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Everything posted by illusory

  1. Why? She is a model dude, she shares her photos on facebook and instagram. Calm the F down. Obviously I'm not linking to her directly as i dont want anyone to go over there and message or something. If you think i wasn't serious I'll also add i offered her my place to crash out until she finds her studio apartment she was seeking, if she didnt like the hostel but she said she likes the hostels.
  2. This isn't the case at all. I told her many times I'm looking for a serious relationship. I can assure you she was very happy when I said I like you, do you want to be my girlfriend. She had the biggest smile. Tone it down with the passive aggressiveness or i won't respond anymore to you directly, honestly you coming across a little jealous or something. If the thread is making you emotional go read something else.
  3. Another thing i want to make clear: she did say that she told me she would have sex with me and stay over on our next date, but i dont remember it, if she did it was probably an ambiguous one like "maybe next time". So when she texted me back saying "i was going to give you what you want and stay over but have fun with your friend" i felt like she was sort of attacking me and using sex as a weapon, like a "oh you just lost out on sex huh how do you feel". kind of remark.
  4. about open relation i was being playful, and showing her i dont need commitment. It was an appropriate joke at the right time right conversation. For the relationship, not being bad, but 3 and 4th date is weird to ask me to be your boyfriend when I clearly (as known now) didnt know this girl enough. Actually she was never pissed off at me for any of these things, the switch happen after I a) said we shouldnt meet to give her space and b) because i called her out on mentioning sex when I tried to cancel the date. I was clearly trying to do less and look where that got me!! On the 4th date that i invited her the night before she said she kind of misses me, so i invited her and she said yes i want some hugs and kisses, and came over even tho we had 5th date planned. So she was both up for seeing me and also complaining about seeing me. Honestly i think she plays games but doesn't even realise it???
  5. I remember Leo saying girls become invested after sex, boy sure not in this case. I don't think i was clingy, i wasn't* bothered whether i'll see her in one day or 5 days later, but i am bothered by it abruptly ending, that sucks for sure.
  6. yeah she was hot af for me, why are all the difficult ones hot and all the normal girls normal looking haha. I could share a temporary image of her here, but that might be a breach of privacy, not sure. Yeah i didnt think it will blow up like this though, i guess if it didnt blow up that day it would have blown up another day. Yup definitly forfeited some extra sex haha what a shame.
  7. I tried to be as accurate as possible but had to delete some detail/fluff as it was getting too long. thanks for the opinion. Watched the first video but its not relative to what I mentioned above, she was looking for a serious relationship, I jokingly mentioned i'd be down for an open relationship a couple of times which she said no to. As for the second video pretty sure shes done with her ex and they are far from each other.