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Everything posted by illusory

  1. Photoshop is a blank canvas. Photography has never really competed with traditional art or digital art, photography is in it's own category. 3D / CGI art is even in it's own category. AI art actually competes with digital art. You can have a artist spend 5 hours creating something or you can have something created in few seconds using AI art. For example your newest thumbnail in your video I'm assuming was AI generated, but it could easily have been a Digital artist's work too. You are not an artist for using "prompts" and selecting images you like. Bro this is exactly like putting Words in adobe stock finder search bar (prompts) and then saying the image you chose from the selection of search results makes you an artist. Seriously? The only difference is the AI is generating unique stock images for you. Basically AI art is going to force people to use it (just to compete), it will allow forgoing of traditional means of practice and learning, and force people to be more of a retouching artist rather an complete artist. An artist will be forced to do these things as people will expected to work faster and pump out work faster which is going to be an passion killer... Would we put high performing AI robot in a football team? Or would that get shut down fast in human sports? No one cares about AI robots in CHESS or STARCRAFT, because we know its a robot.... however release that AI robot to the public and now you have gamers running AI robots playing chess games, starcraft games, league of legend games, world of warcraft, Dota, etc to HIGH Pro human skill levels and and if its completely undetectable as a hack.. that would be a huge problem. That's what AI art is right now. Like I said it devalues everything. Saying AI replacing artist workload is no different than a gamer making the arguement that the AI is reducing his gaming workload, maybe a gamer just wants to tell the AI who to kill. Many gamers just want the end results of games, so having an AI grind and save time could be argued to be a good thing.
  2. can't you just hire a nanny or helper for that peroid? Sure you'll lose some money now, but down the line it might pay off.
  3. Also another thing to prove you're NOT an artist using AI. The company in charge of these AI's could change their Terms and conditions that every AI image created using their services is OWNED by them and not allowed to be distributed. Therefore pretty sure the law recognises the company as the owner of the images. If you were a real artist that wouldnt ever be an issue. That should demonstrate to you fully that you are not the creator of the images. The AI is. You putting your different word prompts and seeds and picking best image is LAUGHABLE to think you're an artist. This will be like comissioning someone to paint for you, and after he's listened to all your input you're like "Oh yea I like it, I PAINTED this", what a joke. And i gurantee you 99.9% of the time the AI isn't even going to give you what you imagined in your mind... It's going to give you an image that you like even more or that you settled for after experimenting. It's going to be close to your words but not the image in your mind's eye. So actually you're not even directing the art work as much as you're directing the topic. The AI is also doing most of the visioning and aesthetics. You're literally just typing out topics and words man nothing more. It's like you think you own that MMORPG game character that you levelled? earnt all the accomplishments and gear? No you never owned it, it was always the property of the game company, they could ban you and resell your character if they wanted for no reason.
  4. Is Martial Arts about end results or the practice itself? Is meditation a practice for the sake of practice or just the end results? If you could push in some word prompts and push an AI button and it would make your next video would that make you happy? Where your only job now was to become a full time video editor / uploader? Would you even value your work anymore if it was that easy? or would you change your life purpose? Art is not just about vision, it also includes draughtsmanship, you said execution, draughtsmanship is part of execution. Art is about a whole set of skills, this combination of skills is what makes it hard and a valuable skill. It's not just vision dude. Maybe for "Art director" then maybe its just about directing the vision. The problem with AI art is that its too much of a finisher rather than a tool. A ruler is a tool, Photoshop is a powerful tool but you still have a blank canvas and even you was a MASTER at photoshop or had programmed and developed photoshop itself, you'd still be a crap artist without practice and knowledge in art foundation. Therefore AI is not a tool, in the same way stealing a stock image and calling it your own art work is not a tool. The only difference is stock images is a easy to figure out whilst AI is uniquely generated, the effort is about the same. It can take hours finding the perfect stock images as it could generating the right AI image, But AI does have unlimited generations as opposed to finite availability of stock images. AI art is much closer to using stock images, more than it is to being an "Artist". And whilst AI images would be great as a resource of images that "real" artist can use for photobashing or texturing, or idea generating, the majority of people are going to use it for finished products, and they're going to claim to have created it themselves (especially when AI becomes even better and less obvious). Lastly it does underdmine and undervalue everything. Because Leo, many people like me would never look at Digital art the same way again. I will never see an amazing digital art piece and think "oh WOW that's amazing I wonder how he did this or that, did he use 3D?, did he photo bash, but this part looks really hand drawn and traditional, Wow this must of taken hours to make". My reaction to a digital peice of artwork will now always be like "5 second generated AI PoS (PROBABLY)" regardless if it was handmade from scratch. I will not give it the time of day or faith, unless the person has a whole video showing it drawn from scratch. You cannot impress me with your choice of "word prompts" as your "artisitic talent". As for "taste" most people have a decent taste. They can subconciously understand beauty or what looks nice. They however cannot CREATE something beautiful because they don't consciously understand beauty and art. They cannot fix a bad face or artwork because they dont know what to fix. That's where the real artistic talent is missing. So again taste or knowing what image is good is valueless, most guys can agree on what's a beautiful women, they dont need to study it or be artistic about it. Knowing how to sculpt a beautiful face in 3D or clay is ENTIRELY A DIFFERENT THING. So don't tell me it does not undervalue or undermine anything, IN MY DIRECT EXPERIENCE it does. You're being heavily biased towards AI art because you dont have the draughtsmanship, because most of the population doesnt have draughtsmanship they will of course like AI. It basically removes the years of training you have to do as an artist. all the grind, blood and sweat in a dark room. And now with AI you will have illusion that you're an artist and undervalue artist even more, because you lowered the skill gap between you and them. There will be serious delusions with a regular people thinking well my AI art looks betteer than this artist's work who spend 5 hours painting this. If i know amazing digital art can be spat out in mere seconds by every average person now why I would value that? How long are you going to admire the Midjourney best image galleries before you get bored of visiting that page ever again? I can literally see the 10-15 keywords that person used, honestly I'm not impressed.
