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Everything posted by LoneWonderer

  1. It's out of your control. Just remeber that. Accept and continue working on yourself your life purpose etc. I know it can be scary and confusing but ao are many other things in life, but we keep going reaching and grasping in the dark so as to say :))
  2. When I'm overwhelmed, when my mind is racing and responsabilities weight heavy I stop and listen to the ocean otside my window. All will be ok. It's all a game I willingly choose to play.
  3. Will I make this into a habit? Don't know never really bothered ever writing about my life so we'll see. 25, Lost and feel I've been lost my entire life. Around me every symbol of success and a life many would kill for. Adopted at 5 years old by the most loving and caring mother imaginable and accepted into a loving and caring extended family. Grew up travelling and living in exotic places and studying in elite private schools. After school spent 1000s of hours reading hundreds of books, watching 1000s of documentaries, listening to hundreds of podcasts on any and all topic imaginable. Society, psychology, philosophy, religion, history, science, cultures etc etc. Most people will never reach the levels of understanding of reality I've reached at 25 in their entire lives. Always I've been interested in understanding truth, what is this reality REALLY. Now at 25 I've moved and live in my dream country (New Zealand), working on a meaningful relatively well paid job in nature conservation, live in a big shared house next to the beach with lovely roomates, have a nice car. Yet I'm miserable. My life feels empty and always has. There is no love, no connection with others (I'm very introverted and have always struggled with human relationships), every day feels like I'm just going through the motions of existing. Nothing gives me wonder. There are things I could be doing to make my life better (learning dating skills, learning to stand up for myself, love myself, believe in my own self worth) but I'm tired. I don't want to keep trying right now (aware of how my thoughts and words create a reality in which I'm not improving myself). It will be up to me to change and better myself when and if I choose. Doesn't mean I haven't tried and succeeded and I know that if I keep trying I can achieve and improve anything and any part of my life that's lacking. I'm just not motivated to do so (yes, another excuse). Don't know how, or why I keep going. Some point I will do 5 meo dmt. This is what keeps me going. The thought that maybe, just maybe this can help respark wonder and love in my life. Yet everyone keeps telling to be prepared for when it dissapoints me. "Everyone" are just people who never bothered to study or try psychedelics in their lives and probably never will. The've just heard all of the horror stories and the narrative of "don't do drugs". If 5 meo or other psychedelics don't help I'll end it all. I can't take my existence anymore. I'm very much aware of how my thoughts build my reality so no feeling sorry for myself and the thoughts I'm having.
  4. Life puts difficulties upon us to test our resilience, cunningness and willingness to get what we each want. I willingly take on the challenge.
  5. So I was watching this documentary about a woman going through assisted suicide. towards the end as she's taking in the poison she sort of seems to fall asleep and in less than two minutes is declared clinically dead. It seems totally painless and that's what everyone in the documentary seems to imply but I wonder how true is this? is she asleep unaware of her demise? does she feel the process of death? does her "soul"fight even though we may not be able to see it? like a coma patient who is unresponsive but whose mind is very much alive and active? Thank you
  6. Direct your mind towards your highest goals and desires and they shall happen. Focused energy towards a particular goal will always get you there.
  7. Breathe, you're going to be ok. Even when it's not ok I love you. You deserve to exist. You are worthy no matter what. Keep trying, keep giving your best. Anger and frustration, meditate on it. I am stressed. Breathe. I am ok. I am ok.
  8. I know you're afraid of the responsability that's laid upon you but what's the alternative? Go back to a meagre existing? No, I will try and I won't quit becase quitting is easy but seeing how far you can take this thing and live a scary but meaningful life is WORTH IT. If I end up failing I know I really tried my best. I'm not unworthy no matter what happens.
  9. I'm not a victim of circumstances. Channel all the blessings in your life to help and uplift others.
  10. I'm on a Journey of kindness, love. Become that which you want be.
  11. Hustler Life India Part 1: Excellent example of Survival. Really enjoyed this one. To all people complaining about their lives let master slum dog millionaire teach you a lesson on how tough life can be.
  12. Something really off-putting about feeling sorry for myself. Make a change get the ball rolling.
  13. Going for a walk this morning and talking with a friend on the phone so that makes me happy. Walking withough distractions brings me peace and helps me think of my future actions. Soon I'll start to run again after a year of putting it to one side to focus on career. Looking fowards to running those 60km+ a week.
  14. I can't intellectualized myself out of the work that needs to be done to live a great life. I just have to f***ing do it. So why don't I. What fears hold me back. Why do I know what I need to do and don't do it? Why don't I face my fears? It's feels sometimes like a big joke. 😂
  15. Sounds very deep, personal, emotional and wise 🙏 Thank you for sharing.
  16. I'm not in a sane state of mind. How presumptuous of me to say these things. Yet this is my current reality and state of mind.
  17. Anybody have experience with this substance? Can I reach god realization with it? Never done psychedelics before and wondering what is the difference between this substance and say 5 meo dmt? Thank you
  18. @OBEler Thank you! 🙏
  19. @Leo Gura orally yes, what would be a good starting dose in your opinion for a begginer?
  20. @Leo Gura Is a 10mg dose safe to take? Thank you for your reply.
  21. Sorry meant to post in the psychedelics forum.
  22. @Basman In summer when it's green it's gorgeous! Also been to other Scandinavian countries all beautiful!
  23. It feels like all you do is post stuff to get people's attention and do nothing. All your posts are complaining and not changing your life. You just want attention and aomeone to listen to you. You're not here to change or uplift just whining and moaning and hoping we all come to your aid.
  24. @Basman Hey man are you Danish? Lived in Denmark for 3 years. What a beautiful country!