Rafael Thundercat

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Everything posted by Rafael Thundercat

  1. In this interview Chris brings the topic of young women becomimg more liberal. Well the title dont reflect fully all the nuance in the video. There is even around the middle a connection with how the next election can go depending on this. One of the reasons I took time to listen this was a recent debate with a young liberal woman, actually a excessively relativizator. For me sometimes people cam go to far on perpective taking that in the end of the day they end up contradicting all they talk about, like there is no commom ground.
  2. Yes is all about proper balance.
  3. A recent event meeting a long known friend made me realise again this need in me. I am in Brasil in a very Tropical area, enjoying engaging with the local simple people, markets, beach and more. And suddenly I meet this Romenian woman who I know from Europe. Very intense and sort of Hot Woman. But spending almost two whole days with her presents to be exausting. One of the reasons I think I feel not inclined to accept another invitation from her to hang out is because I feel that when I am with her I sort of can fully follow my own flow. Yes I can make decisions but when I am with another I need to compromisse in some moves. For example, for me was ok to be in the near local beach, no need to go visit some different one, for me is all beach,sand, trees etc.. and she needs to go search for newness. Great, sometimes I feel the need for new horisons too. But some people are all about themselfs. Now she send me a message if I have space in my bag to take some of her shit to Europe. I refused promptly. Imagine that you would just listen others playlists, have others diets, visit only places chosse by others? Thats why autonomy is crucial, at least for me. Maybe some have less need for freedoom and yes, sometimes I like to let others show me new stuff, but mostly I like to guide my own steps.
  4. I understand you. And Leo too, is good to connect if in the connection there is something being shared, you recieve and you give. For me is all about communication. If in a group of small friends there is space for true communication is a good sign that I am in the rigth place. If not, time to go.
  5. nice @Danioover9000 another promising thread gone to the trash with Destiny Bullshit. Congratulations. To Hell with Destiny
  6. I follow a guy on Instagram that touch on this topic. In his opinion poly is a sort of bullshit andba way to bypass true union, he have his own way of seeing but I think he have some truth on this topic. You need to check why deeply are you into poly?are you not getting fullfulment in your current relationship? Here is a screenshot of the post.
  7. You can engaje in escapism both travelling and stabilizing in a place for years. By stablizing you are avoiding new experiences and falling onto confort zone and familiarization, by over travelling and mainly feeling unsatisfied anywhere you are avoiding to see that no matter where you go you take you and your shit with you. How I know this. Both by staying to long in a place and recently travelling. And watching a particular girl who looks like never content with any place. One day you need to understand that you do what you want buy some places give you nutrition and possibility and others just suck you up your soul. I was feeling stuck and out of my element in Portugal, and I still need to come back for some missions but Brasil is where my soul shines, even if there a lot of aspects that are hard to deal about the brasilian way of life,economy,politics and so forth. In the end you can be happy or miserable anywhere.
  8. Yes. Is hard to miss the days I was reading stuff here and watching hours of Leo Videos. If Leo is gone as the girl in the video say, well,maybe is time for all Actualizers stop the shit talk and go simply live life, yes, keep the good deep work but living more outside from Forum endless debates.
  9. And coming here just to see some topics still stuck in the same redundance. I will come less here. There is a lot to live in the real life. Call it illusion if you wish but at least enjoy it.
  10. I heard a story where there was a farm of a guy and there was monkeys there. Some pretty woman came to visit. When the monkeys saw this woman in Bikini of maybe by snifing their smeel, the monkeys started to jerk off. So, will the monkeys need to do therapy or be worried about Karmic binds or whatever is or was writen about the evils of porn or jerk off? Are they worried that they are losing their ojas and becoming less monkey for doing this? Do what you wish, some consciounessz moderation and is all good. Be a cosncious monkey. Hehe
