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Posts posted by Lila9

  1. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    They are forced to give up land!

    You are conveniently ignoring the elephant in the room!

    And they are not allowed to have a soverign state with their own military.

    That's what all this is about.

    People were always forced to give up land, this doesn't justify what they are doing, especially when they receive so much support and money from the world and have many options across the Middle East. 

    Having their own military doesn't guarantee that it wouldn't be used against Israel, it will only make this conflict uglier, as this military probably will cooperate with Iran and other anti-Israel states that have an interest in maintaining this conflict as they aim to destroy Israel.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Nabd said:

    Because they colonized a land that is not theirs which in the mind of some Palestinians is justification for killing all Israelis.

    European Jews could've came into middle east normally or as refugees like Armenians and Assyrians and Greeks or even Italians who fled into Syria after numerous Ottoman massacres or other wars.

    People took them in and shelterd them from further killings. But when you see a Pole who took your home and your family members were killed then you are traumatized that killing children is normal to you.

    Its quite simple I don't know why we need to explain this.

    Palestinians should not pay for European anti semitism. Israelis are used by western powers to safeguard their interests just like others in middle east.

    They didn't colonize it, they never imposed Hebrew and Jewish culture on Palestinians.

    They don't have a home state to return to, unlike real colonizations such as France and Britain.

    They don't fall under the classic definition of a colony, this is an individual case.

    They were prescued elsewhere and returned to their historical homeland to solve a problem, it was a matter of survival.

    Muslim Arabs have so much land, yet they started a war against Jews, even though it was no one's land under the British mandate.



  3. Just now, zazen said:

    Seems pretty clear what’s being said - many pro Israelis will struggle to process it because the Israeli state has drip fed propaganda that’s slowly seeped in like microplastics from water. 

    Or they privately agree but publicly deny this sentiment.

    Or maybe it’s just late where you are.


    Could you elaborate what you understand from Benjamin's footage because I'm not sure how from that you got into conclusion that Israel is a terrorist state?



  4. 20 minutes ago, kenway said:

    Yes, I can understand why black people did that, I can understand why women did that and why Jews did that, they really had no other choice.

    Palestinians are richer, receive lots of money and donations, under UN sponsorship and so many human rights organizations, not starving, have religious freedom and living well compared to other Arab countries.

    Why they attack Israelies so brutality? And I'm not talking about merely militants, I'm talking about innocent civilians and children that Hamas deliberately killed.

    There MUST be an ideological factor invloved. 

    Saying that it's just because they are oppressed is an intellectual laziness.



  5. 45 minutes ago, kenway said:

    The buildings would have been wired and prepared for detonation, so the assumption is that the village is empty. But that's not the point in this instance.

    These are peoples homes. Have you ever heard the phrase: "Home is where the heart is?" or "There's no place like home?"

    Homes with hopes, and dreams, and memories. 

    With 85% of residential properties now destroyed, and 1.9 million people currently homeless and on the precipice of critical starvation, these videos accumulate along with other pieces of evidence to demonstrate patterns of clear intent.


    What if those homes are filled with weapons with the potential to kill many people?

    What if the IDF wouldn't have bombed it and ignored it?

    And these terrorists would have returned to this village with the weapons and would have started launching rockets towards Israel?

    Why do we have to put their sentimental connection to their homes over our lives and safety?

    Who started this war with the intention to destroy us, and not for the first time? So they are aware to the consequences of their actions, they knew Israel will response in bombing and decided to lunch attack on Israel despite that.

  6. 36 minutes ago, zazen said:

    Horrible. This cycle needs to stop but it must be acknowledged why it exists. If Palestinians are denied a state, but are controlled internally in West Bank and externally in Gaza - leaving them in a limbo - that’s basically apartheid and occupation.

    That’s what the situations been and what Israel wants to maintain as the status quo, which endangers its image and its people by continuous resistance.

    They are free to have a state, but not at the expense of our lives. Could anything grantee that they stop trying to kill us once they receive more power? They know what they really really want, we know what they really really want, and this is not a two state solution. 


  7. 41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    There's no mystery to it. When you back people into a corner and oppress them for decades, they don't sit quitely, they lash out.

    Psychology 101.

    It's like if you had a child who you locked in a cage for years, and then you act surprised when the child breaks free and attacks you.

    This is not the case, it's a simplistic explanation that is also incorrect.

    Black people were oppressed and didn't do what Hamas did,

    women were oppressed and didn't act like that,

    Jews lived in ghettos and didn't act like that.

    There were many oppressed groups throughout history that didn't engage in such actions.

