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Everything posted by Nic

  1. Sharing is caring man! If you have great advices, summaries like those, please share!
  2. Go ahead man! That would be helpful!
  3. @jcgiusto Thank you for sharing, very helpful and well done, much quicker to read this than going through the whole video again. There should be a whole section for summaries I believe, That would save a lot of time for a lot of people. If you have more than what you already have been sharing, feel free to share. Cheers
  4. Whatever I say will be! As I see it, my plan is not going to be your plan, through my life I have other experiences than you, and anybody else. I don't need a plan, I surrender. When I don't feel happy, I remind my self by taking the habit of self emotional observations that I'm the one creating these emotions. So if I'm not happy in any situation, I see my full responsibility in my feelings, I take another perspective on things, most of the time I choose the gratefulness perspective as it is really easy to realize the thousands of things that are absolutely unbelievable, just think about how your body functions, and all the things it allows you to do right at this second. What do you want me to say, don't study, be a yogi, that is so cool ? Out of all the advices I'could give you, you'll choose what reinforces your ego anyway! Anyway! This is also actually what happened after watching Leo's video, you reinforced the ego, because you have a bad feeling of having one. So it doesn't depends what you do, it depends how you do it. I like to believe that what ever life is giving you to deal with right now, you have a chance to learn from it and to be mindful about it. What you experience right now is the side effect of knowing the truth "too early" not because you are too young, but Leo's teaching can be dangerous and be depressing because you have nothing to hold on to. I'm lucky because I did the course I advertise in correct section of the forum, I don't feel lost. I feel grateful. I can only encourage you to take a look. You just haven't train your brain to see life from another perspective at will. You say everything is a scam, In reality nothing is a scam. It's just a perspective change, an attitude, a commitment to be happy! You can have a happy life studying, going to the office, finding love, get married, having kids... In reality, like everybody else, you just want to be happy, now the question is can you practice awareness doing the things you'll do, whatever that will be, so that whatever happens, you'll choose to see it from the wise perpective, the higher self perspective. It's a long life training and practice. You don't see the value of living a so called normal life, but there is so much to be thankful for, you just take them for granted, that's it! Nothing makes sens at first sight, on second sight, a lot of it does make sens when you recognize the magic of it all. Once you recognize the value, you might think of closing your eyes, because your mind will be at peace and you then you might fall asleep. For the moment you are having a nightmare falling asleep because your mind is not at peace. Become a yogi if you want man. Follow your heart, I can't be at your place right now. But as I see it, with my experience of life, this is going to be an experience like any other. I'm going on 37, single, still don't know what I want to do, I learn guitar zen master style, I'll see what tomorrow has to offer. But I'm happy and I will try to be happy no matter what! In a way, this is my master plan: Deal with awareness in a mindful way to what ever life gives me to deal with, not trying to judge it, staying neutral. I hope it helps! Take care!
  5. Why don't you update your playlists on Youtube? It's easier to find some of your content like this. Some might think, your playlist on enlightenment is all you've got and could miss a lot of important stuff. When I send your youtube playlist on enlightenment, I also send the free will video and say "and forget to watch this one as well... " It could be helpful!. Thank you for everything by the way!
  6. @JevinR All I can tell you is: Do you remember when you were 13? You were not the same as now, Am I right? Well, life never stops doing that. So your intentions of today might become something you'll remember and really laugh at tomorrow. And this never stops. Never! I'm an experience collector. Instead of sitting and doing meditating all the time, I try everything and travel everywhere. In the end, it doesn't matter what you do, but how you do it! What ever you do, do it with passion, live your life with passion, make sure you express love all the time. So, Enjoy life! Take care!
  7. Hi Damien, greets from Zurich! Cool to have neighbors round here! I believe in a school without competition, where we care about the outcome of the group, not making egoistic individuals caring only about their own results. i believe also that school should be use to solve the issues of tomorrow by teaching pupils to look at the roots of the problems of how we could improve the human condition. I bet they would do a better job than all the politicians around today, could it actually be worse? The ones that should get marks are teachers from the group's ability to get better at problem solving. Teach pupils the difference between making a life and making a living as the TED video said!
