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About 0zedek0

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    London, UK
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  1. How is calming the monkey mind a bad focus? I would assume clearing all that garbage sets a solid foundation for deep contemplative work and allowing for the free expression of awareness unbound by the untrue wants and needs of the ego mind. I don't think many people can shoot for pure understanding of metaphycis and consciousness without first calming the monkey mind and reframing their entire experience. Leo, I would also like to ask what are your views on the term enlightenment, I notice in your old videos you were shooting for it and were keen on attaining it, but what now? Do you see it as a spiritual cul de sac that people can get stuck on? The way I see it is that enlightenment is just the beginning. If we take enlightenment to mean "seeing things as they truly are, or abiding in your true nature" then enlightenment would mean wiping the slate clean, giving you a pure perspective to begin honest exploration into the nature of consciousness/God. Let me know what you think.
  2. Perspective is everything. To one person all the "problems" you stated are just challenges that are par for the course. Nowhere does it say these things are objective problems, it all depends on how you want to look at them. There's beauty in everything. As for the point of all this, there need not be any point, you can create your own reason for living. This is because ultimately reality/truth is prior to any meaning or "point". Existence doesn't have to have some sort of point, the fact that it exists is the point in of itself. Yes, everything is a struggle in life and that's because all forms are limited and so must compete and survive amongst all the other limited forms that also want to survive. Life is no longer a struggle when you decide you no longer care to survive. It's all about wanting to remain comfortable.
  3. Just be aware of it. - It ends the thought chain. It's as though you're showering your mind with unconditional love.
  4. I remember in one of your vids, you mentioned explaining what evolution really is and I'm eagerly awaiting that video to drop. I want to understand how evolution works from the non-dual paradigm. How does consciousness iterate and refine itself over large periods of "time" to produce increasingly complex life forms. What kind of mechanism is at work here? From the materialist pov it is an unconscious process that happens due to survival pressures. I assume the same is somewhat true from an absolute, non dual pov, however, I assume the whole process is being guided in a conscious manner like a grand game played by the universe or consciousness. As if all life forms are part of one overarching meta-organism.