    Here, there is another factor explaining this behavior, which is irrational and illogical. Can you see that?

    I wouldn't say that Palestinians are oppressed by Israel, those people live on their own, have leaders, and a belief system for which they are responsible.

    They are not forced to be Jews and speak Hebrew, they are not forced to do anything against their will which isn't puts the lives of Israelies at risk.

    They live in large, decent houses, have businesses, universities, and receive help and donations from the UN and the rest of the world. While they are not hungry for food, they have many terrorists, and their main motives in attacking Israel include toxic Islamic ideology, destruction of the Israeli state, no peace nor co-existence, hatred, and religious goals like liberating Al Aqsa from the infidels.

    Any defense Israel takes, any military force it employs, is due to the danger posed by those terrorists against Israelis. If they ceased having terror groups and focused on building a healthy state, that would be ideal for Israel. The last thing Israel, as a minority in the Middle East wants is to have enemies. 

  8. Many Palestinians get treatment in Israel.

    Some of them exploit this to kill Israelies. 

    I copied one of the comments which translated the video:

    She was a 21 year old woman from gaza who had suffered from burns in her skin caused by a gas balloon exploding on her in her home. After the palestinian treatment made her situation worse she received a permit by Israel to be treated in the Israeli soroka hospital, inside Israel. To get inside Israel, like any other country in the world - she had to get past the checkpoint. She was acting suspicious at this checkpoint and therefore was told via a microphone to stop and explain who she is and what are her whereabouts and intentions. When she proceeded to act suspicious she was told to get her clothes off to prove she doesn't have a bomb hidden under them. When interrogated via the microphone she said she has a permit and tried to get it out of her pocket. She basically wanted to use it to get to the very hospital which treated her to blow herself up there and kill Israelis. Eventually, when she understood she's caught, she blow herself up anyway so she wouldn't be thrown to prison.


  9. 11 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    A friend of mine who is serving in Gaza say to me right now that every home and every building he entered to was turned out to be a terror infrustracture that included tunnels gates and holes served to store weapon.

    Thanks for sharing, it's always good to hear from someone who has a first hand experience. I'm not surprised that this is the situation there. 

  10. 17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    They are white. Semites are not white. Therefore they do not belong there. What is a polish doing as PM of that land?

    No issue with Arab Jews, but Palestine belongs to Arabs (Jew or not), not to white europeans. They are clearly wrongly put there.

    Ok, you claim that Ashkenazi Jews are not Jews?

    So Hitler mistakenly killed 6 millions Europeans thinking they are Jews, as there were no Jews in Europe? 🤔

    17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    So did Israel during Nakba. It goes both ways. Israel does it far more historically.

    Educate yourself. It was started way before 1948.


    17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    They have common enemy that is why. No other reason. 

    So what, they are still very similar.

    Palestine is like Russia, wants to grab more land despite having the entire middle east to be a Muslim Arab. 

    Russia wants to grab Ukraine, despite having so much territory. Both are selfish psychopaths.

    17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    I trust Western sources more than any Israeli source. Israeli is a propaganda machine that matches China and Russia.

    China and a Russia are pro Hamas. 

    Hamas, China, and Russia propaganda and manipulation is the most toxic, hypocrite, cruel, twisted and distorted thing ever. I don't think that Israel can ever reach 1% of the toxicity and manipulation of their stories. It's impossible.


    17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    Zionism is similar to Nazism that is why I said Hitler. I would put him at Putin level.

    It's clear that you really don't know what either of them are.

    17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    Jews are Arab. Arab is where they lived. White pepole do not belong there. Jews lived and come from the land, no issue there. However, I am very against dumping European Jews there. If they only kept Arab Jews and made a state with them, where they had a small part (since they were minority) it would be fine (if they did not want to be on same state as the muslims for whatever reason). The European Jews could have come there after if they wanted.

    Who you to say who belong there or not?

    17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    The entitlement of Israelis is out of the world. @Lila9 @Nivsch

    They want to do genocide just because 800 of their civilians got killed.

    Meanwhile Gazans that have lost far more, should not want to do genocide? Your logic here...

    You are the entitled actually. You feel entitled to spread your toxic narrative and distort historical data to fit your agenda, all this while supporting Hamas, without being here or experiencing the reality here. All talk with no substance.

  11. 21 minutes ago, kenway said:



    And the latest data according to Euro-Med.

    This organization is linked to Hamas in Europe, under the facade of a human rights organization. I would be careful trusting them.

