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Everything posted by Sincerity

  1. What a great energy You have. Keep it up and appreciate your enthusiasm, because it's easy to lose it along the way and not even notice it. Seriously, appreciate it! It's precious and difficult to get it back when You lose it. Then You might really miss it. (kind of speaking from experience lol) Stay awesome.
  2. Well said. So intelligently done it cannot be distinguished from... from what? It's just so beautiful.
  3. But some words do describe You better than others. "Infinite" does it better than "burger". It's not completely arbitrary. I find that spirituality teaches You the meaning of words. What is the REALITY that the word is referring to? What stands behind the word love? God? Reality? Infinity? I? Consciousness, meaning, responsibility, courage, humility, change, gratitude, joy, fear, despair, sincerity, hope, trust, luck, faith, life, human, sexuality, mind, openness, desire, spirit, intuition, morality, the right thing, humour, devotion, sacrifice, energy, death, woman, fate? Sesame, poppy seed, salt. Fuck. (Embedding is broken haha)
  4. What are You debunking tho Random concept? Does it really feel random? And is the deepest understanding of "You" really: a concept? And why wouldn't there be a personal aspect to reality? Only the impersonal? Is that the whole truth?
  5. Please keep in mind we don't allow ignorant/closed-minded talk such as "religion X the truth" or "religion Y worthless". Be reasonable and nuanced. Excerpt from the guidelines:
  6. "I am the Truth." (al-Hallaj) "Take the famous utterance, "I AM GOD." Some people think this is a great pretension, but "I am God" is in fact a great humility. Those who say, instead, "I am a servant of God" believe that two exist, themselves and God. But those who say, "I am God" have become nothing and have cast themselves to the winds. They say, "I am God" meaning, "I am not, God is all. There is no existence but God. I have lost all separation. I am nothing." In this the humility is greater." (Rumi)
  7. Words CAN'T describe YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. (Do You see what I'm pointing to?) They're just insufficient.
  8. First become conscious of your own. Then be an example for her and others. Your entire motive for this feels rather unconscious. So how about You dive into that? Before working on other ppl's unconsciousness.
  9. Sorry, I don't make the rules. It's simply: me right, others wrong. ESPECIALLY the women.
  10. Click profile --> Account Settings --> Signature
  11. Let's not get carried away. Please keep it civil.
  12. Leo so fond of cartoon wolf consciousness until he encounters someone with cartoon hare consciousness. Won't be funny then.
  13. I would say there is profound truth in morality. But for me it's not about a "constant set of morals". It's about an intuitive, fluid feeling of what the right thing is, in this exact moment. And doing it! You don't need to remember any rules or commandments. The good choice right now is simply recognized. I would suggest You can awaken to Morality as an aspect of You. Divine morality, which isn't always "good" in an obvious way. On the contrary, it's amazingly mysterious.
  14. My point was that if YOU really wanted world peace, it would be the case. The highest will is reality. So if You don't want world peace sincerely, just admit it. No sense in praying for what You don't truly want. You're better off accepting the sometimes "ugly" reality of your feelings, only then the truth of them might change. In a sense this is taking responsibility for Creation. And connecting with your own divine will. And wanting to want something else is pointless.
  15. For me prayer is very important in laying out the truth of my feelings. It's confessing everything to the point that all the various energies are just not there anymore (because they have been exposed, externalized, brought to the light) and that's when You experience peace of mind. That's when You can be truly sincere and genuinely focus on something You REALLY want. That's when You can clearly see the truth of You and your feelings. Yes, that can be. But when You first throw out all the garbage contaminating your mind in the moment (using prayer, for example) and get to your truth, well... then it's okay to pray for this truth, and align with this truth. There is no avoidance. "Thy will be done." I think "good prayer" can surely be developed with practice. At first You will most likely pray for the wrong things ("the garbage"). Maybe You will feel misguided and won't even know what You want anymore. I'd say the point is to get to the truth and pray for IT. You THINK You want world peace, for example. You THINK that. But is it your true desire? No it isn't. This is your garbage presumption. And if You dig deep enough, You will find out that what is happening right now is your highest will. That's EXACTLY what You want. And so prayers for world peace simply won't work. Because they're not truthful. When your prayers are sincere though, they WILL come TRUE. Literally, in Reality. Because then they are the TRUTH OF YOU.