  8. It starts at the moment we are debating here, it runs for 6 mins exactly. One minute before ending of this 6min sequence, Leo says what he thinks of it, "it is not an absolute truth, just a general guideline..." I would agree on this conclusion!
  9. So you mean there is really nothing is this nothingness?! I'm baffled Reread the first post
  10. I'm sorry, what ever you want to say, I'm not getting it. Maybe you'll need more than 8 words to explain your point of view if you will.
  11. The question you ask feels legitimate but it makes you spin endlessly... this is a sign that there is something wrong with the question. Identify those questions as we as human have the possibility to ask our selves questions that have no answers. Most questions we have about life are ego creations that only will satisfy your rational mind if you find an answer to it, but it won't bring you a step closer to the truth. The best thing to do with bad feelings is to embrace them, so to go deep in them, look the resistance you apply on them and to be able of letting go of them by dissolving the lies that created the feelings in the first place. By lies I'm talking about the mind chatter, the righteousness, and in all, the false identification with the voice.
  12. And then what happens? I have problems on this one, as I see it, we, the ego that creates separation, doesn't exist, I think everybody gets this one by now. Everything just is and you are the same thing that you are actually looking at. The body is, the world is, the universe is, and nothing ever ceases to exist. Nothing disappears and reappears when I flick my eyes every 3 seconds and my body doesn't disappear when I fall asleep and nobody looks at me while I sleep. For me, when you say that there must be seer for an object to be seen or even exist, this is an ego illusion as there is no seer in the first place, you only believe that you are a seer. You believe you are a creator of some sort, what i'm saying is that you 're not creating more than a rock or a piece of wood. You only believe you do. I'm not saying that I'm right or that it is the truth , I'm saying that is how I see the world. So please explain your point of view in the most simplistic way so that everybody understands it.
  13. One has to know that gratitude is not only the best but also the easiest habit one can have to be able to change perspective and therefor emotions in every situation. We have the tendency to forget all our inner organs that works without us being aware of, that can lead to powerful mindful meditations in which you take all particular organs and send them your gratitude consciously. Your body and general health benefits directly from the experience of receiving your gratitude. To say I Am grateful for this and that is one thing, to change the feeling of the moment consciously is another thing. Send your gratitude and deeply feel it! This habit can lead to real life transformation by realizing that you are the creator of your emotions, which we usually take as things we can't influence as they seem most of the time that they are happening to us, which is so untrue. In every situation there is something to be grateful for, ain't that something to be grateful for right now?!
  14. I take life as a big joke, and self actualization is a part of life. People tend to take things far too seriously myself included sometimes. But I like to laugh at everything and especially at myself. What I like to laugh at is the dialogue in my head... "this can't be happening, no, not again..." So I take self actualization serious enough to make a habit but not a religion out of it if you see my point. There's got to be some fun right now as well for me. Not jumping in the next course for Zen masochist masters, there is some balance to find between the crazy non sens society living and the crazy non sens enlightenment chasing. Ultimately we all look for peace of mind. At this moment, my work has paid off.
  15. If you dissect a thought, or a judgment there are a few things happening. In the judgement that for exemple, you are fat. -You have an honest assessment like, it might true or not: "I'm fat", you could be actually neutral about it, but 99% of the time you are not. -Then there is the attitude in witch you say that. You are happy about it, sad about it often heard in the tone of your inner voice because the assessment implies so many things at the same time, that you are beautiful or not, that you'll never find a partner, but it basically comes back to that: that you're worth loving or not worth loving. -Then you bite into the assessment that you are fat. You agree on the assessment "oh yes, I'm so fat", you agree on the assessment but also in the tone in which you said that, with the implied assumptions about what it is to be fat. This all happens in a split second and you don't notice that. The trick is not to stop judging for now. The trick is to stop biting into the assessment, to become aware of the judgment, to observe the dialogue like girls gossiping in your head that you kindly ignore, to see all what is implied underneath that assessment by noticing that you are being judgmental and just say thank you very much man, I heard you. Thank you for your assessment, but it was attached by many lies that I came aware of. I don't bite into it. Thank you. For a judgment towards yourself or anybody to have effect on you, a part of you has to agree, this is the one part you can take control of and say no. I don't bite into it. After that you can practice being neutral about your assessments! But for now try to see in yourself the part that agrees with judgments. You actually have a dialogue not a monologue going on in your head. Take care and good luck!