    "The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor is an ideological advocacy NGO led by Palestinians alleged by Israel to be linked to Hamas. The organization uses the facade of human rights and focuses primarily on demonizing Israel, with no publicly available information on its budget or funding sources. The repeated allegations directed at Israel, including accusations of “organ theft,” as well as “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “collective punishment,” are not supported by evidence.

    In contrast, EMHRM systematically echoes and amplifies denials of Palestinian abuses and war crimes where the evidence is readily available, such as using Al-Shifa medical complex and other hospitals in the Gaza Strip for terror. In addition, social media posts by EMHRM officials systematically promote claims that delegitimize Israel and Zionism.

    EMHRM also mixes political propaganda with blood libels and other forms of antisemitism, such as the organ theft charges, accusations of “slow poisoning of [Palestinian] children,” and declarations that “the legacy of the Holocaust lent uncritical credence to the Zionist narrative.” Richard Falk, Chair of EMHRN’s Board of Trustees and featured on the NGO’s website, is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and has been widely denounced for his antisemitic statements.

    Hamas Terror Links: Ramy Abdu and Mazen Kahel, respectively current and former chairman of EMHRM, were listed by the Israel Ministry of Defense in 2013 as “main operatives” for institutions considered by Israel to be fronts for Hamas in Europe.

    EMHRN appears in the European Union’s transparency register of “‘interest representatives” who “carry out activities to influence the EU policy and decision-making process” (emphasis in original).

    For details, sources and additional information, see"


  12. Just now, kenway said:

    But this is predicated on your relationship with Israel, and specifically, your belief that Israel is at war with Hamas, rather than Israel deliberately ethnically cleansing the Palestinian civilians. 

    Exercise: If it became clear that the ‘war on hamas’ narrative was actually inaccurate, and rather intended to mask an ethnic cleansing campaign against Palestinian civilians, how would that modulate your position on Israel’s devilry relative to Hamas’s?

    Israel isn't interested in ethnic cleansing, it's not its intention in this war. If Israel would have wanted to ethnically cleanse Palestinians, they would have done that so much earlier. It's a war on our safety and future on this land. After October 7 attack the Israeli collective consciousness realized that it cannot longer live with Hamas, it's either them or us. This is a question of survival.

    People here always talk about prior October 7 attack conception vs October 7 attack conception, there is a collective change in the conception. This word 'conception' is heavily used here, to empathize a paradigm shift Israelies are collectively going through.

    If we thought that we could live with Hamas, somehow, or negociate with it, somehow, now it's clear that it's impossible, as they are passionate about destroying Israel, and nothing can change it. Nothing can be done to change it, no peace accords, no money, nothing. As so many times Israel tried to soften them, Benjamin, i.e., tried to bribe them. Now, after October 7, there is a collective realization that the only way, to ensure a sane survival and future for Israel, is by destroying Hamas before they destroy us.



  13. 37 minutes ago, kenway said:



    Also, seeing as you're both here. How long did you both serve in the IDF for?

    You might want to declare that to the thread for purposes of transparency.

    The assumption is that you're no longer being paid by the IDF. Correct?




    Two years, as required. And no, I don't get paid by IDF lol, I'm an individual and I talk from my own experience and view of the conflict as an Israeli. 

  14. 28 minutes ago, kenway said:

    UNICEF disagrees. Do you know more than UNICEF?

    Also, UNICEF have been to Gaza. Have you?


    It's not about sides. Hamas and Israel are both devils. It's just that one has better weapons than the other.

    There is devilry in everything in this world, as there is no good without bad. But, the degree of devilry varies, and while Israel has some level of devilry, Hamas has so much more than that. The devilry level is not the same at all and obviously, it's not smart or conscious to call out the one with the least devilry level over the one with the biggest devilry level, ignoring it and justifying it. 

    It's like punishing and demonizing a poor person for stealing from the supermarket products worth $50 while ignoring the rich politician who's stealing his entire career, millions of millions.


  15. On 1/18/2024 at 4:18 AM, Karmadhi said:

    Considering they got their land stolen and treated like shit for decades  they act quite civilized I think. Switch your place with theirs for some months then talk.

    Not stolen, Jews were in Israel and lived in Israel for thousands of years.

    Even if Palestinians believe that their land was stolen, commiting deadly terror attacks rape, beheading, burning people alive, cutting stomaches doesn't justify this.

    On 1/18/2024 at 4:18 AM, Karmadhi said:

    So you suggest they bow down to the thieves that took their land? Most people tend to fight hard for their land. Look at Ukraine. I do not see them bowing down to Russia.