  11. I stumbled on this woman who speaks some good stuff. Hope may fall in good heart for some here as it fell to me.
  12. Well recently I have been noticing that depending of who I am listening the very flow and articulation of the speaker have good or derogatory effects over me. For example, Richard Tarnas,John Vervaeke and others, no matter the topic, these folks communicate in stunts, yes I understand, it have nothing to do if they say truths or not, and even to stunt can be a sign that the guy is trying to be carefull with what he say. But as a role model to articulate discourse they are not good. Leo material called my attention exactly because of the speach flow, and since I have a lot of pointers in my horoscope,Human Desing, Numerology and more that I am to invest in my verbal communication I am into listing a good playlist of good articulate people so: Below is an incomplete list of speakers who are renowned for their rich vocabularies, skilled command of language, and quick wit. While there are many more articulate orators of centuries past not included on this list, it’s important to listen to the speaker’s words in the spirit in which they were intended to be received. Thus, I’ve chosen speakers of which there are plentiful video and audio recordings of their original orations available on YouTube and Spotify. Remember, the topics are not to be the primary focus of attention when listening to these speakers. Instead, focus is on the vocabulary patterns in how these skilled communicators communicate. Take note of the words and phrases they use to get their message across, how they structure their sentences, the rhythm and intonation they characterize their words with, and their usage (or lack thereof) of pauses and silence. In no particular order, here is the list of wordsmiths 1) Christopher Hitchens 14) Ronald Reagan 2) Milton Friedman 15) David Foster Wallace 3) Sadhguru 16) Mahatma Gandhi 4) Tony Robbins 17) Jane Goodall 5) Jimmy Carr 18) Rod Serling 6) Barack Obama 19) Winston Churchill 7) Martin Luther King Jr 20) Steve Jobs 8) Malala Yousafzai 21) JK Rowling 9) Brene Brown 22) Frank Sinatra 10) John F. Kennedy 23) Nick Vijicic 11) Carl Sagan 24) Zig Zigler 12) Simon Sinek 25) Mel Robbins 13) Steve Jobs 26) Stephen Fry Do you guys can add in this thread other speakers who may dominate the art of speaking with clarity and flow THANKS
  13. This Ex Mormon Girl noticed that she used to have a more submissive infantile voice tone when she was Mormon Member. Interesting
  14. I am in Brasil for the least 2 months and I noticed that I got a little bit of the local accent of the people from where I am. Of course I can keep my natural unique way of speaking but I noticed that things flow better socially if I speak a little bit with the cadence and playfullness of the local dialect. So this adaptation is somehow a way of survival. And again, I am aware that I can do it consciously or I also can decide to keep my own unique way of comunication. To is a balance to adapt but not lose your own authentic way of speaking. The girl in the video found her past way of speaking something that make her new self weird in the belly, that is because her past self was speaking in a way to survive as an identity in a cult, or cult-ture, so culture shape us no matter what. You cant escape your conditioning, but you can become aware of it. I dont blame myself for even changing my ways since I do it from a playfull frame. These days I am trying not to be to rigid with myself. Keep my boudaries but be open to know new ways of being,think,feel and speak.
  15. This gave me a lot of Insigths to Contemplate on my Upbringing
  16. @Felliks yes, breathwork helps. I have a friend who works with it plus some psycadelic integration work.
  17. It sound like the Ecologists are not happy with the American Techo-Feudalism presence in their soil. Is interesting that the in another news I saw the term "eco-terrorist" being used. Today you just add "terrorist" after any word and that automaticaly make the protester an enemy. One day I people start to wake up with Actualized Content maybe this assholes will call Leo a Ego-terrorist
  18. I post this there because for me at least this interview feels like entretainment and not education per se. Of course there is some perspectives to get from it but I think in this video Destiny looks like a Sane person.
  19. @Understander are you commenting about the actual video?did you watch it? Probably not, thats why you are derailing this topic onto ypur own thing, and I dont even undeestand what you want to say with your writing. Go, study, live and when you are back to your senses you are ellegible to be a good contributor for this Forum.
  20. America would be like I have a girlfriend and I cheat her with her friends but when I discover she is cheating me with my friends I get butthurt and say it is not fair. Pure Hypocrisy
  21. One value of Western that need a big review is the ideia of "infinite,unlimited Growth" or Capitalism. Yes I am aware that no growth at all is not possible. To stop the machine for ajustment is not possible. But the ontological frame that "the sky is the limit" and of " growth no matter the costs" is insanity.