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Everything posted by RamPhoenix

  1. This was good! It took me a bit to process. thank you for sparking thought. OMG/ no,no,no,no : it is amygdala processing if this is safe or not safe. a huge insight to a stressing issue. a sense of relief. You respond with OMG since the insight relieved the "stress/threat" of not feeling safe. Your new insight has now given you a sense of safety. a calm happy amygdala.
  2. Interesting, This was taken from google. it is an A.I. overview. The "powers to be" want us to keep using the idea of "ego" & not what it should be. AMYGDALA. Notice how they even mention we have been "conditioned". This twisted, toxic "matrix, modern civilization" conditioning has ALL left us with a massively dysfunctional amygdala! If neanderthal shadowed us for 24 hrs he would be clueless why we are "reactive" about so many things. He would probably get reactive only if he was physically harmed or physically threatened. I now feel most peoples mental health issues stem from .......living in modern civilization, predominantly cities & suburbs. The ego and amygdala are both parts of the brain that can be considered less rational and can influence behavior: Ego Some say the ego is the conscious mind, or "I", that uses reason to set goals and navigate life. It can also be a result of "conditioning" that helps keep us safe, such as through flight or fight reactions. Amygdala This almond-shaped part of the brain is located in the limbic system, or "lizard brain", and is associated with fear, emotions, and motivation. When the brain senses a threat, the amygdala can trigger the fight-flight-freeze response to prepare the body for survival. This is sometimes called an "amygdala hijack" and can lead to sudden, intense emotional reactions that may feel inappropriate afterwards. Symptoms of an amygdala hijack include: *Feeling confused or cloudy-headed *Sweaty palms or rapid heartbeat *Overreacting and then feeling guilty My intuition is buzzing. IMO we are doing ourselves a disservice by using the term EGO when we should be using the term AMYGDALA.
  3. IMO, never leaves. It only gets "reduced". The word "ego" imo has so many false narratives attached. I also feel ego should be replaced with amygdala. In my experience with 5meo I have noticed as time & journeys go by my "reactive wiring/nature" has been greatly reduced. For lack of better words, it feels like my consciousness & amygdala have learned to be "emotionally healthy" roommates. This dynamic is what imo is the reason on why 5meo is so good at healing trauma, your "emotional knee jerk reactions" are greatly reduced. I am very close to experiencing ego dissolution/ Liberation/ black void, peak samadhi, etc. I am curious to experience my "mind frame" in this new set point. This new "set point" of peak consciousness, will it result in being "buddha like"? one super chill dude who has no reaction when one feels slighted, interrupted, cut off, supposedly dis-respected? Or de we morph, transform into a new level of humanity that is mind blowing?? "Things that make you go hhhmmmm"
  4. It happens on NNdmt by itself & if I add harmaline. (NO TTH) It feels like a ugly drug trip. 5meo I have pure spiritual bliss. ??
  5. Only time my phone has ever "glitched" so to say, was when I recorded my deepest/strongest (at the time) 5meo journey. "Things that make you go hhhmmmmm"
  6. you are not mistaken, IMO https://www.yogapedia.com/definition/6166/nirvikalpa-samadhi "Yogapedia Explains Nirvikalpa Samadhi Nirvikalpa samadhi is recognized as one of the highest states of consciousness, and the second stage of samadhi. In Hinduism and Buddhism, samadhi is regarded as the pinnacle of all spiritual and intellectual activity, in addition to being a precondition for attaining moksha (release from the cycle of death and rebirth). In yoga, Samadhi is considered to be the final limb of Patanjali’s eightfold path, a state in which individual and universal consciousness unite. Although schools differ in their interpretation of how many levels of samadhi exist, it is agreed that the state prior to nirvikalpa samadhi is savikalpa samadhi, in which meditative absorption occurs and one’s experience of time and space alters. In savikalpa samadhi, thoughts still exist, but they do not affect the practitioner, whereas in nirvikalpa samadhi, mental activity merges with the self. As such, it is a state of total absorption, in which it is not possible to perceive any distinction between the knower, the act of knowing and the object known. In nirvikalpa samadhi, the ego and samskaras (mental or emotional impressions) dissolve, leaving behind only pure consciousness. It is considered to be a state of being at one with the Divine, in which Atman (the individual self) and Brahman (universal consciousness) merge. It has been described as a state of oneness, limitless bliss or true ecstasy, but those who have documented it find it difficult to describe since it is a state beyond the thinking mind" I resonate with these words.
  7. https://www.reddit.com/r/5MeODMT/comments/1dtf637/trip_report_two_sides_of_the_bufo_coin/ Amazing conversation. Entering the Void/ Full release/ Ego dissolving, IMO should be viewed as "Night of Brahma/ Final liberation" When entering the VOID/ Full release is everyone's fear due to our mindset being negatively conditioned by organized religion, Matrix, wage slave, Rat race, neanderthal mindset? everyones thoughts??