    No, just to do the minimum and try to find solutions without killing? I think that would be enough.

    Currently Russia stands with Hamas and supports it, which implies about the similarities between the two. Both of them believe in war for resolving territory issues over communication and negotiation, both of them started the wars and not surprisingly they are good allies with North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, and all the most "good" and "advanced", "developed", "stage green+", if not "turquoise" (I thought that maybe yellow would be an insult for them because they are so so developed), countries in the human society who never violated human rights... Interesting 🤔

    On 1/18/2024 at 4:18 AM, Karmadhi said:

    The West Bank authority would be down for that if they got some normal terms. Meaning 50/50 split.

    But will they stop the terror attacks? I don't think so.

    On 1/18/2024 at 4:18 AM, Karmadhi said:

    There are countless articles from respectable sources saying so. If you want to ignore them that is on you

    Very likely came from anti-Israel biased sources who simp Hamas.

    On 1/18/2024 at 4:18 AM, Karmadhi said:

    The Hamas that your Neo Hitler Leader Benjamin has openly supported and founded? Interesting...

    If any way to negotiate doesn't work, money must work, in his stage organge capitalist perception. He tried to bribe them, thinking that he can buy peace. This is his common tactic even in the internal Israel politics. He tried to prove to his loyal followers that he puts Hamas under control. It didn't work, obviously. A deadly Islamic ideology is stronger than money. Hate for Jews and the Israeli state is stronger than money. No matter how much Benjamin will try to bribe them, they will remain the same.

    Mr. Benjamin is not a decent human being, which Israelies are trying to get rid of for a long time, he is a curropted leader, with many flaws, and together with his wife and sons, they obviously give the cringe, but Hitler? Lol, not.

    On 1/18/2024 at 4:18 AM, Karmadhi said:

    If Israel minded its own business rather than steal land people would not be stuck in Gaza in the first place. From what I saw on the 1947 borders all the areas near Gaza were Palestine. All the areas Hamas attacked are Palestine. I am sorry for what happened to the people there but they do not belong to live there. It is stolen land. You can make the case about Israel existing but the UN plan of 1947 did not include all the areas near Gaza, the same areas Hamas attacked as Israel. Funny when thieves start crying once they are faced with the consequences of their theft.

    This is the thing, that Israel minded its own business, was in attempt to create a state for Jews due to the persecution and the Holocoast.

    The land was stolen from Jews before it was "stolen" from Arabs. Is stealing from the one who stealing from you is stealing?

    What a philosophical question 🤔


  16. On 1/17/2024 at 7:58 AM, Nivsch said:

    @Lila9 Everyone here talks from his or her trauma and childhood experience and this is what determines their side in this conflict basically.

    The fact though is that Israel did everything to avoid this war. From a billion dollars smart fence, through 1000s of work permission to Gazans in Israel and millions of dollar poured on Gaza with Israel permission.

    However Gaza was already saturated from wealth and money and could be the second Dubai, but it didnt help since every dollar was directed into terror.

    Absolutely. They have responsibility to be better, it's not Israel's responsibility to indoctrinate them from their deadly dogma which honors death and terror over their lives and the lives of their children. This ideology is greater than themselves and is spread across he middle east. 

    Israel's responsibility is to do everything to protect its people from its enemies and do what it can to promote peace. If there is no partner on the other side who wants peace, as it was already proved so many times that Palestinians and the Arab world don't give a genuine shit about peace and see Israel as a state of subhuman Jews pigs who don't deserve to live autonomously, but only under Islamic rules, then there is nothing Israel can do about it.

    It's up to them to leave the victim mentality, develop, improve and be better humans.

  17. 2 hours ago, jaylimix said:

    But don't forget that there are many people on the other side that are now rallying behind Israel because of how the world responded after Oct 7.

    - Denial of atrocities

    - Silence on sexual crimes

    - Laughed about atrocities

    - Flip evil around and projected the evils of Hamas onto Israel

    - Media blackout on Muslim countries to side with the Palestinians

    - Want the destruction of a secular democracy and chose instead the survival of an Islamic terrorist state. Think the PLO is any better than Hamas? Think again. Heard of Pay-to-Slay?

    - Made Israelis and Jews felt demonized and all alone, angry and sad.

    This is so accurate, I'm frustrated with human stupidity and irrationality.

    How can modern humans favor a radical, deadly Islamic terrorist organization over a secular democracy? It requires a twisted perception of reality.

    It will be laughable as time passes, and people wake up from their delusions, realizing they were on the side holding humanity back.