  16. @Something Funny @Princess Arabia Guys, I counted 8 posts of yours talking about profile pics. Please don't derail OP's thread.
  17. Of course. I'm not telling You to be more nice. I'm only telling You to own niceness. Maybe. But also remember: distinguish between what You THINK God is telling You and what He is ACTUALLY telling You. It is a matter of LISTENING. Really LISTEN. What is happening around You? What are others telling You? What are You feeling? See, this is not "soul-talk". This is "mind-talk". These are beliefs and I would guess that these exact ones are limiting You from integrating your goodness. You literally just exposed yourself! LOOK AT WHAT YOU SAID! This is what You believe. And do You think THIS isn't preventing You from accepting your goodness? With a belief system like this it's impossible! You do You man. Of course I don't know You. But I am listening to what You are saying. My assessment is that You are resisting your goodness and going in the opposite direction, trying to be something else. Stop running from yourself! Everything is going to be fine.
  18. I think it takes a really strong man to be GENUINELY nice. As in good-natured, kind. It's easy to be "nice" in a meek way. But to have kidness flowing from your pure, loving heart is something admirable. Perhaps for You right now it's not about integrating your inner animal/monster, but quite the opposite... the niceness in You? Think about it. You're saying in your post that You want to change it. "Wtf do I need to do." How about You LOVE IT? What if You rejected it because You thought that it's "bad" to be nice? Because You thought people will walk over You and women won't see You as strong? What if You were afraid of the pure goodness in your heart, because You believed it's the opposite of what You "should" be? And WHAT IF You owned who You are? Don't You think You'd be stronger then? Your resistance towards niceness is a fight against windmills. You can't change the Truth of You. Maybe others see in You what You don't want to see in yourself. And maybe, just maybe, Reality is trying to tell You something profound, something true. Don't resist it. You're never going to win. The sooner You accept yourself, the better. And trust me, Reality will reward You for it. Reality appreciates EVERY act of letting go and open-mindedness. Maybe Reality is saying to You: "The Andrew Tate stuff was nice, but how about we do things differently now...?
  19. @LastThursday I loved the Einstein Tile video! Amazing how intelligent solutions often times arise from playful tinkering.
  20. @BlackPhil Religious dogmatism not allowed. Please review our forum guidelines. Edit: Removed related posts because of derailing.
  21. Maybe it was the blog posts?
  22. A beautiful song. It reminds me of my relationship with Reality. My love for Her. I love Reality. It's such a pretty word. REALITY. REALITY. REALITY. It's a perspective, and what an intimate one! I can see Her in EVERYTHING! I can love Her in any form. And just because it's "a perspective" doesn't mean it's untrue. After all, is there anything but perspective? Consider that as God You can choose to look at Reality however You want. It's so awesome that You can have a PREFERENCE and choose to perceive Reality a certain way. I love seeing Reality as a Woman. That's what I realized today. For the past week I have been focusing on God (Mentor, Creator, Father) more than Reality and it didn't resonate as much. I do like the Wisdom. But I like Love more. Doing things for love is just easier and more natural for me. I am happy to do whatever She wants. When Her will is fulfilled, mine is as well. Doing the right thing though? Doing it because it's wise? I mean sure it does resonate and morality is really important to me, but simply not as much as the "feminine aspects". Here's the key insight: when your attitude towards experience changes, You change. With each change of perception You LITERALLY change. When I focus on loving Reality, I feel like the more feminine aspects are awakening in me. This week when I was focusing on being humbly devoted to God, it's like I was being transmitted a more masculine attitude. Maybe these are simply different paths? Also probably there's not only two of them... maybe infinite? Maybe I'll go about exploring many of them to be more well-rounded? Maybe? Maybe? Maybe? It's so important what You focus on. Choose it wisely. I really do enjoy the love, so I'm gonna focus on that. The endgoal is to become Love. ^ Literally me and Reality (kidding..?)
  23. Your journal is so great. You are an inspiration!!!