  16. If you exclude the fact the we don't exist and that we don't have free will and stuff, the things that make a person mean, unable to change perspective, could be the past events that the person holds in the mind for his present, the pain he feels due to the loss of a loved one, stress altogether, his education and indoctrination from society, the TV programs he watched, the games he played on PC, the lack of love received by his parents, his disability to process information, the food that he has been eating, the amount of certain bacterias overgrowths he has in the guts that influence directly on human behavior, hormonal dysfunctions, it could be also a tumor in his brain or anywhere else but they are so many factors that we can't actually answer that question. In my opinion, the first question to answer in that case would be: Is there anything good or bad in this univers or is our human mind making something up here? I would therefor advise you to step outside the question-answering process. Identify the questions that don't need to be asked because they can't be realistically answered properly. Go straight to the fundamental questions like the one above and the fundamental quotes. Otherwise those questions, even though very philosophical and cool to discuss about, make one spin in doubt until one finds a logical answer that fits one's way to understand the world. This won't make you come 1 step closer to the truth, in fact it's the contrary, it will just feel like it and make you ask another question that cannot be answered too and so on. This is why on forums even like this one, you might only find more mind chatter, answers to questions that don't make sens in the first place and that will not give you peace of mind, never. Basically you know faaaaaar too much already. This is one problem. But it can actually help you to recognize that you know far too much as you only look for more. For me intelligence is the contrary of being mindful. If by any chance you look for peace of mind, you need to let go of the need of answering questions, even to wanting to ask them. What needs to be done is drop the knowledge and understanding. Look at my signature, this is how I see life, I can't recommend you and anybody else enough to write those words in a place you see 50 times everyday! They made wonders for me and made me win a lot of time not to run around in my questioning wheel I have in my head. I hope you can see my point and I hope it helps you save a lot of time. You have a beautiful smile. Thanks for sharing it! Take care!
  17. Perfect! This is really nice that we can discuss even the free session of the course, thank you Gary! But I don't think of it as a good idea, I wouldn't be for releasing anything about the mastery course even the free sessions, because in my opinion, one could benefit more from doing the work for the time recommended, 2 weeks per exercice, except for the first exercice, one week. If one get the content of the first 4 exercices at the same time, one could be tempted to do all 4 exercises at the same time, which I think is not the path to mastery. And mastery needs time as you know! I won't release the paid material transcripts on the internet or anywhere else! I have no interest or intention in harming your business in any way! Rather the contrary actually! This was my plan! They would probably need some, maybe a lot of corrections though, as english is not my mother language, but I'd be glad if you can make use of it, I'll contact you! Thank you Gary!
  18. Yes, they are mean because they are hurt, but the pain, if not coming from straight forward physical abuse, is due to unconscious thinking behavior, self inflicted mental punishment through wrong perspective on life, giving responsibility of their emotional state to the people and things that surround them.