  5. Just remember if everyone can make things easily it doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing. I ignore 99.9% of movies, 99.9% of TV series, and 99.9% of books, comics anime, video games etc. Because there's just too much content. It's a hassle just to look at it. This in return creates a stupid society that values whatever is the most popular thing. For example the only TV series I watched for a while is "House of the Dragon", and i wonder why I was intrigued to watch that? how shocking. Even Leo recently said "I don't read fiction books (or books these days), I have better things to do". I spent 2 minutes and got bored of looking at AI artwork. There just too much content in the gallery. I spent 5 minutes looking at real artwort. spending 2 seconds each piece. Leo doesn't agree but it really does under value and undermine everything, it's hard making money with art these days because you know... a dime a dozen artist everywhere.
  6. Maybe one day, not too far in the future AI becomes sentient and conscious and wipes out humans in a skynet style as the next evolutionary step you'll agree this AI Art was a bad idea lol Maybe if it can come close to replacing artist, it can come close to replacing humanity all together. Didn't Elon musk say AI is the scariest problem?
  7. I'm saying you still need to type a story out on the computer to print out a book. But now they have AI making stories too....
  8. I was exaggerating AI capabilities to the maximum. For example if it could invent anything exactly as you imagine it directly. Disagree. Drawing is a form of art, you can draw lines for the sake of lines itself and call it art. There was a Japanese artist all he would do is paint Enso circles. Basically what you're saying you want guitar note sounds without the guitar, to taste without chewing, and to dream without sleeping. You know what they tell artist who don't like the process but like end results in art communities? "Maybe art isn't for you". What you’re talking about is an entirely new field, it should be called "AI ART DIRECTOR" nothing more, nothing less. I spoke to an art director once and he said he hated the promotion as he no longer makes art, just tells a bunch of people what to make and what to change. Entirely different things. I dont get this reference. Printers don't print anything that wasn't painted or created on the computer prior to being printed?
  9. You have clearly demonstrated what is wrong with AI though, this is the problem that artists are complaining about. If you're not an artist then you're biased toward AI art, because you can't create without it. Basically talentless in the field. Of course you would like it. 12 hours is nothing, you wouldn't able to learn much in your first 12 hours or 1000 hours in fine art, or pencil on paper. Your drawings will still be sucky. And you've already replaced an artist and stock images for your videos (great for you, but bad for artist and stock image sellers). Most people don't even bother learning art because of how difficult it is and ugly the artwork results is in early stages. You've read the book mastery so you should understand the importance of practice, just imagining something and then letting the AI do all the work is BS. I'm pretty sure you said something along the lines of if you could just imagine something and get it instantly reality would become pointless. Kind of like using money cheat codes in a video game. So why don't you use that same logic with instantly creating art using word prompts? I'm not against AI art, it's here to stay, and won't be going away. but closing the gap between someone who's trained and worked hard for decades’ vs someone who has no interest or dedication in art is a reaaaaaaal shitty thing to do. It undermines everything. Imagine having a boxer who's worked his whole life, trained, coached, experiences of many fights, then one day we have some sort of matrix hook-up and bio chamber that just makes your average guy instantly a better fighter. That's not a good thing, that's BS. If everyone had a Lamborghini.... it would valueless. I'll also add if everyone can just imagine a Movie or Video game and poof it's made, the market would be flooded with 8 billion games or movies on a daily basis, and NO ONE WILL PLAY IT OR WATCH IT. There was a study that showed too many options makes people unhappier then a limited amount of options.
