your future your future (10, 20, 30+ years) considering your growth potential (should I vs. just judging on my current stage on selflessness consider that in 10, 20 years I will probably be more selfless than now) for me vs. for others Please consider that I am not enlightened and that I have to make this decision at this stage, so it is no help to tell me, that there is no difference between self & others.
  19. @Sahil Pandit My interests are very broad, I have already a bachelor in psychology and studied computer science (for 1 year). Currently I am studying industrial Design. My strengths are also broad (analytical, creative, even a good social sense) however I have poor persistency.. and I am a rather poor leader (or at least not used to it). whats your current situation? do you have a LP or a meaningful career? how are you pursuing it?
  20. I am not sure how much certain countries will really be able to lead this green transition With a globalized economy, a country cannot effectivly shape or even regulate its economy on its own. And since the economy has also become an increasingly bigger part of society, this means that national governements will have serious difficulties to go ahead if others remain stage orange. In this sense the orange to green transition will need to happen on a global scale or at least on supranational scales.
  21. Oh lord this one is hard to swallow. Jordan Peterson with some decent question, but his guest are really down the far end, extreme levels of materialism, a omnipresent unconscious fear of the government, america style. There are a lot of things that I think are just blatantly wrong, especially in the fact that inflation is robbery. Doesn't the government use the money it prints for its expenditours, so it basicly it prints instead of taxing, which makes inflation a very flatly distributed tax over all in possession of money, probably taxing more the upper classes! Not sure, but they always make it sound like the poor get fucked by inflation and that sounds weird.
  22. - adapt to the person you are selling to. People respond to different things. If they seem very conscious, then you should probably try to match that and be honest. If they don't you could get away with some manipulating (but you know that is the craft of the devil) - you can always try to make it a win-win situation. Think about how your product is making you customer win.
  23. @Bob Seeker I don't know if you can relate, but I also started studying psychology out of this curiosity and interest for the mind, that came from self help & watching Leo. But the study itself did not really respond to that curiosity. Maybe the problem was, that it was just about learning things by hearth to succed at the Multiple Choice Test, which really does not stimulate a human mind who wants to synthesize, reflect and apply. But I also had the feeling that most information I was learning were kind of superficial. Yes they were "proven", which has value, but they seldom spoke about self deception, about values and moral, about how survival shapes the mind. I did not learn about the subconscious, about Jung etc. In some sense psychology as a scientific concept promises so much, the understanding of human behaviour and experience, but in reality it does not deliver, otherwise it would probably be the most in demand degree on the market. Keep me up to date how you go forward!
  24. @Bob Seeker Haha I am 24 years, also have BA in Psychology, but I live in Austria^^. Honestly I was a bit disapointed with my study and even to a certain degree with the field of psychology at large, but that's my opinion. I was also thinking what to do with it, but to be honest I don't think I want to work in the social field or as therapeut (I am introverted, a perfectionist and I think I would get bored). I also don't want to work in HR (again not that great for introverts I think). The thing that would probably interest me the most at this point would be to use those statistics skills maybe in market research (you can also learn a lot there and transition into product management, if you like do work in the buisness world). I am contemplating about trying to go into psychological research. I think qualitativ research, developmental psychology, differential psychology could be interesting, but it would mean continuing to study psychology which I did not enjoy that much. To be honest I am bit concerned about psychological research, because I feel that it is expensive research (especially longitudinal studies) and there is a strong quantitative paradigm, which basicly work with questionaires, which will rarely go into the depths and subconscious aspects of the mind. There is also the whole replication crisis in psychology if you heard of that. In the end I think you would need to accept the currenty scientific system and maybe later you can really influence and direct this type of research. Personally I am thinking about still going into an another field like computer science, architecture, design or art, but I am bit lost, so I am not a good example.