  19. You are very welcome Algi. If you drive yourself crazy with anything, this means there is something wrong. And in any instructions, you will find ways to make it all fail, like putting an electrical device in a microwave, up side down in water, or doing something completely out of place like taking a piss on a table in public, saying "hey, it was not written anywhere that I'm not allowed to do that... " You've always got to choose the wise, the sane way, always asking, does that make me feel good? The thing not to forget is to really feel the emotion consciously choose, desire to express, like gratitude, not only saying "thank you", this won't make any difference, feel the gratitude in your bones and skin, feeeeeeeel it! Replace the old emotion by a new one, not only words! To handle a break up or a death of a loved one, I mean what is the point of living in pain? Does anyone benefit from it? To avoid pain you've got to question your views on death... question the fact that you are sad for that person but not for all living being on the planet. But you can also see yourself as being very lucky to have lived with that person for so long, for all the things you've learned thank to that person, and so on, there are so many positive things to see, so many new perspectives to see the world through even completely neutral ones. When we are in pain we see though the negative perspectives that we unconsciously choose. But they are not the only way, they are the monkey mind way. So pain in those cases are resistance to what is, the present moment. See the lack of awareness in living in the past. Eckart Tolle is a good teacher in this, I recommend his teachings. Of course it is not unhealthy or bad to be sad for a while, it's ok, but you've got to know there is another way to get out of sadness mindfully. You can wait for time to "heel" the wounds if you want. But I'd rather not have mentally created wounds at the first place. If I have wounds, I will not make the unfairness of world responsible for those wounds, The world just is what it is, Il know that I can choose to be happy no matter what happens by consciously changing perspectives on things. Pain and suffering are often cause by false expectations on how life and things should be, other dreams that you falsely identify with and therefor take for granted. Expectations are anything but reality. Watch for those! -Does accepting your resistance contradict what I'm saying, yes and no. I see your question being like, it's ok to be a piece of wood that breaks from time to time, accept it. Like a physical handicap. Of course you can accept that you are a piece of wood. But I 'd rather behave like water in general and embrace all there is to accept by changing at will my points of view on what ever happens, especially on my way of thinking about anything, not only on the fact that you are a piece of wood. So my advice here is really to practice mindfulness on your thoughts process by hunting emotions, so you will know what to do when challenging times comes in way. Take care!
  20. I copied and paste this post from another topic on real growth because it is directly related to the course: @Algi In my case meditation helped not so much, it was a good bonus, for me it was mostly emotions watching thank to the course I did. Because meditation helped me see and realize that ideas are out of my control, but I rarely have emotions when I meditate. Emotions are for me what makes ideas feel "real". I'm not saying that one should not meditate! Please do it as much as possible! But I believe this is the way for me to mental sanity, real growth, long lasting happiness and this procedure gives me equanimity. I question the whole process of having emotions. This is what I would call wisdom and it is actually hard work, not to jump into an emotion and to do this for as long as it becomes a new way of life, to be an emotion hunter as my spiritual master would say. This is being self aware. This whole process detaches me from the lies of the voice and the voice itself, from the emotions that comes from being identified with it. I hope this can help someone to get rid of the daily drama he/she is living! You can change the dialogue at will for yourself, if you are being judgmental on yourself, this is of course only an exemple. So I dive into the thinking/emotional process: When I notice that feel any emotions (mostly bad of course, they are less pleasant...), I go and ask: -Hey, what do I feel now exactly? Pain, anger/ joy, pride - What created that feeling ? Ok, my thoughts. -What Am I thinking? He is so cool/a big asshole. -What else Am I thinking, it's not only this, you know there's something hidden? That I'm not as good/better than as him or her. -In what tone was I saying that? Accusing, judging and/or being victim, pity.... -What was hidden underneath that idea or that word? That I'm not worth being loved, that I'm worth being loved. -How come did I make the shortcut to all this without noticing it in the first place? Because I was unconscious of the whole process, it happened so quick. -What can I do now with that feeling I'm aware of? Let go of it. -Why would you let go of it? Because I don't feel good/ why not? (If I feel good, I say, I didn't create this feeling on purpose did I) -How can I let go of it? By changing perspective! Of course!!!! I forgot I can change perspective, there is always at least one another perspective. -What kind of perspective? Well I can for exemple choose the most simple perpective of all, the GRATITUDE perspective! -Fuck off, not again!? Yeah right mate, Gratitude, you know they are thousand things to be grateful for right