  10. Not sure which section I should have put this in, mods feel free to move it.
  11. Guys I had an orgasm during sex it felt like: "X Y Z" forums: No. It should have felt like " A B C ". Also Because Leo said so. Leo goes around telling everyone they are not awake, from gurus, to his viewers, to his forum users. I decided to just ignore this part of the illusion. Just another fragment of my imgination talking BS one way or another keeping me asleep. Although I try to enjoy the theatrics.
  12. I would say I am more emotional than an average guy. Even my mum always used to say that I’m an emotional person, sensitive, and that my much younger brother isn't. The more I date, the more heartache I suffer, it seems to be having a compounding effect I go into dates not expecting much, not expecting a serious relationship, sometimes I don’t offer commitment but I still feel hurt every time a relationship fails. Obviously it’s worse depending on much I liked a girl, but I feel it anyone who I spent a decent amount of time with. Dating multiple girls or more girls hasn't fixed this issue. Also the repetitive nature of dating also gets hollow fast. Like it’s just not special anymore. I feel like every failed relationship also reopens the wound of a long term ex I broke up with. Although I'm quite over her, it brings this sense of something that was precious is lost all over again. Honestly sometimes I wish i was a narcissist because I would love to not care. This quote keeps coming into my mind every time I feel heartache: "You Have to Keep Breaking Your Heart Until It Opens" - Rumi Another way to describe how i feel about it is "The fun times is nullified by the heartaches"
  13. The amount of Asian fever I see these days is insane. At least stop being vocal about it. Every asian girl i dated is hard screening me to see if i have an asian fetish. and I wonder WHY? I dont get that from any other ethnicity.
  14. ill try to read it as my next book that chapter sound interesting. Thanks buddy that was a very nicely written. I'll contemplate that.
  15. Yeah but it is a bit of a human nature isn't it. How many women would give the time of day to a tramp/hobo on the street? even if he had the best pickup game. I know there was one guy on youtube who did it, but tbh he was doing a very good job hiding it (would shave/clean up in girls homes or gym and use toiletries for free somehow, and wear a clean shirt/jeans. How many of you guys would give a hobo girl a chance? You know the one with missing teeth and grimey hair
  16. Does it deal with this topic specifically? I already have a idea what the book is about, seen on Leo's book list.
  17. I think people can develope feelings in nearly any circumstance. But starting a relationship just because money is involved... sucks. That's very materialistic and soul draining, but hey people value money more than anything these days.
  18. Just another clear case of someone having too much influence and too much voice when he's got a lot of work to do himself. He's very lucky to have made it on youtube as far as I'm concerned, he also spammed andrew kirby's forums/reddit and talk trash about him, which was uncalled for, then apologised but continued to be some sort of troll persona. His ex gf in one of his videos also said "the bad times were really bad" (with their relationship). Just going to say there is literally way better teachers in every field than what hamza teaches but he's catering to similar minded people i guess. Redpill and Adonis BS.
  19. I want to learn from this experience so would like to see people’s opinion. Background the story: I managed to get a date with this girl who just moved into the country via a dating app, she is petite athletic hot girl who’s a part time model. Went on 4 dates with her in total, she said the first date was perfect for her, I stuck to cheap/free dates. On Date 3 we had sex twice and got a random BJ after those, and she went back to her hostel. For some reason she never wanted to sleep over. On the 4th date this time round she didn’t want to have sex, so we just had kissing/cuddle session claiming she was too tired and a bunch of other excuses, and again didn’t want to stay over. I guess I was a bit sad because she kept mentioning I have sad puppy eyes lol. She kept asking me if we are g/f and b/f and after the 3rd time she said that I told her: “I don’t know, I do like you, do you want to be my girlfriend?”, and she smiled and said I don’t know I need to think about it (why bother asking me then?) We had a 5th date planned already in 2 days’ time, but on the 4th date she mentioned she was seeing me too much (as all this happened in the span of a week), I said I like to seeing my girl a few times a week and she said she would try to adapt but only saw her ex once a week, she also said give me time to adapt. Now I’d like to mention this girl was super seductive, starting onwards from the second date she would bite my hand when I reach out for something in a sexy way, she would grab my arm and hold me like a g/f, she even let me squeeze her butt on a few occasions. I remember in a PUA video that if a girl is super into you very fast it’s a red flag right? Some red flags about her: she told me she dated a guy just to learn a language from him then broke up with him (they were young and didn’t have sex) she once cheated on her ex (was young), she had 5-6 one night stands but wasn’t looking for a ONS with me. She was living with an abusive boyfriend that used to beat her up (slamming her to the ground and choking her) and she had scars on her upper arm where she cut herself. Core issue: So the day before we were going to meet up, I said you know since you’re mentioned you’re seeing me too much let’s cancel tomorrow and meet up another time, I’ll meet up with a friend instead. (I guess this where people might consider I messed up but I was just trying to give her space). I got a text back saying “I had made plans to see you and I was going to give you what you want (sex) and stay over, but have fun with your friend”. So I called her out on why she’s mentioning sex in response like that, I thought she wanted some space, she said she doesn’t like arguing so with a bit of back and forth we agreed to still meet for next day. At night she messaged we had a normal conversation, we were kind of talking about a future and then she suddenly brought up how we will argue all the time, like how I argued with her today (I don’t even consider it an argument). I replied “look I was only trying to give you space” which she instantly replied “we shouldn’t meet anymore; I’m so done with this.” And that was that, a few back and forth messages me trying to get her back but she just persisted with the there’s no future for us and she’s done with the arguing. Then she went quiet for a bit. I sent one last message that was trigger intended she replied two days later for whatever reason, and she ended it with “so please stop texting me” lol, but didn’t block me, I don’t get it just block if you don’t want a guy to contact you. In my mind I just said your wish is my command mi lady and ghosted her, no response. Conclusion: Obviously I am/was very hurt because I was totally f**king infatuated with her and because we had 4 really fun dates and I was completely in disbelief to her reaction about the argument. Is she going to break up with every guy she has a hint of disagreement with? Is she expecting perfection in a relationship? She tolerated an abusive b/f but I’m too much? No doubt this girl has a lot of options so I considered I’m already replaced. So did I mess up or is this girl just crazy?