  8. Thank you. This resonated with me deeply. I am going to lean into this. much appreciated .
  9. How does one integrate this experience & transcend ones humanity? What does one do with this new found knowledge, experience?? Is it safe, as evolved apes to have this experience without YEARS of living like a yogi? Another once told me it is all to FULLY experience LOVE a.k.a. god mode? anyone suggestions on any books or philosophers to gain the knowledge to understand & integrate this profound/peak experience in spirituality!
  10. Agree with this theory black void white void
  11. "Liberation Requires Giving Up Attachment To The Body; The Path Of Devotion. “Arjuna! People think that the worship of God with form and attributes is quite enough. This discipline will be of only some help; it will guide the person along the road only for a little while. For the Lord will not condescend to grant liberation for just this! He who aims at liberation must first give up attachment to the body. Without that, the Atmic stage cannot be attained. Identification with the body is the expression of ignorance. The Atma must be recognized as distinct from the objective world (prakriti). “The craving for objective pleasure based on the unreal value attached to the world has to be removed by meditation and penance (tapas). When that craving is lost, the individual becomes like the dry nut inside the coconut shell, which becomes loose and unattached both to the shell and the fibre outside it; it does not germinate or sprout again; it will remain forever without being spoiled, the individual has no more birth and consequent death" https://saispeaks.sathyasai.org/discourse/chapter-21 This resonates with me!! One needs to have faith that entering the void/ ego dissolution / Full release/ Final liberation is just the separation of consciousness & our "skin suit". Now, is this the final step/layer or is the while light/ kundalini awakening the final step? Imo, Void/ Final liberation is the peak experience/final step/ complete conscience unification/ top of maslows hiearchy of needs? Finally, how should we view/experience/ process/integrate this FINAL peak experience/ Final liberation. Is this the closest thing to what the word "GOD" means?? Im open to all ideas R
  12. This resonates! This seems plausible to me. nnDMT is always fractals, machine elves & fun house, clown world chaos. This IMO is somehow related to aliens. Does nnDMT trigger whatever tinkering aliens did to us??? The whole machine elves experience is concerning & bizarre. Harmaline doesnt even effect it. I need to experience AYA & see what transpires.
  13. Agreed it is dicey & best not to pursue 500mg mushrooms 1:2 5meodmt pen 2 full 10 sec draws 150 mg harmaline (way to much) thinking should of went with 30-50 mg at the end/ 15 min after comedown, started to feel the very beginnings of serotonin syndrome.
  14. isn't "balance" the cornerstone of spirituality??
  15. Lets resume this convo on this thread?? your thoughts?? Im interested In "kundalini" for mental health, consciousness elevation & nurturing "psychic abilities". I have a personal theory on my anxiety, adhd, effects from childhood trauma. What mainstream medicine calls "anxiety" in MY CASE is really the "energy" from kundalini. It was a game changer for me when I viewed my "adhd" as really just a form of "energy" that I need to "transmute, transfer, morph" with open arms & direct/channel it through consciousness. I am in the early stages, I hope I am making sense.
  16. Hello WAI, Your a perfect example of "intuition, Synchronicity". I came across a couple of your posts & my intuition, spidey sense was buzzing. You could also say, your posts "resonated with me" & I started to respond to your specific posts. There are so many examples, stories, etc. My formal education is poor & I am not a good writer. Is there a medium where you would feel comfortable talking directly? (call through IG? as an example) I'll dm you 1st book came in last week LOL... 2nd book sounds interesting thx, just ordered it. *I do not want to "hijack" this thread. Lets move the convo to the another thread. Ill find it & post it, here.
  17. https://www.reddit.com/r/KundaliniAwakening/comments/18h7t4s/my_personal_favorite_book_on_kundalini/ Anyone familiar with this book?? So much of what he is saying "resonates" with what I have been experiencing This guy may be legit!
  18. You know of any LEGIT retreats, expos, mentors that discuss "kundalini awakenings"?? I bought this book & so much he says "resonates" with what I have been experiencing. Not sure why it isnt more popular. https://www.reddit.com/r/KundaliniAwakening/comments/18h7t4s/my_personal_favorite_book_on_kundalini/
  19. "physical presence of someone who's seriously skilled and awakened" I am surprised noone has not done a retreat, expo,etc for this group. I feel like this forum has some of those people.
  20. Hello Davino, How does one educate themselves on how to channel Kundalini energy? Know any good resources? R your signature spoke to me.
  21. Im curious as to your pessimism? I feel some talent/skills are really more based in "psychic" abilities than raw physical genetic abilities. ex: overly successful hunters, farmers, inventors, scientists, decathletes
  22. Isn't that the CIA "gateway program"?? OBE & remote viewing?
  23. Know any good books on how to nurture ones psychic abilities?