now, my breathing, my body, my job, my clothes, my family and friends and so many things I can't even see right now because I'm blind and emotional, but this guy who you think now is an asshole also just gave you a wicked exercise to be mindful... so be thankful!!!! Say thank you!!! Come on! -Thank you! No sincerely, do not only say thank you, send him your gratitude, and feel the gratitude yourself, you will feel the emotion , not him, but you. He only did the best he could in his situation, he could be your own dad/brother or even yourself. Your dad/brother is not the most mindful guy either?! Yourself are not always aware as well... yeaaah sure! -Will I care in ten years from now? Of course not, I'll laugh about it, I'll be actually thankful to have learn something! -So why should I care now? I don't really know as I remember that story of the zen master, the farmer and his son that found a horse, and that story makes a lot of sense to me. -So you can forgive him right? I guess I could, fogginess does make me feel good, it would be the right choice for sure. There is not much sens in clinging to anger anyway, it only stresses me out, I only punish myself. If I can't do that, I just react unconsciously to an unconscious person. I want to learn something from it. OH YES, so that you'll be better than him right? Hmmm, sounds tempting but not really, I fell in that trap before... no, just because it feels good doing so. I'm not better than anyone you know. That would be judging, this is what I actually try to avoid here you little cheeky scamp, he he! - There is no sens in judging anything anyway, the voice I hear is just playing with me. Thank you voice for giving me notice of your opinion but I don't see why I should refrain from expressing love/compassion right now, as expressing love/compassion is making me feel good actually. Love doesn't need any reason to be expressed, it only needs reasons not to be expressed. Try to rationalize love anyway... Rationality doesn't make me happy, it refrains me from being happy, like I could experienced it in the past. You made me loose my temper more than once and I've hurt people as well remember? By biting into your lies based in fear, you got me into depression some time ago remember? This was very painful, I had to get myself out of this, now I don't trust you anymore like you were the master of my life. Thank you for your advice. I'll listen to you when I need you. You are my friend, and you did your best, you did exactly what you were designed to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, See, it does you good as well when you feel this love, you're going quiet... Take care my friend, see you soon! -Hmmmm, hmmmmmm.... The internal discussion I have with myself usually ends there, otherwise I just start it all over again if the pain I feel remains. After a few seconds comes the next idea again of course, will I bite into it is another question. When the emotion is there, I can see that I did bite into it! The more you do it, the quicker the change in emotion will get. But after a while of practice, you can anticipate what the voice would like to say and you know in advance it doesn't make sens. The whole process slows down, you see very clearly all the reasons, the lies flying around in your head like kids doing a ball game. And there comes the higher self, saying "wow wow wow, kids, stop playing around will you! Cheers!" and that's it. This happens when all the above discussion gets automatic. One day you might even don't need to say a thing anymore. The kids sit quietly.... They are waiting for you to go on holiday! Don't go for too long like I did! Even though it might sound quiet sick, that some might think I could need to see a doctor for having so much internal dialogue, those people don't realize they have internal dialogue because they identify with the voice all the time, the biggest mistake to do on the spiritual path. If you combine this whole procedure with meditation, I guaranty that you will find peace. It works even better with meditation, you will get there faster. I wish you all a very peaceful mind!
  21. (I'm going to copy and paste this post in the section for reviewing books and programs, of the specific spiritual course I took, I guess it is where it really belongs, this post wasn't supposed to be that long and precise, I got lost in the voice again, I'll put the link to the review at the bottom of the post.) @Algi In my case meditation helped not so much, it was a good bonus, for me it was mostly emotions watching thank to the course I did. Because meditation helped me see and realize that ideas are out of my control, but I rarely have emotions when I meditate. Emotions are for me what makes ideas feel "real". I'm not saying that one should not meditate! Please do it as much as possible! But I believe this is the way for me to mental sanity, real growth, long lasting happiness and this procedure gives me equanimity. I question the whole process of having emotions. This is what I would call wisdom and it is actually hard work, not to jump into an emotion and to do this for as long as it becomes a new way of life, to be an emotion hunter as my spiritual master would say. This is being self aware. This whole process detaches me from the lies of the voice and the voice itself, from the emotions that comes from being identified with it. I hope this can help someone to get rid of the daily drama he/she is living! You can change the dialogue at will for yourself, if you are being judgmental on yourself, this is of course only an exemple. So I dive into the thinking/emotional process: When I notice that feel any emotions (mostly bad of course, they are less pleasant...), I go and ask: -Hey, what do I feel now exactly? Pain, anger/ joy, pride - What created that feeling ? Ok, my thoughts. -What Am I thinking? He is so cool/a big asshole. -What else Am I thinking, it's not only this, you know there's something hidden? That I'm not as good/better than as him or her. -In what tone was I saying that? Accusing, judging and/or being victim, pity.... -What was hidden underneath that idea or that word? That I'm not worth being loved, that I'm worth being loved. -How come did I make the shortcut to all this without noticing it in the first place? Because I was unconscious of the whole process, it happened so quick. -What can I do now with that feeling I'm aware of? Let go of it. -Why would you let go of it? Because I don't feel good/ why not? (If I feel good, I say, I didn't create this feeling on purpose did I) -How can I let go of it? By changing perspective! Of course!!!! I forgot I can change perspective, there is always at least one another perspective. -What kind of perspective? Well I can for exemple choose the most simple perpective of all, the GRATITUDE perspective! -Fuck off, not again!? Yeah right mate, Gratitude, you know they are thousand things to be grateful for right now, my breathing, my body, my job, my clothes, my family and friends and so many things I can't even see right now because I'm blind and emotional, but this guy who you think now is an asshole also just gave you a wicked exercise to be mindful... so be thankful!!!! Say thank you!!! Come on! -Thank you! No sincerely, do not only say thank you, send him your gratitude, and feel the gratitude yourself, you will feel the emotion , not him, but you. He only did the best he could in his situation, he could be your own dad/brother or even yourself. Your dad/brother is not the most mindful guy either?! Yourself are not always aware as well... yeaaah sure! -Will I care in ten years from now? Of course not, I'll laugh about it, I'll be actually thankful to have learn something! -So why should I care now? I don't really know as I remember that story of the zen master, the farmer and his son that found a horse, and that story makes a lot of sense to me. -So you can forgive him right? I guess I could, fogginess does make me feel good, it would be the right choice for sure. There is not much sens in clinging to anger anyway, it only stresses me out, I only punish myself. If I can't do that, I just react unconsciously to an unconscious person. I want to learn something from it. OH YES, so that you'll be better than him right? Hmmm, sounds tempting but not really, I fell in that trap before... no, just because it feels good doing so. I'm not better than anyone you know. That would be judging, this is what I actually try to avoid here you little cheeky scamp, he he! - There is no sens in judging anything anyway, the voice I hear is just playing with me. Thank you voice for giving me notice of your opinion but I don't see why I should refrain from expressing love/compassion right now, as expressing love/compassion is making me feel good actually. Love doesn't need any reason to be expressed, it only needs reasons not to be expressed. Try to rationalize love anyway... Rationality doesn't make me happy, it refrains me from being happy, like I could experienced it in the past. You made me loose my temper more than once and I've hurt people as well remember? By biting into your lies based in fear, you got me into depression some time ago remember? This was very painful, I had to get myself out of this, now I don't trust you anymore like you were the master of my life. Thank you for your advice. I'll listen to you when I need you. You are my friend, and you did your best, you did exactly what you were designed to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, See, it does you good as well when you feel this love, you're going quiet... Take care my friend, see you soon! -Hmmmm, hmmmmmm.... The internal discussion I have with myself usually ends there, otherwise I just start it all over again if the pain I feel remains. After a few seconds comes the next idea again of course, will I bite into it is another question. When the emotion is there, I can see that I did bite into it! The more you do it, the quicker the change in emotion will get. But after a while of practice, you can anticipate what the voice would like to say and you know in advance it doesn't make sens. The whole process slows down, you see very clearly all the reasons, the lies flying around in your head like kids doing a ball game. And there comes the higher self, saying "wow wow wow, kids, stop playing around will you! Cheers!" and that's it. This happens when all the above discussion gets automatic. One day you might even don't need to say a thing anymore. The kids sit quietly.... They are waiting for you to go on holiday! Don't go for too long like I did! Even though it might sound quiet sick, that some might think I could need to see a doctor for having so much internal dialogue, those people don't realize they have internal dialogue because they identify with the voice all the time, the biggest mistake to do on the spiritual path. If you combine this whole procedure with meditation, I guaranty that you will find peace. It works even better with meditation, you will get there faster. I wish you all a very peaceful mind! To the review of the course, sorry for the folks that people see me repeating myself but there are people who missed it and newbies also :
  22. Bravo, I'd just add: in there you can see the lies that precedes the fear based reaction. Go deep and Make a habit out of it!