  20. She was in my head more than other girls/dates that’s for sure, but she only became in my head 24/7 after she broke things off, and I think that’s normal when us humans lose something, we ruminate and think about how we could have done things different. I don’t think she just wanted to fuck, it was hard getting a first kiss, and it was hard getting her clothes off, required a lot of persistence and foreplay. And like I said she declined sex on the next date after that even though she climaxed on both occasions before. I just found her hot and fun, and her personality was ok during the dates, however after that reaction and seeing her true colours, we definitely wouldn't make a long term couple. I don't think she would make a good couple with anyone if that’s how she reacts to an argument, all i can say is good luck to the next guy who wants a relationship with her. Another thing people are not taking into account is even though I was her first date in the country, and spent 4 dates with her in 1 week. She could have still been on the hunt for more guys, more handsome, more fun, more expensive dates. This girl just arrived in the country so she's not tied down by a job, or a bunch of long term friends/family, and yet she still didn’t text much. On a few occasions I saw her online and she hadn't even replied.
  21. I've watched a lot of PUA stuff in the past, not that invested in it right now, definitely not interested in buying any products. I mix some PUA stuff with my own authentic personality. I do ok with online dating. I still have one FwB, and had 3 girls at one point this year at the same time and that was already too hectic for me. Before anyone jumps the gun, I am looking for a serious relationship, with the right girl that is. But if you have a 1-2 specific video links for me I'd watch it and appreciate it, thanks.
  22. I've seen a couple of videos before, is there a specific video you know that is related, as I can't go through all his content. haha true dat. Probably, but it also got me laid quite quickly.
  23. I am here to see where I messed up, whether people think I messed up or the girl overreacted. Mainly I narrowed it down to declining the date and calling her out on the sex thing, whether people agree with this or think she overreacted. You see there’s a lot of PUA advice about how you should back away and let the girl chase a little or as Leo said a woman is only invested after sex, both those advices didn’t apply here. I thought it was a good time to back away as she was complaining about seeing me. But I know if someone says "oh it’s because you talked about open relationship that's why" I know it’s wrong, because I said that before I even slept with her. Opinions need to be filtered out too as they are not all equally valid. If my attitude wasn't right, I doubt she would have slept with me. I made sexual jokes and she seemed to enjoy it. and as far I'm aware this a dating and sexuality forum, PUA stuff right? So why the moralities. I don’t want moralities advice here, it is not welcome, only PUA perspective where i went wrong, couldn't care less about people's opinion on what is right or wrong morals, as long as I don't break the law, I don’t care. You also claimed I didn't lead, actually I lead through the whole dates, i took her everywhere I showed her all the main attractions of the city, the dates were 100% me besides going with her to one studio viewing. You think I was playing games and not her, like i said I left some fluff details out, but after she broke things off with me and I was messaging her she even said she saw Studio flat near my place and thought how convenient it would be to come to my area, why would you say that to a guy you're no longer interested in? I think there is even a 50% chance this girl could contact me in the future (wouldn't be the first time after a date ended things with me) and as she didn’t block me after the mean trigger message, however because she's pretty and has a lot of options maybe that % will be much lower ngl.
  24. My trigger text was definately not nice, so I won't claim to be an angel, but it was just that a trigger text to see she would respond. And the only time I was mean to her as far as I know. But i'll reiterate it was 4 good dates, that she was happy on and praised. What's wrong admitting i lost sex? I did, and she pointed that out herself.