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Posts posted by effortlesslumen

  1. Not everyone has the luck and luxury to go ahead in life with lies. Many do but it comes at a cost. Also you miss out on the most important spectrum of life. Im not condeming anyone, there are many good people out there, but there are some who arent, and the fact that there are so many lies inside of us and around us, is helping people who only care for their own good in an unhealthy way, and dont comprehend the value of reality and this world.

  2. Its infinite but it tricks it self to only  perceive a limited amount. So the most obvious explanation is conciousness is the factor  that limits reality but is also the factor that makes it limitless. So you could say there is a limit but a imaginary one.  The first time i contemplated infinite exsistence some years ago, was when  i started drawing cycles on a piece of paper wondering  what was before  our current reality of this universe and what exsistence could lie outside of it, quickly realising there is no end to it. Of course this was only the start but even something simple like this, what someone might  call stupid, started  a process  into bigger realization. 

    I also had a dream shortly after this of an extraterrestial asking me "Whats a universe?" In a manner that questioned even our definition or imagination and telescope images of this entire structure we are trying to depict in physics. Which further engaged me in this question.

  3. How can you be honest to yourself without doing it from a standpoint of selfloathing? So you are not sugar coating the facts but also dont turn this process in a fatherly act of "education." I know you could remind yourself you are doing it out of an act of self love but is this enough? I wonder because induling in borderline selfhate would not lead to the truth even the goal would be truth. Any tips would be appreciated. 

  4. After a hint from Leo in a differnt Topic I started contemplating that question for about 1 and half an hour with prior experience of human insanity. And thats what i came up with. Also some prior contemplation on the exsistence of alien life, in and outside our universe and dimensional realitys.


    Is there an absolute Definition of Insanity ininfinte Exsistence?

    The insanity to see insanity infintely

    It has differnt filter, different lense it has an entire differnt vessel and entire different information. How will this insanity look like when this alien is the god head ? Is our human experience of god realization unique to us? Does this alien have another form of awakening? Is ours limited or the highest we can achieve in this life and is there something beyond that human breakthrough?  That lead me to another question: How does alien god realization look  like and/or awakening?

    But here the awnser of the question in the title i was the most satisfied so far. (Contemplation still in progress...)

    Try to expand your mind and conciousness infinitely and than force it willingly into infinte limitation while still remaining aware of that fact. Getting torn in the current state of  infinity and the Infinity that limits it and staying in this position for eternity.

    Or would an advanced alien mind consider this a normal state?

  5. 4 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    I think that's exactly what I want. Watching your content for the first time always had an exciting quality to it. Now I am not feeling it anymore. I am not feeling anything. I want to feel something. ¬¬

    Try to expand your mind and conciousness infinitly and than force it willingly into limitation while still remaining aware of that fact. 

  6. 38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    If there exists alien consciousness, and there exists human insanity, then there may exist the possibility of alien insanity.

    What would it be like if an advanced alien mind went insane?

    That's an interesting possibility to contemplate.

    Even more interesting to actualize.

    But be careful. Experiencing insanity is no easy thing. This is only for those who want extremely hardcore spirituality. This is not normie spirituality.

    Thank you ! I will contemplate this and skip the actualize part for now ..

  7. Use a lot of bananas and dates as one of your staples. Add some fresh herbs, algae (for DHA and some B12, sadly our todays soil is lacking B12 and Zinc and therfore is low in vegetables and fruits ) leafy greens and sweet/potatoes, squash and vegetables , they are just as healthy and there is no reason to exclude them from a heavy fruit based diet.  You will lose some weight but as long it stays stable and settles in you should be fine.  You will have to eat and spend more than you are used to. As long as you eat enough from your new food sources and feel good and strong you dont have to be worried about protein. Its just hard to keep the balance in calories when you are pursuing some extrem sport endeavor in your life. If you are concerned about male nutrition you could eat high quality meat once a week and you would be reassured. Balance of healthy uncontaminated food is key. Also dont start binge eating avocados. I think fruits only is a unecassary restriction, when there other plant based options that are just as healthy. (But forget about soy, corn, and gluten when clean eating is a priority for you.)  High quality B12 and Zinc supplements are benefical for everyone regardless of diet.  

    This would be better than relying heavy on milk. 


  8. 44 minutes ago, blankisomeone said:

    God, I hate the world you’ve created. A world of lack, a world where people must screw over each other to GET THINGS, a world of scarcity and limited resources. You are a sick god. Amen

    Thats quite the role you have built for yourself.


    6 minutes ago, Holykael said:

    The problem is that my chooser (god) is sick in the head. It should be this character in the free for all reality

    Say this out loud and contemplate it. 


    33 minutes ago, Holykael said:

    There is no excuse, god is insanely mentally ill. 

    You condem god for being insanely mentally ill and say there is no excuse for it, yet you wish for the following:

    40 minutes ago, Holykael said:

    Everyone knows we are one and treat each other with kindness and compassion


  9. About Holy Books

    Holy Books is the largest collection of high-quality sacred texts, holy books, spiritual texts as PDF ebooks you will find on the Internet. All books are free to download. For example, you can download the Bible, download the Quaran, the Vedas, and thousands of ancient texts on religion and spiritual practice.

    All books are Free Public Domain Books.


    Thats a interesting one for example:


  10. Or maybe no more LSD, time to move on. Its me god, how much clearer should i be? 

    50 minutes ago, Holykael said:

    I lost the love of my life, all my money, my dream job, all my friends, all my video games (I had a huge collection)

    Maybe it was not the love of your life and it has yet to come and without that change you will never have met her, money comes and goes, are you sure its your dream job or just a romantic memory now that you lost it, who knows you might would have wasted your entire life in a honeymoonphase, maybe your friends werent that special as you believed, also you might have lost your vibrational compatibility to those people, your video games ? are you serious? who cares? 

    52 minutes ago, Holykael said:

    Yeah. I still have dreams about my ex gf. In one of them she went demonic and told me I'd never be happy again

    A subconcious realization of what might happend when you stayed together, or some entities test your mental strength- Time to shine. Sometimes dreams are not meant to be interpreted.

    My point is that things change for a reason. Maybe this life was too small for you. Better to wake up to a small hell than to be unaware of your surroundings and wake up to a big one.

    1 hour ago, Holykael said:

    I had god realizations and solipsism realizations.

    Does not mean its all figured out. 

    I hope you move on and see the beauty in life.